T he P ori land O bserver • J uey 17, 1996 P age A 7 (Tbc g lo rila nò (Ob s erber BUSINESS Our Children, Our Destiny Japanese purchases o f U.S. car parts hit a record o f nearly $22 b illio n in the last business year, fuelled by production sh iftsto North Am erica and increased safety con­ sciousness in the Japanese market. Figures released Friday showed that purchases o f U.S. car parts by Japanese carmakers rose to nearly $22 bi II ion in the year that ended on March 3 1, up from a record $ 19.86 b illio n in the 1994/95 fiscal year. BRIEFS Anxiety On Wall Street The long anticipated correction in the stock market may be taking place. The D ow plunged 161.05 points, o r 2.92 percent, to 5,3 4 9 .5 1 yesterday. The Nasdaq index also took a hit, tu m bling 43.30 points, o r 3.92 percent, to 1,060.19. The s e llo ff le ft analysts w on d erin g whether the market is starting a dow nw ard trend after years o f gains. “ A n increase in shifts o f produc­ tion fa cilitie s to N orth A m erica by Japanese carmakers and increasing installation o f a ir bags made w ith U.S. components as standard equ ip- ment, boosted Japanese purchas­ es,” said a spokesman from the Ja­ pan A utom obile Manufacturers’ A s­ sociation. Market Anticipates Intel News In what may be the most w id e ly watched earnings report o f,h e sea­ son, m icroprocessor giant Intel plans to report its second quarter results after the market closes to ­ day. Analysts say the current earn­ ings estimate fo r In te l’ s second quarter is $1.09 a share, versus $0.99 a share a year ago. Tl Shares Earnings Texas Instruments is due to re­ port its second quarter earnings today. Analysts say the report w ill be disappointing at best and dis­ mal at worst. Investors d id n ’ t w ait fo r the bad news. Shares o f Texas Instruments fe ll in heavy trading. GM To Release Earnings Report General M otors today is ex­ pected to post an earn i ngs i nc rease fo r the second quarter. Analysts say G M should report earnings from continuing operations o fju s t over $2 b illio n , o r $2.50 a share, compared to ju s t under $2 b illio n , o r $2.39 a share in the year-ago period. Cuba Decision Due Today President C lin to n is expected to announce his decision today on whether to im plem ent a provision o f a tough anti-Cuba law. C lin to n is stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, the U.S. wants to hit Cuba where it hurts by dis­ couraging foreign investment in the com m unist-ruled nation. On the other hand, W ashington wants to appease Canada and European allies. The European U nion has threatened retaliatory measures i f C l inton does no, w aive a provision o f the law that w ould a llo w law ­ suits to be filed against foreign firm s that buy o r sell A m erican- owned property that was seized by Cuba. Mitsubishi To Hire Expert M itsubishi M otors o f Am erica has scheduled a news conference today in Chicago, reportedly to announce the appointment o f an a ffirm a tiv e action expert. The Chicago-Sun Times says an assis­ tant to the president o f Illin o is State U n ive rsity has been hired to address harassment allegations at the M itsubishi plant in N orm al. Tobacco Companies Sue Utah The m ajor tobacco companies are tryin g a new tactic in their legal battle against states that are suing the industry. P h ilip M o rris, RJ Reynolds Tobacco, Lori Hard and Brow n & W illia m so n have file d a lawsuit against Utah. T h e y’ re try ­ ing to block Utah from jo in in g the ranks o f states that have sued the industry to recover health-care costs o f smokers. J Delta Plans Budget Unit In January 1992, when then U.S. The Urban League o f Portland, Key Bank o f Oregon and 46 other companies havejoined forces to fund the fifth annual Summer Y outh Em­ ploym ent Program, “ O ur C h ild re n , O ur D estiny” . The program is p ro ­ v id in g jo b s fo r 25 teenagers from Northeast Portland during a summer in w hich jo b s and educational o ffe r­ ings fo r high schools students are p roving harder to find. Y outh in the program do yard care and maintenance w ork on homes occupied by lo w -in co m e senior c it­ izens in N orth/N ortheast Portland. Th is year the program has more spon­ sors and m ore jo b s than ever before. The program began in 1992 w ith one sponsor. K ey Bank o f Oregon. Since then, K ey Bank has issued a challenge to other local businesses to jo in in supporting the program . This year 47 companies have taken on that challenge c o n trib u tin g over $45,000. M a jo r contributors include, Key Bank o f Oregon, H arder M e- Industries, A c k e rly O utdoor A d v e r­ tis in g and Schwabe W illia m s o n & W yatt. In ad d ition , 18 companies have made in -kin d donations to the program. The project is operating between June 17 and A ugust 9. A n Awards Banquet w ill be held on A ugust 8 fo r youth in the program , seniors they assisted, and program sponsors. “ In all my years o f supporting com m unity and ci vie projects, th is is by far the most personally rew arding program I have been in vo lve d w ith to date. T his program is a w in both fo r youth and fo r senior citizens. M y hat is o f f to those 46 other com pa­ nies and in d ivid u a ls who stepped fo rw a rd to make this year so suc- Intel C orporation said it w ill lo w ­ stable price and ordered e n v iro n ­ er prices o f its retail-oriented Pentium processors by cutting more aggres­ sively in August and canceling price ment during the key final calendar quarter, w hich is the most im portant selling season o f the year. cuts in N ovem ber to help PC makers satisfy pre-Christm as demand. Intel said the move, w hich it w ill “ It’ s all going to be dependent on the m ix and the volume and w ith those kind o f variables— and then you throw spell out in detail to customers in August, is designed to create a more predict with any accuracy," he said. in tim ing as w ell— it ’s impossible to Wholesale Prices Rise In June Retail sales fe ll in June and w hole­ sale prices rose only m odestly last month, the governm ent said Friday, in tw o reports that soothed but did not cure in fla tio n jitte rs on W all Street. The Commerce Department said retail sales declined 0.2 percent to $205.2 b illio n last month, as demand foreverything from newcars to clo th - ing waned after several months o f strength. Sales had risen a brisk 0.8 percent in M ay. Separately, the Labor Department said the Producer Price Index edged up 0.2 percent in June, after a 0.1 percent M ay decline. Energy costs fe ll last month after risin g earlier in the year but food prices strength­ ened. E xcluding vo la tile food and en­ ergy prices, prices at the wholesale level also rose 0.2 percent after being unchanged in M ay, the department said. Analysts said the data helped ease investors' w orries that the Federal Reserve w ould raise interest rates in the next week o r two, but that a rate increase was s till lik e ly later this year. By raising rates, the central bank hopes to ward o ff a pickup in in flation, analysts said. S ubscribe “ Prices are s till very w e ll be­ haved,” said econom ist D avid Jones o f A ubrey G. Lanston and Co. disclose a purchase target fo r the 1995/96 year because Washington regarded the 1994/95 figure as a pledge, w hile T o kyo saw it as a voluntary target. Production o f cars and trucks by Japanese makers in N orth Am erica rose 6.6 percent from a year earlier to 2.75 m illio n units in calendar 1995, according to industry data. Japanese carmakers have not said when they w ill provide details on their car part purchases in 1995/96. Japan’ s top carmaker, Toyota M o to r C orp, bought $5.69 b illio n w orth o f U.S. car parts and m ateri­ als in 1994/95, up from $4.65 b il­ lion the previous year. cessful,” said T erry Tracy. Key Bank Executive V ice President o f A d m in ­ istration. T h is year the number o f youth crews is up to five . The cost o f em ploy one youth fo r the summer is approxim ately $2,600. U rban League President L a w ­ rence J. Dark noted that the program continues to have a positive impact on youth, even after the summer ends. “ C learly, this program in stills in our youth w o rk s k ills and e xp e ri­ ence th a tw ill help put them on a path to a career.” The youths w ork w ith an adult supervisor M onday through T hurs­ day, doing landscaping w o rk and small maintenance jo b s fo r lo w -in ­ come seniors. M any seniors have d iffic u lty keep­ ing up w ith yard w o rk during the summer. W ith lim itedsum m erschool options this year and summer jo b s in short supply, the program is meeting an important need fo r Northeast Port­ land teenagers. Atlanta To Net $1 Billion It may bejunk, but A tla n ta ’ sO lym - pic souvenirs are selling w ell. The A tlanta C om m ittee for the O lym pic Games (A C O G ) said on Fri­ day its licensing campaign was the most successful in Games history, and “ I thought that was pretty am bi­ tious, to say we w ould sell $100 m illio n w orth o fju n k . Y ou know, T - shirts, hats, buttons, that type o f th in g ," Y oung said. was on target to raise $ I billion. comm ercialized ever, A C O G are sell­ ing sponsors the right to put the O lym ­ pic rings on everything from game shows to hamburgers. A C O G said in a statement the sale o f licensed products, described as ju n k last month by O rganizing Com- m ittee Co-Chairm an and form er U.S. ambassador A ndrew Young, w ould net tw ice the revenues o f the 1992 Barcelona Games. “ Licensing revenues are expected to generate $75 m illio n o r more to ­ ward the cost o f the O lym p ic Games," ACO G said. Y oung told city tourist o fficia ls last month he was amazed by the amount o f money being raised by the sale o f o ffic ia l A C O G products. The A tlanta Games are the most C ritics say A C O G has overdone the sponsorship, but the com m ittee defends its action, po in ting out that it has succeeded in raising the $1.7 b illio n it needed w ithout resorting to public funds. A tlanta is littered w ith enormous billboards pro m o tin g the sponsors o f the Games and souvenir shops, stalls and street stands are preparing to do a roaring trade dur­ ing the July 19 to August 4 centenary O lym pics. T he “ L a st W e e k , W e W a l k e d I n t o U .S. B a n k A n d L e f t W it h 2 B e d r o o m s A n d A B a t h .” “ The producer price report p ro ­ vides the Fed no leverage w hatso­ ever fo r raising interest rates at this tim e ,” said Ron Schreibman, vice president o f the N ational A ssocia­ tion o f W holesaler-D istributors. Some investors have said Fed policy-m akers w ould take the un­ usual ste p o f raising rates before their next meeting on Aug. 20, fo llo w in g last w eek’ s report o f a sharp rise in h o u rly earnings and a drop in the unem ploym ent rate to 5.3 percent, the lowest level in six years. The drop in June retail sales fo l­ lows strong gains earlier this year and could po in t to slow er grow th in the second h a lf as consumers spend less, analysts said. M ost analysts said the economy grew strongly in the second quarter. “ T h is number shows us the con­ sumer is not Superman, that there is some vu ln e ra b ility here," said C h ris ­ topher L o w , a senior economist at H SB C Markets. “ T h is weakness comes ju s t at the right moment and the like lih o o d o f a Fed move in the neai fu tu ic has been d im in ish e d ,” he added. to ari|e Jln rflatth (lObserucr The Portland Observer Can Be Sent Directly To Your Home For Only $30.00 Per Year Please Fill Out. Enclose Check Or Money Order. And Mail To: it ’ s aimed at the Sunshine State. have low er costs and o ffe r low er fares than the main airline. chanical C ontractors, Inc., N o rth ­ west Pipe Com pany, S hari’ s Restau­ rant, P acific Coast F ruit Com pany, Embassy suites H otel, Gunderson, Inc., Blue Cross Blue Shield, M iln e C onstruction, Legacy Emanuel, H y­ dra-Pow er Systems Inc., W illa m e tte President George Bush visited T o ­ kyo w ith the heads o f the U.S. " B ig T hree" carmakers, the Japanese car industry set a purchase target o f $ 19 b illio n w orth o f U.S.-made car parts and materials in 1994/95 fo r use at home and in its U.S. plants. The Japanese carmakers did not Intel To Lower Pentium Prices Delta A ir Lines plans to launch in and out o f Florida Bu, a Delta executive says the new service w i II The association said it w ould provide details o f the purchases o f U.S.-made car parts and materials Monday. Summer Employment Program participants at work in the community. a new low -fare service this fall. I t ’s called “ Project Sunshine” and Delta already has 200 d a ily flig h ts Japan Buys Record $22 Billion On U.S. Car Parts S ubscriptions P ortland O bserver ; PO B ox 3137 P ortland , O regon 97208 Name: o, ming a home is something you should be able to do. Even if yon don't make a million dollars, drive a fancy car, or have more credit than Donald Trump. That's why we’ve designed Hom el’artners' ‘ loans.They help more people become home owners because qualifying is easier And there aren't a lot of hassles e ith e r S o b efo re you write another rent check, apply for a H om el’artners loan with U.S. Bank. Just call our Comm unity Lending Specialists at 503-731-1885 or stop by your neighborhood branch. As always, we’ll leave the welcome mat out for you. 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