P age A6 J uly 17, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver “Serve And Be Served” Day The Northwest Service Academy, a local AmeriCorps program, is spon­ soring a community service event on July, 27th 1996 to give an opportuni­ ty for residents of Portland to make a difference in their community, either by making improvements at their lo­ cal school grounds, empowering the growth o f healthy trees in Forest Park serving with individuals who are ded­ icated to save an urban riparian area from further damage, or doing fin­ ishing work on a house in North Portlandenablingalow income fam­ ily to buy a home. The purpose o f the Northwest Service Academy is to engage over 100 AmeriCorps members in hands- on community service projects. These projects bring clear and demonstra­ ble benefits to local communities and their surrounding environment. file Northwest Service Academy has 70 members working in the Port­ land Metro area as well as 30 mem­ bers who live and work on a rural site in WA M embers’ projects focus on community based environmental ser­ vice. AmeriCorps is part o f the Cor­ poration for National Service estab­ lished by Congress with strong bi­ partisan support in 1993. One way we, as an organization, meet the goals o f AmeriCorps is by planning this community wide ser­ vice event where volunteers can work with a variety o f organizations such as: Friends o f Forest Park, Friends o f Fanno Creek, M cLoughlin Junior High School, Ardenwald Elementa­ ry School, and Portsmouth Commu­ nity Redevelopment Corporation. Volunteers will have an opportu­ nity to participate in all the above activities. For more information on projects in your area and exact times please contact The Northwest Service Acad­ emy Community Outreach Com m it­ tee at (503) 695-3747. We will be glad to hear from you. “Waiting Children” Around the United States, there are many children awaiting adop­ tion. In the state o f Oregon alone, there are over 200 children in need ofadoptive families. W eareagroup o f private agencies working with the state to help find adoptive fam­ ilies. These agencies are com plete­ ly waiving fees in order to encour­ age the adoption o f these children in need. Single adults, both male and female, as well as couples are welcome to consider adoption To learn more, contact The Special Needs Adoption Coalition at The Boys and Girls Aid Society, (503) 222-9661 Below are some examples o f the special children looking for a lov­ ing home: Occasionally bashful, Alvin is a peppy, on-the-go kid. He thrives on the joy o f play! This dear child is said to be easy to parent. Develop- mentally right on target, Alvin is a smart and active problem-solver. Despite testing positive for drugs at Sand In The City '96, presented by Yoshida’s, promises to be a fam­ ily event like no other in Portland, the sand sculpture contest, which will take place at Pioneer Courthouse Square July 25-28, will feature 14 corporate teams waging creative warfare against one another and 60 tons o f sand. The fun begins on Thursday, July 25, when master sand sculptors will construct a giant demo sand castle. The next day, competing teams will have from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. to shovel, pack and carve their creations. Awards will follow at 5:30 p.m. Free public view ing, p u p p et shows, music and food sales will highlight the weekend A hugh fam­ ily sand castle building area and a wheelchair accessible sand castle building area will welcome aspiring architects to display their handiwork. Entertainment includes the bands Golden Delicious, a bluegrass band; The B lack b ird T rio , fe a tu rin g Beatles-type music; Flying Safari Ants, a marimba band; and many more. Hours for the weekend festiv­ ities are Saturday from 10 a m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a m. to 4 p.m. Major sponsors include present­ ing sponsor Yoshida’s—makers o f gourmet sauces and other diverse products including board games and Molly Snow boards-and Black and Company Inc., and investment spon- sors/teams include Hoffman Con­ struction Company, who agreed to truck 60 tons ofthe beach to and from the Square; CFI ProServices, Inc; Beaches Restaurant & Bar in Van­ couver; NAACO Materials Handling Group Inc.; Northwest Natural Gas Co.; U.S Bank: Pacific Generation Company; Generic Parts Service, Inc; W ieden& Kennedy and Wells Fargo Bank. Sand in the City '96 is a benefit for the kids on the Block Awarenes Program. The program uses chili size puppets to help children am adults learn to understand and accep differences in one another and t< protect themselves in difficult situa tions. The purpose o fth e program is ti encourage acceptance and open com m unication reg ard in g physical social and cultural differences; ani to provide accurate information an< educational materials that focus oi ability, dignity, independence am self-esteem. The Kids on the Block puppet: dress and act like real children. The) speak in kids’ language and deal witl children’s fears, concerns and ques tion in a simple non-treating way The puppets encourage fresh new attitudes and present differences a: assets, not liabilities. For more ¡»formation, please call Lynne Bangsund at 503/2466-5818 Fight Pain With Positive Alternatives m M arian W rigiit E delman Alvin, age 2. Anna, age 4. birth, Alvin is a healthy child. His cultural heritage is Hispanic, Kla­ math Indian and Caucasian. Alvin also has a baby sister who might be available for adoption at some point. This beloved boy is ready for a safe and supportive home! Anna is ajolly littlegirl with a super sense o f humor! She tells hilarious jokes and stories, punctuated by her cute laugh. Anna energetically plays, sings, and dances. She is very interac­ tive with others and loves to con­ verse. Anna currently struggles with some challenges, including some possible drug or alcohol effects. She has been making excellent progress! This bubbly girl would benefit from parents who could shower her with consistent attention. Computer Hurling Catapult Makes Last Casting Call 1996 da V inci D ays c e le b ra ­ tion. O re g o n ’s finest fam ily fe s­ tiv al, is ex cited to have a fam ous addition th a ttie s in science, te c h ­ nology, and arts all in one stru c ­ ture. Sand In The City The "M ona Lever.” a trebuchet as seen on episodes o f “Northern Ex­ posure," wi 11 be ready to launch com­ puters to demonstrate how physics can he Ip computers clear 102.3 yards. Computers can be delivered to the trebuchet launch site on the day o f event or prior to the festival at the da Vinci Days office at 760 SW Madison, Corvallis, Oregon. For more information call the da Vinci Days office at (5 4 1 ) 757-6363. In the 16 years that James Prister has been on this earth, he has experi­ enced more pain and sadness than any person should be forced to en­ dure in a lifetime. Two o f his older brothers were arrested in a robbery attempt when James was 10. They are serving long prison terms. A cou­ ple of years ago, another brother was shot and killed on the streets o f New York. James says that he sees vio­ lence and death everywhere he looks in his Brooklyn neighborhood. But James, a New York YMCA Member, who traveled to W ashing­ ton, D C., last June I to Stand For Children with several other YMCA supporters, has turned his sadness into anger. And he’s fighting back. “ I want to focus on the positive things so the drug and gun dealers will never get m e,” he says. “ When younger kids see me, they’re not going to see a criminal. They’re go­ ing to see a young man who leads by example. I have to stand up to the criminals and say. You’re not going to get me!” “ I haven’t seen my brothers since chance to develop leadership skills I was 10, and I probably won’t see instead o f getting into trouble. It them again until I’m old,” he contin­ seems like the government puts us ues. “Grabbing a gun, getting a girl last. Sometimes they treat us like pregnant—what’s that? Why not say, w e’re nothing but dogs.” ‘I want to grab me a diploma or a Another o f Jam es’ traveling com­ career?’” panions was Gary Swartels, 33, a “ My brother was killed and my nativeN ew Yorker and worker at the other brothers are in prison because G reater New York YMCA they were al I in the wrong place at the “There needs to be increased re­ wrong time. There needs to be more sources to other organizations like things for young people to do so the YMCA that help young people they’re not so bored, so that there are pass safely into adulthood,” says more positive alternatives. The drug Swartels. “Last year, New York City dealers and gun sellers are all around YMCAs served more than 95,000 us, and when there’s no programs for youths, and the goal is to increase kids my age, those are the people we that number fourfold by the year end up giving in to.” 2000,” he says. Fifteen-year-old Kristy Schlaffler, James, Kristy, and Gary all have anotherm em berofthe YMCA Great­ the right idea. Ifthis society is to turn er New York, also stood for children the pain and sadness that many o f our at the Lincoln Memorial. “ Kids need children are experiencing into safety a positive image, and that’s why we’re and peace, we must stress the impor­ here today. We have so many pro­ tance o f positive alternatives. What grams that are being cut in New York, we don’t provide for our children which only puts kids back on the and youths on the front end, we will street,” she says. “ With programs only pay for on the back end in the like ours, kids get to play basketball form o f prison sentences and more and other sports, and they get the dying. Prices^ Effective^ July 17 through July 2 3 ,1 9 9 6 a t your nearby Safeway store. 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