. s' r « ¿ i, ««fcf-í A .* : /•■•»•.• - y I nr P o r il a n d O bserver • J uly 17, 1996 <37Ije jftìortlattò 4w b seru er The Merchant Of Venice May Locate On Alberta I he M erchant o f Ven ice may soon be com ing to the Texas Lounge on Northeast A lberta Street. Franciscan Enterprise, a n o n -p ro fit corporation concerned p rim a rily w ith p ro vid in g low-cost affordable housing, is ne­ gotiating w ith ow ner J e ff Parks fo r purchase o f the form er night spot at Northeast 17th Avenue and A lberta Street. The purchase and renovation is being underw ritten by a private grant, Franciscan Executive D ire c­ to r Karen V oice says. She hopes to com plete the sale by m id-July. The agency plans to add six apart­ ments to the three existing units on the second flo o r. They w ill use part o fth e 7,700 square feet on the ground flo o r fo r their own offices, now lo ­ cated in the top h a lf o f a duplex at 4826 N.E. Eighth Ave. The rest w ill be leased fo r retail use. A t a June I com m unity planning session fo r the A lberta Street R evi­ talization Project, w hich Franciscan Enterprises is p a rticipating in, resi­ dents were asked fo r possible uses fo r the space. Several suggested The Merchant o f Venice, a popular pizza and Italian food restaurant once lo ­ cated at 1432 N .E Broadway. The restaurant closed last year when ow n ­ er Jim Boche and the owners o f the Albers B u ild in g co u ld n ’ t agree on lease renewal terms. “ Broadway has lost a lot o f its luster fo r me,” Boche says. “ When you d rive down the street, you see one race o f peop le, and pretty much one class. It isn’t c u ltu ra lly diverse.” On the other hand, he says, this part o f Northeast A lberta Street may be too “ d iffe re n t” fo r com fort. A Bottles And Cans For Homeless Fund Stores p a rticipating in the " B o t­ tles and Cans fo r the Homeless F und Campaign jo in e d n o n -p rofit at a press conference July 2nd at Friendly House. an in tim id a tio n factor. “ O n ce y o u b rin g in homeowners and open businesses on I he "B o ttle s and Cans fo r the Homeless Fund” urges people to donate their plastic bottles and alu­ the street, that w ill go away. I firm ly believe that in tw o years this w ill be minum cans for The Homeless Fund a viable com m ercial street.” In the meantime, he says, he w ould need to form a "partnership” w ith Franciscan V oice says that her agency is lo o k ­ ing a, a daycare center and a caterer Franciscan Enterprise has been in operation since 1987, and u n til now has concentrated on p ro vid in g lo w ­ come here come hell o r high w ater.” Right now, however, he says, “ T his is s till a pretty scary place at n ig h t.” cost rental housing. They manage 47 housing units, and another 58 are “ in the works somewhere" in projects Several new businesses have opened in the last three years to the east and ranging from concepts to buildings as possible Texas tenants i f the M e r­ chant o f Venice does not locate there. to m ove people from shelters into permanent housing,” said K afoury M oney raised from the campaign w ill be distributed to n o n -p rofit I his is the first time such a wide range o f stores have jo in e d togethei agencies by the Oregon C om m uni­ ty Foundation to support housing placement programs. to support a comm on cause, helping homeless people find housing. To hang the first ‘ d ro p ’ or sheet o f paper choose an inconspicuous cor­ ner and measure out from it 2 inches less than the w idth o fth e paper. Use up the pattern to match the first drop and butt their seams together. Gently but firm ly press them together, and To fit wallpaper around window and door moldings cut overlappin wallpaper w ith a scissors at a 45 d t w ork out any a ir bubbles behind the a spirit level or chalk line to strike a plum b line w hich yo u ’ ll use to align the first sheet o f wallpaper. paper w ith the smoothing brush. You want the paper to butt tig h tly but not overlap. gree angle. It’s called a re lie f cu because it helps ease the paper aroum A lig n the first drop o f wallpaper on the plum b line leaving excess at the top and bottom. Use a sm oothing brush to remove air bubbles and creas­ Use a seam ro lle r to seal the edges in place; d o n ’, press too hard w i, the es. The paper w ill wrap around the corner about 2 inches so use the sm oothing brush to w ork the paper into the corner. You w ill finish the now being rehabilitated or built. The lexas w ill be their first mixed-use "D o n a tin g yo u r plastic bottles and alum inum cans can help fight homelessness by p ro v id in g non­ p ro fit agencies funding they need A lb e rtso n ’s, D urst’ s T h irftw a y, Food For Less (P ow ell St ), Fred M eyer, N ature’ s Fresh Northwest, Plaid Pantry and Safeway are loca­ tions where bottles and cans can be dropped off. Wallpaper Cutting Maneuvers Enterprises and others to locate in this space. “ I can’t take all the risk and put up all the money by m yself,” he says. resident o f Northeast F ailing Street him self, he says, “ I ’ d re a lly like to do th is , and I lo v e the p e o p le in Franciscan Enterprises. I'd like to believe that my customers w ould west, but “ there are seven o r eight blocks that are a desert.” C rim in a l agencies and Portland C ity Com - missionerGretchen M ille r Kafoury and row dy elements hang out there, he says. “ This is their turf, and there’s fo llo w in g . jo b at this corner. project. I'o hang the rem ic n id aining iiiiiig drops urops line nne a comer. Finesse the wallpaper closi to the m olding and use a straight edgi o r a broad knife to hold it tightly in th< comer between the m olding and wall then trim the waste away a razorcutter ro lle r o r you can squeezes ou, too much o fth e adhesive. 1 o cu, wallpaper around an outle o r sw itch plate cover first turn o f f ,h< e lectricity to the room. Hang papei To trim excess paper at the cei I ing and flo o r m olding use a razor blade cutter and a straight edge o r broad knife. H old the tool between the blade and the w a ll and cut firm ly w ith the razor cutter. tne over the opening and then cut out ar ‘ x ’ across opposite comers. Cutaway the excesj ‘ v ’ shape pieces and trim the opening opening tne Structural Considerations for Installing Plumbing Pipe Indoors Installing p ip ip in in g g indoors indoors means means Installing p having to deal w ith structural barri ers. In w ell designed homes, most plum bing can be hung below the ce ilin g jo ists, either in a s o ffit near the center beam o r in a u tility room w ith a dropped o r exposed ceiling. But on most jo b s, y o u ’ ll be faced w ith the problem o f cutting into struc­ tural timbers. K n o w in g w hich tim ­ bers can be disturbed and how much you can safely cut from them be­ comes im portant. The first th in g you must do is determ ine whether the tim bers in home’sdesign,them orebearingw alls home's design, the more bearing walls are required. In more cases than not, y o u ’ ll be able to run your drainage lines along the center beam o fa house, ju s t under the flo o r jo is t. Y o u can then branch . ..... . . stud, especially when d rillin g fo r I- 1/2 o r 2 inch pipes. much lum ber as you can at the edges o f the studs. As w ith joists, avoid notching studs. In most cases, you w o n 't be able to save tw o-thirds o fa In fact, the hole fo r a 2 inch pipe w ill leave barely 3/8 inch rem aining o n e a c h s id e o fa 2 x 4 inch stud. This O W is unavoidable, but make your hole as small as you can. Figure the outside diameter o f the pipe plus I /8 inch fo r expansion As for sole plates and top plates, you can usually cut exposed o r boxed in as a finished so ffit. question are load bearing o r not. In many cases, o nly the outside w alls and the w a ll above and below the more than the center one-third o f a flo o r jo is t. center beam support the structure. O ther than that, the w in g w alls on either side o fa stair may carry a load, The top and bottom thirds must rem ain intact. I f the pipe w ill take too big a bite out o f the jo is t, y o u 'll have to fin d another way. Ify o u m u s t not load bearing. As a rule, the more cut the center o f a jo is t, make the cut as close to a support w a ll as possible N ever, under any circum stances notch the bottom o f a jo is t. nail a protective strip o f »licet meta over that area to shield it from dry w all nails. unconventional and spread out a When it comes to d rillin g pipe Even if you haven’t SAVED A LOT for a home, you've probably saved It's not easy saving up to buy a home ENOUGH. Make Your House Kid Safe these days. But with the FH A, it isn’t as hard as you’d thinly. Because M aking a house a safe environment fo r kids isn’ t d iffic u lt, it ju s t requires you taking a look at it from a different perspective - a little k id ’ s. W ith no inhibitions and boundless energy infants and little ones can find a typical house a very dangerous one. Here’s some suggestions and guidelines to consider to adapt your house so it’ s a safety zone, even fo r toddlers. with an I'H A loan, you could get into a home of your own with a down In the kitchen Stove: A dd guards fo r the burners and covers fo r the knobs so only you can turn on the gas o r electricity. When yo u ’ re cooking turn the handles o f ¿he pans payment as little as a few months away from the range front so it can’t be reached. C abinets: Install guard latches to the lower cabinets (any that kids can reach) so the contents are o ft limits. Empty one o, the lower cabinets and make i, jus, fo r ju n io r where his/her favorite toy things are stowed. rent. And you don ’t need a perfect W J credit record or a high-paying job Telephone co rd : Get a shorter phone cord or add a hook high on the wall to hold a long cord so a child can’t get it caught around his/her neck o r trip on it. In the bathroom House/Down Payment • D on’t ever leave standing water in a bath tub. • Close the toilet w ith its lid after using. Get a lid lock to secure it. Add locking guard latches to the cabinet or drawers so medicine and cleaning supplies are out o f reach. • Install aground-fault circu it interrupter (G F C I) on the electrical outlets near the vanity. $60,000 ........ $2,500 k» * ,-:1 • Install slanting grab bars for the shower, tub and toilet so they can be reached by everyone in the house. • Prevent accidental bums by installing pressure-balanced tem perature-lim it­ ing controls for the shower, bath tub and sink. Throughout the house ÍT I • Remove all electrical and m ini-blind cords so they're out o f reach. I • Keep poisons, chemical cleaners, medicine and cosmetics in locked cabinet • D o n ’t use a long tablecloth that hangs down where a child can pull it. I I you buy, your monthly payments I s 1 rent. So asl{ any real estate agent or lender for details. Or ju st call ’ ’ d 1-800-CALL I'HA. We'll show you i . - - - ■ just how close you are to becoming • Keep any furniture that can be clim bed on away from windows, stove and ironing boards. • As soon as a child can reach a crib mobile, remove it. • Seal o f f a fireplace w ith glass doors. • D o n 't use thumb tacks to hang anything on a w all near a baby's crib • D on’, pu, a crib on a w all where the electrical service panel or fuse box is located; it could be a hot spot i f there’s an electrical fire Ä a homeowner. . • Keep windows closed and locked when kids are around. For ventilation open the top sash o f double-hung windows. cut any electrical wires between the door and the cabinet upon the house may not be much more than your a > ih • Add an automatic night light and smoke detector. • Choose nonslip flooring • Put beds and furniture away from windows so kids can’t clim b out o f them. • I f yo u ’ re disposing o f an old refrigerator, remove the doors, unplug it and $90,000 ......... $4,000 fact, depending A • Install the shower head on a sliding bar so it can be adjusted fo r everyone in the house. • Install gates at the top and bottom o f all stairways. • Cover unused electrical outlets w ith plastic plugs. to qualify. In $30,000 ............ $900 r Well get you home. U - EQUAL KOU&NG OPPORUfWTv i 9 those w ithout concern. I f pipes wi lay w ith in 3/4 inch o fth e face o f stuc up into the jo is t spaces and travel above c e ilin g level to the fixtu re lo­ cations. The line along the center beam can then share a space w ith the furnace duct and can either be left In any case, a few guidelines ap­ p ly when c u ttin g into structural lu m ­ ber. As a rule, you should never cut as may some w alls on low er floors that run perp e n d icu la r to c e ilin g joists. W alls running parallel w ith flo o r and ce ilin g jo is ts are generally holes through vertie». I-..-« holes through vertical studs, leave as ** U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development