/ • P a g i • f». B6 J uly 17, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver Social Services F inancial (C redit) Affidavit Of Publication Commercial Real Estate (CRE) M e n ta l H ealth : R e s id e n tia l C are C o u n selo r A nd R esi­ dential C are W orker - to work W ashington M utual Bank has on treatm ent team in R esi­ ca re e r o p p o rtu n itie s in our dential T reatm ent Program for grow ing C R E D epartm ent in adolescent fem ales. R esiden­ D ow ntow n P ortland for can­ tial Care Counselor: Full-time. didates with excellent co m ­ P ro v id e s u p e rv is io n , ca se m unication and organizational m anagem ent, individual and skills. These positions provide group skills training. M ental support fo r C R E loan officers Health degree or equivalent including financial analysis, preferred. V aried shifts in ­ real estate underw riting, p ro ­ clude evening & w eekend. cessing and general a d m in is­ Salary range $6.97 - $10.45 trative functions. R equires a depending upon experience. strong understanding of PC R esidential Care W orker: 30 - operations fo r both w ord p ro ­ 40 hrs./wk. Thursday, Friday, c e ssin g and sp re a d sh e e t Saturday overnight. 2 years w ork. An u n d e rsta n d in g of e d u c a tio n /e x p e rie n c e p r e ­ CRE term inology necessary ferred. Salary range $5.96 - and 1-2 year experience in $8.94 depending upon e xpe­ credit/financial and underw rit­ rience. Valid O regon D river’s ing incom e properties is d e ­ License required. E xcellent sired. benefits. A pply at The Boys & W ashington M utual offers an G irls Aid S ociety, 018 SW exciting and professional work Boundary Ct., Portland, o rc a ll e n v iro n m e n t w ith exce lle n t 222-9661 ext. 204 for a p p li­ benefits. R esum es Are Not cation. A c c e p te d . Q u a lifie d c a n d i­ E qual O pportunity Em ployer. dates m ay obtain an a p p lica ­ tion at any W ashington M u­ tual Financial C enter or by Social Service, Coordinator, c a llin g 1 -8 0 0 -9 5 2 = 0 7 8 7 to for shelter/evaluation program have one m a ile d to them . in O regon coastal com m uni­ C om pleted applicatio ns m ust ties. Must m ake residence in be m ailed to: C latsop, C olum bia or T illa ­ Washington Mutual Bank m ook County. Six years so­ cial w ork/case m anagem ent Attn: Position #9601030 experience or com bination of 1191 Second Avenue college level education & rel­ Human Resources Dept - SAS0I08 evant experience. Experience Seattle, WA 98111 in intake: w orking with at-risk, Equal O p portunity E m ployer high-risk adolescents; inter­ a c tin g w ith s o c ia l s e rv ic e W e s t C o a s t D ata S e rv ic e s is agencies, juve n ile courts, & seeking a qualified applicants other com m unity profession­ fo r the position of S ta te m e n t als, including s helter parents. C le rk in Salem M axim um fle xib ility of sched­ A bility to lift a m inim um of 50 uling to assure shared 24-hr. pounds program coverage &/or w ork­ ...R equires 10-K ey skills ing at hom e as needed to meet ...F am iliarity with g e neral office 37.5-hr. w ork w eek. Salary, equipm en t preferred $19,149 - $28,743 depending ...F am iliar w ith PC o r on-line upon e xp e rie n ce . Benefits. com puters helpful , F o r'a p p lic a tio n ca ll Boys & ...Ability to w ork as part of a G irls, Aid S ociety, Portland, team OR, 503-222-9661, ext. 240. Please call (503) 315-283 6 for Equal O p portunity Em ployer. an application o r a pply at the affiliate nearest you and fo r­ w ard to H um an R esources, A d m in is tra tio n A s s is ta n t - 702 C hurch St NE, S alem OR p ari tim e; full benefits; $6.30- 97301. $7.10/hr. R esponsibilities in­ C om e grow w ith the “S u p e r clude front desk reception, C om m unity B a n kin g ” co m p a ­ answ ering m ulti-line phones, nies of W est C oast B ancorp shipping/receiving duties, and and its A ffiliates: C om m ercial inventory control. Position re­ B a n k , V a lle y C o m m e rc ia l quires strong attention to d e ­ Bank, Bank of N ew port, W est tail and com puter experience. C oast Trust, W est C oast Data Send cover letter and resum e Services and B ank of V an­ to: Jacki Loprinzi, Planned couver. Parenthood, 3231 SE 50th, Equal E m ploym ent O pportunity Portland, OR 97206. EOE E m ployer M /F/V /D The project consists of an expansion of approximately 9,500 square feet of new building and a remodel of the existing 5,300 square foot existing Clinic, Building type: Wood framing. Sections bid in the package include all sitework, utilities, concrete, site and underslab mechanical & plumbing, site and underslab electrical, irrigation rough-in, rough carpentry and partial Interior and exterior demolition. 3lans and specifications may be examined at various plan centers in W ashington and Oregon. Sets may be acquired on a $75.00 refundable deposit payment to Ford Graphics (503) 227-3424. Any subcontractor submitting a bid proposal on this project must be licensed in the State of Oregon to perform this work. Wages paid to workers under this contract shall be prevailing wage as listed in the specifications for this project. .ease Crutcher Lewis Contractors “CM/GC" by: Beverly L. Ryder roject Manager Phone 503/223-0500 ax 503/223-2874 Sub-Bids Requested Central Oregon District Hospital (CODH) Expansion Cascade Medical Center (CMC) Remodel Redmond, Oregon Bid Package #1 Sitework; Utilities; Concrete; Rough Carpentry, Site and Underslab Mechanical and Plumbing; Site and Underslab Electrical: Partial Int. & Ext. Demolition. Bid Date; July 31,1996 * 2:00 p.m .,r' ’ " (LCL intends to bid demolition, concrete, and carpentry) Pre-Bid Conference On-Site: July 19,1996- 1:00 p.m. (Lease Crutcher Lewis Artwork) Bid Phone: 503/223-0500 Bid Fax: 503/223-2874 838 SW First Avenue Ste. 530, Portland, OR 97204- OR License #92919 New Address 7/29/96 - 921 SW Washington St. Ste 150, E. Mezz., Portland, OR 97205 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled and emerging small business enterprises. Sub & Supplier Quotes Requested 4th & Yamhill Parking Structure Addition City of Portland Bids Due July 26,1996 at 3:00 PM OSU Seafood Laboratory Astoria, Oregon to U.S. Pacific Builders, Inc. Sitework, Concrete, Metals, Carpentry, Thermal/Moisture Protection, Doors/ Windows, Finishes, Miscellaneous Specialties, Equipment, Furnishings, Special Parkside Business Center - Bldg. 16 Construction, Conveying Systems, Mechanical, and Electrical X Bid Date: July 23, 1996 11:00 a.m. PDT v Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC) OR License #92919 838 SW First Avenue, Suite 530, Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 503-223-0500; Fax: 503-223-2874 8235 SW Cirrus Drive Beaverton, OR 97008-5995 (503)643-5580 Fax (503)643-9636 Attention: Scott Chapman I Giles Ganey CCB #83462 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub bids from all interested Subcontractors and Suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled and emerging small business enterprises Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterpnses. Sub Bids Requested Plans Available July 10,1996 OSU Central Library Expansion SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Corvallis, Oregon Public Employees Retirement System Office Building Bid Package: Signage Bid Date: August 8, 1996 at 2:00pm L mh JI HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ---------- OF OREGON July 22,1996 * 9 am Location: Portland State Office Building Proposals for the CODH/CMC Expansion and Remodel wil be received by Lease Crutcher Lewis Contractors until 2:00 p.m., on July 31,1996, at which time the bid packages will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bid packages shall be clearly marked “Central Oregon District Hospital/Cascade Medical Center” and addressed to Beverly L. Ryder, 921 SW Washing ton, Ste 150, E. Mezz., Portland, OR 97205. For The Sub-Bids Requested Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Office Building MBE/WBE/DBE/ESB Pre-Bid Conference Central Oregon District Hospital (CODH) Cascade Medical Center (CMC) Expansion And Remodel 211 N.W. Larch Avenue Redmond, Oregon 97756 Bid Package #1 Bids Due 2:00 PM, July 31, 1996 Tigard, Oregon Bid Package No. 3 - Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Bid Date: August 1,1996 * 2:00 pm Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 800 N.E. Oregon Street Conference Room 140 Bid Package No. 3 - Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical Bid Date: August 1,1996 * 2:00 pm DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY DRAKE rn .'i C C B »84045 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging small business enterprises. Advertisement For Bids Siletz Indian Housing Authority (SIHA), Owner Siletz, Oregon 97380 Sealed bids for the construction of the following Low Rent | Dwelling Unit Project for the Siletz Indian Reservation, Ore­ gon, will be received by Ms. Connie Hoffman, Executive Director of the SIHA: Project Number OR97B035007 Consisting of 25 Units Low Rent Housing. Bids will be received no later than August 15, 1996 Local Time, 3:00 p.m. at the office of the SIHA; 555 Tolowa Court; Siletz, Oregon 97380 after which time they will be opened publicly; and read aloud. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Bids Are invited From Cualified Indian And Non-Indian Owned i General Contractors. The Contract will be awarded in accor- | dance with the Indian Preference Policy of the SIHA and the policies of HUD’s NW Office of Native American Programs at Seattle, Washington; in accordance with the Federal Regis­ ter, Monday, April 1 0 ,1 9 9 5 ,24CFR Part 950 Indian Housing; Indian Preference Final Rule. For this project, only the Oual- | ified Indian Bidders are entitled to the Indian Preference. Information regarding the requirements for qualification of the Contractors and the details of the amount of preference to be given to the .Qualified Indian Bidders will be found in the Advertisement" For Bids and further information is available [ on request from the SIHA. A single Prime bid will be received for this Project. Bids will be on a Lump Sum basis for the General Contract which includes all phases of the construc­ tion work complete. The project to be located on one site on Judd Road in Siletz, Oregon, will consist of site development and construction of twenty-five (25) units of housing. The housing units will consist of the following: 1-Five (5) Plex one (1)-Bedroom Elderly 1 -Triplex two (2)-Bedroom Elderly 1-Duplex one (1)-Bedroom Family 1-Fourplex one (1)-Bedroom Family 1-Triplex two (2)-Bedroom Family 1-Fourplex two (2)-Bedroom Family 1-Fourplex three (3)-Bedroom Family Construction is all of sim ilar design with light wood framing; wood floor framing over crawlspaces; wood roof trusses, lap siding and composition asphalt shingles. Sitework includes hookup to city sewer and water, grading, asphalt paving, concrete curbs and sidewalks, and site lighting. I Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the SIHA Office, Connie Hoffman, ExecutAze Director at 555 Tolowa Court; Siletz, Oregon 97380. Phone number 1-800- 922-1399 ext 310. Ouestions may be addressed to the architects Representatives Larry Anderson at (505) 237- 0086, TSA LA Gl, Inc.; 11930 Menual North East Suite 213; Albuquerque, NM 87111, or Frank E. Kohl at (701) 222-3990, TSA LA Gl, Inc.; 3130 East Broadway; Post Office Box 2477; Bismarck, ND 58502. The plans are available upon payment of $75.00. The amount will be refunded upon the return of the set of documents in good condition within fifteen (15) days after the bid opening. There will be a Pre-Bid Conference at the SIHA Office; 555 Tolowa Court; Siletz, Oregon on August 6, 1996, at 1:00 PJP, Contractor’s claiming Indian Preference must submit evidence of eligibility on or before this time. The advertise­ ment for bids for the project does not commit the SIHA to award a contract nor to pay any costs incurred in preparation of a bid or to procure any contract for services or supplies. The SIHA reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any information or irregularities and to re-advertise when it is in the best interest of the SIHA. Connie Hoffman, Executive Director Siletz Indian Housing Authority, Siletz, OR 97380 Donald M. Drake Company disadvantaged, minonty. women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses. Sub Bids Requested Bids will be submitted to Mike Courchaine, Sr. Estimator (CM/GC and opened publicly) Sub-Bids and Material Quotes Requested At Insley Basin CSO Sump Project, Unit 3 Phase I - Storm Sewer System DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY Bid No. #223 DRAKE Bids to us by 10am July 16th 1996 (Bid Date: July 16, 1996) I C C S »84045 Portland, OR 97209 Bids Due: July 23, 1996 at 2:00pm (503) 226-3991 Fax (503) 243-2775 And or All Bids May Be Reacted For Good Cause It It Is In The Public's Best Interest Bid Must Indicate If The Bidder is A Defined In ORS 279 029. I Portland, Oregon Bid Pkg CCD No. 3 - Architectural Procedures and Requirements” We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­ Expo Center Expansion 1740 N.W. Flanders Bids May Be Rejected For Not Complying With All Prescnbed “Public Procurement P.O. Box 30569 Portland, OR 97294-3569 Phone: (503) 252-1180 Fax (503) 252-1730 taged, women, and emerging small business enterpnses. CCB#28397 (503) 226-3991 Fax (503) 243-2775 Drawings can be viewed at: We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including MOORE EXCAVATION, INC. 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, OR 97209 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-b,ds from disadvantaged minority | women. Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging small business enterpnses H HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR CCB #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all Interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses