Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 17, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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    P age B4
J uly 17, 1996 • T he P o r tlan d O bserver
Native Americans
Swing The Vote
The A ffilia te d Tribes o f N o rth ­
A T N I, a consortium o f 54 tribes,
is focusing its efforts through N A ­
T IV E V O T E ‘ 96 to register Native
Indians to vote and provide the
materials and techniques to orga­
nize at the grassroots level. V oter
registration w ill take place at many
trib a l activities, in clu d in g m ajor
N ative events and pow wows. N A ­
T IV E V O T E ‘ 96 hopes to have
50,000 new registered voters by
a l t e r n a t iv e s
“My Name Is Legion”
west Indians unveils N ative Vote
‘ 96, an am bitious campaign to dou­
ble the number o f N ati ve American
registered voters in the Northwest,
this M onday at 9:00 a m. at One
P acific Square in Portland, Ore­
gon. The event features Antone
M in th o rn , A T N I First V ice Presi­
dent, Bruce Wynne, President o f
A 'T N I, and Russell LaEountaine,
N A T IV E V O T E ‘ 96 C am paign
D irector, as speakers.
Three fu ll-tim e N ative A m e ri­
can campaign organizers w ill spend
the next fo u r months in a th irty -fo o t
m otor home dubbed “ The Vote-
Catcher,” w hich w ill be present fo r
the news conference, traveling from
and volunteers representing a num­
ber o f N orthw est tribes.
There w ill be an H onor Drum by
the B ow and A rro w C lub o f Port­
land, H onor Guard o f the N o rth ­
person. This mob is vio le n t, b rim ­
m ing w ith power o f chaotic destruc­
tiveness; poised fo r m isery. Teen
reservation to reservation to train
and register Native Americans, who
h isto rica lly e xh ib it low voter turn­
west Indian V eteran’ s Association,
and an invocation and prayer. A
blessing w ill be perform ed fo r the
“ Vote-C atcher.”
Gangs are such a mob, immature,
w ithout focus, uncontrolled person­
alities; each personality has a mob
liv in g w ith in , ready to explode.
M y first question to those o f us
our eyes and our actions. I f they see
election day.
The press conference kicks o ffa
fu ll day o ftra in in g fo r trib a l leaders
Explore The Oldest
House In Clark County
C ovington House is a small, un­
pretentious log surrounded by trees
at 4201 M ain. It is C lark C o u n ty’ s
oldest house. The summer the house
w ill be open to the p u b lic every
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. The house is operated by
the Vancouver W om en’ s C lub and
the c ity ’ s O ffic e o f Heritage Servic­
C onvington House is a pioneer
log house b u ilt in 1848. In the 1920s
the house was moved from its o rig ­
inal lo cation in orchards to the
present M ain Street location. The
house was taken apart and the logs
were marked w ith A rabic numerals
to ensure proper reassembly V is i­
tors can s till detect the numerals on
the logs.
Other interesting details o f the
house include dove-tail jo in ts , a riv ­
er rock ch imney and a deeply pitched
gable roof. A n uncut stone fireplace
and rear kitchen w ing were added
when the house was moved.
The fireplace reflects the “ Rus­
tic ” style o f architecture, popular in
the 1920s.
C ovington House is named after
Richard and Anne C ovington who
came to this area as employees o f j
the H udson’ s Bay Company. Sol­
diers from Vancouver Barracks were
entertained by the C ovingtons who
owned the o n ly piano in the area.
U.S Grant was a vis ito r in the house.
F o r m o re d e ta ils , c a ll Jane
M orrison, Heritage Services Pro­
gram C oordinator.
Speaker Focuses On Dams
A dm ission is free to a slide-en­
hanced lecture titled, " W o rld Per­
spective on Dams,” w hich w ill be
Aswan Dam. The benefits and prob­
lems o fth e dam w il I be examined as
w e ll as the impact on the N ile R iv­
presented at the c ity ’ s W ater Re­
sources Education Center, 4600 SE
C olum bia Way, on Thursday, July
25 at 6:30 p.m.
they relate to the Pacific N o rth ­
P rofessor Teresa B ulm an o f
Portland State U n ive rsity w ill talk
about dams and th e ir po sitive and
negative impacts as part o f the
W ater C enter’ s summer classes
The lecture w ill focuson E gypt’ s
or camp sponsored by the V ancou­
ver Parks and Recreation Depart-
I ment.
A seven-week Saturday league
I started July 13 at M arshall Center
1009 E M cL o u g h lin B lvd . Games
| are Saturdays at 9 a m. o r 10 a m.
Cost is $22 o r $19 fo r c ity resi­
M a r g a rei I saacs
For the sake o f those people who
are not aware o f the story o f Jesus’
encounter w ith the “ madman” and
the question Jesus asked o f him,
"W h a t is your name? The "m adm an”
answered, “M y name is Legion” ; on
forclearerunderstanding, “M y name
is mob” .
Mobs are made up o f so many
personalities, chaotic, raw vita lity.
Imagine a mob concentrated in one
w ho care about these lost souls: “ How
only anger, fear, and rejection as the
can we help w ithout exacerbating the
situation. H ow can we let them know
that there is a mob in you and me, as
it was in the madman, and as it is in
them?” These gang members are no
d iffe re n t from you and me; they face
powers in us, they react with anger,
fear, rejection, and negative feelings
o f “ them against us” .
to deal w ith each day also.
Second Question: “ How can the
mob power w ithin gang members be
redirected to creativeness; how can the
member, who is unaware o f the power
w ithin him; who has powerful nega­
tive feelings; who is unable to control
his anger and takes any rejection as a
potential fo r grandeur be resurrect­
personal insult; w h o ’s surges o f lust,
due to body changes, are beyond his
I hird Question: “ H ow can we make
them meet and see themselves face to
face?" They see themselves through
control; w ill allow these “ mobs” w ith­
in h im to break loose and his anger w i 11
The A rch d io cese o
n f Portland v w A? ill
celebrate the 150th anniversary o f
its fo u n d in g w ith a s p e c ia l
« c <. . w
. a ill
include ____
from .. the
archdiocesan ch o ir under the d ire c­
tion o f Sister Jeanne Frolick.
archdiocesan M asson Wednesday,
July 24.
The Archdiocese was founded as
the Archdiocese ofO regon C ity along
w ith the Diocese o f V icto ria and the
form er Diocese o f W alla W alla on
The Mass w ill be held at the
U niversity o f Portland Chiles Cen­
ter at 7:00 p.m. and w ill be celebrat­
ed by A rc h b is h o p F ra n c is E.
George, O .M .I., Bishops from Pa­
c ific Northwest dioceses formed
from the o riginal Oregon T e rrito ry,
cese o f V icto ria and the form er D io -
ce se o fW a lla W a lla o n July 24, 1846
by Pope Pius IX . A delegation o f
and priests o f the archdiocese. The
people from the Diocese o f V icto ria
July 24, 1846 by Pope Pius IX . A
delegation o f people from the D io ­
‘/ 'f.C fiH J ■ f f t ’i n t ) ! t f t f
Larri) Dchcart Hickman, Sr
September 7,1941-July 9,1996
For inform ation on the Water
C e n te r’ s hours and to schedule
tours, call 696-8478.
11 a m. at M em ory Field east o f
Fort Vancouver Regional Library
Camp w ill focus on developing
s k ills th ro u g h scrim m ages and
games. Cost is $30 o r $26 fo r city
residents. For more inform ation,
call 696-8006.
Play Soccer This Summer
Kids can have fun and enjoy the outdoors at a soccer camp sponsored
by the Vancouver Parks and Recreation Department
Weekday soccer camps meet M onday through Friday, July 29 to Aug.
2 or August 12 to 16, from 9 a m to 11 a m. at Roosevelt Elementary, 2 9 2 1
Larry Deheart Hickman, Sr. was born to Percy and Frieda
Hickman in Manhattan, Kansas on September 7, 1941. He came
to Portland, Oregon at the age of 2 and has lived here most of his
ife. He worked for the rail road doing general labor for most of
lis working career; most recently he worked in the Janitorial
business, until illness made it necessary for him to stop.
He leaves to mourn his passing, his mother, Frieda Murray of
Portland, OR; son Larry D. Hickman, Jr; daughter. Shannon
Hickman, both of Vancouver, WA; sisters, Iva Col I ins and Mabie
Kyles both of Portland, OR; four grandchildren, Sinclair Taylor,
Marie LeAnn, Carolyn Ann and Brandon Alexander all of Port-
and, OR; and a host of nieces, nephews, great nieces, great
nephews, other relatives and friends.
Larry is preceded in death by his father Percy Hickman; wife
Carolyn Hickman and sister Joyce Washington.
"7/7 t t ' i / f H I M I f t / l t f t ft)/.
Falk Rd. G irls and boys ages 4 to 9 w ill learn the basics o f soccer through
games, d rills and scrimmages. Cost is $30 or $26 fo r c ity residents. For
more inform ation, call 696-8006.
A Taste Of Local History
V isito rs to O fficers Row, Van­
to ric d istrict.
couver’ s oldest neighborhood, w ill
be able to take guided tours o f the
| area this summer.
O p tio n a l tours o f the inside o f
M arshall House and Grant House
are available.
The hour-long tours o fth e stately
homes are free. T ours leave Marshal I
House, 1101 O ffice rs Row, at 10:30
Schedule group tours at least five
days in advance by ca llin g 699
a m. each Tuesday m orning through
O ffic e rs Row is a collection o f 2 1
V icto ria n -e ra homes b u ilt between
Tours are conducted by guides
k n o w le d g e a b le a b o u t n o ta b le
1850 and 1906 fo r U.S. A rm y o ffic ­
ers serving at Vancouver Barracks.
The homes were remodeled by the
events, the architecture o f the Row
and sig n ifica n t national figures who
C ity o f Vancouver-in 1988
are associated w ith Vancouver’s his­
New Manager To Run Vancouver
Tennis And Racquetball Center
The Vancouver Tennis and Rac-
I quetball Center (V T C ) at 18th and
Stapleton Rd. w ill get anew manag-
| er, K evin Young, starting July 15.
uate o f the U n ive rsity o f San Diego
and holds a degree in Business A d ­
m inistration.
Y o u n g p la y e d in te rc o lle g ia te
Y o u n g , 3 6 , is a re s id e n t o f
N avcouver and has been the D irec­
to r o f Tennis and Head Tennis Pro­
fessional at C lu b Green Meadows
tio n ) c e rtifie d te n n is p ro fe s s io n ­
fo r the past tw o years He is a grad-
al s in ce 1984
te n n is at U S D . He has been a
fu ll- tim e U S P T A (U n ite d States
P ro fe s s io n a l T e rm is A s s o c ia ­
pour out in language and behaviorthat
is beyond belief.
Archdioceses Celebrates Tts TTothATmiversarij
aquatic life and stroll to the wet­
lands overlook.
T -b a ll cam p meets M o n d a y
through Friday, July 22 to 26, 9 to
cannot control it. Because we are more
mature, more responsible, we refuse to
give others the satisfaction o f making
us lose our tempers. But a teen gang
V is ito rs to the Water Center can
see the e x h ib it hall, a 350-gallon
aquarium w ith C o lu m b ia R ive r
There are depths o f H ostility in
each o f us that is frighting when we
a personal struggle, pain, confusion,
confrontation, and grow th ju st as we
do and, yes, they have peer pressure
er. Bulm an w ill discuss dams as
Summer T-Ball Programs
G irls and boys ages 4 to 6 can
pra ctice th e irsw in g in a T -b a ll league
J ourney
Searching? So Are We.
PHONE: 503-323-2406
St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR
Summer Day Camp
A christ-centered camp where children w ill be involved in w eekly
themes and child-centered activities.
are planning to attend this special
annivesary. The name o fth e A rch ­
diocese was changed by Papal de­
cree to the Archdiocese o f Portland
in Oregon on September 26, 1928.
The name reflected the change o f
location o f the A rchbishop's see
city in 1862, when it became appar­
ent that Portland w ould be the p rin ­
cipal city in the region. The A rch d i­
ocese o f Portland is the second o ld ­
est archdiosese in the United States
after B altim ore.
A July
The annual Christmas in July
campaign for Northeast Emergency
Food Program, w ill begin on M on­
day, July I The goal is to raise food
funds and awareness concerning
hunger. They hope to gather more
than three tons o f food; providing
over 500 people with food fo r 3-5
Throughout the month o f July,
various churches and organizations
have “ Christmas in July” trees set up
with paper ornaments. Each orna­
ment lists a food item that the pro­
gram needs. Com m unity members
participate by choosing an oma
ment and donating the item listed on
it. NEFP welcomes donations and
other participation in the campaign
Drew Hudson, Program Manager,
is available at 284-5470.
On July 27th NEFP w ill have a
Community W ork Party where peo­
ple from the neighborhood are en
couraged to jo in w ith their neigh­
bors to do program volunteer work.
The idea behind “ Christmas in
J u ly” is to bri ng about t he awareness
and the giving attitude that people
often associate w ith Christmastime.
Hunger, however, persists through­
out the year. For example, families,
who during the school year, rely on
assistance from school lunch pro­
grams, often need more during the
summer from NEFP and other food
Clinton Signs Church Arson Bill
** V / I
• t ' I ■ —— •
M n -, a *
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_ .
C lin to n , responding
a wave o f fires at predom inantly black
churches, signed a b ill Wednesday
doubling the federal ja il sentence fo r
burning a church.
"T oday I have signed into law
House Resolution 3525, the 'Church
Arson Prevention A ct o f 1996,’ which
w ill make it easier to prosecute those
who set fire to churches,” C lin to n
said in a statement released by the
W hite House.
— —
w eek," he said. A W hite House o ff i­
cial said this w ould probably happen
on Tuesday or Wednesday, but that
details o f when and where the presi­
dent w ould make the remarks had not
been worked out.
The le gislation C lin to n signed
gives the federal governm ent greater
ju ris d ic tio n to investigate and pros­
ecute arson at religious buildings. It
also increases the penalty fo r church
A u n a n im o u s C o n g re ss sent
C linton the measure last Thursday.
“I have signed it p rom ptly upon its
transmittal to me so that the new law
can go into effect as soon as pos­
sible,” C lin to n said in the statement.
arson from 10 to 20 years in prison
and provides federal loan guarantees
to help rebuild burned churches.
There have been more than three
dozen suspicious fires, mostly at black
churches in the South, o ver the past
18 months.
“ But 1 plan to acknowledge the
Congress’ role more fo rm a lly and
discuss the importance o f this mea­
C linton has condemned the fires
and created a federal task force to
help states investigate and prosecute
sure at an appropriate occasion next
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Do you need a place fo r your children this summer? M t. O live t has the
camp fo r you This is an excellent licensed program w ith certified teachers.
Ju n e 24 - A ugu st ¡6
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Location: Mr. Olivet Church, 8501 N. Chautauqua
550.00per week, (AFS,CSD,AMA payments accepted)
A g e : 5 years - 12 years
O n ly 5 0 spaces a v a ila b le .
C o n ta c t: Melissa W hite/Lisa Parks, Summer Camp D ire cto r(5 0 3 )2 4 0 -
0326. C all M t. O liv e t Summer Camp at 240-0326 fo r registration inform a­
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