Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 17, 1996, Image 1

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Kaiser Donates
$ 1 0 ,0 0 0 To Youth
Better Days
Students are learning how
to measure area as part o f
a Project Safe Summer
math class.
Jazz guitarist. Norman
Brown releases a new
album promoting a
positive outlook.
See Metro, page BI.
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Blazers Trade rv.
New Season
Rasheed Wallace is one o f
The Trail Blazers' new
acquisitions as they prepare
for next basketball season.
See Entertainment, page B3.
See Sports, page BS
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■ n c i n New Thrift way May Be Derailed
fW s
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Anti-Cuba Law
President C lin to n , in an election-year
p ickle over international trade and Cuba,
decided today to let a controversial p ro v i­
sion o f a new law tightening sanctions
against Havana take effect. C linton, who is
being squeezed between U.S. allies who
trade w ith Cuba and anti-Castro groups
liv in g in key electoral states, found the
com prom ise he had sought fo r months.
The U.S. w ill not block a law that w ould
a llo w lawsuits to be file d against foreign
companies that do business w ith Cuba, but
the president w ill reserve the right to do so
this fa ll.
Holbrooke Returns
To Balkans
Richard H olbrooke, the Am erican en­
voy w ho was the architect o f the Dayton
peace treaty fo r Bosnia, has returned to the
region to lay down the law. H e’s pressing
| fo r the rem oval o f Bosnian Serb leader
Radovan K aradzic, an indicted war c rim ­
inal. The U nited Nations says Serb sepa­
ratists in a northern Bosnian tow n have
I threatened to take U .N . police officers
hostage i f Western forces try to arrest
Irish Peace Talks
N orthern Ireland peace talks resumed
today after w eek-long violence w hich one
p o litic ia n said had dealt a body b lo w to
dem ocracy in the troubled province. B rit­
ish N orthern Ireland Secretary S ir Patrick
M ayhew and Irish Foreign M in iste r D ick
S pring were due to meet in fo rm a lly today
to try to ease sharp strains caused by
D u b lin ’ s criticism o f B rita in 's handling o f |
the w orst unrest fo r years. A Protestant
parade through a C atholic suburb last week
unleashed days o f Roman C atholic fury.
The talks, hamstrung from day one, have
I barely held one hour o f plenary sessions,
barely held one hour o f plenary sessions.
Former Thriftway site sits silent while the community debates its merit
L ee P eri
quest by the end o f the month. This decision,
many seniors, many o f whom can’ t drive to
other markets, he said, and there is a larger
nited Grocers’ efforts to build a
positive or negative, w ill then be forwarded to
new Thriftway grocery at North­
the Portland C ity Council for final action.
east 33rd Avenue and Killings-
As has been the case for the last 18 months,
worth Street faces two opponents-im-
th e p roposed sto re is fa v o re d by the
mediate neighbors and city officials.
C oncordia N eighborhood A ssociation and
The g rocery cooperative o ffic ia lly made
th e ir case last week fo r a zone change fo r the
site before C ity Hearings O ffic e r Elizabeth
Norm and. The rezoning includes a satellite
parking lot across Northeast Emerson Street
from the main site. B oth properties were
rezoned by the c ity d u rin g the A lb in a C om ­
m unity Plan process in 1973—the main site
fo r small scale neighborhood com m erical
need “ to shop in our own place where people
can comm une; that’ s the d e fin itio n o f com ­
m u n ity.” To the opponents he said, “ I ’ d like
to sympathize w ith you, but there’ s not a
person in this room that can live w ith o u t
some sacrifices.”
A bigger obstacle fo r United Grocers than
the neighbors may be city staff. Planner Su­
many nearby neighborhood residents. A t an
association meeting last summer, a resolu­
tio n o f support to r the proposal was adopted
by a vote o f 64 to four. It is opposed by a
number o f residents o f Northeast 34th A v e ­
nue, who fear that it w ill bring through tra ffic
and street crim e to their local street. Those
w ho testified last week, including 34th Street
san M cK in n e y has recommended changing
to the CS zone rather than the CN2 zone UG
residents Kathleen Rich and Sherri Strayer,
said they'd prefer to see a sm aller market
east 34th Avenue forem ergency vehicles and
others, he said.
proposed 40,000 square foot store, w hich
w ould replace a 25,000 square foot fa c ility
that closed in 1994.
serving local needs.
C oncordia President Isham Harris coun­
tered, “ The neighborhood is g ro w in g by
leaps and bounds. We d o n ’ t need more
to United G rocer representatives last year
He to ld them their approach m ight w ork but
Normand w ill make a decision on the re-
gy, they must replace the potential fo r hous­
ing developm ent represented by the satellite
lot and the six homes that could be b u ilt there.
They hope to do so by lin kin g their own
minows, we need a w hale." C oncordia has
project to a housing development in St. Johns
a c tiv ity , the parking lot fo r residential use.
B oth must be rezoned to accommodate the
tion. It all occurred yesterday when union
president Ron Carey blocked attempts by
[ supporters o f James H o ffa to buck a
longstanding practice by denying conven­
tio n vo tin g rights to dozens o f delegates on
the u n io n ’ s senior staff. What follow ed
| was a raucus vote on the matter, defeat for
warned, “ Y o u 're ro llin g the dice on several
basic issues.”
Photographer Gordon Parks, who has faced
racism all his life, learned early on how to
handle it from his mother, who w ould not
allow him to use racism as an excuse for
“ She did not want me com ing home, com ­
plaining about being black,” Parks recalled
in an interview to be published this Sunday in
P A R A D E magazine “ H er m otto was, ‘ I f a
white boy can do it, you can do it too. A nd you
better do it better
Japan Rocked By
Food Poisoning
The to ll o f sick children in Japan’ s
w orst food poisoning case in 50 years
And better Parks has done it-b e c o m i ng an
aw ard-w inning photographer, a w riter, film ­
maker, artist and m usician-despite the fact
that he was a high school dropout.
passed the 4,000 mark today as health
w orkers scrambled to find ways to stop its
“ Y oung people should never accepta lim it
on their horizons," Parks said. “ I tell kids to
spread. Health o fficia ls in Osaka prefec­
use their em otions creatively. I f yo u 're a
musician, let it come out on the piano. I f
ture, western Japan, where the outbreak
began Friday, poured extra chlorine into
you're a poet, let it flo w from your poetry.
sw im m ing pools in a new attempt to stamp
Gordon Parks
Y ou ju s t have to choose your weapons |
chose the ones my mother gave me: love,
d ig n ity and hard w o rk."
Pole Shows Clinton Ahead of Dole
out the spread o f the bacteria responsible,
and continued to spray disinfectants in
President Bill Clinton widened his lead
over presumptive Republican presidential
nominee Bob Dote this month in a CNN/Time
public opinion poll released on Friday
It showed Clinton ahead by 15 percentage
classrooms in Sakai, Osaka prefecture’ s
second-largest city, where most o f the v ic ­
tim s live.
In short, the project remains uncertain.
Planner M ike Hayakawa indicated as much
he photographer says it's fine
for Black kids to learn where
they cam e from, but they
shouldn’t stop there...
H o ffa ’ s people, and an embarrassing m o­
ment fo r the union and its leadership as it
tries to shake the longstanding image o f |
tion; it w ould allow too little access to N o rth ­
Parks’ Mother Taught
How To Handle Racism
Governor John Kitzhaber (left)
addressing the community at the
Albina Corner Dedication Ceremonies
on July 3, 1996. The northeast
community celebrating Albina Corner
Dedication (below) with dancing, food
and beverages from area restaurants,
and music by the Lenanne Sylvester
Trio and Norman Sylvester Band.
A p o litic a l dispute between candidates
fo r the presidency o f the Teamsters halted
the first day o f the labor g ro u p ’ s conven­
Maybe not even then Equally im portant is
vacating one block o f Northeast Emerson
Street to create a single unified site. Ken
Lindm ark o f the O ffice o f Transportation
indicated last week, as he has before, that his
bureau w ill almost certainly oppose the vaca­
wants; this means they’ ll have to come back
and get an adjustment fo r the 137-space
parking lot they say they need. Either way,
under the c ity ’ s No Net Loss Housing strate­
Rocky Start For
being carried out by H O ST C om m unity De­
velopment, w hich w ill rezone some land for
residential use and increase density. H ow ev­
er, the H OST project faces some local oppo­
sition, and until it receives final approval, the
T h riftw a y project can’ t proceed.
points with 53percent, comparedwith Dole's
38 percent
Clinton"s lead was greater than it was in
dune when he led by only six percentage
points, at 4 9 percent