' • •!• . k / # . •**. • , • • ■• . 1 ..««, , - V :« t » .A • .... . • • % . . -V . J uly 10, 1996 • Tut: P ortland O hsi rvi r P age A6 (Elje f o r i l a nò (Dbseruer Sabin CDC Celebrastes Fundraising Match Success!! O n Saturday, July 13th at R o sly n 's G arden and C offee S h o p (1438 NF. A l .b e r t a ) , S a b in C o m m u n ity D l.ev elo p m en l C orporation will c e l­ p roject low -incom e h o m eo w n ersh ip p ro g ram is being d ev elo p ed in the sabin, V ernon, and C o n co rd ia n eig h ­ b o rh o o d s o f inner N o rth east Portland. ebrate its success in raising $26,562 to obtain one to one m atch funds from the T h is program w as d esig n ed in c o o p ­ H e in / N eigh b o rh o o d R evitalization Program . M ario D epriest will play ja z z at htis ipen air gaard en party fundraiser and celebration. Fov ov er a year. S C D C and m em bers o f the co m ­ m unity w orked hard toraise this m oney li ir this innovative lim ited-equity, lease purchase program . T h is program o f­ fers the opportunity for hom eow neship to low -incom e fam ilies below 60% o f m edian fam ily incom e. T he funds are be i ng raised to " b u y dow n" the costs o f the hom es so that they are affordable for low -incom e fam ilies. A four bed­ room house is slated to cost less than $65, (XX). S ab in C D C isd ev elo p in g ten single­ fam ily hom es-ineluding live new co n ­ struction 4 bedroom units. T h is pilot eratio n w ith V ernon N eighborhood A ction G ro u p .w h ieh also helped to edentify and acquire the First tw o hom es for S C D C to regab. L ow -incom e fam ilies w ho m ight have trouble qualify in g for traditional m o rtg ag es will have a portion o f their rent set-asid e to be used d irectly for loan assu m p tio n and clo sin g costs. T he fam ily will be assisted in q u alify ­ ing to assu m e Sabin C D C s low interest ened as a result o f rapid increasing in housingcosls and the dem and lorafforahle housing is high. The com m unity will also benefit by the upgrading o f housing stock h o m eo w n ersh ip classes, personal fi- and the creation o f long-term affordable tio n er, yo u g et a sy stem th at b asically 8 0 0 -P G E -C O O L ) w arm in the w in te r,” he says. h e lp y o u c a n 't use o v e r h a lf o f the year. B ut a h eat p u m p is an a ir co n d itio n e r th at w ill p ro v id e c o o lin g in the su m ­ m er an d k eep y o u r h o m e co zy and hot option. B ut there are m an y o th er c o st-effectiv e so lu tio n s o u t th e re ," P G F p ro g ram sp ecialist D ale G a rc ia says. To find the right solution for y o u r hom e. G arcia suggests looking at what happens to yo u r hom e on a hot day. “If ju st the upstairs is hot, then an current heating system can significantly im prove both co m fo rt and the heating sy s te m 's efficiency. H o m eo w n ers also should question installers w ho say they need to replace an existing electric w ater heater w ith a gas one to m ake room on the circuit b reak er o f fuse box for a new air co n d itio n er o r heat pum p. "F irst, it m ay not be necessary to sw itch, in w hich case y o u 'll be paying attic fan o r extra insulation m ay be your answ er. If only the front portion o f your house is w arm , then a room air conditioner o r room heat p u m p m ay he the best solution. Sim ply planting a a lot o f m oney you d o n 't need to. A nd, d ep en d in g upon yo u r fam ily ’s size and hot w ater usage, an electric w aterheater m ay be m ore co st-efficient in the long shade tree o r adding w indow co v er­ ings also can m ake a d ifferen ce,” he G arcia recom m ends getting the facts about a heat pum p, w hich can be added to y o u r e x is tin g h e a tin g s y s te m , w hether it is gas. oil, electric furnace o r baseboard. “ If yo u buy o n ly an air co n d i- ru n ," G arcia says. T o get the facts ab o u t various hom e co o lin g options, call P G E 's energy ex p erts toll free. I-8 8 8 -P G E C O O L , M o n d ay - F riday, 8 a.m .-8 p.m . o r S atu rd ay . 8 a.m . - 4 p.m . In addition to h elping identify individual cooling so ­ lutions for d ifferen t hom es and b u d ­ gets, P G E ’s en erg y ex p erts also can reco m m en d certified installers. LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 Buying A House? We Offer Free Prequalification Purchases/Reflnances/2nds Conventional/FHA/VA Loans Debt Consolldation/Credit Lines 203(k) Rehab Loans Options For Those w/Bad Credit New Construction Loans In-House Processing In-Housing Underwriting 6352 NE Mallory $155,900 If y o u h a v e c o n sid e r e d a h om e in th e P ied m o n t n e ig h b o r h o o d , th is is th e o n e to b u y . It is ro o m y , c o m fo r ta b le , c a red fo r, on a tree lined street n ea r fre e w a y e n tr a n e e /e x it and c lo se to M I.K B lvd. You Get: • • • • Fantastic Location Over 2300 Sq. Ft. of Living Space Living, Dining, and Family Rooms 3 Bedrooms 1.5 Baths 3 Levels Enclosed Yard Call: George Hendrix Nice Deck Storm Windows Insulation Gas Heat 503-230-1390 A-Zebra Realty Inc. 3 0 0 N E M u ltn o m a h , S u ite 27 P o r tla n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 3 2 In fo rm atio n h erein d ee m e d re lia b le , but n o t g u aran teed . roc Date: July 17,1996 Place: PDC 1120 SW 5th Ave., Suite 1100 Commission Conf. Room Portland, Oregon Time: 9:00 a.m. Northwest Color Construction & Painting Company John McVeety 282-9233 □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates □ Quality Home Remodeling □ No Projeet Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts Warm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem I'M t f it works like a dream it works like a Rheem. ” ™ Call today for free consultation. License # CCB-81322 B o n d e d & In s u re d J"’ iW 7 ( Ï FOR S/ 3732 N. Michigan J It s Time To Buy Your Dream Home Let Host Help Now 1,350 sq.ft. 3-Bedrooms 1-1/2 Baths FEATURES Formal Dining Room Pantry W asher/Dryer Hook-ups Dishwasher j T e n -Y e a r T ax A b atem en t O f f S treet P ark in g 50' x 10 0 ' Lot For Additional Information- Please Call!! ALSO A VAILABLE HOST Development, Inc. 331-1752 l»»O«TUaiTV T his A ffordable H ome S ponsored B y A G enerous G rant F rom A M E R IT E L A m er ic as L argest A lte r n a tiv e P hone C ompany The construction financing for this affordable home provided by Bank o f California Price subject to change without notice. Maybe we can’t make Northeast Portland a perfect place to live. But w e’re making hundreds of improvements. PDC is the C ity of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency, Dad's Friends of Trees' Service Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote TG AG EÖ N E The Largest Mortgage Broker In Oregon and Southwest Washington CALL MARK AT 1 -800-746-4184 3496. Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens w ith disabilities may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868 for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 Thinking of I From 1 to 3 PM COMMISSION MEETING Realty Inc. H O U SE FOR SALE COMMISSION 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 Mark Tomlin O PEN A-ZEBRA Ö income and special needs families. F or m ore inform ation on th isev en t c o n ta c t M a rjo rie P h illip s at 287- as a m ean s to p ro v id e c h ild c a re , and d o o r prizes. F or m o re in fo rm atio n , DEVELOPMENT bmls needs housing program for African - American women transitu wing back into the commuinity from substance abuse recovery, and is working on this limited- equity, lease purchase program that will c o n ta c t C h e ry l R o b erts, H o u sin g F air C o o rd in a to r, at 2 8 2 -7 7 4 4 . “1st Class Guarantee" □ George A. Hendrix MBA. GRI. Broker I he P o rtla n d I lo u s in g C e n te r in p a rtn e rsh ip w ith the F annie M ae F o u n d a ­ tio n , is e x c ite d to h o st the a n n u al H om e B u y in g F air on July 2 0 th at St. S tep h en S ch o o l in S E P o rtlan d T h is is an e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity fo r low - to m o d e ra te in co m e ren te rs w ho are interested in b u y in g a h om e, to talk to L en d ers. N o n -p ro fit H o u sin g D ev elo p ers, and R ealto rs. T h is y e a r w e w ill o ffe r m in i-w o rk s h o p s a ro u n d h o m e buying, a “C h ild re n ’s A ctiv ity C o rn e r” POfrttANb S in g le s & S e n io r s , I c a n h elp y ou ! and m oderate-income residents, ;tnd by encouraging ci immunity partnerships fur provide hi Rue i iwnershipalli wJahle hi rjs ing for families below 50% MET and has 66 other units in various stages of devel­ opment. SCDC tends to target vwacant, abandoned, or derelict hi Rises ti i rem m vale li ir long-term affi iidahle hi Rising for low - local exonomic development and self help projects. O ur initial priority is to stem the dis­ placement o f low-income and minority families due to pressures from soaring NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING FAIR G arcia reco m m en d s having a certi­ fied H V A C installer show a side-by side co st co m p ariso n . A com parison typically will reveal that an air co n d i­ tio n er is slightly ch eap er initially, but that a heat p u m p w orking with a hi im e ’ s h o m eo w n ers find the best co o lin g option for th eir hom e. "A lot o f tim es p eo p le ju m p to co n clu sio n s and th in k a fan o r air c o n d itio n er is the only a ffo rd ab le says. Bui a w ide range o f solution also com es with a wide range o f p rice tags. Before sinking $2,000 or m ore into a central air conditioning system , P G E ’s In addition t the security and pride that com e with owning their own homes, participating low-income families will benefit from tex savings and will have ho m eo w n ersh ip know ing taht they will not be p riced out o f the m arket as the sales price is set at the outset. T he f a m ily w ill b e p r o v id e d w ith W hen it co m es to c o o lin g y o u r hom e this su m m er, one size d o e s n ’t fit all, say the en erg y ex p erts at P o rt­ land G en eral E lectric (P G E ). P G F has estab lish ed a to ll-free h o tlin e (1 - lion properties from O regon Housing Trust Fund and the Heinz Neigborhoods Re vita] izatu in pri igram. This latter si luree requires a one-to-one match in order to access the $26.562 com m itted seed eq­ uity funds. The match funds were raised through grassrixiLs efforts at Christmas tree recycling, wreath sales, greeting card sales, m em bers donation and Walk for Humanity pledges. In addition, substan­ tial contributions were made by the fol­ low inghusincssesand foundatii his : W ash­ ington Mutual. US Bank, First Interstate Bank, Emanuel Hospital, and Swigert Foundation. Sabin C D C 's mission is to stabilize and improve the lilvability o f this cultur­ ally diverse nieghborhood o f inner NF Portland by assuring the availability of long-term, affordable housing forits low- re tu rn o n th e i r in v e s tm e n t, but p rrovides a cap so that it will rem ain affo rd ab le to o lth e r lo w -in com e fam i­ lies in future sales. five years. D uring the interim tim e, the fam ily can w ork on their credit history and rp ep are for the respo n sib ilities o f Only W ay To Cool Your I loine hi Rising for low-income families. Last year Sabin C D C obtained seed euity monies for finir o f the newconstruc w hich allow s the h o m eo w n er a fair housing costs below market rents. In­ creased hom eow nsership opportunities will improve the stability o f our diverse low-income comm unity. In recent yesrs, the diversity o f this area has been threat­ loan on the property w ithin three to The Air Conditioner Is Nol The to nance counseling and self-help peer su p p p o rt thorugh a p artn ership with the P ortland H ousing C en ter and their n ew H o m e b u y in g c lu b Ip ro g ram . L o ng-term affordability will be pre­ served through a rresale restriction heating oils . Í Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland. OR 97212 282-5111 SeahheFituir m R rtlm il (I n r a l U r, t r i Portland General Electric’s Employees Seed the Future. “Seed the Future” is a five year partnership with Friends of Trees to plant 144,000 trees and seedlings around Portland. Those trees will help beautify neighborhoods and purify our air. At PGE, we think a power company can do more than make a profit. It can make a difference. Portland General Electric