Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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Dealing With Bankruptcy
Bad things can happen to good
people. A lost job , mounting med­
ical bills or some other unforeseen
event could leave you deep in debt,
wondering how you ’ II ever pay your
creditors and regain financial con­
Bankruptcy, a new publication
from M etLife, the American Bank­
ruptcy Institute, and the U S. De­
partment o f Justice explains what
bankruptcy is, the different types
available to individuals and how
you can start rebuilding your credit
after filing. To request a free copy,
send your name and address to: Con­
sumer Inform ation Center, Dept,
608C, Pueblo, CO 8 1009
Filing for bankruptcy is a big de­
cision, not to be made in haste. First
explore other methods o f handling
yourdebt.suchas setting up payment
schedules with your creditors. I f you
do decide bankruptcy is your best
option, you should probably seek
legal help. A lawyer w ill fill out the
necessary paperwork and make sure
you keep the property and other as­
sets to which you’ re entitled.
After filing, keep in mind that
yourcredit record w ill reflect a bank­
ruptcy for 7 to 10years. Rebuilding
your cred it won ’ t happen over night,
but as you demonstrate your ability
to pay bills on time and manage
your finances properly, you can
gradually regain the trust o f credi­
Learn more by sending for Bank­
ruptcy. When you write, you also
receive a free copy o f the Consumer
Information Catalog, listing more
than 200 free and low-cost federal
publications on a variety o f con­
sumer topics.
Baby Safety
There’s a lot for a parent to know
about a c h ild ’s safety and develop­
ment: how to successfully breast­
feed or choose the right formula for
your baby, when to give your baby
vitamins or over-the-counter drugs,
how to reduce the risk o f injury to
your baby at home, how to buy safe
toys, and so on.
Four booklets from the Consumer
Information Center answer these im­
portant questions. The booklets con­
tain safety checklists for each room
in the house, toy buying guides for
children from birth to 12 years old,
important advice for giving medi­
cines to your chi Id, and an invaluable
explanation ofthe various infant for­
mulas available and the basic value
o f breast-feeding.
Safety for children is everyone's
business. It’ s important to ensure that
your baby has a safe start in life.
Get all four booklets by sending a
check or money order for $ I to Baby
Safety, Pueblo, Colorado 81009.
When you write, you’ ll also receive
a free copy o f the Consumer Infor­
mation Catalog which lists more than
200 free and low-cost federal con­
sumer publications.
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‘It takes a village to raise a child", in this case children. In the spirit o f Junteentf^eighborhood
organizers (back, left to right) James Arnold, L.B. Anderson, and Ray Hinkins celebrate this year's
Juneteenth festivities with participating children.
Call 503-288-0033
Public Libraries And McDonald's Kick Off
The Summer Reading Program
For the second year, M cDonald’s
restaurantsofOregon andSW Wash­
ington are pleased to co-sponsor
Summer Reading Programs in pub­
lic libraries throughout Oregon and
S o u th w e st W a sh in g to n . O ve r
100,000 children w ill benefit from
reading programs this summer.
“ McDonald's is very happy to con­
tinue our partnership with the public
libraries,” said Howard Hayashi,
President o f the Oregon and SW
Washington M cDonald’s Operators
Association. “ We have always had a
strong commitment to education and
know that libraries and their Sum­
mer Reading Program enhance good
habits among young people.”
The program originated in 1984
with the goal to encourage young
people to become lifelong library
users, for both information and rec­
T w e lv e years later, the pro-
gram now in vo lve s over 50,000
c h ild re n in sum m ertim e lib ra ry
a c tiv itie s . W ith the budget o f
many lib ra rie s s h rin k in g w h ile
th e ir use increases, it has become
d if fic u lt to raise m oney to buy
m aterials fo r the program .
“ The Summer Reading Program,
which has the appropriate theme for
1996, Everyone a Winner Read!,
has a positive influence on children
and their love for books,” said Brian
Bond, Chairperson o f the O LA C hil­
dren's Services Division. “ McDon­
ald's funding greatly enhances the
ability for each public library to af­
ford to offer this popular and valu­
able program.”
McDonald's sponsorship w ill pro­
vide participating libraries with the
Summer Reading Program Manual;
along with McDonald's food cou­
pons and the scholastic book. Mum­
mies Don't Catch Softball.
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