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EMS personnel were escorted to the assigned Housing floor and after conducting a medical assessment, determined the inmate was deceased. The inmate was pronounced dead at 5:42 p.m. The cell was sealed off and the Multnomah County Medical Ex­ aminer was contacted and notified of the death The Medical Examiner a MCSO Law Enforcement Depu ty, and MCS, Detectives all re­ sponded to MCDC to investigate the inmate suicide. The Medical Examiner deter mined that the inmate died as a direct result of a self inflicted inju­ ry. No suicide note was discovered at the scene The deceased is a white male and identity will be released pend­ ing notification o f the next of kin through the M ultnomah County medical Examiners Office. Wanted Homicide Suspect Los Angeles Police Department South Bureau Homicide Detectives, in ctxiperation with Crime Stop­ pers. are asking for your help in locating and apprehending Andre Pierre Motley, who is a homicide suspect in Los Angeles, believed to be in the Portland metropolitan area. Andre Pierre Motley, who uses the aliases Andre Pierre Matley and Errol Stancell, is a 37-y ear-old male, black. 6' tall. 200 pounds, with a medium complexion, brown eyes, and black hair, which he may be Andre Pierre Motley How Could You Not Have A Job? Continued from Metro ▲ component o f the unemployable”, she looked up to behold my ebony countenance - the only black in a 100 member lecture class. Needless to say, I became ex­ ceedingly agitated by this experi­ ence — and energized. 1 got Mr Lucious Hicks to engage my serv ic­ es as a business instructor at the Portland State University Albina Extension Center where he was the administrator. So, in addition to my daytime classes, I was now teaching a night class on Union Ave ( MLK BI vd.). To bring a pragmatic note o f reality to the class I brought in Mr. Conrad Rosing, the Vice President and former chief loan officer of the U S. National Bank to team teach with me The combination o f my years o f real-time business and accounting experience and Mr Rosings ’insid­ er' background in the banking in­ dustry worked very well in the de­ livery o f structured input that re­ sulted in some successful business enterprises. There were other time­ ly moves o f a nature that can be profitably used today. If there is to be even further attrition in jobs - and today's spurt is just a tempo­ rary gain for the few - then, we need to be about improving our financial position with all possible haste. C on't next week. wearing either long, or short, as shown by computer enhancement On February 2, 1996. Motley shot a man to death during a rob­ bery in south central Los Angeles Bail on the m urder charge is S 1.060,000. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash re ward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa­ tion reported to Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you do not have to give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503 ) 823-HELP Naito Parkway In asymbolic gesture. Mayor Vera Katz and members o f a committee working on an appropriate memorial to the late Bill Naito, unveiled a new street sign on Front Avenue display­ ing the proposed new name, “Naito Parkway" The name took affect 30 days after a City Council vote and public hearing. The name change affects Front Avenue from N.W. 15th Street to S.W. Barbur Boulevard Speaking at the event were Mayor Katz, C o m m issio n ers G retchen Kafoury and Charlie Hales, Sam Naito (Bill’s brother). Ruth Scott. President and CEO of the Associa­ tion for Portland Progress, and Sam Brooks. Executive Director of the Oregon Association of Minority En­ trepreneurs. “I w holeheartedly support the committee's recommendation for the renaming of Front Avenue in Bill's memory,” said Mayor Katz "People traveling this roadway will have con­ stant reminders of Bill along the route- -from the Japanese American His­ torical Plaza, which he took a leader­ ship role in developing, to the McCormick Pier Apartments, Albers Mill—to Old Town and his vision for the emerging River District. His sig­ nature can be found all along Front Avenue,” she added. Music Galore and Galore Paging Activate any pager for 25 cents! * N o G im m ic k s * N o C re d it C h e c k * N o H id d e n C o s t ly •■•.- * 10, 1996 • Tm P orti ano O bserver I don I know the key to » u ereM . hut the key Io fa ilu re ia Irv in g to pleane everybody. — B ill Cosby fabric Depot THE LARGEST. MOST CO MPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST July 9 through July 23,1996 PRINT SALE ALL PRINTS 30 0/ /o 0 OFF S ale in clu d es: C alicos. Drapery and U pholstery Fabrics. Bridal and S pecial O ccasion. S ilk ies. Rayons. C hildren ’s Wear, Animal Fake Fur, Active W ear, D enim s, O uterw ear F leece, Corduroys ALL KNITS Prints & Solids 30 OFF Includes: Sweatshirt Fleece. telour. Swimwear and Cotton Interlock ON THESE PATTERNS Outdoor Warehouse Sale Continues 10-6 Daily New Additions Weekly • McCall's • Simplicih • logue • Rutterick • Burda Minimum tut I tani Ml im-rriundisr as tv Ml s J n final 501 OFF • ‘2 • ‘3 * *4 per yd. ALL YARN 30% OFF EVERY DAY! BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS’’ •iMscounts do n»u apph to special purchase or pm mush disoHinietl or marked down items 7 9 thru 7 23 % Activates Any Pager! H M M F N 3213 N. E. Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 #(503) 288-9180 RETAIL H O W S : 1 84 $ / / / STARK STREET £ ? «XI CM ★ M OVHtl9unim -9(ll)pm sen w m SI A I M HHMlom-'pin W HOLESALE H O IK S : M 0 M W '9 te n -S 9 lp m SAIT RJ)\Y 9TNUm-Spm SI MMV11 llTun-cpm RETAIL- WHOLESALE FREE PARKING Plenty of CARS • BUSES • RVs 700 S.E. 122nd Ave Portland, OR 252-9530 tLliv ^JnrtlaiTÒ (Ohserüex’ LUGI c O í TICS T hc K orcrn A merican G rocery A ssociation Alberta Street Market, 915 N.C. Alberta 281- 6388 of O regon Dekum Food Market, 800 N.C. Dekum Owner: Sonny Kim 283-1240 Boston Market, 726 N.C. Killingsworth 282- 6776 Ainsworth Market, 5949 N.€. 30th 281-0479 Prescott Corner Market, 1460 N.E. Prescott 284-7418 King Food Mart, 3510 N.€. MLK Slvd. 281-0357 285-8006 KC2 Food Market, 1301 N.6. Dekum 289-7430 Owner: Tom Choi Sunny’s Market, 5020 N. Interstate Owners: Gil S. Kim Si Jung Jo Kim 283-1240 UJe flppReciRTe Y our B usiness and S upport T hank Y ou • *