Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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Invitation To Bid
Park Improvements
Fruit Valley Park
Notice is hereby given that the City of Vancouver, W ashing­
ton, will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 11.00 a.m.
Pacific Local Time, Monday, August 5, 1996, and publicly
opened and read aloud at that time on the same day in the
Council Chambers, 1st Floor of City Hall, 210 East 13th
Street, Vancouver, Washington, for:
Asphalt and concrete demolition, asphalt trails, as­
phalt patching, concrete sidewalks, bollards, turf
repair, and other related work.
Bids shall be in accordance with the specifications and other
contract documents on file in Contract Administration Lower
Level, City Hall, phone (360) 696-8181, where copies may be
obtained. Bid results may be obtained the morning after the
bid opening by calling (360) 696-8125.
This project is financed through the Community Development
Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development. The con­
tract will be subject to regulations of the Department of Labor
and Housing and Urban Development.
Attention is called to Federal Provisions for Equal Opportuni­
ty, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minimum wages as
set forth in the contract documents.
All bids shall be addressed to the attention of the Purchasing
Agent, Vancouver City Hall, 210 East 13th Street P O Box
1995, Vancouver, Washington 98668. All bids delivered shall
be delivered to the Purchasing Agent, Lower Level, City Hall,
210 East 13th Street. Bids shall be placed in an envelope
which is sealed and which clearly states the name of the
bidder, the date of the bid opening, and appropriate wording
to indicate definitely the nature of the contents. Do not send
bids by Fax. Bids submitted via Fax will not be accepted.
The following is applicable to federal-aid projects. The City of
Vancouver, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Riqhts Act
of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000-4 and Title 49
Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation’
subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, non-discrimination
in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transpor­
tation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders
that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into
pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises
will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to
this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the
grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an
The City of Vancouver is committed to providing equal oppor­
tunities to State of Washington certified Minority, Disadvan­
taged and W om en’s Business Enterprises in contracting
activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56, Laws of 1975, 1st Ex.
Sess., State of Washington.)
All bid proposals must be accompanied by a bid proposal
deposit in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or surety
bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount
of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter
into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond
within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal
deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Vancouver.
The City of Vancouver reserves the right to cancel this
invitation or reject any and all bids submitted or to waive any
minor formalities of this call if in the judgement of the City
Council the best interest of the City would be served.
No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the
opening thereof, unless the award of contract is delayed for
a period exceeding thirty (30) days.
V. Marcelyn Jandreau
Purchasing Agent
Sub And Supply Bids Are Requested For:
Western Oregon State College
Werner College Center Additions & Renovations
Earthwork, Demolition, Utilities, and Foundations
Building Demolition, Earthwork, Underground Piping, Concrete Supply,
Concrete Foundation Work, And Reinforcing Steel
Bid Date: July 31,1996 5:00pm
Bid to: Wildish Building Co. (CCB# 34429)
P.0. Box 7428
Eugene, OR 97401
Contact: Bob McDonald
Phone: (541)485-1700
We Request Bids And Encourage Pre Bid Contact From OMWESB Firms
For The Subcontract And Supply Opportunities Of This Project.
Advertisement For Bids
Supplemental Information Advertisement
Siletz Indian Housing Authority (SIHA), Owner
Siletz, Oregon 97380
Department Of Transportation
Call For Bids
Sealed bids for the construction of the following Low Rent
Dwelling Unit Project for the Siletz Indian Reservation, O re­
gon, will be received by Ms. Connie Hoffman, Executive
Director of the SIHA:
| Project Number OR97B035007 Consisting of 25 Units Low
Rent Housing.
Bids will be received no later than August 15, 1996. Local
Time, 3:00 p.m. at the office of the SIHA; 555 Tolowa Court;
Siletz, Oregon 97380 after which time they will be opened
publicly; and read aloud. Bids received after this time will not
be accepted.
Bids Are invited From Qualified Indian And Non-Indian Owned
General Contractors. The Contract will be awarded in accor­
dance with the Indian Preference Policy of the SIHA and the
policies of HUD's NW Office of Native American Programs at
Seattle, Washington; in accordance with the Federal Regis­
ter, Monday, April 1 0 ,1 9 9 5 ,24CFR Part 950 Indian Housing;
Indian Preference Final Rule. For this project, only the Qual-
i ified Indian Bidders are entitled to the Indian Preference.
Information regarding the requirements for qualification of the
Contractors and the details of the amount of preference to be
given to the Qualified Indian Bidders will be found in the
Advertisement For Bids and further information is available
on request from the SIHA. A single Prime bid will be received
for this Project. Bids will be on a Lump Sum basis for the
General Contract which includes all phases of the construc­
tion work complete.
1 The project to be located on one site on Judd Road in Siletz,
Oregon, will consist of site development and construction of
twenty-five (25) units of housing. The housing units will
consist of the following:
1-Five (5) Plex one (1)-Bedroom Elderly
1-Triplex two (2)-Bedroom Elderly
1-Duplex one (1)-Bedroom Family
1-Fourplex one (1)-Bedroom Family
I 1-Triplex two (2)-Bedroom Family
1-Fourplex two (2)-Bedroom Family
1-Fourplex three (3)-Bedroom Family
Construction is all of sim ilar design with light wood framing;
wood floor framing over crawlspaces; wood roof trusses, lap
siding and composition asphalt shingles. Sitework includes
hookup to city sewer and water, grading, asphalt paving,
concrete curbs and sidewalks, and site lighting.
Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the
SIHA Office, Connie Hoffman, Executive Director at 555
Tolowa Court; Siletz, Oregon 97380. Phone number 1-800-
922-1399 ext 310. Questions may be addressed to the
architects Representatives Larry Anderson at (505) 237-
0086, TSA LA Gl, Inc.; 11930 Menual North East Suite 213;
Albuquerque, NM 87111, or Frank E. Kohl at (701) 222-3990,
TSA LA Gl, Inc.; 3130 East Broadway; Post Office Box 2477;
Bismarck, ND 58502. The plans are available upon payment
of $75.00. The amount will be refunded upon the return of the
set of documents in good condition within fifteen (15) days
after the bid opening.
There will be a Pre-Bid Conference at the SIHA Office; 555
| Tolowa Court; Siletz, Oregon on August 6, 1996, at 1:00
PUL Contractor's claiming Indian Preference must submit
evidence of eligibility on or before this time. The advertise­
ment for bids for the project does not commit the SIHA to
award a contract nor to pay any costs incurred in preparation
of a bid or to procure any contract for services or supplies. The
SIHA reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any
information or irregularities and to re-advertise when it is in
the best interest of the SIHA.
Connie Hoffman, Executive Director
Siletz Indian Housing Authority, Siletz, OR 97380
Sub-Bids Requested
Northgate Park Improvements
N. Geneva Avenue and N. Fessenden Street
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: 7/11/96 Bid Time: 2:00p.m.
Silco Construction Company
P. O. Box 8299
Portland, Oregon 97283-0299
Phone: 503-286-8155 Fax: (503) 286-8079
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids
from disadvantaged, women, and emerging small business enterprises.
Restitution Center Supervisor
Apply by July 26, 1996
Senior Assistant County
Apply by July 26, 1996
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
693-4098 fui inform ation.
County application and sup­
plemental application forms
required. Apply to:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Morrow & Heppner Hwy Bridges Section of the Heppner
Hwy. This project was originally advertised in the
June 13, 1996, bid opening. The $20 charge for
this project will be waived. There will be a man­
datory prebid meeting on July 16,1996, at 1:00
PM, in the Yellowhawk Conference Room of
the Tribal Government Complex, 5 miles east |
of Pendleton.
Palmer Creek Bridge Section of the Salem-Day­
ton Highway in Dayton. 5% DBE goal. DBE sub­
ject to Commercially Useful Function (CUF) re­
quirements. Earthwork and Drainage.
MP 12.8 Slide Stabilization Section of Three
Rivers Highway approx. 32 miles southeast of j
Tillamook. 4% DBE goal. DBE subject to Com ­
mercially Useful Function (CUF). Earthwork and
Klamath Oregon California and Eastern Rail Trail Section
in Klamath Falls. 3% DBE goal. DBE subject to
Commercially Useful Function (CUF) require­
ments. AC Pavement & Oiling.
Amazon Parkway & 29th Ave Park and Ride
Section of various city streets in Eugene. 8% DBE
goal. DBE subject to Commercially Useful Func­
tion (CUF) requirements. Work to be performed
by the contractor’s won organization will be less
than 30% of the awarded contract amount for this
MP 27 S lid e S ta b iliz a tio n S e ctio n of the
OregonCoast Highway 4.9 miles south of Sea­
side. Earthwork & Drainage.
Grant &
John Day-Burns Rockfall Section of the John
Day- Burns Highway between Burns and John
Day. Rock Protection.
W estm o rela n d Park P e d estrian /B ike w ay
Bridge Section in Eugene. 10% DBE goal. DBE
subject to Commercially Useful Function (CUF)
requirements. Reinforced Concrete and Struc­
tural Steel Bridges and Grade Separation Struc­
MP 276-MP 279 (Northbound I-5) Section of the
Pacific Highway (I-5) approx. 5 miles north of
Woodburn. AC Pavement & Oiling. There will be
a mandatory prebid meeting at the ODOT
Materials Lab, Main Conference Room, 800
Airport Rd, Salem, OR, 1:00 PM, July 15,1996.
Deschutes Bend Parkway, Unit 2B Section of The Dalles-
California Highway in Bend. This project con­
tains fuel and ashalt escalation clauses. Work
to be performed by the contractor’s own orga­
nization will not be less than 30% of the award­
ed contract amount for this project. A non­
mandatory prebid meeting will be held at 10:00
AM on July 16, 1996, In Bend.
Klamath Washburn Way Intchg and Hilyard Ave to Joe
Road Section of the South Klamath
Falls and Midlands Highways in Klamath Falls.
Earthwork and Drainage. THIS PROJECT CON­
SaltCreek Falls Camp-Klamath County Line Sec-1
tion of the Willamette Highway 55 miles east of
Eugene. 18% DBE goal. DBE subject to Com ­
mercially Useful Function (CUF) requirements.
Earthwork and Drainage. This project contains
fuel and ashalt escalation clauses.
Plans, specifications and bid documents may be obtained in
Room 1, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310
Plans may be ordered by phone at (503) 986-3720 or by
facsimile at (503) 986-3224. There is a $20.00 charge for I
plans and specifications per project. Prime contractors
must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For
additional information regarding pre-qualification, please con-
tact Fran Neavoll, Program Section, at (503) 986-3877.
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone
CITY OF WEST LINN Job Opportunity
For The
Fire Marshall/Emergency Planner
This position is responsible for planning, organizing and directing all
aspects of fire prevention. Comprehensive details available upon
request. Beginning salary is $3208/mo. Successful candidate
must pass pre-employment drug screen. Application packet
available at West Linn City Hall, 22825 Willamette Drive, West Linn,
OR, or call (503) 656-4518 TDD. Completed application deadline is
August 9, 1996, 4:30 PM. EEO
Service Worker
Cleans District vehicles and fa­
cilities and performs routine
maintenance on District equip-
ment, buildings, bus stop
signs and bus shelters. Start­
ing wage $9.61 per hour.
Come in or contact us at 503-
588-2885 ext 2236 to obtain
official application form and
detailed vacancy announce­
ment which lists qualification
requirements. Send complet­
ed application form to Salem
Area Mass Transit District,
Human Resources Division,
3140 Del Webb Ave NE, Sa­
lem, OR 97303. Application
must be received by District
by5:00p.m. July 19,1996. An
equal employment opportuni­
ty employer.
Sub & Supplier Quotes Requested
4th & Yamhill Parking Structure Addition
Washington County
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on July 25, 1996 for
the projects listed below:
City of Portland
Bids Due July 26,1996 at 3:00 PM
U.S. Pacific Builders, Inc.
Parkside Business Center - Bldg. 16
8235 SW Cirrus Drive
Beaverton, OR 97008-5995
(503)643-5580 Fax (503)643-9636
Attention: Scott Chapman I Giles Ganey
CCB #83462
Sub Bids Requested
Expo Center Expansion
Portland, Oieyun
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub bids from all interested
Subcontractors and Suppliers including Minority and Women-Owned Businesses,
Bid Pkg CCD No. 3 - Architectural
Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterprises.
Bids Due: July 23, 1996 at 2:00pm
Plans Available July 10,1996
( (ill I f >r Advertisement ( '>0A) 2ôfi-00AA
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR CCB #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses