/ 4 • P age B4 J uly 10, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver A L T E R N A T I V E S The Word Of God by M argaret I saacs The Word of our God endures forever! The Bible is the combat manuel of the Saints of this world. We are at war and the bible is our two edged sword. The Word of God takes the pain out death and gives hope to the hopeless. It is indestruc­ tible and gives authority to cast out demons, to heal the sick, feed the poor, clothe the naked and defeat satan on every hand. The Church must stop whining, and step forth on the Word of God. There is no need for depression, for greed, for covetousness, for we are already victorious through God, the Father; through God, the Son and through God, the Holy Ghost. The joy of the Lord is your strength. The Lord gives joy and peace and contentment. If you know that you shall overcome, there is no need for the face of defeat and Lamentation; no need for the sour, heavy scowl, the distrust, the tears, the lack of faith, the sackcloth and ashes; God is greater that your sorrow therefore, dwell not on death, for this is not the end for anyone who believes. Let no man take your joy! A joyless Chris­ tian is a defeated Christian. A Luke­ warm Christian is a bad taste in the mouth of God...and he will "spew thee out”. If you stand for nothing; you will Lie down for anything. God did not create us unhappy, unloved, unsure, unwanted, joy less, hopeless, greedy, without direction, without a place to go and without the means to get there. We are created in the im ­ age of God, like unto him, sustained by his Word, fed by his Word, led by his Word and saved eternally by his Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God and the Word was with God; and the Word of God is the Bible; free food for those who will eat of it; digest it and live by it. Happy is the man that knows God, beloved is the man that calls God Savior and Master; confident and steadfast in his pursuit of righteous­ ness is the man who relies on God ; Bold, strong, unmovable is he who places his trust in God; for his home is not here, therefore, his heart is not here; he cannot be swayed or bought or detoured from the path of the by: -distributing an "action alert" to ali neighborhood block watch cap­ tains; -contacting active fo o t patrols and request their routes include neigh­ borhood churches; -encouraging all residents to keep their outside lights on; -disseminating information prepared by the Police Bureau and Fire Bureau; -calling on all neighbors to become more alert and observant in areas o f where churches are located; -offering to assist in organizing more block watches where churches exist; -offering to provide training to citizens interested in forming foot patrols; -working with the Police Bureau's Information and Referral on rumor control. The Episcopal Diocese o f Ore­ gon. under the leadership o f the Right Reverend Robert L. Ladehoff and the Diocesan Council, m eet­ ing in June 21, unanimously adopt­ ed a resolution regarding the trag­ ic burning o f churches. The Episcopal Diocese o f East­ ern Oregon and the Rt. Rev. Rust in Kimsey jo in in this public state­ ment. Churches are burning. We can­ not be silent. It is time to say NO. We reject the torching o f houses o f worship as outrages against the human community. We decry these ac­ tions o f apparent racism and big­ otry. It is time to say Yes. To our brothers and sisters under attack, to the values o f freedom and ju s ­ tice. to respecting the dignity o f every person. The people o f the Episcopal Church o f Oregon publicly stand against these violent acts. We pledge ourselves to address in our own congregations the is­ sues o f racism and o f enhancing ways to promote respect fo r the dignity and worth o f all people. The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon B erm i I, PovvEi.i. J ackson I recently received a letter from Rodney Slater, the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration, who wrote o f visiting the grave of Alex Haley, the author o f Roots. Mr. Slater recalled that on Alex Haley’s tombstone are the words, “Find the good and praise it.” It’s been a difficult summer al­ ready and we’re only at the begin­ ning o f it. Churches burning across this land. More Supreme Court deci­ sions setting back voting rights for African Americans in the South and affirmative actions for students in Texas. But there have also been some good things which have happened and we need to praise them. There have been some moments when hu­ man decency and love won out. We must celebrate those signs o f hope in io order to go on. There were few reports about her. NBC Evening News did a focus on her, but I didn’t see or hear or read any othermentionsofKeisha Thomas. But Keisha Thomas is an example o f the good. Maybe you saw a few seconds of footage on television news showing a sc u ffle betw een M ichigan Klansmen and anti-Kian marchers a few weeks ago. It happened in Ann Arbor and the marchers soon were battling on the streets. And when the anti-Kian marchers began to pum­ mel and kick a man who had tripped and fallen in the melee and who was dressed in a Confederate flag tee- shirt, Keisha Thomas, an 18-year- old African American woman, threw herself over him to stop the crowd. “ He was just a man,” was all Keisha could say, in explaining why she won BY N ita J. R oleinson A recent tabulation concluded that there are ten main religions and 10,000 sects. O f these, 1200 exist in the US. Did you know that Jesus Christ and his faithful disciples were viewed as a sect? (Acts chapter 28, verse 22). Many factors have contributed to the devel­ opment of new religious groups. Some have said that the various religions all represent different ways of presenting religious truth. But a comparison of their teaching and practices with the BIBLE indicate rather that the diversi­ ty of religion is because people have become followers of men rather than God. So the question is, are all reli­ gions acceptable to God, and how can we identify the true religion? Jesus gave us the identifying marks of a true Christian: 1. Love for God and one onother. True worship emphasizes not ritual and outward show but genuine love for God, shown by obedience to his com­ mandments and by love for one’s fel- lowman. (Matthew 15:8,9; 1 John5:3; I John 3:10 to 18; John 4:21; John 13:34,35) 2. True Christians would have faith in the value of Jesus shed blood and eternal life that it makes possi­ 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 J ble. (John 3:16) Appreciation is shown by obeying Jesus and sharing person­ ally and zealously in the works he assigned to his followers. (Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:19,20) protected him. He didn’t deserve to be beaten for his beliefs, even those she disagreed strongly with, she im­ plied. The picture of this young woman called to mind a similar picture o f Archbishop Desmond Tutu a few years ago throwing himself over a man believed to be an informer by an angry crowd of black South Afri­ cans. It was only Bishop Tutu's ac­ tion which stopped this man from being killed. I doubt whether the Ann Arbor crowd would have killed this Kian supporter, but they certainly could have done great injury to him. My prayer is that this man will be changed by that day and come to see African Ameri­ cans in a new light and that he will never again wear a shirt with aConfed- erate flag on it. SHOOTOUT FOR CHRIST! THREE-POINT SHOOT-OUT CONTEST 128 NE Russell, Saturday, July 6, 1996 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm 3. True Christians would be sep­ arate from the world. (John 15:19) True Christians have faith that Gods Kingdom under Christ will replace all human governments and will become the one government over all human­ kind. (Daniel 7:13,14; Daniel 2:44; Revelation 16:14,16: Isaiah 34:2; Isaiah 9:6,7). 4. There is no clergy-Laity dis­ tinction among true Christians. (Matthew 20:25 to 27: Matthew 23:8 to 12). 5. Christians must conform To Bible standards regarding blood as well as sexual morality. (Acts 15 :28.29). Christians are to be morally clean; fornication, adultery, and ho­ mosexuality must have No place in their lives, neither should drunkenness or drug abuse. (1 Corinthians 6:9 to 11: 2Corinthians 7:1) Speaker: J.W. Friday 6. Acceptable worship of God requires that we love him above all else. (Luke 10:27; Deuteronomy 5:9) Love of God requires of true Chris­ tians not only that obey his command­ ments to love their neighbor but also that they NOT love the immoral and materialistic way of life. True Chris­ tians are NO part of the world and so refrain from joining in activities that would identify them as sharing its spir­ it. (Romans 13:8,9; I John 2 :15 to 17; John 15:19; James 4:4). If our religion is lacking in anyone of these areas, we are in grave danger, for Revelation Chapter 18, verse 4 tells us to GET OUT of her (false religion) If we do not want to receive part of her sins and her fate. ALL FALSE RELIGION AND THEIR SU PPO R T E R S W ILL BE D E ­ STROYED. To learn more about the fate of false religion join us free of charge without delay at 6836 N.E. 7th comer of Dekum Sundays 10 A M. to 12. Tuesdays 7:30 to 9:15 p.m .orask any of Jehovah's Witnesses. Summer Day Camp A christ-centered camp where children will be involved in weekly themes and child-centered activities. Do you need a place for your children this summer? Mt. Olivet has the camp for you. This is an excellent licensed program with certified teachers. O n ly 5 0 sp a c e s available. C ontact: Melissa White/Lisa Parks, SummerCamp Dircctor(503)240- 0326. Call Mt. Olivet SummerCamp at 240-0326 for registration informa­ tion. J ourney SUNDAY 6 P.M. PHONE: 503-323-2406 BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR Trophies and Prizes W IN a walkman, basketball, or music cassette! Come for a fun time: ages 9 - 20 plus For Information, Call Danny at 249-3750 all participants must stay for complete program for food Sponsored by Grace Collins Memorial Community Center LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! F am pus U.S. W om en's A lp in e S ki Team Diet During the non-snow off season the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team members used the "Ski Team" diet to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. That's right - 20 pounds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chemical food action and was devised by a famous Colorado physician especially for the U.S. Ski Team. Normal energy is m aintained/very important!) while reducing. You keep “fu ir - no starvation - because the diet is designed that way. It s a diet that is easy to follow whether you work, travel or stay at home. (For men, too!) This is, honestly, a fantastically successful diet. If it weren't, the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski learn wouldn't be permitted to use it! Right? So, give yourself the same break the U.S. Ski Team gets. Lose weight the scientific, proven way. Even if you've tried all the other diets, you owe it to yourself to try the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team Diet. That is, if you really do want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order today! Tear this out as a reminder. M t Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY "Where the Best is Yet to Be! ” Morning Star Baptist Church Send only $8.95 ($9.60 in Calif.)-add .50 cents RUSH service to: American Institute, 7343 El Camino Real, Suite 206, Atascadero, CA 93422. Don't order unless you expect to lose 20 pounds In two weeks! Because that’s what the Ski Team Diet will do. June 24 - August 16 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Children can attend fu ll days or halfdays. Location: Mr. Olivet Church, 8501 N. Chautauqua $50.00per week, (AFS.CSD.AMA payments accepted/ Age: 5 years - 12 years Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! F save us from sin; he died himself, and he raised himself, a perfect sac­ rifice, and he sent him self and he sent him self into the world, that we might not be alone to face the fallen angel; whom he has given authority in this world for a time. He sits beside him self on his Holy Throne and places him self in the hearts of men that they might worship him in spirit and in truth He Is God Jeho­ vah; He Is God, The Son and God , the Holy Spirit. “I am" in one per­ son, yet separate. Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the end of all things, above and under, and around about are his. The Power and the Glory and the Kingdom are his, even, he himself, infinite, beyond eternal. Amen. FREE Fried Chicken & Grilled Hamburgers Cjrace Covenant ‘J ettowship f and love him and worship and serve him according to that which God has given him. A man that is great in his own eyes, and demands service of the people, and boasts of himself, and sets his name on high, has no part in God, but serves another mas­ ter. This man shun, for he gives ungodly counsel, and leads away the unwary, the innocent and the un­ learned. Study (the Word of God) to show thyself a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. Be happy, for God is in his heaven and all is well with those who be­ lieve his Word, whose name is Jesus the Christ, Savior and Lord of his Created kingdom. He made us out of himself, and was born himself to FINDING THE GOOD AND PRAISING IT NCN CONDEMNS ARSON In solidarity with the entire City o f Portland, the Northeast Coalition o f Neighborhoods is disturbed with the fact that the crime o f arson was committed, and that the arsonist’s target was a place o f worship. The northeast community has a long history o f coming together in tim esof crisis. Today we stand ready to support our faith community. Therefore, the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is responding God, whose Creation he is. Man Is Not God, why then do you serve man? No man is greater, in the eyes of God, than any other man; for we all have gifts; We all have a place in “the True V ine” and we are all re­ sponsible forourow n beliefs and for the use of our own God given gifts. Let no man deter you from the use of your gifts for the glory of God. Study the word of God, and his will for your life will be revealed unto you. How can you become a vessel and a tool for God to use, if you are being used already by some man who calls him self a servant of God, but shows no characteristics of his Creator? Everyone who seeks him shall find him, and they shall know him A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY i