Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1996, Page 11, Image 11

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l m P or h and O bserver • J uly 10, 1996
Bonds wins All-Star
Home Run Derby
Barry Bonds o f the San Fran-
ciscoGiants won today’s Home Run
Derby by defeating Mark M cGwire
of the Oakland Athletics, 3-2, in the
championship round at V eterans
Stadium in Philadelphia.The Home
Run Derby is a traditional part o f the
All-Star Game festivities, and drew
62.304 tans. Bonds and M cGwire
advanced to the final round by
crowning 10 and nine homers, re­
spectively. Brady Anderson o f the
Baltimore Orioles, who currently
leads the major leagues with 30
homers, finished third with six.
Barkley accused
of punching man
In Cleveland bar
Dream Team III m em berCharles
Barkley of the Phoenix Suns has
been accused o f punching a man in
the nose at a Cleveland bar, accord­
ing to police reports. Jeb Tyler o f
New York filed a com plaint early
Sunday accusing Barkley o f assault.
Barkley filed a report accusing the
23-year-old Tyler o f using “bodily
force” against him. No criminal
charges were filed. Barkley was in
town for the Dream T eam ’s pre-
Olympic exhibition game against
Brazil. He played 20 minutes and
had seven points and four rebounds
in a 109-68 rout of Brazil at Gund
Giants Re-sign
DE Strahan, WR
The New York Giants today re­
signed starting right defensive end
Michael Strahan and wide receiver
Arthur Marshall. Term s o f both
contracts were not announced.
Strahan. a restricted free agent,
started 15 games last season and
recorded a career-high and team ­
leading? 1/2 sacks. The three-year
veteran out o f T exas Southern
missed seven games as a rookie and
moved into the starting lineup in his
second season, collecting 4 1/2
sacks. Marshall, an unrestricted
free agent, was acquired by New
York in 1994 and has been used as
a return man and third receiver.
Marshall recorded 17 receptions for
195 yards and a touchdown last year
and returned 12 punts for 96 yards.
T ru itt o n ly m o v e m e n t. L ife
happens at the level o f events,
not o f words. T ru s t m ovem ent.
— A lfred A d le r
T his week will m ark the I Ith an ­
niversary celebration o f the begin­
ning o f Sri C hinm oy’s w eightlifting
and the 9th anniversary o f 'Lifting
Up the W orld w ith aO n en ess-H eart.’
L ilting Up the W orld is a program in
w hich Sri Chinm oy honored indi­
viduals from all w alks o f life by
lifting them, w hile standing on a plat­
form, overhead with one arm -a tre­
m endous physical feat and a unique
tribute to men and w om en who had
them selves uplifted hum anity in their
ow n field. R e c ip ie n ts in clu d ed :
M other Teresa, R everend Jesse Jack-
son, O lym pians Carl Lewis, Roger
Kingdom and Ted Corbitt, as well as
G ram m y A w ard w inner, N arada
M ichael W alden and others.
It all began on June 26th. 1985,
when Sri Chinm oy becam e interested
in w eightlifting as a way to maintain
fitness when a knee injury prevented
him from running. W ithin a c o u p lc o f
years he both inspired and aston­
ished the world with am azing feats of
Q uickly progressing from lifting
40 pounds with one arm he then lifted
the equivalent o f his own body weight
o f 155 pounds. In January 1987, Sri
Chinm oy lifted 7,063 3/4-lbs with
Sir Chinmoy set a new record with the 'crunch abdomen-ups' when
he lifted a 302-lb weight on his stomach.
only his right arm and I 1/2 years
later he lilted the same weight using
only his left arm. “Prayer and m edi­
tation are my inner secret and my
outer secret,"the athlete confided.
“The physical body has to becom e a
pure and perfect instrum ent o f the
strength and pow er are com ing from
w ithin—from an inner source.” On
the standing ca lf raise he lifted 2,000
lbs and w ith Mr. O lym pia Judge
W ayne D em ilia officiating, he also
lifted his ow n body overhead with
one arm, 150 consecutive tim es in a
record tim e o f II m inutes and 13
Today Sri Chinm oy is show ing
age-defying versatility that can be an
exam ple and inspiration to every­
one. On April 27th he had the vision
to com plete 65 challenging events
for his upcom ing 65th birthday-a
series he titled 'R ainbow -D ream s for
1996'. O bserving one o f A m erica's
most significant holiday, F ath ers’s
Day, Sri Chinm oy perform ed co n ­
secutively, a series of eight most
difficult feats o f physical fitness, fol­
Sports Medicine Briefs
The Pulse knows
Are you working out too hard? The
answer is just a heartbeat away.
"Y our pulse is one o f the best fit­
ness indicators, and it can tell you if
you're pushing your body too hard,"
said Dr. John Cianca, asport-m edicine
expert at Baylor College o f Medicine
in Houston.
To use your pulse as a workout
gauge, a baseline must be established.
“Each morning for a week, take
your resting pulse before you get out of
bed," Cianca said. “C ount the number
of heartbeats in 10 seconds and then
multiply by six. Doing this for a week
wi II establish youraverage resting pulse
may go down as you get in better
physical shape. But if it goes up, you’re
overdoing it.
“If youraverage morning pulse has
been 50 beats per minute and all of a
sudden it shoots up to 60 or 65, it’s time
to let your body rest for a couple of
days,” C ianca said.
training' helps
The ability to concentrate can be im­
proved through practice. "The successful
athlete concentrates on the task at hand
and filters out everything else,” said Dr.
F rancis
P irozzolo,
C h ie f o f
Neuropsychology at Baylor College of
Medicine in Houston. “When our minds
are focused on the past or future, we
cannot be as effective in our present
Concentration involves not only pay­
ing attention to what is relevant, but also
being able to ignore the irrelevant.
“For example, while warming up by
playing catch, baseball or softball, pitch­
ers can work on refining their attention
skills by throwing to a specific target,”
Pirozzolo said. “A simple game of catch
becomes an opportunity to practice con­
centrating and increasing accuracy.”
Exercise may help
prevent arthritis
People whoexercise may be less apt to
develop arthritis.
"Exercise is key to keeping tendons,
ligaments and bones strong, and it can
also help people overcome arthritis, said
Dr. Sandra Sessoms, Associate Pn ilessi >r
of Medicine at Baylor College of Medi­
cine in Houston. "Studies show that a
walking program for moderately ad­
vanced osteoarthritis of the knee can be
W alking and cycling are both ex­
cellent exercises for preventing and
treating osteoarthritis, which is the most
com m on
fo rm
a rth ritis .
Osteoarthritis takes aim at the joints'
connective tissue, such as cartilage,
ligaments and tendons. The knees and
hips are especially susceptible.
Exercise strengthens connective tis­
sue, making arthritis less likely. Lack of
movement may lead to weak tissue and
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"R iddick B o w e m ay v ery w ell
be th e b est h e a v y w e ig h t in the
w o rld , an d w e ’re th rille d to be
d o n e s q u a b b lin g o v e r his c o n ­
trac t so th a t he can c o n tin u e his
q u e s t to p ro v e h e ’s th e b est in
th e w o rld as p a rt o f th e T im e r
W a r n e r /H B O S p o r ts f a m ily ,"
sa id L ou D iB e lla , S e n io r V ice
P re sid e n t o f P ro g ra m m in g , H BO
S p o rts .
C h ic a g o -b a s e d G o lo ta , o r i g i ­
n ally fro m P o la n d , w as la st seen
on H B O w h en he sc o re d an 8 th-
ro u n d I KO of D an e ll N ic h o lso n
in M a rc h . F a c in g e a c h o th e r fo r
th e first tim e , the tw o fig h te rs
b oth a p p e a re d in the 1988 O ly m ­
p ic s, w ith B o w e ta k in g th e s i l ­
v er m e d al a n d G o lo ta ta k in g th e
b ro n z e m e d a l fo r h is n a tiv e P o ­
lan d .
The B altim ore R avens released
veteran receiver A ndre Rison and
linebacker P epper Johnson on T u es­
day, saying they could not afford Io
keep them under the N F L 's salary
R avens ow ner Art M odell said
the team could not find a way to
retain the tw o players as well as sign
rookies and add veterans under the
T he m o v es sa v ed the R avens
som ew here around $3 m illion in sal­
ary cap room.
"T he d o o r rem ains open to them
to com e back and talk to us if they
test the m arket and do not find the
m arket open to th em ." M odell said
“They have to com e back on a new
basis, o b v io u sly .”
R ison, one o f the te a m ’s m arquee
players, signed a five-year. $ 17 m il­
lion co n tract w ith the C lev elan d
Brow ns before the 1994 season, in­
cluding a $5 m illion signing bonus,
that m ade him the N F L ’s highest-
paid receiver.
He rejected the te a m 's request to
low er his salary by $1 m illion and
add incentive clauses, according to
his agent. C harles T ucker. The re­
ceiv er had a career-low 47 catches
for 701 yards and three touchdow ns
last season.
Johnson led the team in tackles
last season with 195.
M eanw hile, the team cam e to
term s w ith receiver Floyd T urner,
who started 12 gam es for Indianapo-
lis last season and finished with 35
catches for 4 3 1 yards and four touch­
T erm s o f the agreem ent w ere not
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lim e since his im pressive 8th-round
T K O o f E nvander H olyfield on Nov.
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on u n defeated top-ranked h eav y ­
w eight co n ten d er G olota (28-0, 25
KOs) in a 10-round show dow n.
B ack on h is h o m e tu rf, th e
B r o o k l y n - b o r n s l u g g e r la s t
fo u g h t at the M e cc a o f b o x in g in
1993, w hen he sc o re d a d e v a s ta t­
in g I s t- r o u n d KO o f M ic h a e l
D o k es.
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ol file have o ttered their encourage­
m e n t an d a d m ir a tio n fo r S ri
C h in m o y 's recent athletic pursuits
including M other Teresa, M ikhail
G orbachev, N elson M andela,4-tim e
Mr. U niverse Bill Pearl, O lym pic
legends Al O erter and Carl Lewis.
Com m enting on his 65 Rainbow-
D ream s’, Sri Chinm oy states. "A ge
is in the m ind and not in the heart.
W ith determ ination we can conquer
the age barrier and go back to our
childlike heart. The old-age bond­
age-lim itations will return to the
childhood-freedom -dream s."
President N elson M andela sent
the following message for the Father's
Day celebration: "T he deep sense o f
peace and tranquility 1 perceived in
Sri C hinm oy was contagious, and we
all felt inspired and challenged by an
extraordinary man. It does not sur­
prise m e to learn that Sri Chinm oy
has enthusiastically entered into a
rem arkable fitness program which
would have defeated many others o f
sim ilar or even younger age. In d isci­
pline the body, we alsodiscipline the
mind, and I found Sri Chinmoy deeply
discipline the m ind, and I found Sri
Chinm oy deeply disciplined and at
peach with him self and the world.
Ju ly fire w o rk s c o n tin u e on
th e H B O S p o r t s e x c l u s i v e
H e a v y w e ig h t B o x in g : R id d ick
B o w e vs. A n d re w G o lo ta . p r e ­
s e n t e d l i v e f ro m M a d is o n
S q u a re G a rd e n in N ew Y o rk , on
a sp e c ia l n ig h t, T h u rs d a y , Ju ly
I I (9 :4 5 p.m . E T /6 .4 5 p.m . PT).
T h e H B O S p o rts b ro a d c a st team
of Jim L am p ley , L arry M erch an t
an d G e o rg e F o re m a n w ill be
rin g s id e to c a ll all the a c tio n ,
w h ich w ill be c lo s e d -c a p tio n e d
fo r th e h e a rin g im p a ire d and
p re s e n te d in S p a n ish la n g u a g e
on H B O .
R eturning to the ring for the first
M arquis • Boss M ecca • Pelle Pelle • Nappy
lowed by several other challenging
and charm ing events. Earlier in the
day he reached his goal in jum ping
from a standing position onto a plat­
form o f 33 inches-several inches
higher than a breakfast table!
In the first evening event, Sri
C hinm oy com pleted a total o f 7,(XX)
crunch sit-ups the most difficult type
o f sit-up-w ithout stopping in a time
o f one hour and nineteen minutes.
The fitness cham pion then set a new
record with the ‘crunch abdom en-
u p s’ w hen he lifted a 302-lb weight
on his stom ach 130 times using only
the abdom en muscles. It took two
strong young men to just lower the
m am m oth weight ontoSri Chinm oy’s
F ollow ing this, he w alked 250
m eters w earing a 100 pound weight
vest and then lifted a I5(X) pound
w eight stack twice using a standard
standing ca lf raise machine. The fi­
nal events were leg extensions of 120
pounds with first the right leg and
then the left leg and then 110-lb leg
curls with each leg separately. He
concluded the series by extending
2(X) pounds with both legs and curl­
ing 180 pounds with both legs.
M any individuals from all walks
M arquis
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