Volume X X V I, N um ber 28 C om m itted to cultural diversity. Game, Set, Match July 10, 1096 Sri Chinmoy, ABS solutely amazing! Junior Tennis Program introduces kids to the game. Reel 2 Real D mo blurs the boundaries o f soul and funk with sun- kissed Caribbean melodies. 65-year-old record breaker celebrates 9 years o f “Lifting up the World”. See Metro, page BI. See Sports, page B2. See Entertainment, page B3. ¿Tlic j.lnrtlaith 0a,-~ cl-, [TUB week $200,000 Benefits Youth Club I FIG Senate OKs Minimum Wage Hike The Senate has passed a bill to increase the minimum wage 90 cents over the next | two years to $5.15 an hour. The vote follows one earlier today in which law­ makers defeated a Republican amendment that would have exempted small business­ es from the wage hike. Bertha Gathers Strength Hurricane Bertha has curved slightly to the north, which is good news for the East Coast. With winds o f up to 115 mph, the storm battered the Bahamas and parts o f the Caribbean. Perry Blasted By Senators Defense Secretary W illiam Perry and other top military officials were blasted | today by a Senate committee looking into the bombing that killed 19 Americans at a base in Saudi Arabia. The senators ac- | cused Perry and Qen. John Shalikashvili, Chairman o f the Joint Chiefs o f Staff, and Gen. Binford Peay, Commander o f U.S. Forces in the G ulf, o f not doing enough to make U.S. forces safe. Perry suggested better intelligence-gathering to avert ter- I rorist attacks. President Clinton said today | he has full confidence in Perry and consid­ ers him a good defense secretary. Lamm Running For President Form er C o lo rad o G overn o r, D ic k | Lamm, has entered the presidential race. The three-term Democrat has decided to | seek the nomination o f Ross Perot’s new Reform Party, which picks its candidate in a two-pronged convention next month. Perot is being coy about his plans for | running, but has invited others to try. In his announcement today in Denver, Lamm accused the two major parties o f failing to I address difficult issues and said he would | welcome a battle against Perot if the Texas billionaire gets in. Lamm had his biggest national impact in the mid-1980s when he | suggested that terminally ill elderly had “a duty to die" rather than hang on by being | hooked up to lifesaving machines. US-China Trips President Clinton and Chinese Presi-1 dent Jiang Zemin may make official state visits to each other’s country. A White House spokesman said the visit by Nation- al Security Adviser, Anthony Lake, to B eijin g this week could set the stage for | presidential trips. But the spokesman said the trips probably would not occur this year, w hich means they would probably be contingent on Clinton being re-elected in November. U .S.-China relations have been touchy recently due to disputes over copy­ right protection, trade, human rights and Taiwan. j Senator Mark Hatfield (right) was at the Blazers Boys & Girls Club to witness the club's dedication ceremony. Linda White (left) the club Executive Director is jubilant at recieving a $200.000 gift recieved from National Boys & Girls Clubs of America. bv P romise K ing FRONT S E C T IO N policy issues affecting young people. Every Local Boys & G irls Club is a pri­ vate, non-profit agency with policy set by a volunteer board comprised o f local residents. Each club is managed by a full-time exec­ utive director, assisted by full-time career professionals, part-time assistants and pro­ gram volunteers. It offers daily programs promoting the health, social, educational, vocational and character development o f youth ages 6-18 It also seeks to impact young lives by building self-esteem and encouraging the development o f values and skills during crit­ ical periods o f childhood growth. In recent years. Boys & G irls Clubs of America has experienced dramatic growth, opening more than 900 new club locations since 1987 Many factors have contributed to B & G C A ’s successfu I outreach effort, among them strong partnerships with committed cor­ porations and foundations that provide in­ valuable support, and help raise funds and T Already, Hatfield has used his legislative power to butter the bread o f the youth clubs. Speaking at the dedication o f the Blazer B o y s & G irls C lu b o n M L K Blvd. the Senator said he relates to the youth Club because o f its genuine commitment to better the future o f the inner-cities’ less-privileged kids. “ Hoover cares for the kids and that is part o f my motivation,” Hatfield told a crowd o f city bureaucrats, politicians and corporate chieftains who gathered at the neighborhood youth Club. Ken O ’N eil, ofthe C lu b ’s Board o f D irec­ tors, says the Club has demonstrated a level o f commitment to the community since in- for children 6-18 years old. The programs emphasize educational achievement, career exploration, drug and alcohol avoidance, health and fitness, gang and violence preven­ tion, cultural enrichment, leadership devel­ opment and community service. The youth club also provides vital services to local clubs in program research and devel­ opment, personnel recruitment and training, facility design, construction and safety, fundraising, marketing and communications, evaluation o f club effectiveness against na­ tional standards, consultation with commu­ nity leaders interested in establishing new clubs, and addressing legislative and public aw areness on behalf o f Boys & G irls Clubs of America and local clubs. I he clubs' efficient use o f financial re­ sources has won national recognition. A sur­ vey, measuring private support, reported gifts to the national organization and local Boys & G irls totaling more than $286 m illion in 1994 The Boys & G irls Clubs o f Am erica’s tradition o f service to our nation’s youth began in 1860, when the first Boys C lu b was established in Hartford. Connecticut. I he national organization, o rigin ally named Federated Boys Clubs and later Boys Clubs o f America, was founded in 1906 by the 53 local clubs in existence a, that time. The purpose was to provide leadership and programs for its member clubs, while helping to establish new clubs in disadvan­ taged communities. I he Blazers' Club received a $200,000 donation from its parent body during the dedication ceremony Actress Margaux Hemingway Passes Away At 41 n the eve of a tragic family Authorities said there were no signs o f a n n iv e rs a ry , a c tre s s -m o d e l forced entry or foul play. “ We have also Margaux Hemingway, a grand­ eliminated suicide as a cause,” Corral said in daughter of legendary novelist Ernest releasing the coroner’s preliminary findings. Hemingway, was found dead in her home, Hem ingw ay's friends became worried apparently of natural causes, officials earlier on Monday when they hadn't heard said Tuesday. from her in days, and that led to the discovery O The badly decomposed body o f the 41- year-old Hem ingway was discovered on Monday in her modest studio apartment near the beach, said Santa Monica Police Spokes­ man Gary Gallinot. The coroner’s office determined that Hemingway died from apparent natural caus­ es," most likely related to her history o f epilepsy, “ but a full autopsy will be needed before any fina1 conclusions can be made,” said spokesman Fred Corral. o f her body. It was "very decomposed” from the heat, and investigators relied on dental records to make an identification. Gallinot said. Hemingway, the older sister o f 34-year- old actress Mariel Hemingway, had well- publicized battles against alcoholism and eating disorders. Friends said she had recent­ ly become depressed about her prospects for reviving her career. She was the daughter o f Ernest Hemingway’s first son Jack, and her death comes almost 35 years to the day her Nobel Prize-winning grandfather was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. His wife said he accidentally killed him- selfwhileclcaninghis shotgun in his Ketchum, Idaho, home on July 2 , 19 6 1. but some friends said he had been despondent and likely com­ mitted suicide. Margaux Hemingway's death continues a grim family legacy. Her famous grandfather author o f such classics as “ For Whom the Bell T o lls” and “ A Farewell to Arm s" battled depression, alcoholism and nervous breakdown. His own father died by suicide. A neighbor. Peter Österlund, said he had seen the statuesque actress-model on the street the previous Saturday night and “ it looked like she was disturbed.” David Mirisch, Hemingway’s agent-man­ ager, said his wife, a close friend o f his client, told him she had been crying a lot lately. Friends had not seen her since Friday. They went to her building and had a laborer climb a ladder onto her second-floor balco­ ny. She was found dead inside. Hemingway had only recently moved to the apartment a block from the beach. The 6-foot-tall Hemingway became one ofthe nation’s top super-models in the 1970s, promoting a line o f fragrances made by Faberge She made her Hollywood debut with her younger sister, Mariel, in the 1976 movie “ Lipstick." ACETAMINOPHEN CAN BE HARMFUL FOR KIDS Heat Wave Death Toll Several straight days o f triple-digit heat have been blamed for the deaths o f as many as 16 people in northern Texas and Okla-1 homa. Nine elderly people died in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, where tempera­ tures have been as high as 105. The deaths o f at least three, and as many as seven Oklahom a residents, are being blamed on the heat. Most o f the victim s either had no j air conditioning or were too worried about high electricity bills to use them. C ity officials are urging elderly people to spend the hottest hours o f the day at museums, libraries or shopping centers. ception. here is no doubt that when Sen­ The Boys & G irls Clubs o f America com­ ator M ark Hatfield retires from prises o f a national network o f 1810 neigh­ Congress he intends to follow borhood-based facilities serving more than the foot path of his beloved mentor, 2.4 late million young people, primarily from President Herbert Hoover, who was a disadvantaged circumstances. champion for the Boys & Girls Club of The clubs provide guidance-oriented char­ America. acter development programs on a daily basis lowly, surely and with loving and unresponsive while taking Tylenol for a care, the mother of 14-month- fever. old Sophie unknowingly poi­ “ It's your worst nightmare,” the mother soned her precocious blond toddler, recalls. “ I'm her mother and I was killing destroying the child's liver and leaving her.” her on the brink of death. Sophie survived, thanks to an emergency S Not with arsenic or cyanide or exotic drugs-but with an unintended overdose o f grape-flavored infant Tylenol, sold over-the- counter as a safe alternative to aspirin and other pain-relievers. In September 1994, Sophie's mother, Deborah Regosin-Hodges, watched in grow­ ing alarm as her lively daughter turned pale, listless, diarrheic, and finally glassy-eyed partial liver transplant from her father per­ formed at the nearby University o f Califor- nia-San Francisco But she must take anti­ rejection drugs that can cause lymphoma, and her parents now worry about every sneeze and cough. Some children who took acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, Anacin 3, and many other remedies, weren’t so lucky. EDITORIAL HEALTH FAMILY HOUSING A2 A3 A5 A6 Lacy Keele, a 5-year-old award-winning baton twirler from Florien, La., died o f an overdose o f acetaminophen that shut down her liver after her mother substituted Extra- Strength Tylenol for regular Tylenol to treat a Christmastime cold "I think people get a false sense o f security that if you can buy it over-the-counter, it's safe, says Dr. Marvin Limpman ofConsum - ers Union, which advocates better labeling. No one is certain how many other Lacys and Sophies there are. At least 33 children below the age o f 13 died o f acetaminophen poisoning between 1970 and 1991, accord­ ing to a Food and Drug Administration re­ METRO S E C T IO N METRO BI SPORTS B2 port, and 152 others suffered serious conse­ quences ranging from hospitalization to per­ manent disability. I lie latest figures available from the Amer­ ican Association o f Poison Control Centers show 71 serious acetaminophen poisoning cases among children in 1994, with life- threatening or long-term complications in 10 o f them There were no deaths reported that year. Acetaminophen products are “exceeding­ ly safe," if taken as directed, says Rose Ann Soloway o f the Poison Control Centers. But critics say acetaminophen’s danger lies in its small margin for error. ARTS & ENT. B3 CLASSIFIEDS B5