V *• '• - . » . ? • ; « ? ''• ; * •. . v / * P ^ la : w ^ v •» j ' v » * ? * : / y , . r » .‘ - \ ‘- « ¿ Z* - i ..-/••.• r -. .'■. y • . . • • .« - .... - ’ » ' - .• - •• - . - • ’ • P age B4 J uly 3, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver A L T E R N A T IV E S I Do Not Agree Together As bv ‘Tribute To ‘The Heritage O f Quartet Music ■'»’ » a w * ££ Slim & The Supreme-Angets Mighty C lo u d ^ n ô ^ b X llia m s B r ô t h è r ^ Rarely does a tribute set new standards as this one truly does. “Be prepared fora well produced exhibition o f harmony & sty le. This excellent recording is more than fitting to the tribute," stated Brian Walton of the Washington Informer. “ It’s one o f the greatest record- ings w e’ve ever done because o f the tribute to Quartet Music. W e’re past time on this one. I’m glad we re a part o f this collector’s item,” said Joe Ligon, lead singer o f Mighty Clouds o f Joy. "It’s a real Down-Home Spiritual Project! It reminds m eofa soundtrack with such a heavy lineup like the Mighty Clouds o f Joy, Slim & The Supreme Angels and The Williams Brothers." said Glen Stevenson, Own­ er o f Paradise Music Store, Rome, Georgia “The impact o f this record will be so strong that every music lover in the country would want it in their collection. It’s an incredible inspi­ ration especially for the people who work at night such as taxi drivers, hospital workers and truck drivers who are on the road all night,” commented James Bullard, Gospel Vice President, Intersound. “This is a great piece o f history. What an incredible performance!” declared "Hossman", WLAC Ra­ dio, Nashville, TN. “ I feel real good about this p ro ject, even better than any others I’ve done in a long time, because it shows togetherness and lets the world know that Quartet singers are together and w e’re reaching out together for souls to be saved in the name o f Jesus Christ,” said Rev. “Slim" Hunt, lead singer of Slim & The Supreme Angels. DcumenicaCMinistries Decries African-American Churches Arsons Ecumenical M inistriesofO regon joins its voice in solidarity with our African-American brothers-and sis­ ters who have suffered the loss o f their churches through arson and firebombings, including and espe­ cially the members o f Immanuel Free Methodist Church in North Port­ land. We also denounce the recent burning o f a cross on the front lawn o f a Gresham resident. We urge federal, state and local law-enforcement officials to com ­ mit all possible personnel and re­ sources to bringing the perpetrators tojustice. In addition, we encourage investigators to treat these crimes as actsofracism and hatred, rather than simply as acts o f vandalism. While we encourage swift and just prosecution o f those who are responsible for these evil acts, we also understand that this is not the only needed solution. A m erica’s ra­ cial di visions are still not fully healed; indeed, they have been somewhat deepened in recent times. Only when we examine and deal with the under­ lying racism, that exists in many of our hearts and our institutions, will acts such as these truly be a memory. Portland M ennonite Church is planning a special service to show its solidarity with those who have been burned out o f their houses o f worship. On Sunday, July 28, the church will close its doors and con­ gregate outdoors for its 9:30 a m. service. The service will include mourning and repentance for the racism that still marks this county. The church will also celebrate "the good news o f fellowship, o f evil overcome by good, and o f G od’s healing for our lives and hearts.” Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon and Portland Mennonite Church urge congregations statewide to join in this effort by planning similar ser­ vices or other activities which show that good shall not be overcome by evil. I he Rev. Dr. F. Wayne Bryant, Executive Director o f Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon, said, “ I call upon every pastor in the EMO fam­ ily to exercise the prophetic privi­ lege o f the Sunday pulpit to speak in support o f our brothers and sisters o f color who are being harassed and abused by these senseless acts of bigotry. We cannot, we dare not, remain silent in the face o f this kind Summer Day Camp LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! A christ-centered camp where children will be involved in weekly themes and child-centered activities. Do you need a place for your children this summer? Mt. Olivet has the camp lor you. I his is an excellent licensed program with certified teachers. June 24 - August !6 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Children can attend fu ll days or halfdays. Location: Mr. Olivet Church, 8501 /V. Chautauqua $50.00per week, (A I-'S,C SD.A.Mi payments accepted) Age: 5 years - 12 years (Inly 50 spaces available. ( on ,act: Melissa White/Lisa Parks. SunimerCamp D irector(503)240- 0326. Call Mt. Olivet SunimerCamp a, 240-0326 for registration informa­ tion J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! o f intimidation. We must declare to those responsible, and 1 speak o f the rhetoric o f racism that gives permis­ sion and encouragement for such acts, that we will not tolerate the injustice o f such acts. For if we re­ main neutral, passive and silent, we are ourselves guilty o f the violence o f racism.” As we mourn with our brothers and sisters the losses they have ex­ perienced, may our anguish re-ener- gize us to stand firm with all who still work for racial reconciliation. Let us affirm and reaffirm the words o f the Apostle-Paul when he said that we are all one in Jesus C hris, (Galatians 3:38), and in the body o f Christ, “ ifone( part) suffers. they all suffer to g e th e r” (I C orinthians 12:26). Famçus U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team Diet During the non-snow off season the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team members used the Ski Team' diet to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. That's right - 20 pounds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chemical food acJ W t 3S deVM by 3 famous Colorado Physician especially for the U.S. Ski Team Normal energy is maintained/very important!) while reducing. You keep 'full' - no starvation - because the diet is designed at way. It s a diet that is easy to follow whether you work, travel or stay at home. (For men, too!) y ... Thi? is’ honestlY' a fantastically successful diet. If it weren't, the U.S. Women s Alpine Ski learn wouldn't be permitted to use it1 Riaht? So give yourself the same break the U.S. Ski Team gets Lose weiqht the scientific, proven way. Even if you've tried all the other diets you owe it >o yourself to try the U.S. Women’s Alpine Ski Team Diet. That is. if you really do want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order today' Tear this out as a reminder » "» w » Send only $8.95 ($9.60 in Calif.)-add .50 cents RUSH service to- American Institute, 7343 El Camino Real, Suite 206, Atascadero. CA 93422. Don't order unless you expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeksl Because that's what the Ski Team Diet will do. ©1995 SUNDAY 6 P.M. PHONE: 503-323-2406 St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR (frace Covenant ‘Jettowship ties, supervised entertainment, etc., for targeted age groups, where trou­ ble is likely to occur? It would make our Communities much more serene if we could hear (on the news pro­ grams) about these teen programs, jobs, teen sports, teen entertainment, etc., which are open to all teenagers. It seems that all we hear are the “bad” occurrences on the news, re­ ported in a manner to increase panic among the populations, especially among Senior Citizens. It seems that there are very few citizen organizations, police organi­ zations, news organizations, etc., “ that concentrate on prevention o f crimes, beginning with young vio­ lent offenders, rather than concen­ trating on “bad” behavior which has not occurred, as yet we have many laws regarding second offenders; We have many classes on how to handle and control gangs. Each year the Juvenile Courts send larger numbers o f children to be tried as adults; and these get top bill ing in the news. ” We have very poor probational supervi­ sion o f first or second teen offenders. Our solution is to fill the jails, especially if the offenders are Black or o f other ethnic origins. The news reporting of arrests made in the North­ east area is much more colorful, sug­ gestive; filled with more “key” panic words, than that o f those arrests made in other areas o f the city. One alternative to what I call “bad” reporting is to give the public news o f “good” happenings among the teen population. Report results o f successful teen programs. Report on what jobs are available and where they can be found. Report on Com­ panies, Churches, Charitable Orga­ nizations, etc., that offer all types of teen support. These are all our children! Gbbitiidrp. LaVera V. Taylor Smith October 12, 1919 - June 22, 1996 LaVera was from Waco, Texas. She came to Portland 1952. La Vera married Lawrence H. Smith, October 12 1940 in Omaha, Nebraska. Lawrence passed away June 14, 1994 She worked as a matron for Greyhound Algumated System for 25 years. Her memberships include: Past secretary/treasurer o f OACW (Oregon Assn, o f Colored Women); the Urban League Senior Citizens and was a driver for Meals on Wheels. There's no substitute for good legal counsel. .. Friends and family can only sympathize. But a Pre-Paid Legal Services membership will give you the legal support you need. Inexpensive. Easy to use. Effective in substantially reducing the costs associated with: • Family problems • Estate questions • Traffic violations • Trial representation • Small business advice 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Mt Olivet Baptist Church M a r g a r e t I sa a c s I have followed the reports on the news o f burning churches in our Country, as I am sure most o f you have done. I do not agree with the manner in which this news has been reported. The inappropriate words selected to sensationalize the events, the suggestions or speculations on where it will happen again, and whether i, might be racially motivat­ ed assumes that it will happen and will be racially motivated. Copy-cat participants in crimes are motivated and thrive on the fact that they will have top billing in the news. It is possible that these Church burnings are “the work o f one or two sick- minded oeople with imagined axes to grind, and not the organized ter­ rorist’s racially motivated p la n s...” and activities against Black religious establishments. This type o f news reporting also includes gang speculations, which I have heard several times on the news, beginning before school closures for the summer months, on the summer crime activities o f gangs in Port­ land. This increase in gang activity has not occurred, but it seems, ac­ cording to news reporters, that it is expected, and as a matter o f course, will happen. Suddenly all minors are the enemies o f all society ; and it Is only to be determined where and when the uprising o f gangs will oc­ cur. Cannot we, as citizens, expect straight reporting o f facts, instead of speculations on where, when, how the crimes will occur again and o f which group will be held responsi­ ble? Is it not a possibility that no gang activity will occur in Portland this summer; especially if families, police, neighborhood associations, etc., are quietly initiating social pro­ grams, jobs for teens, sport activi- Call today Your Name, Independent Associate & phone number Sundays at 11:30 AM (503) 282-3780 if Last Will and Testament prepared free of charge with membership. 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am. Bible Study. Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS Group discounts available. (X For More Information Call 288-1756. ATeaehing Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY "Where the Best is Yet to B e!” P re -P aid L egal S ervices , I nc . BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR Box 145 ADA, O klahoma 74820 ■H » Ì- W » *. ' i f f ■M M KM H Hnw ■MO ■> * «