P agi A 6 J uni 26, 1996 • T u r P o r i ’. and O bserver P o lic e JVcws Rottweilers Cramp Shelter Child Photographer Arrested On Friday, May 3 1, 1996, m em ­ bers o f the Child A buse Team ex e­ cuted a search w arrant at the resi­ dence o f Dickie Lee Stevenson, a w hite male bom on 4-26-50 Stevenson was arrested on two counts o f Harassment ( Bail $3.000) and one count o f Ex-Con in Posses­ sion o f a Firearm (Bail $10,000). I le was lodged at the Justice C enter Jail, subsequently released, and is not currently in custody Stevenson had been allegedly photographing young girls (ages 7- 10 years) in the Portland area. T he intent was to take pictures o f the girls with their dresses raised, d is­ playing their underw ear. The Child Abuse Team has tw o reported inci- m odel red Ford pickup with a pos- ] sible m atching canopy. T he subject would leave his vehicle and ask the child to pose for him. He w ould then "lose” a quarter or other change on the ground and ask the child to bend over and pick up the coins, or | dents o f Stevenson obtaining the photos o f young girls in this manner. O ther instances o f this sort may have occurred, but as o f yet are unreport­ ed. The Child A buse Team is asking for the p u b lic’s help in identifying other children harassed in this m an­ ner. D ickie Lee Stevenson is d e­ scribed as a w hite male, 45 years o f age, 5 ’7", 130 pounds, with brown hair and eye-glasses. I le drives a late sim ply pull the ch ild ’s dress up with one hand w hile photographing the results. A nyone w ith inform ation o f a sim ilar crim e, o r any contact with the subject, is urged to call the Child A buse T eam at 2 4 8 -5249 as soon as possible. A photograph o f the suspect is available in the Identification D ivi­ sion, on the 12th floor o f the Justice Center. Hit And Run At Clark College The Vancouver, Washington Po­ lice D epartm ent, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in identifying and appre­ hending the person responsible for a fatal hit and run accident. On Thursday. January 11, 1996, shortly after 10:00 in the evening, the victim, 20 year old K enneth Earl Thistle, was w alking near the roadway on the 1800 Block ofN orth V ancouver Way, in V ancouver, Washington. C onditions were described as "dark and foggy” when T histle was struck and fatally injured by a vehi­ cle which left the scene. Investigators are attem pting to locate the operator ofthe truck, which was seen in the area at about the time Hit a n d R un Victim, K e n n e th Earl T h istle ofthe mishap. The vehicle isdescribed asa white, late model, four wheel drive pickup truck, possibly a Chevrolet, w ith a maroon or red pin strip down the side. The truck had very large tires. and sat high o ff the ground. Evening classes w ere ju st g et­ ting out at C lark C ollege when the truck was seen stopped in the school parking lot preparing to enter the roadw ay o n to N orth V ancouver Way. At this tim e, the truck is a “vehicle o fin te re st” in the case, and investigators w ould like to talk to the driver. Because o f the heavy fog, there is a possibility that the driver responsi­ ble may not have seen the victim or realized they had hit something. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­ tion, reported, w hich leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e. Y ou can remain anon­ ym ous. Call at (503) 823-H E L P Personnel Changes, Promotions C aptain E d w a rd M ay, will be prom oted to C om m ander and as­ sume com m and ofC entral Precinct. Captain M ichael L in h a re s, will be in charge of, R.O.C.N. Captain W illiam B en n in g to n , and be in charge of, the Identifica­ tion Division. Lieutenant L a rry R atcliff, will be prom oted to C aptain be in charge of. the Tri-M et Unit. Lieutenant C .W . Je n s e n , Public Inform ation O fficer, will be prom ot­ ed to Captain in charge o f th e Inter­ nal Affairs Division. Sergeant M ich ael P ace, cu rren t­ ly assigned to the Personnel D ivi­ sion, will be prom oted to L ieuten­ ant. Sergeant G e o rg e B a b n ic k , cu r­ rently assigned to the Internal A f­ fairs D ivision, will be prom oted to Lieutenant. Burris Represents Youngest U.S. Criminal A tto rn e y Jo h n L. B u rris o f I O akland.Califom ia first came to na- I tional attention when his courtroom skills helped win beaten motorist, Rodney King, $3.8 million. Now, I Mr Burris is back in the news repre- I seating the six-year-old Richmond, was tivc- | week-old baby I C alifornia black youth w ho I charged with nearly killing a Doctors say that the infant victim permanent brain dam age I after being kicked and punched and I suffered possibly hit with a stick after the six- year-old and twin 8-year-old boys al­ legedly broke into his family apart­ ment to steal a Big Wheel tricycle. While acknowledging the serious­ ness to f the charges, and expressing deep sympathy for the infant’s family, Mr. Burris said, "you cannot solve the problems o f the juvenile justice sys­ tem on the back o f this six-year-old.” "It is outrageous for the prosecu­ to r’s office to hold this 6-year-old crim inally responsible for this unfor­ tunate incident. There has to be a better w ay to deal with som eone this young other than the crim inal jus-1 tice system .” Mr. Burris alsoquestioned wheth­ er th is “extreme” measure wou Id ha ve taken place if the youth had been white. "In the Bay area, there was a similar casea little over twenty years j ago. The white children involved actually k il led anotheryouth, but were placed in foster care. You have to be mindful o fth e fact that the system is j cutting this black kid little slack, unlike the two white kids," Attorney Burris said. T h ere a re m any d o g s a v a ila b le for a d o p tio n at th e O re g o n H u ­ m ane S o cie ty . D u e to th e in flu x o f a p p ro x im a te ly 60 r o ttw e ile r s from th e In g rid P earso n c a s e o v e r th e p ast w eek, th e S h e lte r is s e r i­ o u sly o v e rc ro w d e d . The society is asking that anyone who is considering adopting a dog into their fam ily to pay a visit to the shelter at 1067 NE C olum bia Blvd. where adoptable dogs are aw aiting new homes. The dogs available for adoption are not associated with the Pearson case. H ow ever, available space is badly needed to house the Pearson case anim als and the public can help by adopting the many other fine an ­ im als available. Pearson faces charges o f anim al neglect and abuse stem m ing from the M ay 24 seizure o f 31 rottw eiler p uppies and five adults and a May 3 I seizure o f 33 m ore puppies and tw o adults. T here is a substantial variety o f dog breeds and m ixes as well as ages so that those seeking a com panion should be able to find the perfect addition to their fam ily. The Pearson case anim als are not available for adoption. The Society also asks that people who need to bring dogs to the shelter w ait for a few days, if they possibly can, although no anim als will be turned aw ay. T he H um ane Society has a bro­ chure on how to find a hom e for pets and will FAX or mail it to anyone upon request. For m ore inform ation about ad o ptable anim als at the so ci­ ety, the public can call (5 0 3 ) 285- 7722. Sen Johnson Named Special Assistant To The President W ashington, D C. - B e n Johnson, who joined the W hite House in 1993 as an associate director o fth e O ffice o f Public Liaison, has been nam ed Special A ssistant to the President. Johnson will continue as the W hite House liaison for the A frican-A m er­ ican com munity. The office is head­ ed by Alexis Herman. Johnson previously served in the C arter W hite House as director o f C onsum er Programs. Prior to w ork­ ing the W hite House. Johnson served asa d n u n istra to ro fth e Business Reg­ ulation A dm inistration and as ad ­ m inistrator o fth e H ousing and Envi­ ronm ental A dm inistration. He was Senior M anagem ent T rouble Shoot­ er during W ashington. D .C .-M ayor M arion B arry 's first term in office. He also founded Black Resources, a com pany that continues to publish a national d irecto ry . T he R esource G uide Johnson was born in A rkansas and raised in south Bend, Indiana. He has lived in W ashington, D.C. for the past 19 y ears. He is m arried to Jacqueline V assar Johnson and they have four sons. Fireworks Pop On The Fourth Of July I he Fort V ancouver Fourth o f July C om m ittee will host the 34th annual Fourth of July Celebration at Fort V ancouver National Historic site. TCI is the title sponsor and has a three year agreement with the Fourth o f July Committee. Other sponsors include: KG W North west News-chan­ nel 8.Z I00-FM , 1190 KEX-AM, Pep­ si-Corwin Beverage, Fred Meyer, City ofVancouver, Tidewater Barge Lines, The Columbian, and Ocean Spray. A ctivities begin on the main stage at 11:45 a m. The V eteran’s H onor G uard, a presentation o f the n atio n ’s colors will open the d ay ’s event. E n te rta in m e n t a n d tim es: • noon - 104th U.S. Arm y R eserve Band - patriotic • 1:15 p.nt. - fh e T renchcoats - a cappella • 2 :3 0 p.m . - Bob M iller’s A lmost All Star B ank-soft rock • 3 :2 5 p.m . - G entlem en Juggles - ju g g lin g act • 4 :1 0 p.m . - V oice o fth e Beehive - rock-n-roll • 5 :1 0 p .m . - S tarsh ip featuring M ickey T hom as-rock -n-roll • 6; 10 p.m . - G entlem en Jugglers - ju g g lin g act • 6 :5 5 p.m . - Janie Fricke - country/ w estern • 8 ;3 0 p.m . - T ow er o f P o w er- funk and soul • 10:00 p.m .- The Largest Firework show West o fth e M ississippi River! Food and Arts and C rafts booths will be open from 10 a.rn. to dusk. In addition to the Fourth o f July Celebration, Fort V ancouver N ation­ al Park will be open W ednesday, July 3, for guests to w atch the final preparations o f the stage, and the testing o f lights and video equipm ent from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. L ive E n te rta in m e n t w ill be p e r­ fo rm e d by th e u p b e a t 7 8 - p ie c e B e a v e rto n C o m m u n ity B an d , T he G e n tle m e n J u g g le rs , an d P ap a D o o Run R u n . T h e F o o d b o o th s w ill be o p e n . On both days there is a suggested donation o f tw o cans o f food. The food wi 11 go to Share H ouse and local food banks. It’s A Kick! It’s Free! 77 Cad. Must Sell New Paint Clean $1,300 or best offer 817-0439 Free summer lunch is available to all kills age 18 and younger. No Fee—No Registration 4744 NE 15th 9:00 A.M. Breakfast, 12:00 Lunch Monday - Friday June-July-August For more information call: 335-0490 or 288-1098 I he Sum m er Food Service Program does not discrim inate on the basis o f sex. age, color, race, handicap or national origin. I f you feel you have been discrim inated against in any USDA related activity contact: The O ffice o f th e Secretary, USDA. W ashington. D.C. 20250. RED, WHITE & BLUE SAVINGS Prices Effective June 26 through July 2,1996 at your nearby Safeway store. 24-Pack Coca-Cola • 12-0unce cans • Plus deposit in Oregon •SAVE UP TO 15.58 ON 2 Boneless Beef Top Sirloin SAFEWAY • Vaiu Pack, 3 or more steaks per package • Smaller packages, 2.68-lb •SAVE UP TO 1.31 LB Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping At Safeway! t Enjoy Extra Savings With The SAFEWAY EXTRA In-Store Savings Guide Available at your Safeway store. »