V . ♦ 4 •» ** 4 - • • - ■ • f ' W '. ?A ? 4. '•' in I I I i ill i i « ni »XI>| P age B4 a l t e r n a The Final m M argar k i I sa \< x In the Holy Land the blood lend continues between the decedents of Ishmael and Isaac, the sons o f Abraham. This feud is ages old, and this hatred between brothers will lead us to armageddon. the final battle. God Loved Ishmael as much as he Loved Isaac, and gave his descen­ dants much more than he gave Isaac’s descendants. Not only do the Arabs hate Israel, they also hate Arab Chris­ tians. I hey fight over Jerusalem, but through all the hate. Jerusalem re­ mains G od’s City. Friday is the Arab day ofworship; Saturday is the Jewish day o f wor­ ship: And Sunday is the Christian day o f worship. All these serve and worship God; Yet the feud goes on, sometimes hidden, but still there; Christians against Jews; Jews against Christians; Arabs against Christians. Muslem Arabs seeing Israel not as a threat, but as non-existent in the eyes of God. And the battle between good and evil continues without ceasing. Christians in America are in a battle also, for Satan works on all fronts, never sleeping, advancing on all frontiers, reaping his un-holy har­ vest for a Little while. Fellow Chris­ tians, we are too complacent; to tol­ erant o f the evi I among us. Weak and ineffective, we pour cups o f water on raging infernos. We cry, moan and Lament the deaths of Saints. We pro­ claim the end is coming; but our weak worship and our selfish service to mankind never changes. We are afraid to stand on God's Word; Afraid to speak out against evil on every hand. Afraid to confront evil in our homes, our Churches, our jobs, in all walks of our lives; yet we expect the forgive­ ness of God and his saving grace. Our names are written all through the Church H ¡story; The offices we ’ ve held; The programs w e’ve headed; The money w e’ve raised to aid the Church and the Pastor; but...is our name written in the Book o f Life? If we do not boldly condemn evil any­ where we find it; ‘‘We are not the servants o f God, but have another master" controlling our minds and maintaining a stronghold in our bod­ ies. For if we are not for God, we are against him. We cannot serve two masters, for we will hate the one and love the other. Oh, for a Church who commits to perfection in the Lord; To a breaking down ofstrongholdsofevil; A Church boldly recognizes and identify to the world the works o f the devil; A Church committed to the Love of God among our own Church Family; A Church who recognizes the snakes in our bosom and speaks boldly against all forms of evil, allowing God, through our prayers to change Drug Dree Marshak On Tarade M arching for the second year in the Ju n io r R ose F estival P a­ rade w ere the D rug Free M ar­ sh als, kids who have sw orn to uphold the seven poin t D rug Free M arshal Pledge to tack le head- on the p ro b lem s o f street drugs. Active in more than 15 countries around the world, the Drug Free Marshals visit youth groups, celeb­ rities, government officials, sports heroes , police officers and others, deputizing them with the Marshal Pledge and presenting their official Summer Day Camp A christ-centered camp where children will be involved in weekly themes and child-centered activities. Do you need a place for your children this summer? Mt. Olivet has the camp for you. I his is an excellent licensed program with certified teachers. June 24 - August 16 7:30 a.in. - 5:30 p.m. Children cun attend fu ll days or halfdays. Location: Mr. Olivet Church. 850! JV. Chautauqua 550.00per week, (AFS,CSD,AMA payments accepted) A ge: 5 years - ¡2 years O n ly 5 0 sp a c e s a va ila b le. ( ontact; Melissa White/Lisa Parks, SummerCamp Director (503) 240- n i_6. C all Mt ()livet Summer Camp at 240-0326 for registration informa­ tion. J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. PHONE: 503-323-2406 Marshal-star badges. O r ig in a lly fo rm e d by th e C hurch o f S c ien to lo g y in 1993 as part o f its in tern atio n al a n ti­ drug crusade, the D rug Free M ar­ sh als is now an in te rn a tio n a l g ra ss-ro o ts m ovem ent. Mt Olivet Baptist Church e s attle the hearts o f the sinners in our con­ gregation. Oh, we attend services faithfully; Listening avidly to the speaker, who boasts that he is "called ofG od”; and o f how many people he has baptized; How many programs he has initiat­ ed; How many people follow him wh i le he dec lares that he is the “head” o f the Church; He boast s o f how wel I he is educated and how much he deserves to Lead the Church and be paid accordingly, setting hison com­ pensation am ounts. His picture adorns the wall o f the Sanctuary and the people honor and worship him. We are each "called" to serve ac­ cording to the Will ofGod, andChrist is our only "head ”. The people fail to read and study the Word o fG o d to determine ifGod'srequirementshave been met by those who call them­ selves his servants. These types o f strongholds were established long ago by Satan and are hard to dislodge and destroy; Because o f the igno­ rance o f G od’s Holy Word among the people. Another Stronghold: If you are not a friend o f someone in a high position in the Church...you will never find the opportunity to use your gifts o f the Spirit. Satan has all avenues covered with prideful, envi­ ous, self-important, self-appointed saints, ready to shoot down those who stand for right and righteous­ ness. This stronghold is also o f long standing in the Church, and will take a level o f Christianity not yet at­ tained by most members, in order to be destroyed. Oh, for a Church committed to a faithful un-ending declaration o f the Gospel o f Christ; To a dependence on the Holy Spirit as the given o f the power o f God to overcome all the works o f the devil; To a committed, sober, w atchful, w ise, set-apart Church o f Christ-followers, await­ ing his appearance in the clouds. For he will return, as he has promised; and for all we do suffer in these bodies, as we break down Satan's strongholds; for whatever is done unto us, G od’s people, "I Will Re­ pay, Saith The Lord”; Thus It is Written And So It Will Be Done: Never fail to remember that hell ex­ ists. From the first level o f heaven, hell is there. The road to hell is wide without stop lights; No taboos, full speed ahead, damn the pitfalls. On this road to hell, there are no noble actions, no noble men and no noble women. There are no freedoms.. .only the “freedom o f fantasy” exists on this road to hell. But know ye well that The Christ is the victor, the King of Kings, the Destroyer o f Evil; He is the winner o f the final battle; For Thus It Is Written In The Word O f God. Amen. Bhich Churches Endangered fiistoric Tiaces The National Trust for Historic Preservation, the congressionally chartered non-profit preservation organization, announced today that it has placed the black churches of the South at the top o f its 1996 list o f the nation's most endangered historic sites, and has made public a series o f steps it will take to assist in the rebuilding o f historic church­ es ravaged by recent fires. Each year the National Trust is­ sues its list of 11 Most Endangered Historic Places, meant to represent different kinds o f threats to differ­ ent kinds o f historic properties all over America. Thisvear, according to National Trust President Rich­ ard Moe, they are breaking prece­ dent by adding a 12th listing “be­ cause o f the urgency to mobilize support for some o f the most impor­ tant historic structures, as well as some o f the most important com- munity institutions in America.” “Some o f these churches are sig­ nificant historic buildings,” Moe said, “but more than that, they are the heart and soul o f the communi­ ties in which they are located. The individual and collective memory o f the African-American community is rooted in its churches. They are the repository o f the culture and the history o f Black America. The Na­ tional Trust is prepared to help the congregations as they rebuild.” The three steps the Trust is tak­ ing to assist in the recovery efforts include: • ' I i . 1. •. ’ , r (, 1) making loan fu nds available to historic churches that have been de­ stroyed or damaged; 2) participating in a fundraising campaign announced last week by the National Council o f Churches; and 3) providing technical assistance to congregations through its South ern Regional Office in Charleston. S. C . an d Southwest F ield Office in Fort Worth, Texas. “ Ever since we began the list o f endangered sites,” Moe said, “we have seen threats from demolition, neglect, underfunding, forces o f na­ ture, inappropriate developm ent and sprawl, but never, until now, from arson. It is a malicious and cowardly crime under any circum­ stances, but even more reprehensi­ ble and outrageous when aimed against these churches. These insti­ tutions, in many ways, represent the best o f America; the fires that are destroying them represent the worst. T he fires m ust stop and the chu rch es m ust be rebuilt. We hope that A m ericans o f all faiths, o f all races and in all p arts o f the country w ill jo in us in this critic a l e ffo rt.” Advertise In dTIje T lnrflattò ODI, s e r Her Call 503-288-0033 LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! F am ous U.S. W om en's A lp in e Ski Team D iet During the non-snow off season the U.S. Women’s Alpine Ski Team members used the Ski Team" diet to lose 20 pounds in two weeks That's right - 20 pounds in 14 days! The basis of the diet is chemical food action and was devised by a famous Colorado physician especially for the U.S. Ski Team. Normal energy is maintained/very important!) while reducing. You keep 'full" - no starvation - because the diet is designed that way. It's a diet that is easy to follow whether you work travel or stav at home. (For men, tool) y This is, honestly, a fantastically successful diet. If it weren’t, the U S Women's Alpine Ski Team wouldn’t be permitted to use it' Right? So give yourself the same break the U.S. Ski Team gets Lose weight the scientific, proven way. Even if you've tried all the other diets, you owe it to yourself to try the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team Diet. That is, if you really do want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order todav1 Tear this o u t as a reminder. Send only $8.95 (S9.60 in Calif.,-add .50 cents RUSH service to: American Institute, 7343 El Camino Real, Suite 206, Atascadero, CA 93422. Don't order unless you expect to lose 20 pounds in two weeks! Because that's what the Ski Team Diet will do Qrace Covenant ‘Jetdowship St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR t i v 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 There's no substitute for good legal counsel.. . Friends and family can only sympathize. But a Pre-Paid Legal Services membership will give you the legal support you need. Inexpensive. Easy to use. Effective in substantially reducing the costs associated with: • Family problems • Estate questions 1935 • Traffic violations • Trial representation • Small business advice Call today Your Name, Independent Associate & phone number Last Will and Testament 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. prepared free o f charge with membership. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study. Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. Jam es E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY Group discounts available. For More Information Call 288-1756. "Where the Best is Vet to B e!" .J BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR P re -P aid L egai S ervices , I nc . Box 145 ADA, O klahoma 74820