P age H2 SUHS REPORTEDLY TO TRADE RARKELY LENTS BOYS & GIRLS CLUB TAKES NATIONAL HONORS BRIEFS The Lents Boys & G irls C lub received the H onor A w a rd fo r Pro­ gram Excellence in Health & Phys­ ical Education fo r its w o rk develop­ ing the Y oung Bailers Association (Y B A ), em ulating the N B A profes­ sional draltand league play fo rC lu b Kidd reportedly gives Mavs ultimatum Dallas M avericks A ll-S ta r point guard Jason Kidd has reportedly issued an ultim atum to team man­ agement to trade him or backcourt partner Jim Jackson before next season due to philosophical d iffe r- I ences between the players. K idd and Jackson have a sour relation­ ship w hich reached a b o ilin g point [ duringan A p ril 25th game at Utah. A ccording to K idd, Jackson physi- I cally and verbally abused backup m em bers. C lu b D ire c to r M a rk Kuhnhausen and Sports D irector R odney C lem ente accepted the award during the Boy s & G irls Clubs ot A m erica National Conference at the M irage Hotel in Las Vegas on M ay 16. The Young Bailers Association basketball program is coupled w ith an educational component, a llo w ­ ing about I (X) participants to select and study a college o f their choice. The C lub member enters his/her name into the Y B A draft as a c o l­ lege player, and is then drafted onto a team to play fo r a six-week season w ith teen coaches and referees. "The Y B A fills many needs fo r our young members,” says C lub D irector M ark Kuhnhausen. “ It o f­ fers a quality basketball program, an opportunity fo r teens to become leaders as coaches and referees and the challenge o f researching what it takes to go to college.” Zandardi Earns First Indy Win In Portland The 6-10, 220-pound H orry aver­ aged 12.0 points and 5.8 rebounds in 71 games this past season, and was a R ookie A le x Z anardi o f Ita ly tory today at the IndyC ar Budw eiser/ G .l. Joe’ s 2(X) at Portland Interna­ tional Raceway in Oregon. “ It feels great,"Zanardi said. " I'm happy fo r the Target team, C h ip Ganassi and all o f the guys.” A lthough this was Z anardi’ s first w in , it was the fifth w in fo r C hip Ganassi Racing — w hich is partially Zanardi was follow ed by a pair o f Brazilians who came out o f the F or­ owned by form er N F L quarterback Joe Montana. C urrent points leader Jim m y Vasser, w ho finished a disap­ mula One ranks — G il de Ferran, last year's IndyC ar Rookie o f the Year, and Christian F ittip a ld i, runnerup in rookie points last year. A l Unset- Junior made a m ajor gain in the PPG Cup points standings w ith a fourth- place finish, and Parker Johnstone had his second top five finish o f the year. Zanardi jum ped right out to the lead as the fie ld began to thin early ond, and teammates A ndretti and F ittip a ld i tied fo r third, 26 points behind Vasser. De Ferran is in fourth, a point out o f third. The Budweiser/G .I. Joe’ s 2(X) was the ninth o f 16 events on the 1996 from its previous length o f 102 laps uct know n as “ A r th u r IO stm ” and is being called a "M e d ic a l M ira cle ” by and ended up w ith a 12th-place fin ­ ish. Raul Boesel o f B ra zil, C anadi­ around the 1.95-mile road course this year. IndyC ar circu it. “ W e believe that the O ly m p ic Games w ill be great but w ill be more important i f the United States has its heroes." Nebiolo said in March in announcing the schedule change to aid Johnson’ s bid to become the first male to w in both the 2(X) and 4(X) meters at the same Olympics. 1979 w o rld record o f 19.72 seconds in the 2(X). O n ly the second run. California red ripe slicers es, and more. A lthough the mecha­ nism o f action is unclear, experi­ ments indicate that A r t h u r Itis m relieves pain by first selectively at­ li Ia I Inflation Buster Drv Cleaning Special I *4.00 OFF I I On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $12.00 or More I Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 7-31-96 i i i i i i I i ■COUPON i i Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special i s8.00 OFF i i On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $20.00 or More i Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only i Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons i i JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Expires 7-31-96 I ■COUPON less, non-staining cream and is avail­ able im m ediately w ithout a prescrip­ tio n and is guaranteed to w ork, use only as directed I I I I I I I Inflation Buster Drv Cleaning Special *10.00 OFF I I step forw ard to grab at least three gold medals before the A tla n ta Games shut dow n A ug. 4. I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special | IDry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl On Any Dry Cleaning O rder Mens or Womens *3.25 Of $30.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Sleeping Bag Cleaning Special s5.99 C 1995. Stellar Advertising Group Inc I "T h is is a great tim e fo r me to go to r some endorsements,” Johnson said after S unday’ s run. I t ’ s also a great tim e fo r him to be running for Am erica. A t a tim e when past O lym p ic heroes C arl Lew is and Jackie Joyner- Kersee are show ­ ing the strains ofage, Johnson should I I ¡^ = C Ö Ü P Ö N " = j Arthur IO stm is an odorless, grease­ » Johnson's sem ifinal dash o f 19.70 seconds Saturday " i^=C Ö U PÖ N "=] messenger chemical w hich carries pain sensations to the brain, thus e lim ­ inating pain in the affected area. AVAILABLE AT: Healthtek Pharmacy 1423 Lloyd Center 284-6978 Dickson Drug Co. 7937 S. E. Stark St. 254-5595 w hich came on Sunday, counted though as an assisting w in d too high fo r re c o rd p u rp o s e s n e g a te d I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I Drapery Cleaning i Lined & Unlined Any Size i 99e A PLEAT i Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added i Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra i Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only i JEANIE'S CLEANERS I _ Expires 7-31-96 k — p“ 1 T li I ■COUPON Ia I Inflation Buster Laundry Special I I Laundered Shirts I 95e NO LIMIT I With $10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order I Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I I Expires 7-31-96 JEANIE'S CLEANERS tra ctin g , and then destroying the The 26-year-old Cassell replaced Kenny Smith as the Rockets starting point guard this past season and aver­ aged 14.5 points and 4.6 assists in 61 games. J E A N IE 'S C L E A N E R S 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 2 8 7 - 0 0 0 8 P “ li ■ coupon ! ■COUPONi Ia It was shortened P otatoes | TOMATOES I New Crop U.S. No. 1 red or white hero o f next m onth’ s Atlanta Games. change the O lym pic schedule to bol­ ster Johnson’s chances o f being the As conditions dried, it was the Honda pow er o f Zanardi that w ould over­ p o in ting 13th today, won four o f the firs t six races this year. Vasser w ill see his points lead shrink to ju s t 11 w ith Unser in sec­ 12 seasons in the N B A , the last four with Phoenix. He earned Most V a lu ­ able Player honors in 1992-93 when Johnson did nothing to dim inish those expectations during the 10-day Am erican trials, sprinting to h isto ry’ s th ird - fastest 400 meters, 43.44 sec­ onds, and tw ice beating Mennea's Began to fa ll about a third o f the way into the race, and Zanardi lost his lead to Unser tem porarily as the Penske d rive r switched to rain tires. come the challenge and lead the final 58 laps o f the 98-lap race. Charles Barkley 19.66 seconds at the U.S. O lym pic trials only magnified the star quality o f the 28-year-old Texan. It also ju s­ tified the decision made by Nebiolo and the International Amateur A th ­ letic Federation (IA A F ) C ouncil to ans Paul Tracy and Greg M oore, and Bryan Herta left w ith mechanical problem s or accidents. Zanardi became the first rookie to w in an IndyC ar event this year, and the latest d rive r to move from the Formula One ranks to earn a title in an IndyC ar event. Horry, who turns 26 in August, has the versatility to play both forward posi­ tions. Michael Johnson Boosts Image With Record Run Unser Jr. 's Indy Car. This years Budweiser G.l. Joe's 200 was won by Alex Zandardi of Italy started on the pole and finished all alone w ith a healthy margin o f v ic ­ starter on the Rockets' back-to-back championship teams in 1994 and 1995. games for the Suns this past season. The 33-year-old Barkley hasplayed 4s rain begins to fall, pit crew scrabbles to change the tire o f AI on. Michael A ndretti was hampered by an engine problem on the first lap rheumatism, painful muscle aches, jo in t aches, simple backache, bruis­ Barkley has been the subject o f Johnson’ s m agnificent run o f approved that is exciting researchers in the treatment o f pain. This material has been form ulated into a new prod­ some, in the treatment o f d e bilitating conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, son. Perry averaged 8.6 points and 4.4 assists in 8 1 games. world record fell to the fast feet o f M ich a e l Johnson, but in w a rd ly Nebiolo was probably cheering. Berard expected to sign with Isles this week (S P E C IA L )—A new drug has been ward Robert Horry and guard Sam Cassell. tear when fe llo w Ita lia n P ietro Mennea’ s 17-year-old 200-m eter and bust their butts. I ’ m not sure (Jackson) is com m itted to that." Pain may be eliminated for millions The 27-year-old Perry is a backup to often-injured starter K evin John­ W orld track and field ch ie f Primo Nebiolo may have shed a patriotic gram. "W e ’ ve tried to patch things up. But i t ’ s more a basketball thing than our personalities I ’ m not tryin g to run the team, but my only goal is to w in a cham pion­ ship. T o do that we need 12 guys w illin g to dump their own agendas head coach M ike M ilb u ry said that he expects the Islanders to sign Berard to a three-year contract by today o r Tuesday. Berard was un­ able to reach contract terms w ith the Senators, who took him w ith the first overall pick in the 1995 draft. would send Barkley and guard E lliot Perry to Houston in exchange for for Barkley, who is one o f just nine players in N B A history with 20,(XX) points and I (),(XX) rebounds, averaged 23.2 points and 11.6 rebounds in 71 passing him the ball. “ I told (management) one or the other needs to be — has to be — traded,” Kidd told the Fort W orth Star Tele­ three-year contract w ith the New Y ork Islanders w ith in the next few days. The Islanders acquired the 19-year-old Berard from the Ottawa Senators last January in the three-way deal that sent K irk M u lle r to T oronto and defenseman Wade Redden, the second overall pick in the 1995 draft, to Ottawa. Islanders general m anager and The 6-6, 252-pound Barkley spent his first eight seasons with Philadel­ phia. he averaged 25.6 points and 12.2 re­ bounds and led the Suns to the N B A Finals. numerous trade offers. The Dallas Mavericks reportedly offered guard Jim Jackson and a first round pick for Barkley. Tne New Y ork Knicks and Indiana Pacers have also made trade offers to the Suns for Barkley. point guard Scott Brooks for not Bryan Berard, the firs t overall pick in the 1995 N ational Hockey League draft, is expected to sign a Phoenix Suns star forward Charles Barkley may be jo in in g superstar cen­ ter Hakeem O lajuwon in Houston. The New Y ork D aily News reported Sunday that the Suns and Rockets have tentatively worked out a deal that Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons A t RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ___ SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY JUNE 25 through 30. 1996 MEMBER OF UNItfeO QROCERS ---------- N|^ f tor YOUR NEAREST KIENOW 9 STORE CAUL: SS»-S23O *TO »IH O U »1 W l CROATI • « m to C a .m . 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