» r . A , A " BW •v - < - -x’ . r - . . >* P age A8 J uni 12, 1996 • Tm P oru ani ) O bserver Singer /Actress Admits That Posing for Nude Pictures Was 'Dumb' “Adversity makes one a much stronger person,” remarked Vanessa W illiams, the first black Miss America, who said she was hurt by the reaction of African-Americans to her winning the title. “ I was thrust into the im pos­ sible task of being a spokesper­ son for A fric a n -A m e ric a n s ,” W illiams said in an interview to be published this Sunday in P a­ rade magazine. "And it hurt when the press picked apart my opin­ ions and suggested that the only reason I won was because my light skin and green eyes made me a safe c h o ic e to w h ite America. It also hurt that many African-A m ericans d id n ’t think Vanessa Williams I was black enough and therefore not representative. All combined. it was an awful lot for a young girl to handle.” The objections occurred even before W illiam s was forced to relinquish her title due to a scan­ dal over nude photographs o f her with another woman, which were published without her consent. Asked what she had been think­ ing when she posed for the pho­ tographs, W illiam s replied, “ If only I had been thinking. But I w asn’t, and th at’s the curse of the young. I also was rebellious where convention was concerned and incredibly gullible. W hen y o u ’re young, you do dum b things. But I do not feel what I did was morally w rong.” New Portland Cafe Exhibits Outsider Art I he Ego, Hunger, and Aggression Cafe will feature the latest works by Outsider Artist MOMO at 3401 S.E. Belmont Street in Portland from June 2 through July 1. An artist’s reception will be held from 6-8 p.m. on First Thursday, June 6. Called “an inspiration” by City Eights publisher and painter Law­ rence Ferlinghetti (San Francisco), and “a mad genius” by noted poe, and scholar Jack Hirschman, Momo infuses bright, childlike drawings and paintings with philosophy, politics, and Pop, mostly in found media. His style recalls American artist Philip Guston, the COBRA (Copenhagen/ Brussels/Amsterdam) expressionists (1950-1980), and “Unmade Bed,” the mad monk-artist o f Korea. Momo has sold more than 400 works of art since he began painting, drawing, and assembling his pieces seven years ago, at age 40. Momo collections hang in private homes and cafes in Portland, San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia, London, Dublin, and West Germany. Momo's cartoons appear in books and publi­ cations that include Northwest Com­ ic News and Austin, Texas-based Art-Core Magazine. The Ego, Elunger, and Aggression Cafe is located amidst galleries and dance clubs on Belmont and 34th. Owners Gordon Zenk and Dennis Brand chose its name from one father- of-Gestalt Fritz Peris’ most important books. Its menu features breakfasts, salads, sandwiches, and a wide range of coffees and refreshments. Oregon Arts Commission Calls For Proposals The Oregon Arts Commission is conducting a call to artists to submit proposals of public art at Oregon State University - West International House and West Dining, University of Oregon, Student Family Housing, Public Employees’ Retirement Sys­ tem Building, and the Capital Cen­ ter. Visual artists, artist teams and craftspeople, both emerging and es­ tablished, working in all medic are eligible and encouraged to apply. Proposals will be reviewed by an independent selection committee composed of the project architect, visual arts professionals and agency and community representatives. Artists who wish to be consider for the opportunities must fill our a complete application, which may be obtained from the commission of downloaded from the world wide web home page, http:// w w w .d a s . s t a t e . o r .u s / O A C / percent.htm. Specific questions may be addressed to Ellen Flacker at (503) 986-0085 or e-m ail at Ellen.Flacker@ state.or.us. Dead­ lines are Friday, June 28 for the cap­ ital center project; Friday, July 12 for Oregon State University; Wednes­ day, July 17 for the University of Oregon and Wednesday, July 31 for the Public Employee’s Retirement System Building. JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 ii r ■COUPON! •COUPON! 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Alberta 281- 6388 Dekum Food Market, 800 N.C Dehum Owner: Sonny Kim 283-1240 Boston Market, 726 N.E. Killingsworth 282- 6776 Ainsworth Market, 5949 N.E. 30th 281-0479 Prescott Corner Market, 1460 N.€. Prescott 284-7418 King Food Mart, 3510 N.€. MIK ßlvd. 281-0357 285-8006 KC2 Food Market, 1301 N.E. Dekum 289-7430 Owner: Tom Choi Sunny's Market, 5020 N. Interstate Owners: Gil S. Kim fit Jung Jo Kim 283-1240 LUe A ppicciar Y our B usincss and S upport T hank Y ou 9 > / I