- 1. „ ¿ lU . ï . ’Xv’ z' ‘ ■ J une 12, 1996 • T he ; P oru and O bserver P age A4 W H » Howard Research Team Goes To Ethiopia A team o f Howard University fac­ ulty and student researchers are spending the summer in Ethiopia doing research on malaria, sleeping sickness and AIDS, as well as pro­ viding training in a full range of scientific and biomedical topics. The projects undertaken in con­ junction with this effort include re­ search on finding ways to develop b io lo g ic a l c o n tro l m ech an ism s against the tsetse fly and malaria­ bearing anopheles mosquito species. In Addis Ababa, faculty will teach anatomy and physiology courses to military corpsmen. Week-long work­ shops in molecular biology and bio­ chemistry will be presented to facul­ ty, staff and students in the ministries o f health and agriculture A special symposium on "Integrated Parasito­ logical Research" will be included with those workshops Faculty and students will travel to the northern town o f Mekele where they will evaluate patients w ith malar­ ia for resistance to various drugs and teach science, mathematics, chemis­ try. biology and English to 250 high school teachers They will also study the development o f new protocols for the treatment of malaria. The summer-long program is fund­ ed by a National Institute o f Health M inority International Research Training grant from the Fogarty In­ ternational Center and an National Science Foundation/Research Ca­ reers for Minority Students grant. Dr. Winston Anderson, a member o f the faculty o f the Howard Depart­ ment of Biology , is the principle in­ vestigator for both grants. “This trip follows on the steps o f a successful similar program we held last summer," says Anderson "This continuing effort to mount a research and training program in parasitology and permaculture. and build a train­ ing and research capacity in Ethiopia will soon begin to bear fruit with results that will help to improve the lives of people in Ethiopia and peo­ ple throughout the world who suffer from similar health problems." Included on the team are Howard faculty members Dr. Aniha Asseffa, biochemistry and the Cancer Center; Dr. Theodore Bremner. biology and the Cancer Center; Dr. Richard Millis, physiology and biophysics; Dr Tamarat Retta. medicine; Dr. Bren­ da Jasper, allied health; Dr. Vincent Hollis and Dr Winston Anderson, biology ; Dr. James l.indesay, phys­ ics: Dr. Abraham Ford, communica­ tions: and Dr. Adeniran Adeboye, mathematics. Others on the team include medi­ cal, graduate and undergraduate stu­ dents. as well as faculty from the University o f Pittsburgh, the Univer­ sity o f Washington. Brown Univer­ sity. Yale University and the Food and Drug Administration. Students were selected from Howard Univer­ sity, Xavier University, University o f M aryland E astern S h o re. Morehouse College, Morgan State University and Brown University. c in a tio n s. “ T he cu rren t m easles o u tbreak in the P o rtland M etro A rea and M arion C ounty rem inds O re g o ­ n ian s th a t v a c c in e -p re v e n ta b le d ise a se s are still with us, even th o u g h they d o n 't occur o fte n ," says N ancy C h urch, co nsortium c h a irp e rso n . “ V accin es prevent ten serio u s c h ild h o o d d is e a s e s in c lu d in g m easles. A c h ild ’s first m easles shot should be given at 12 to 15 m onths o f age. A second dose can be giv en w hen the ch ild is 4 to 6 y ears o ld, or 1 1 to 12 years old. O th e r c h ild h o o d v a c c in a ­ tions basically begin at b irth with in terv als at 2, 4, 6 and 12 m onths o f age. “ S o, p le a s e p u ll o u r y o u r c h ild 's im m unization card and check your re c o rd s. And b ecau se o f the recen t m easles o u tb re a k , we also e n c o u ra g e p a re n ts to check th e ir own im m unization s ta tu s w h ile c h e c k in g t h e i r c h ild ’s.” The O regon P reschool Im ­ m u n iz a tio n C o n so rtiu m is a bro ad -b ased co a litio n o f m ore than 60 m em ber o rg an izatio n s from the pu b lic and p riv ate se c ­ tors. T he C o n so rtiu m 's com m on goal is to increase the im m uni­ zation rate to 90 p ercent for O re g o n 's ch ildren ages birth to tw o years old. The cu rrent im ­ m unization rate is 67 percent, ranking O regon 47th in the n a­ tion. lect a healthful item. About 66 per­ cent o f the men surveyed told ADA that they go out to eat at least once or twice a week. These results are consistent w ith conclusions drawn from A D A 's 1995 "W inning Strategies.' a na­ tional survey of m en's nutrition at­ titudes and behaviors -- about 82 percent o f the men surveyed said they were very concerned about nutrition, but only one-half indicat­ ed making any changes in their diets within the previous year. A Workshop for caregivers of HIV Affected Persons On June 22, 1996. Center Pointe, will sponsor a workshop for the care providers o f HIV affected persons to explore what attitudes best serve you and the person you are caring for. There will be time fo r sharing and mutual support, as well as input around the issues of s e lf care, managing stress and g rie f and taking care o f yourself as a care provider Professional Care Providers are welcomed, as well as fam ily members, friends and volunteers. The workshop w ill be pre­ sented by Fr. John McGrann. Founder and Director ofKairos Support fo r Caregivers in San Francisco. Fr. McGrann has been a priest fo r 29 years and has ministered to persons with AIDS and their caregivers Vitamin Rich Red Wine fo r the past 10 years in the Bay Area The workshop will take place on June 22, 1996, fro m 10:00 am to 2:00pm at Carvlin Hall at St. Philip Neri Parish, 2408 SE 16th Ave., Portland Brown bag lunches are suggested with drinks provided. A S I 0.00 donation is requested. _ d /Rem inder: ^dather A ddbay ii d'Sunday, J /u n e / blit. Nation Conference on Wine and Health Comes to Portland Wine connoisseurs and novices alike from around the country have been registering to attend the 1996 W omen for W ineSense N ational Conference. Space is rapidly being filled, but there is still plenty o f room for more guests. “ Wine: A Positive Perception,” will be held in Portland, Oregon, July 11-14. This is the first educational wine conference o f its kind hosted by the Oregon Chapter o f Women for WineSense. “ Wine: A Positive Perception” will be brought to life by keynote speaker Jancis Robinson, an internationally recognized wine writer and televi­ sion personality Robinson and over 30 other noted speakers will discuss a vast array o f topics concerning the healthful attributes o f moderate wine consumption, consumer/public opin­ ion and o f course the enjoyment o f wine. The three day conference will be made up of: workshops, panel discussions, special dinners and healthy fun The event will take place at the Portland Marriott Hotel located on the c ity ’s b eau tifu l W illam ette riverfront. Some activities will be spread throughout O regon’s lush wine country, giving many a first peek at the expanding Oregon indus­ try Men, women novices and con­ noisseurs are all welcome to attend the conference. For more information onthe WWS National Conference, please contact Nancy Daniel at (503) 5 8 1 -7458, or Maria Ponzi at (503) 628-1227, or fax to(503)6 2 8 -0 3 5 4 . Health food items on a restau­ rant menu are like the various tools men collect in their garages — nice to have around, but seldom used for home improvements. A recent survey o f callers to The American Dietetic Association s C onsum er N utrition Hot Line shows that 98 percent o f male cal I- ers think restaurants should offer healthful menu items. However, w’hen it comes to ac­ tually ordering, only 54 percent say they frequentlv or always se­ "So What About Me?" Preschool Immunization Consortium The O regon P resch o o l Im m u­ n iz a tio n C o n s o rtiu m (O P IC ) ad v ise s p a re n ts to check th e ir c h ild re n ’s im m u n izatio n status. P aren ts sho u ld have an im m uni­ zatio n card d o c u m e n tin g each c h ild 's v a c c in a tio n s. “ T he c u rre n t m e a sle s o u t­ break in the P ortlan d M etro Area and M arion C o u n ty rem in d s O r­ e g o n ia n s th at v a c c in e -p re v e n t- ab le d ise a se s are still with us, even though they d o n ’t occur d o c u m e n tin g each c h ild ’s vac- Unhealthy Eating Habits Prevail Jdappy f a t h e r Kaiser Permanente hosted a luncheon for the Amalgamated Transit Union's Black Caucus Conference during the group's 29th annual meeting, held recently in north Portland. Pictured are (left to right) Will Sawyer, Kaiser Permanente senior account executive; Kaiser Permenente's Health Plan Manager Denise Honzel; Amalgamated Transit Union officers Elaine Vance, secretary-treasurer; President Patricia Burgess; and Leon James, who serves as vice-president. Plasitu, Cull (503) 288-0033 To Advertise hi (Lhu ;}tlortlanò ffîhsewer CottUlWiitÿ Maybe we can’t make Northeast Portland a perfect place to live. But we’re making hundreds of improvements. I J d ib a y to a (ifa th e r s everywhere. fabric Depot THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST J u n e 11 th ro u g h Ju n e 23,1996 MAILER SALE! 30% OFF Everything in the store* 60O /°off! ! Butterick Patterns Limit S per coupon • Valid J u n e 1 1-Junc 2 3 , 1 9 9 6 SPECIAL SALE 2 DAYS ONLY - (UNE 21 & 22 4 JL 0 V % / OFF ALL FABRIC e x t r u d e d h o u rs S a tu rd a y o p e n til 9 p m Advertise In L im ite d t o s to c k o n h a n d ! Friends of Trees’ Seed titr future m ftrtbnd (im a a l Hrrtrir Portland General Electric’s Employees Seed the Future. -fliortlattò (Observer “Seed the Future” is a five year partnership with Friends of Trees to plant 144,000 trees and seedling? around Portland. Those trees will help beautify neighborhoods and purify our air. 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