J une 12, 1996 • T he P ori land O bserver P age BS Fasting Pastors For Peace Win Release of Computers hv A sm a M i hammad Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole easily made headlines in Miami recently by promising to: "bring Fidel Castro down and end his reign of terror.” Less than a week later, a Black Baptist preacher and two companions ended a vigil in near obscurity , literally in the shadow o f the U S. Capitol, claiming victory in their effort to help Mr. Castro’s is­ land nation. At midnight. May 25, the end o f Day 94 o f their "Fast for Life,” the Rev. Lucius Walker. Jr., leader o f Pastors for Peace, Lisa Valanti and Jim Clifford savored a rice broth at a special service o f thanksgiving sur­ rounded by religious leaders, con­ gressional staff aides, and members o f their support team At that moment 374 computers destined for Cuban hospitals and health clinics were being released to the custody o f the General Board o f Church and Society o f the United Methodist Church at a private stor­ age facility maintained by the U S. Customs Agency in San Diego. ‘‘We are thankful to God and to the hundreds o f thousands o f supporters who never gave up the struggle to free the computers,” the Rev. Walker said as he ended his fast. The hunger strike had begun Feb 21, to protest the seizure o f 397 outmoded and obsolete by U.S. standards "286” and “XT” computers by Customs officials in late January. ‘‘Together we have made an effort to appeal to the soul and integrity o f our nation," he said. "Our efforts have not been in vain, but much work remains. The new broad coalition which has grown around the Fast will keep working to send these comput­ ers on to Cuba. And as the coalition grows, we will keep working togeth­ er for a more humane policy toward Cuba. ‘‘The release o f these computers was made possible by the active sup­ port o f hundreds o f thousands o f people o f conscience in all parts o f the U.S.,” the Rev. Walker said, ex­ pressing “special gratitude for the committed work o f Congressman Charles A. Rangel (D-NY), whose tireless advocacy helped seal this victory.” Just one week earlier, 23 other computers were released. All o f the first machines released are o f Cana­ dian origin and are stored in Mexico in preparation for shipment to Cuba Treasury I department and Customs officials had insisted that PFP or some other group apply for and re­ ceive an export license, even if the Rev Walker and his group refused to do so. The agreement for their re­ lease calls for a coalition o f national church partners to store the comput­ ers in the U.S pending completion o f arrangements to transfer them to Cuba without requesting a license. The coalition includes six national main­ line denominations and the National Council o f Churches. "W e are optimistic that this med­ ical aid will soon be exported for humanitarian use in Cuba," Dr. I horn W hite W olf I assett. General Secre­ tary o f the UMC (ieneral Board o f Church and Society, said. In a May 17 letter to Rep. Rangel, who mediated the dialogue between PFP and the government, treasury Secretary Robert Rubin expressed concern for the welfare o f those par­ ticipating in the fast and said that within the existing laws, there are “Procedural avenues” available for the Rev. W alkertoachieve his goals, and end the fast. "The U.S. government has pur­ sued a policy o f death pursuant to Cuba for more than half o f my life,” the Rev. Walker said, at a Capitol Hill press conference May 2, ex­ plaining w hy he was so adamant. He was flanked by Reps. Charles Rangel (D-NY), Sam Farr(D -CA ), Esteban l orres (D-CA), William Coyne (D- PA), and by staff members from the offices o f Reps. Ron Delluins (D- CA) and Bobby Rush (D-IL), some of more than 70 members o f Con­ gress who signed letters to support he "Fast for Life." “ People have to make a decision whether or not they will be complicit with the pol icy o f death toward Cuba. I refuse to be complicit. I would rather give my life engaging in this simplest act o f kindness, rather than lose my soul.” he said. The donated computers will be M ary [hurst fa c u ity Member ‘W ins A w a rd Martha Gies, an adjunct faculty member at Marylhurst College, came home recently with an award for writing. She was awarded first place for Feature Article, Special Interest Magazine, in the annual com petition of the A ssociated Church Press (ACP) at its annual meeting in Phoenix in April. Her article. “Heart of W isdom," was entered in the ACP com peti­ tion by the editors of the Chicago- based magazine. Second Opinion, which originally published the e s­ say a year ago. In citing "Heart of W isdom ,” which chronicles the spiritual faith which sustained G ies's younger sister after she received a terminal diagnosis o f cancer, the ACP judges wrote: "A g rip p in g e v o c a tio n o f ev en ts that involve pain and loss, gained w isdom and faith. T he w ritin g is e x c e lle n t, c a ­ pab le o f en ticin g the read er into its in fo rm a tio n a l and a tm o ­ s p h e r ic w eb. A m id the sad e v e n ts, on c a p tu re s a sense o f triu m ph. B ecause the w rite r has u n d e rsto o d , the read er c a n ." ACP is an organization of some 200 religiously affiliated publish­ ers from Canada and the United States. G ies has taught short story w ritin g at M a ry lh u rst sin c e 1990 and is sch ed u led to teach a new course in w riting the p e r­ sonal essay this sum m er. (grace Covenant ‘Fedowship 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 “ Where the Best is Yet to Be! ” BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR used to help build an on-line medical information network for the island nation-, which already boasts a health care system that is considered a "mod­ el” by health professionals The ex­ emplary medical sy stem may be one reason why U.S. officials have been so inflexible, according to one health source. "It is often said that Cuba is no longer a threat to the U.S.," Diane Kuntz, Staff Associate for Interna­ tional I lealth for the 50.000-member American Public I lealth Association (APHA), said in a statement. Cuba, she said, "is a threat. The threat is the example Cuba offers o f a country that's one ofthe reasons he refuses to comply with the U.S. embargo by apply ing for an export license for items intended for humanitarian aid. On five previous occasions the Rev. Walker has waged the same struggle with federal officials. The last confrontation was resolved in 1993 when the government relented after PFP staged a 23-day hunger strike on board a little y ellow school bus Customs officials had seized the bus at a Texas-M exico border cross­ ing as the group attempted to ship it to a church in Cuba. "It's like Dr. (Martin Luther) King, ( J r ) and the civil rights movement interview, because the majority o f theCuban population is actually Afro- Cuban. The majority ofthe political­ ly influential anti-Castro Cuban ex­ ile community in Florida, he insists, is made upofw hiteC ubans who fled when Mr. Castro took power. "If Cuba were white there would not be a blockade. Ifthere wasone, it would have been over years ago "W hat crime has Cuba commit­ ted'1 Is it that the first act ofthe Cuban government under C astro's leader­ ship was to officially outlaw racism? Was its sin that it put the Mafia out and w ouldn't let them rape an exploit the poor? Or was its sin that it decid­ L-R Rev. Lucius Walker, NY. Jim Clifford, Louisville, Lisa Valanti, Pittsburgh, Bill Hill, Tucson, Emile Milne, (Aide to Cong. Charles Rangle, Jim Mellor, N. Y. w ith t he poI i t icaI w i 11 to pro v ide good health care to all its citizens. "The U.S. is fighting this threat, using food, medicine and medical supplies as weapons. The computers that were confiscated are vital com­ ponents o f Cuba's health care sys­ tem. Many o f the computers were donated by members o f the Ameri­ can Public Health Association." Racism, plain and simple, is at the root o f U.S. hatred o f Cuba, the Rev. Walker, Pastor o f Salvation Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY, insists, and not being willing to comply with Jim Crow law s." the Rev. Walker said of his adamant stand. "I do not apply (for export licenses) because I do not want to break the law., the higher law, the moral o fth e universe.” The U.S. he said, is signatory to the Geneva accords—the Universal Declaration o f Human Rights-which says that food? medicine, medical supplies, and other humanitarian aid are not to be used as weapons. "This war against Cuba is a race war." the Rev. W alker said in an Ir>I I U IP I XJ l K \ IF L I V CATH0LIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. PHONE: 503-323-2406 St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR CONVENTION ’96 A Time o f Fellowship and Spiritual Renewal ed to give universal free education to all Cubans, including Blacks? Was the sin that it decided to give univer­ sal free healih care” he asked rhetor­ ically. "What did Cuba do wrong to de­ serve this? If these acts are sins then the U.S. should commit the same sins." The U.S. travel ban, he said, is designed to keep people in this coun­ try, especially Blacks, from seeing these truths for themselves. The APHA agrees. "The U.S. na­ tional grudge against Cuba—exem­ plified by the (1993 and 1996) tight­ ening o fth e embargo—is out o f step with the changes occurring in the world. Ehe em bargo's interference in the Cuban people’s access to food and medicine is tantamount to the use o f food and medicine as a weap­ on in the U.S. arsenal against Cuba," APHA concludes in its report “The Politics o f Suffering" the Impact of the U.S. Embargo on the Health of the Cuban People.” By contrast, the Rev. Walker com­ pares China's status as a Most Fa­ vored nation trading partner, despite the tens o f thousands o f casualties China inflicted on U .S. troops during the Korean War. and the fast track toward diplomatic and trade normal­ ization for Vietnam, despite 58,000 body bags containing U.S. military personnel sent back from that con­ flict. There have been no U.S. casual­ ties in the U.S.-Cuban conflict, he said. “ When Black folks realize that this blockade is racist, and that it affects our Uncles' and Aunts’in Cuba, and then start writing (Presi­ dent Bill) Clinton... when our Black organizations-the NAACPand Min­ ister Farrakhan—stand up for Cuba, that will make the difference.” The Fast for Life, the Rev. Walker said, gained many allies in the Chris­ tian community, drawing support from many mainstream denomina­ tions. Representatives o f the Pro­ gressive National Baptist Conven­ tion, the General Board o f Church and Society o fthe United Methodist Church, the Alliance o f Baptists, the American Baptist Churches/USA, the Episcopal Church, the General Board o f Global Ministries o f the United Methodist Church, and the National Council o f Churches o f Christ in the U.S. A. have all signed letters of sup­ port. . "There should be more Jews out here. There should be more nuns out here. There should be more Muslims out here,” Rep. Rangel said at the Capitol Hill press conference. “ We need more religious people out here to do the right thing for Cuba. Our government shou Id not be in the busi­ ness o f denying humanitarian sup­ port to sick people.” Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. Jam es E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY Bishop A.A. Wells, Presiding NORTH PORTLAND BIBLE COLLEGE Sunday, June 16, 1996 through Sunday, June 23, 1996 INVITES THE PUBLIC TO ITS 1996 June 16 (& 17 at Emmanuel Temple 1052 North Sumner, Portland, Oregon June 18 - 23 at the Portland Conference Center (just North ofthe Convention Center) 300 NE Multnomah, Portland, Oregon C elebration of A chievement Special Musical Guests: The Voices o f Fullfilltnent from San Diego, California Friday evening, June 7, 7:00 p.m. at Allen Temple CME Church Special Guest Speakers: Marvin Sapp Judy Shaw Pastor Evans Carswell N.E. 8th and Skidmore Streets Rev. James E. Smith, Jr., Host Pastor Bring friends fo r an evening o f blessing while we recognize those who have finished sequences. Student Speakers & Good Music