Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 12, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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Freud said sometimes a cigar is
just a cigar He never met Dennis
Rodman, neither as one master psy­
chologist to another nor to give the
Chicago Bulls badboy the help some
believe he so desperately needs
To teammate Michael Jordan, a
request by Rodman fo racigarearlier
this season was just his way of saying
" I ’m sorry." To his coach, Rodman's
cigar would just be the prop of an
"irresistible clown." But it seems to
be exploding in the faces of the Se­
attle SuperSonics.
On Monday s off day after the
Bulls took a 3-0 lead in the NBA
Finals, Jordan praised Rodm an's fo­
cus this past season and told how the
league’s best rebounder and wildest
posterboy had apologised for his big­
gest lapse — head butting a referee.
“He cal led me up and asked me for
a cigar,” said Jordan. “I think that
was his way of saying I’m sorry, that
was a bad thing on his part. That ’ s the
way I took it and I think that’s the way
he meant it.”
But Rodman was not apologising
(or Sunday’s Game 3 when his smirk­
ing and flopping so enraged the
S o n ics th at to u g h g u y F rank
Brickowski got thrown out of his
second game this scries and their star
Shawn Kemp was drawn into his
fifth foul.
“ He just came in basically to do
one thing, hit me and make me look
like a fo o l,” R odm an sa id o f
Brickowski. "In the end he’s the one
who looked like a fool, he’s been
ejected in two games.”
He added: “You saw Shawn Kemp,
just after Brickowski got thrown out,
he was just trying to hit me, do every­
thing he can to frustrate me. But he
has not been in this league long
enough to know that’s not going to
do it.”
The desperate Sonics, needing a
win Wednesday to stay alive in the
Finals, might get even rougher.
“If they get nasty, I think they’ll
lose by 20 points. T hat’s not their
type of game,” said Rodman. "The
whole game yesterday they were so
concentrated on what I was doing,
what I was saying and how I was
acting on the floor they just totally
lorgot how to play basketball.”
Rodman, wearing impenetrable
wraparound sunglasses, his nose and
ear rings and a big floppy floral hat,
said the Sonics should just ignore
him and play ball. However, he ad­
mitted, “It’s kind of hard to pretend
I'm not there.”
Said Seattle coach George Karl of
Rodm an’s Bulls: "They are an ob­
noxiously persistent rebounding bas­
ketball team, led by Dennis Rodman,
who’s definitely obnoxious.”
Karl also called Rodman “a great
them out of their game, literally and
“There's some genuine emotion
that Dennis emotes when he’s on the
“Dennis Rodman uses that as his court that’s very warm and endearing
line of intimidation. He doesn't care to his own fans. To opposing fans
if you hit him He wants you to hit and coaches, I’m sure it’s very irritat­
him, he wants you to punch him. ing.”
Because that's another notch in his
“I’m not irritating."said Rodman
belt. The thing to do to Dennis Rod- “I just say certain things and create a
man ifyou were playing on the play­ problem within the mental aspect of
ground is basically to fight him."
the game.”
Rodm an's response: “He has the
Rodman said Jordan enjoys him.
nerve to say it’s bad for the sport I "He says it all the time. He says,
think it's great for the sport. It adds a ‘You’re one of the craziest guys I’ve
litle more aroma, it adds a little more ever been around but I’m so happy
flavor and taste to the sport.”
you’re on this team.’ It’s been a great
Rodman added: "George Karl. I relationship.”
think he’s just frustrated. The sad
Rodm an c a n 't w ait for the se a ­
thing about it is he wanted me on his son to end. "T his has been a d ra in ­
team two years ago.”
ing ex p erien ce for me this year,
The coach who got him this year, i t ’s been really one o f those e m o ­
Phil Jackson, launched his own salvo. tional rides but i t ’s been a great
"I think that the diversion tactics trip ,” said the b e st-se llin g au th o r
the Sonics have used have not worked. who counts pop star M adonna as
Dennis has remained who he is — an ex-lover but superm odel Cindy
that irresistible clown on the court C raw ford as "s tric tly " a friend.
that just continues to bounce back,
How will he celeb rate his third
gets up after getting knocked down, NBA ch am p io n sh ip if it com es?
draws a charge and creates havoc on “ I think I ’ll ju st be totally e x ­
the offensive boards.
h austed, I'll tall on the floor, i t ’s
“ If you ask the fans o f C h i­ over, i t ’s fin ally over, and now
cago, h e ’s really e n e rg ise d our I ’ve proved all the c ritic s and
crow d. H e ’s e n e rg ise d our team , people w ho tried to bring me
i I m
io w m
n n w w
rong again
basketball player" but called for the
league to do something about "his
Karl said the Sonics were aware
that Rodman, never in a fight in 10
years in the NBA, was trying
/ c to 6«--
Embattled Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott reportedly will be)
suspended Wednesday from day-to-day control o f the team. ESPN, citing
unidentified sources, is reporting tonight that the suspension is expected to
run through the 1997 season, although some baseball officials are pushing
for the ban to last longer, perhaps through 1999, when Schott’s partnership
agreement to run the Reds expires. Acting Commissioner Bud Selig today
gave no indication on any possible ruling. According to ESPN, baseball's
ruling Executive C ouncil is expected to name an interim president to assure
Schott does not run the Reds through a hand-picked replacement. Two
candidates who have been mentioned are Pittsburgh Pirates president Mark
Sauer and former California Angels president Richard M Brown. ESPN
Sw eep, week ,s eceum ng
this year. The Colorado Avalanche
completed a sweep of the Florida Pan­
thers in the Stanley Cup Finals on
Monday night and the Chicago Bulls
are on the brink of winning four in a
row over the Seattle SuperSonics in
the NBA Finals.
Sunday night, M ichael Jordan
scored 27 of his 36 points in the first
half as the Bulls embarrassed Seattle.
108-86, to move within one win of
their fourth NBA championship in six
years. Chicago will have a chance to
complete the greatest season in league
history in Game Four on Wednesday
in Seattle.
Jordan had scored at least .30 points
in nine consecutive Finals games be-
f o r e b e - ,„ g „ ,„ „ e j 2 » a n d 2 9 p „,„B
The Bank of A merica Jam m in’
Hoops Camp is com ing to Portland
and Tualatin for the first time from
August 27-29, and enrollment appli­
Colorado is enjoying its first professional sports championship today
for the camp are now avail­
I he Avalanche won the first Stanley Cup championship in franchise history
BofA branches throughout
Monday as Uwe Krupp scored at 4 :3 1 o f triple-overtime for a 1-0 victory
that completed a four-game sweep o f the Florida Panthers.
C olorado
“The cam ps are three days of fun
becomes is the first professional team to win a title in its first year in a new
and learning that will make any kid
city since the 1937 Washington Redskins o f the National Football League.
feel seven feet tall,” said basketball
Ihe Avalanche moved west from Quebec City following the 1994-95
legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who
season. The closest Colorado came to a title before the Avalanche came to
serves as co-director o f the Jammin'
town was four lopsided Super Bowl losses by the Denver Broncos.
Hoops Camp. "Kids learn to play
hard, play well, and stay in school.”
Free for kids ages 7 to 17, the
Sweeps week is occurring in June this year. As the Colorado Avalanche I
combines basketball instruc­
completed a sweep Monday against the Florida Panthers in the Stanley Cup
local coaches and NBA
Finals, the C hicago Bulls are on the brink o f winning four in a row over the
kids to be big in life
Seattle SuperSonics in the NBA Finals. Sunday night, Michael Jordan
scored 27 o f his 36 points in the first half as the Bulls embarrassed Seattle.
108-86, to move within one win o f their fourth NBA championship in six
years Chicago will have a chance to complete the greatest season in league-
history in Game Four on Wednesday in Seattle.
off, kids and their families are in­
vited to a free barbecue and evening
o f fun.
“Basketball is an important part of
Phil Jackson said today he would return as coach o f the Chicago Bulls)
life fora lot of kids,” said Rich Brown,
only if the nucleus o f the team
including free agents Michael Jordan and
Dennis Rodman — is kept together At a practice at Key Arena in Seattle,
Jackson responded to a report in today’s Chicago Tribune that said he would
leave the Bulls il a satisfactory contract cannot be reached. He said he would
speak with Bulls chairman Jerry Reinsdorf following the season.
‘The only reason I would come back is if Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen
and Dennis Rodman were back.” Jackson said. “That's one o f the reasons!
why this team is what it is. along with the coaching slaffl have assembled.
That’s a little hard to break up.”
vice president of Corporate Com m u­
n ity D e v e lo p m e n t o f B ank o f
A merica Oregon. “We believe it can
also be used as a bridge to com m uni­
cate with kids and let them know
w hat’s important in the real w o rld -
like developing the self-esteem they
need to stay in school and stay off
drugs. I hat s what BofA Jam m in’
Hoops Camp is all about.”
As part of the program, kids are
encouraged to turn in two school
progress reports during the 1996-97
academic year in order to receive an
autographed NBA poster. In addi­
tion, the bank awards a $ 1.0(X) col­
lege scholarship to a high school
senior participating in the camps.
There w ill be two camps hosted in
the Portland area simultaneously. The
first will be at Grant High School in
Northeast Portland, the second will
be at The Urban Athlete on Lower
Boones Ferry Road in Tualatin. NBA
players attending the Portland area
cam ps will be announced just prior
to the cam p opening.
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in 1989and places the Bulls in position
to surpass the top playoff record of 12-
I set by the 1983 Philadelphia 76ers.
The Sonics have lost three in a row
for the first time since last year’s first-
round playoff exit and will try to avoid
becoming the second straight Finals
sweep victim and the third in seven
years. Dating back to its Western Con­
ference final series against the Utah
Jazz, Seattle has lost five of its last six
rhe Sonics won 64 games during
the regular season — the l()th best
record in history — but no team has
rallied from a 3-0 deficit to win any
NBA playoff series.
All-Star forward Shawn Kemp
mates on Monday.
“When you lose it' s one thing, When
you get your butts kicked, it’s an­
other, Kemp said. "We didn't put up
enough of a fight. I feel like we didn't
challenge those guys in the first three
Led by Jordan, the Bulls won three
straight titles from 1991 to 1993. The
Sonics are in their first Finals since
1979, the year of their only title.
The is the first matchup of the
league’s best teams since 1992, when
Chicago knocked ofl Portland in six
games, rhe loser ol the series will
become the winmngest team to fail to
capture the championship.
si 06-11-96 09:28 et
C ongr atulations
Antar Brame
Antar Brame, scored in the top
10 percent of al I juniors nationwide
in Economics. Antar did this even
though he is currently a sophomore
at Madison High School.
Antar s other accomplishments
are: 2.7 GPA. Varsity letter in foot­
ball as a running back and defen­
sive back. Was a starter on the foot­
ball team last season when Madison
went to the state 4A playoffs.
Varsity letter in basketball and
starter at the guard position.
This.spring he played varsity and
JV baseball as a pitcher and center
A lso, this spring he played
g u ard for the P o rtlan d Excel
B ask etb all C lu b ’s team during
th e S a lv a tio n A r m y ’ s h ig h
school sp rin g league that in­
cluded m any PIL p lay ers. P o rt­
land Excel won the team champi-
Antar Brame
onship. This summer he scored 2.
points for Madison in a summei
league games victory over state 4A
basketball champion South Salem
Antar. keep the good work up
Again congratulations front the Port
land Observer Newspaper.
Gregory B Murphy today was named president and chief executive)
officer o f the newly created Major League Baseball Enterprises.
Murphy, who has more than 20 years ofexperience in marketing some o f the
; biggest consumer companies but has no specific sports sales or media
! background, will oversee all the b u sin ess and m.irketing for Major E e.ieue
; Baseball Murphy was president o f Kraft Foods Bakery Companies from
1987-95, running the company s $l-billion-a-year baking division.
m o n ___ j
Ange.esLakerswonrhcirf.rs,, Igames
e IlIX
w n wins
w in s in
m Chicago.
C h ir o n U
in n Ih
first t l two
He „
nearly reached that total in the first
hall, when the Bulls built a 24-point
Hie SuperSonics were given some
credit for slowing Jordan and were
hoping to build on that as the series
slutted to Key Arena. But the Bulls
scored the first seven points and never
led by less than 11 after the first four
Jordan’s performance has the Bulls
on the brink of NBA history. Chicago,
which won a record 72 games during
the regular season, improved to 14-1
in the post-season with its ninth con­
secutive triumph. It is the longest
single-season streak since the Los
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