Volume XXVI, Number 24 Committed to cultural diversity. June 12, 1996 ^ o rtía n b (Observer Red Cross Offers Community CPR Red Cross will offer Community CPR at America Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chap­ ter, 3131 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland. The class will be held on Monday and Wednesday, June 17 & 19. from 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. Cost is $32, for more informa­ tion or to register, call 280-1440. Summer Theme June - Sept. 1996 Where in the Zoo is Carmen Sandiego? Metro Washington Park Zoo, 9:30 to 4 pm daily. Carmen and her V I L E, henchman have been on a crime spree through the Metro Washington Park Zoo. Zoo visitors will be deputized into the ACME Crime Investigation Corps and dispatched to solve 5 cases. Sponsored by James River Corpo­ ration, local manufacturer o f Brawny Pa­ per Towels and Quilted Northern Bath­ room Tissue. Greenpeace To Hold Meeting On Thursday, June 13,1996, Greenpeace Portland will be holding a community meet­ ing at 2548 SE Ankeny St. from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. At this month’s meeting guest speaker, Michael Marx who is the former Director o f Rainforest Action N etw ork’s Boycott Mitsubishi Campaign and founder o f Earth Nation, will discuss the impact o f Multi­ national Coiporations on the environment. Following this discussion, there will be an update o f Shell Oil’s violations o f environ­ mental and human rights. Marylhurst Concert Chorale To Perform The Marylhurst Concert Chorale, ac­ companied by members o f the Marylhurst Symphony, will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, June 14, in St. Anne’s Chapel on the col­ lege campus.Tickets for the Friday night performance cost $5 for adults and $4 for students and seniors and may purchased at the door or by calling 786-0568. Youth Conference To Be Held It was a happy time for the family o f Berry, Cropper and the Washington's as they celebrate the graduation o f their children from Benson High School. During prom night for the High School Seniors. Pictured above (from left) Cardis Berry, Sandra Berry, Vernon Cropper Sr., Vernon Cropper Jr., Alesha Gates, Phyllis White, Rakeem Washington, Charles Washington, Shirean Moini, and Debbie Moini. Midsummer In Portland’s Public Gardens o celebrate midsummer, five of Portland's Public Gardens are spo n sorin g s p e c ia l e v e n ts , to u r s , and p e rfo rm a n c e s Shakespearean them es. T Events will be from I -4 Sunday, June 23, 1996. All events, tours, and performances are free to the public. Most gardens will be at peak summer display for the event. Leach Botanical Garden (6704 SE 122nd) will feature the woodwind duo Belles Anges playing Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque selections. The musicians will perform in Renaissance costume. Garden volunteers will be serving fruit and tea to visitors and C.B. Shoe, a juggling jester, will provide light­ hearted entertainment. w ith The Portland Community Gardens will sponsor informational tours on herbs and medicinal plants o f Shakespeare’s time at its Fulton Display Garden (SW 2nd and Barbur). Children and adults will be able to take a special bouquet or craft project home with them. The Morris Dancers and Garland Danc­ ers will perform beginning at 2:30 pm. A full slate o f events is scheduled at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden (SI. 28th Ave, one block north o f Woodstock) including a performance by Belle Anges. Barbara Jean Long will read Shakespeare Sonnets and Eric Bogai w il I delight the whole family with his juggling OSU Master G ar­ deners will be available to answer gardening questions from 1-4 pm. I loyt Arboretum (4000 SW Fairview) will offer hourly tours o f medicinal plants and trees, including trees mentioned in the works o f Shakespeare, four participants will be entertained with music, jesters, stories from Oregon Celebrates Juneteenth The Portland Youth Conference will be held June 2 8 -2 9 ,1996. The keynote speak­ er is Mr. Joseph Marshall, Jr., author and co-founder and di rector o f the Omega Boys Club o f San Francisco. Gala Ribbon Cutting Ceremony The Musi im Community Center o f Port­ land invites you to attend our Gala ribbon cutting ceremony o f our newly acquired property at 7007 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. at Bryant St. Saturday - Sunday July 6th & 7th. March Begins at 11 00 am. Bazaar opens at 12:30 - 6.00 pm. For Vendor Information Contact: Omar B. Shaba-287- 2936 or pager 2 0 2 -1630. SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. MYCAP Merger A 10th Annual Chili Cook-Off The SunriverChamberofCommerce will host the IOth Annual Chili Cook-Off, com­ bining some o f the very best chili cooks, music and beer garden on June 29th, 1996 11:00 to 5:00 p.m. on the Sunriver Court­ yard. This year' Chili Cook-Off will feature- dozens o f activities, live music, games for the whole family, beer garden and ofcourse the best chili you will ever taste. Tasting kits will be made available, so you can be the judge and vote for your favorite. A panel of judges will select the ICS (International Chili Society) best chili, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. No Admission Charge. Shakespeare's time and will be treated to a short scene from Shakespeare's Midsummer N ight’s Dream. Tours will depart from the picnic shelter at 1:15, 2:15, and 3:15 pm. At the P o rtland In te rn a tio n a l Rose le s t G arden in W ashington Park (4000 K in g sto n ) harpist M aureen Love will e n te rta in v isitors. The Morris Dancers and Garland Dancers will perform beginning at 1:15 pm. Volun­ teers will be on hand to guide tours featuring the ro se s o f S h a k e sp e a re and the Shakespearean Garden. Volunteers o f Bethel Church (right) take time out to prepare for this year's Juneteenth celebration. The Food was donated by the local businesses and area supermarkets for the annual feast directed by Miss Clara Peoples (above), which begins on Friday the 14th. in D an B ki . i . By the w ar’s end, more than 200,000 Black men had fought for freedom and the n June 1 9 th 1 8 6 5 an enslaved Union. 25% o f the Naval forces were Black population were among the last to receive the news th a t they men. As a matter of observation by the time the had been freed by the Emancipation Galveston population received the news, the Proclamation. General Gordon Granger confederacy had already surrendered and told them this when he landed in Galveston Texas with his regiment of conceded defeat. Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated and the al I important 13th amend­ Union soldiers and read General Order ment that would bar the return to slavery had No. 3. O In fact Abraham Lincoln has signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January I, 1963 But the proclamation could only go into effect if the Union won the war Lincoln recognizing that the Black involvement on the Union side was vital, in doing so was therefore motivated to make a political state­ ment to enlist their support. been proposed. In recent years the popularity o f the Juneteenth Celebration has been rapidly grow­ ing. There are large events in such cities as Oakland California, Denver Colorado, and Kansas City Missouri. This year African-American Oregonians will be recognizing Juneteenth in both Salem and Portland. On June 15th a group o f concerned citi­ zens will be sponsoring a Juneteenth Cele­ bration at Alberta Park from 1:00 until 6:00 p.m. I here were will be entertainment featur­ ing Mt Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, a passage over ritual, presented by Yoruba. booths, free foods and other activities. The following Saturday the Commission on Black k Affairs and the Salem N. A. A C .P will host a Juneteenth Celebration 11:00am- 4:00pm at Capitol Park Mall across from the state capitol in Salem Oregon Entertainment there will feature the hus­ band and wife duo La Fenieres There will be informational and food booths and tentative­ ly scheduled Gospel Music. s of May 1 ,1 9 9 6 the Commu­ nity W ellness C enter and M i­ nority Youth Concerns Action Program, MYCAP, has agreed to merge. Since 1988, MYCAP has been provid­ ing transitional services to youth coming out o f the state training schools such as MaClaren School for Boys. The program was developed specifically to address the Portland gang problem that hit the city in the early eighties. The Community Wellness Center which has been around for about two years, is a culturally specific alcohol and drug and mental health program for African Amer­ ican youth. Says Sam Pierce, co-founder o f both programs, “the merger will help make both programs stronger. The mis­ sions do not compete with, but rather com­ plement each other.” MYCAP achieved an international rep­ utation for its work with gang youth but has struggled over the last few years. Pierce, who recently returned to the agency ex­ udes, “ inspite o f things, M Y CA P’s future is bright' Un less a camel o f corn fal Is to the ground and dies, it never produces any other camels o f corn MYCAP may have suffered a from o f death, as it were, but its resurrection is eminent.” Pierce concludes, "M YCAP belongs to this community and the community has supported it over the years. I personally want to thank Johnny Gage for his leader­ ship o f MYCAP the las, eighteen months. W ithout his help, there would probably not be a MYCAP We will seek to continue his upward movement; because the need for this program is even greater now than it was when we firs, started.”