Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 05, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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J une 5, 1996 • T he P ortland O bsi rver
p a r t í a nit
Real Estate Planning Guide With Info On World Market
N e w A m e ric a n N e tw o rk , In c .,
a la rg e n e tw o rk o f c o m m e rc ia l
re a l estate s e rv ic e firm s , has re ­
leased its 1996 R eal Estate P la n ­
n in g G u id e .
T h e c o m p a n y ’ s 14th annual
c o m p re h e n s iv e s u rv e y o f w o r ld ­
w id e real estate c o n d itio n s and
tre n d s fe a tu re s d e m o g ra p h ic and
b u sin ess p ro file s , p ro p e rty v a ­
c a n cy rates, re n ta l ranges and
la n d p ric e s fo r 127 u rban and
s u b u rb a n m a rk e ts th ro u g h o u t the
U n ite d S ta te s , C a n a d a , L a tin
A m e ric a and E u ro p e .
A c c o r d in g to J e ffr e y F in n ,
P re sid e n t and C h ie f O p e ra tin g
O ffic e r o f N e w A m e ric a N e tw o rk
the g u id e is d e sig n e d to be used
by c o rp o ra tio n s , in s titu tio n s and
o rg a n iz a tio n s th ro u g h o u t A m e r­
ican and the w o rld in d e v e lo p in g
fu tu re real estate s tra te g ie s . “ The
P la n n in g G u id e is u n iq u e am ong
re a l estate research re p o rts in that
in fo rm a tio n fro m m a rk e ts fo r a ll
sizes and p ro m in e n c e are c o v ­
ters research d e p a rtm e n t in c o n ­
ju n c tio n w ith S e n io r E c o n o m is t
H e rv e K e v e n id e s .
T he p la n n in g g u id e also in ­
clu d e s fo re ca sts fo r in d u s tria l o f ­
fic e and re ta il m a rk e ts , as w e ll as
fo re ca sts fo r a ll re g io n s o f the
ered in a u n ifo rm fo rm a t. The
m a rk e t-b y -m a rk e t d ata on o ffic e ,
in d u s t r ia l and r e t a il v a c a n c y
n a tio n .
ra te s, and re n ta l ranges is am ong
the m ost c o m p re h e n s iv e re p o rts
th a t are a v a ila b le ,” said F in n .
T he g u id e is c o m p ile d fro m
research c o n d u c e d b y the firm s
lo c a l b ro k e ra g e o ffic e s th ro u g h ­
o u t the c o u n try and in overseas
m a rke ts.
M a c r o -le v e l a n a lyses are p re ­
pared by the N e tw o r k ’ s h e adquar­
T he S o u th and W est re g io n s o f
th e
U n it e d
S ta te s
g a in e d
1,6 5 9 ,4 0 0 jo b s in 19 9 5 , 69 p e r­
ce n t o f a ll new jo b s cre a te d in the
F lo rid a , Texas and V ir g in ia ac­
c o u n te d fo r 9 3.5 p e rc e n t o f a ll
jo b g a in s in the S o u th e rn U n ite d
M o re than 70 p e rc e n t o f a ll
jo b s g a in e d in the w est w e re in
C a lifo r n ia , A riz o n a and W ash
, fe tt A S 1
in g to n .
p a rtic u la r ly in average re n ta l v a ­
M a n y areas are e x p e rie n c in g
re m a rk a b le changes in th e ir in ­
d u s tria l base. Even th o u g h the
c a n cy rates.
A s a re s u lt, the fig u re s p re ­
sented are m ore r e fle c tiv e in the
tru e n a tio n a l and in te rn a tio n a l
re a l estate p ic tu re .
E astern re g io n g e n e ra te d o n ly
seven p e rce n t o f the c o u n tr y ’ s
jo b g a in , th e re is some e v id e n c e
that the M id d le A tla n tic States
have begun to re co ve r.
Due to its co m p re h e n s iv e n a ­
tu re , some o f the n a tio n a l real
estate fig u re s , such as va ca n cie s,
that are re p o rte d in the P la n n in g
g u id e m ay d if f e r fro m those re ­
p o rte d by o th e r o rg a n iz a tio n s .
The P la n n in g G u id e ’ s s u rv e y
covers a ll o f the m a jo r m a rke ts
re p o rte d by o th e r o rg a n iz a tio n s ,
and a ls o in c lu d e d m a n y less
p ro m in e n t, te r tia ry m a rke ts th a t
are n o t c o ve re d by o th e r re p o rts .
B y in c lu d in g these m a rke ts,
th is b ro a d e r co ve ra g e n a tu ra lly
has an im p a c t on the re p o rte d
s ta tis tic s adn m a rk e t c o n d itio n s ,
W ith more than 150 member firm s
serving over 210 markets through
the U nited States, Canada, Europe,
M exico, Puerto Rico and Brazil, New
A m erica N etw orks is both the com ­
m ercial real estate industry’ s largest
global partnership o f real estate ser­
vice providers and the most com pre­
hensive system o f corporate real es­
^ I o r tla n b
tate services.
In addition to the core o ffice in ­
dustrial and retail services.
The o rg a n iz a tio n also p ro v id e s
s p e c ia liz e d se rvice s to m a rk e t
n ich e s such as re s ta u ra n ts /e n te r-
ta in m e n t , h o s p it a lit y , s e n io r
h o u s in g , la n d , b io te c h and te le ­
c o m m u n ic a tio n s . It is h e a d q u a r­
te re d in H ig h ts to w n , N .J.
Prevent Burglaries With A Home Security Plan
Warm, spacious Heartwood has it all
By Associated Designs
Togetherness comes naturally in
the Heartwood's bright, airy and
spacious kitchen and fam ily room.
A friendly wrap-around front porch
welcomes visitors, and just inside
the door is a large room that could
be an office, liv in g room, or ju st
about anything else.
Entry and fam ily room in this
contem porary country home are
vaulted and ric h ly illu m in a te d .
Natural light spills into the entry
through a sidelight and small arched
dormer, while the back o f the fam­
ily room is more windows than wall.
The wide-hearthed fireplace nestles
in the angle created by a staircase
that leads to the second floor.
A long eating bar serves as sepa­
ration and interface between kitchen
and fam ily room. Standing at the
kitchen sink, you can look across
the eating bar into the fam ily room,
or scan the deck, the bayed dining
room, or the vista beyond.
Other notable kitchen amenities
include a pantry, large work island,
built-in desk, and sunny nook with
sliding glass doors that open on a
p a rtia lly covered deck. It's mere
steps to the u tility room, basement
stairs, and three-car garage. The
parking unit closest to the street
could easily be outfitted as a work
or hobby shop.
T h e H e a rtw o o d # 1 0 -3 0 0
Living Area
Outside Dimensions
2486 sq ft
72’ x 59'
It’s known in law enforcemenl circles
as the “ Crime Clock” — the rate at which
criminal offenses occur in our country.
Homeowners should be particularly
alarmed at the startling number o f bur­
glaries that occur in the U S A burglary
takes place an average o f once every 12
seconds and. according to the most recent
FBI statistics available, almost 2 m illion
residences are victimized each year
In the face o f these startling statistics,
homeowners can greatly reduce their
chances o f becoming another “ Crime
Clock” statistic. What many people fail to
realize is that effective protection against
thieves is neither difficult nor expensive.
And with June being National Burglary
Prevention Month, now is an ideal time to
take a close look at how you can secure
your residence.
“ The key to burglary prevention is
eliminating a would-be burglar's opportu­
nities for success," says M ike Bruening,
executive director o f the Burglary
Prevention Council, a national non-profit
organization dedicated to the prevention
o f residential burglaries. “ Surprisingly,
many burglars don't even have to use
forcible entry to gain access to a residence
because they can enter through an
improperly locked door or window.”
Create a plan
Èedroom 0
10'6"x12 6 ' * “
D o u b le doors
open into the Heart-
wood's vaulted mas­
ter suite, a welcome
retreat from the hus­
tle and bustle o f fam ily life. It has a
bright bayed sitting area, a cozy fire­
place, and a luxurious bathroom
complete with double vanity, natu­
ra lly lit soaking tub, oversized
shower, private to ile t and w alk-
in closet. Sliders
open on a small
covered deck.
Two more bed­
rooms, a two-sec­
tion bathroom, and a deep skylit
bonus room are upstairs.
For a re vie w plan, in c lu d in g
scaled flo o r plans, elevations, sec­
tion and artist's conception, send
$15 to Associated Designs, I 100
Jacobs Dr., Eugene, Ore. 97402.
Please specify the Heartwood 10-
300 and include a return address
when ordering. A catalog featuring
over 170 home plans is available for
$12. For more in fo rm a tio n ca ll
According to the Burglary Prevention
Council, homeowners should implement
a basic security plan and start by per­
forming an inspection o f their home.
Identify all vulnerable points in your
home, including weak door and window
“ Many homeowners violate some o f
the most basic rules o f home security, like
making certain all possible points o f entry
are secure," says Bruening. " I f a burglar
happens to approach your home, he won’t
turn down an open invitation like an
unlocked window or an attached garage
that is easily accessible."
Eliminating these types o f unprotected
Northwest Color
raniums, petunias, impatiens, and tu­
berous begonias also grow beautifully
in hanging baskets.
A nd given a little care, they ’ II bloom
fo r you all through the summer and
often into the fall, according to Ross
Penhallegon, w ith the Oregon State
U niversity Extension Service.
“ Remember that plants in hanging
baskets depend totally on you to give
them what they need to grow ,” said
“ So, first o f all, hang them in the
right place,” he advises. *Tuch»i«»s and
tuberous begonias like shade, or par­
tial shade. Petunias and geraniums
flourish in fu ll sun, and impatiens pre­
fer a cool, partially sunlit location.”
“ S e c o n d ly ,”
re co m m e n d e d
Penhallegon. “ Make sure all o f them
are out o f the wind and that there’ s no
chance fo r them to dry out. Then don’t
forget to feed and water the baskets
T o increase the life and bloom ing
tim e o f out hanging plants, remove
bloom s after they begin to fade
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Although nearly 2 million burglaries occurred in 1994, homeowners can reduce
their chances of being burglarized by following some simple measures.
areas are necessary elements o f a home
security plan. However, homeowners
should take further steps in order to deter
burglars from even approaching their res­
Outside appearances matter when it
comes to residential burglary. Do not
make it easy for burglars to get close to
your home w ithout being noticed.
Keeping the outside o f your home neat­
ly groomed and w ell lighted w ill reduce
a burglar's opportunity fo r success.
T rim trees and bushes because any
shrubbery that is overgrown and touch­
es your home provides a perfect cover
for a burglar.
One o f the best methods o f deterrence
is keeping the perimeter o f your home
well lighted at night. Low voltage out­
door lighting systems not only are very
effective, but also make your home look
more attractive. Because they use safe 12-
volt current, they are easy to install and
inexpensive to operate
Security timers create the impression
o f movement throughout the house at d if­
ferent times o f the day or night. You can
set the timers to operate lamps, radios,
televisions or other appliances at specific
times. Random security timers vary the
time at which lights or appliances go on
and o ff in order to eliminate any pre­
dictable schedule.
Other tips
The Burglary Prevention Council
also advises stopping all mail and
newspaper deliveries or at least arrang­
ing for a neighbor to pick them up so
that they don’ t accumulate. Ask a
neighbor to park in your driveway to
make it appear that you are home.
The average dollar loss in a residen­
tial burglary is over $1,300. When you
consider the fact that implementing a
home security plan and securing your
residence w ith some basic products w ill
cost a homeowner only about $100. it's
a wise investment indeed.
“ The biggest payoff o f all is security
and peace o f mind," says Bruening. "You
can't put a price tag on those benefits."
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Nu. ul Burglaries
Hanging Baskets Easy
Summer Beauty
This summer, don’t ju s t grow your
flowers at ground level. Fuchsias, ge­
Residential Burglaries Remain High
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