Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 29, 1996, Image 9

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Volume XXVI, Number 22
Committed to cultural diversity.
(Elje ^ o r tla n h (lf)baewer
May 29, 1996
End Of Year Carnival
Experience Corps and Humboldt School
PTA are sponsoring an end o f the year
carnival for students and families, Friday
June 7 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the School,
4915 N. Gantenbein. For more informa­
tion call 281-8797.
Drama Camps
T he Mt. H ood C o m m unity C ollege
is com m itted to p ro v id in g a v ariety o f
o p p o rtu n itie s for stu d e n ts o f all ages
to p a rtic ip a te in th e a te r learn in g a c ­
tiv itie s. T his sum m er they are o ffe r­
ing a series o f d ram a cam ps. C am p 1 is
schedu led for June 1 7-24 and isg e a re d
to ages 15-18, cam p 2 is June 24-28
for 10- to 14-year-o ld s, and cam p III
is for 7- to 9 -y e a r-o ld s and is July 15-
19. Space is lim ited call 6 6 7 -7 1 5 4 .
Minority Contractors
The National Association o f Minority
Contractors will hold their annual confer­
ence June 5-8 at the Red Lion at Jantzen
Beach. Sessions include Private Sectors
Contracting Opportunities, the Church’s
Roll in Economic Development and Em­
powerment, and Reclaiming our Youth.
Blazer Dancer Auditions
A u d itio n s
f o r th e
1 9 9 6 -9 7
B la z e rD a n ce rs w ill be held S aturday,
July 15 at C lack am as High School.
A u ditio n s sta rt at 8 a.m . First day
fin a lists w ill be invited to return S un­
day, June 6. Final a u d itio n s w ill be the
f o llo w in g w e e k e n d . D a n c e r s a re
ju d g e d by d an ce a b ility , enth u siasm
and sho w m an sh ip . A p p lic a tio n s are
a v ailab le at the B la z e r’s o ffice, O ne
C e n te r C o u rt S uite 2 0 0 , All d an cers
m ust be 19 y ears o r o ld e r by N o v em ­
ber 1, 1996 C all 7 9 7 -9 6 2 6 for m ore
inform atio n .
Students Needed
For Video
S tu d e n ts from G ra n t, J e ffe rs o n ,
R o o sev elt and D avid D o u g las High
S chools can au d itio n F riday, June 14
from 4 to 8 :3 0 p.m . for the C lean
R ivers: W hy S h ould I C are, a m usic
video th at is p art o f the P o rtlan d E n v i­
ronm en tal S erv ices. T he v id eo will
include a v ariety o f m usic and p e rfo r­
m ance sty les from h ip -h o p to a lte rn a ­
tive. To p re -re g iste r call 823-7 2 3 6 .
Tile Making
Residents o f Hillsboro are invited to
make ceramic tiles for the future 150-foot
wall at the Washington St/12th Ave. light
rail station. People o f all ages can stop by
the tile making studio at 128 E. Main St.,
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10
a.m to 5 p.m. to make tiles. No ceramic
skills are necessary.
Rocket Tots
The M iddleman Jewish Community
Center Theater will present a story book
musical entitled Ms Tittle T attle's Rocket
Tots Thursday, May 30 at 7 p.m. The book,
music and lyrics are by Mark Steering of
MJCC. The show is particularly appropri­
ate for pre-school and young elementary
school audiences. The Center is at 6 6 5 1
SW Capitol Highway.
Asthma Support Group
P aren ts o t C h ild ren w ith A thsm a
and a lle rg ie s S u p p o rt G ro u p w ill beet
S unday, June 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. at
S u p p erp lay in M ilw aukie (H ighw ay
224 and O ak S t.) T his is an end o f the
school y ear event. The su p p o rt group
is free and o pen to anyone in terested
inform atio n on ch ild ren w ith athsm a
and a lle rg ie s. C all 6 3 6 -9 2 4 2 for m ore
inform ation.
SU B M ISS IO N S: Community
Calendar information will he given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
Legal Service Provides Assistance
P romise K ing
orget the outrageous legal fees
you are contemplating and, If
you wish, bid your hard-nosed
attorney good-bye.
You won't regret it, that is because a rev­
olutionary low-cost, pre-paid legal service, is
at your finger tips.
Legal experts say the plan is worth-while
and cost effective.
With about a million lawsuits filed in the
state last year, the plan' s pro v iders see a com­
pelling need for Oregonians to be covered.
This is how the plan works. It should cost
potential subscribers $16.95 in monthly fees
and clients are assigned a provider attorney
for personal or business-related lega I matters
including contract and document reviews,
and wills. It includes unlimited toll-free ac­
cess to the provider attorney.
The plan will also cover moving traffic
violations and provide defence against man­
slaughter, involuntary manslaughter, negli­
gent homicide or vehicular homicide. Family
members are also covered.
The first membership year there is up to 60
hours o f provider attorney’s time at no addi­
tional cost for client or spouse named defen­
dant or respondent in a covered civil or
criminal action filed in court.
O f the 60 hours, up to 2.5 hours may be
used for all legal services in defense o f the
covered suit prior to actual trial. The 57.5
remaining hours are available for actual trial
time including preliminary hearings. The plan
has up to 50 hours o f IRS audit services for
clients and family members.
Hours o f service increase with each re­
newal The second year provides up to 120
hours o f assistance at no additional charge
with up to 3 hours of pre-trial time. However,
there are cases it doesn't cover.
The prepaid legal services like the HMOs
are fast becoming part o f America corporate
culture and employers. Computer giant, Mi­
crosoft Corp, is one company that offered
prepaid care for their employees.
The prepaid services is regulated by the
“ Prepaid services to me personally is less
expensive because I have use it," says Rick
Griebel, o f the Oregon State Bar Association.
The Modest Means program is run by the
State Bar Association for low-income peo­
ple. I'o qualify clients’ incomes must meet
the federal poverty guidelines, $ 14,720 for a
single person or $29,600 fora family o f four
“Access to justice for middle class and the
working poor is limited by the lack o f legal
help," said Judy Shipler Henry, president o f
the state bar. “For these people, the Modest
Means program can offer help with disputes
involving housing, buying used cars, or even
helping a senior with basic estate planning.”
For additional information on the new
service call 288-1756.
Reading Is Fundamental Recieves Grant
he Reading is Fundamental ( RIF)
program conducted by King
School has been awarded a
Borders and Waldenbooks grant for out­
standing service in motivating young­
sters to read.
The grant, one o f many awarded to RIF
programs nationwide, will be used to pur­
chase additional books for children.
Through the work o f King School PTA
volunteers, and the guidance o f national RIF
headquarters in Washington, D.C., the King
School RIF program inspires children to read
through planned reading related activities
and by making it possible for youngsters to
choose and to own books that interest them,
without cost to them or their families.
In the 2 years since the RIF program was
established at King, it has enabled the stu-..
dents to become the proud owners o f some
1000 books.
Patricia Heard- Hopson, RIF project coor­
dinator for King says, “The Borders and
W aldenbooks grant will help us continue
providing a wide variety o f books that awak­
en and nurture youngsters interest in read­
ing,” “RIF’s unique approach makes young­
sters want to read. And the more they read,
the more their skills improve."
helps children discover the joy and impor­
Founded in 1966, Reading Is Fundamen­
tance o f reading through a nationwide net­
tal is a national nonprofit organization that
work o f 4,700 local projects such as the one
at King.
RIF also assists parents who want to en­
courage reading in the home
annie Mae, the nation’s larg­
est source of home mortgage
funds, and the city of Portland
celebrated the first anniversary of their
“HousePortland" partnership.
I he Partnership recently announced that
their efforts over the last year have provid­
ed $277 million in mortgage financing,
helping more than 3,000 local families
find affordable housing.
Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse.Com ­
missioner Gretchen Kafoury, and Fannie
Mae Senior Vice President Libby Snyder
announced the results o f the investments
made under the first year o f HousePortland
“Most Americans dream o f becoming
homeowners. Today, I am encouraged to
see that the first year o f HousePortland has
shown such tremendous results. W orking
families in Portland now have better ac­
cess than ever before to affordable home-
ownership, and they are taking advantage
o f it,” said Congresswoman Furse.
Fannie Mae announced its commitment
to invest $5 million in The Belmont Dairy
project to support the city’s efforts to in­
crease affordable housing and mixed-use
projects. Rehabilitation o f the form erCar-
nation dairy will result in ground floor
retail space and 85 units o f affordable
rental housing on the floors above.
“ We are very pleased that this partner­
ship has already made an impact on the
lives ofthousands o f local families,” Snyder
said “This has been a great example o f the
power ot partnership within the local hous­
ing community
lenders, nonprofits, real
estate professionals, and city officials.”
More than 1,300 single-family loans
were made to families earning less than the
median income Fourteen percent o f the
loans made were to minority home buyers
and 38 percent o f the loans were made to
first-time home buyers. Fannie Mae also
invested more than $ 1 1 million in afford­
able rental developments.
For additional information consumers
may*call Fannie M ae's Public Information
Office at I-8OO-7FANNIE (1-800-732-
6643), Monday through Friday, 9 a m. to 5
p.m. eastern time