M ay 29, 1996 • Tm P ortland O bserver P agi A 4 Social Security Concerns CRIME STOPPERS Missing Woman Sought Portland Police detectives are in ­ that she was last seen leaving her relatives, and they are concerned for vestigating the disappearance o f 20- ycar-old North Portland woman last home w ith an unknown man. Krueger had worked as an exotic dancer and model in the past, and cu rre n tly worked fo r escort services. Report­ edly, it is very unlike Krueger to not her welfare. Krueger is described as being a w hite female. 5 ’9" and 115 lbs, w ith long blonde hair and blue eyes. Detective D ivision Sergeants Jackie Jeppe and David Yamasaki (823-0479) are investigating. seen on M ay 11 th Investigators say that 20-ycar-old Angela Kay Krueger was reported missing by her boyfriend, who said stay in contact w ith her friends and cy Auto Theft agreement Monday, May 20th during the C h ie f s Forum. Multnomah County District A ttor­ ney Office. Clackamas County Sher­ if f s Office, Clackamas County Dis­ trict Attorney’s Office. Oregon State Police and Multnomah County Sher- i l f s O ffice are partners in the agree­ for your help in locating the vehicle and individuals involved in a near fatal hit and run tra ffic accident. On Saturday, A p ril 1.3, at 2 a.m. at SE 6th Avenue and SE Hawthorne Boulevard, a 28-ycar-old man was d riv in g his 1989, red 4-door Subaru westbound on SE H awthorne when, vehicle out o f control and into a build in g . you from w orking, you may be e lig i­ ble fo r Social Security o r Supple­ mental Security Income d isa b ility benefits. The booklet “ Social Secu­ rity and SSI Benefits For People after your baby is born and i t ’ s very easy. When your hospital represen­ tatives o r doctor asks you fo r the inform ation needed to com plete the b irth certificate, all you have to do is tell them to have the state vita l statis­ tics o ffice share the inform ation the Social S ecurity A dm in istra tio n . I f you do, aS ocial Security card w ill be how to file for benefits. Q. Wha, is the earliest age at w hich you can qualify fo r retirement T i f they meet the other e lig ib ility re­ quirements. Q. What id e n tificatio n do you need to get a du p lica to r Social Secu­ n s W £2. . m. ambulance to a local hospital fo r observation and treatment o f what at first appeared to be m in o r injuries. C rim e Stoppers is o tte rin g a cash But at the hospital the v ic tim 's med­ ical c o n d ition suddenly worsened reward o f up to $ 1,000 fo r inform a­ tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers, and he was rushed to Legacy Eman­ according to a witness, a vehicle that uel Hospital, where he underwent that leads to an arrest in this case, or was northbound on SE 6th ran the stop sign and struck the v ic tim ’ s emergency surgery fo r severe inter­ nal injuries. v e h icle on the d riv e r’ s side. The Tile suspect vehicle, which should any unsolved felony crime, and you can remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Methamphetamine Lab Discovered IF X A X W W A Call 503-288-0033 G o lf hatchback that is gray or silver in color. The vehicle, which contained tw o w h ite males, was last seen southbound on SE 6th Avenue. The v ic tim was transported by r n © b s e rv e r mailed to you. P h y sic H ead in gs rity card? A. To get a duplicate card all you have sustained extensive front-end damage and had at least one front tire blown out, is a newer Volkswagon force o f the impact spundhe v ic tim 's True? A. Yes, you apply fo r a number only have to be age 60. A, Benefits can be paid to a surviving divorced spouse who is 60 or older, (o r age 50 to 60 i( disabled) Near Fatal Hit And Run A ccident The P o rtla n d P o lice B u reau's T ra ffic Investigations U n it is asking infection. Am I e lig ib le fo r Social Security benefits. A. I fy o u r medical condition keeps W ith H IV Infection” w ill answer most questions and give inform ation on Advertise In ÍElje benefits? A. Y o u can start your Social Se­ curity benefits as early as 62. but the benefit amount you receive w ill be less than your fu ll retirem ent benefit. 0 . I heard you can get a Social Security number fo r a baby at the hospital at the tim e o f birth? Is that vorce records and a com pleted Form SS-5. Q. I'v e been diagnosed w ith H IV remain eligible. Q. When I applied fo r Social Security benefits on mu ex-husband's Social Security record, the represen­ tative said I w asn't e lig ib le because I had to be 62 years old. M y ex-hus­ band passed away last month and a friend told me that i f he is deceased I has recovered almost 400 stolen vehi­ cles and made 119 arrests for posses­ sion o f a stolen motor vehicle. This effort has complimented the preven­ tion steps that members o f the commu­ nity are involved in. such as using anti­ theft devices. Through the first four months o f 1996, auto theft has dropped over 35% from the same period in 1995. ment. The Portland Police Bureau has joined with these agencies in the high­ ly successful Auto Theft Task Force. The signing o f the partnership agree­ ment w ill signify the commitment o f the agencies to continuing the jo in t effort. Through the first six months o f operation the Auto Theft Task Force tion such as d riv e r's license, pass­ port, School ID ca rd . m ilita ry record, adoption records or marriage or d i­ you keep the money into the next month, it then become a part o f yo u r resources. An individual cannot have more than 52,000 in resources to Auto Theft Partnership Agreements Signed Mayor Vera K at/ and C hief Charles M(X)se joined other area law enforce­ ment agencies in signing an Inter-Agen­ usually need is one type o f id e n tifica ­ Q. I get SSI because I am e lderly and have no income. M y brother recently died and left me the money he had in a savings account. W ill this extra money affect my benefits? A. The money inherited from your brother is considered income fo r the month you receive it and could make you in e lig ib le fo r that month, depending on the amount. I f X H ls o L o v e S p e c i a l i s t IF lif Cull for an Appointment 1-888-505-5060 Toll Free Y)o 1 503-335-8966 Body Recovered From Willamette On May 15, members o f Multnomah County S h e rrifs O ffice River Patrol recovered a body in the Willamette River at approximately 9:30 a m. The body was sighted at approxi­ mately 8:45 a.m. this morning by the S kip p e r o f the P o rtla n d Rose Sternwheeler. The body was located bv MC'SO River Patrol Deputies in the Willamette River almost directly un­ derneath the Fremont Bridge. The body recovered is a black male person. Multnomah County Medical Examin­ er. Robert Felton, responded to the scene to conduct his investigation. The identity o f the body w ill be released alter notification of the immediate fam- * Three arrested at Apartm ent C om plex Gresham On M ay 14, at a p p ro xim a te ly 12:00 P.M., members o f the M u lt­ nomah C ounty S h e riff's O ffice Spe­ cial Investigations U n it conducted s u rve illa n c e on an apartm ent at 17726 N E G lisan Street. As a result o f a lip on chem icals that are associ­ ated w ith the manufacture o f meth­ am phetam ine. D e p u ties pursued their investigation and acting upon probable cause, deputies entered the apartment d w e llin g and arrested one suspect, Joesph Brent Jackson o f amphetamine. H a/m at Team Three responded to the scene and set up their operation. W henever volatile Golda Moore Robison o f Portland. The third suspect, Angela M. M cC alip o f Gresham, was arrested during a traffic stop related to the investigation. They were all charged w ith manu­ facture, possion and distribution o f conlroled substances. Bail was set for chemicals are discovered in meth­ amphetamine labs, it is the responsi­ b ility o f the H a/m at Team, a com ­ bined e ffo rt between Gresham Po­ lice Department, Gresham Fire Bu reau, and M ultnam ah C ounty Sher­ each at $8().(XM). i f f ’ s Office. Men Arrested In Prostitution Bust Police Officers from Southeast and East Precincts conducted jo in t anti­ lice women. On Friday May 16, 14 men were prostitution missions on both Friday arrested and 14 cars were impounded and Saturday nights. 82nd Avenue, Sandy Boulevard, and E. Burnside were among the areas that officers focused on. The operation focused on male customers, who were arrested and Saturday night 21 men were ar­ rested and 18 cars were impounded. after they solicited plain clothed po­ members are using to reduce prostitu­ tion activity in Portland neighborhoods. As is typical in these operations, many o f the men who were arrested were from outside Portland, including Oregon C ity, Troutdale, M ilwaukie, and the State o f Washington. Similar projects w ill be conducted in the fu­ They are not allowed to enter the area again under the Prostitution Free Zone ordinance. The arrests are part o f the strategies that police and community ture. Jail Fight May Have Been and broke w indow s during the 20 minuet disturbance. A ll inmates were ordered to their bunks and those involved were ques­ tioned The emergency response team conduced a fa c ility count and checked for possible structural damage and medical action The inmates involved were trans­ ferred to M ultnom ah County Deten­ tion Center and M ultnom ah County Inverness Jail fo r reclassification and to face disciplinary hearings. Deputies estimate fifteen to twen­ ty inmates were involved, and nine were identified as being directly in ­ volved. There was frictio n between the tw o inmates before they were jailed No injuries were reported by guards or inmates. No charges have been filed to date Northwest Color Construction & Painting Company John McVeety 282-9233 □ Quality Home Remodeling □ No Project Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates I I Li F1 li r B onded & Insured 1 Drapery Cleaning Lined & Unlined Any Size 99e A PLEAT Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Drv Cleaning Orders Only Expires 7-3 1-96 Expires 7-31-96 •COUPON! ■COUPON! 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Inmates through chairs JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 Upon further investigation o f the apartment, deputies discovered e vi­ dence o f the m anufacture'of meth­ Portland. A second suspect was arrested dur­ ing a traffic stop after purchasing chem­ icals related to the manufacture o f methamphetamine and is identified as X Jeanie's Cleaners 5403 NE 42nd Ave. JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 7-31-96