ó r ,- - I . » A •cXL C.XMI- . . ’r& w S r^ .*♦ T f c jj % •-T* T-,^ , -S*x . ENTERTAINMENT Bobby “Blue” Bland!!! Legendary Bluesman Fathers Day Barbeque B o b b y "B lu e" B la n d B.B. King (left). Alvin Y o u n g b lo o d H art (cen ter). M em S h a n n o n (right). ica s Cab D river's Blues " has been hailed Ticketm aster outlets or charge by will by critics nationwide. W ith ab eerg ar- phone at (503) 224-4400 (Subject to haps den, barbeque provided by T ony convenience charge). ous- Roma s, and an Oaks Park discount No cam eras, recording devices, han- ride package, this spectacular blues dogs, or re-entry . Sand chairs only, med show will be the perfect Father s Day No outside food or beverages will be i “A event. Tickets are available at all allowed on site. L egendary blues singer Bobby "Blue” Bland will headline a special Father’s Day Blue Barbeque on June 16th at Oaks Park. Known for the classic tracks "Further On Up The Road,” "Turn On Your Lovelight.” "I Pity The Fool,” and many others. B land The Isley Brothers 40 Year Legacy T he Isley B ro th ers’ new release, "M ission To P lease” m arks a 40 year legacy. T he album produced, by R. Kelly, A ngela W inbush and Ronald Isley, features w orks with A ngela W inbush and K eith Sweat. "M ission To P lease” is filled with tunes that provide the perfect backdrop for one- on-one, late night love sessions. The title track features Ernie Isley’s d is­ tinctive guitar playing and R onald’s vocal m agic. “ L e t’s Lay T ogether” is the first single from the new album , w ritten and produced by R. Kelly (w ho considers Ronald Isley one o f his prim e m usical in flu en ces)-alo n g with “Can I H ave A Kiss (F or Old T im es’ S ake),” both co-produced by K elly and A ngela W inbush. Keith Sw eat’s “ Slow Is The W ay,” the slow- b u rn in ’ “ L et’s G et Intim ate” and E id s Rodeo At “ F loatin' On A L ove,” a tender yet passionate duet betw een Ronald and A ngela, dem o n strate the g ro u p 's sk ills as ro m a n tic , lo v e -m ak in g m ood-m akers o f the highest order. The Isley B rothers are celebrating four decades in the music business and have gold, platinum and m ulti­ platinum album s with countless hits including "Sum m er B reeze," "H ello It’s M e,” “It's Y our T hing,” "L ove The One Y ou’re W ith,’’“Lay-A way,” "P op That T hang,” “ W ork To D o,” "W h o ’s That L ad y ,"“ Fight The Pow - er,” H arvest For The W orld,” “The P ride,” :Betw een T he Sheets” and many more. The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center presents "Women and Spirituality." a group show of works in various media by members of Oregon Womens Caucus for Art. The show runs June 6 • 28. The center is at 5340 N. Interstate Ave. and is open Monday-Friday from Noon to 5:30. The First Thursday reception featuring a lecture on "Networking with Women Artists in America," will be June 6 from 6 to 8 p .m . 1 WEEKLY HOROSCOPE 1 A tt/L iw .Aries M arch 2 1 - A p r il 20 Leo People exaggerate now and you would be wise to lake, with a C jU tjy grain o f salt, anything questionable you’re told. Do not get involved with the rumor m ill - it is not to your advantage. Taurus Gemini //J C \ hy Virgo UCCX'IIIUI | □ 11 I11 V lllek. Cancer June. 2 1 -J u ly 22 possible; the atmosphere is very benevolent. A friend needs advice on matters o f the heart C apricorn Dec. 2 2 -Ja n. 19 flr VW ^7 Sept 23 • O c t 22 Ml There's a feeling o f iK T vtusivnsii xi winch makes you move Iro last and could possibly result in accidents. Be careful. Casual moments shared with a child invigorate you. Scorpio It isn't easy to separate fact ffotn fantasy: be careful. Unexpected -'-«S-*7 acts o f kindness are Aug. 23 • Sept 22 Someone challenges em otions are com ing you to a gam e o f up. Do mx ptuvoke a WLMxls, be cautious. A loved one’s jealousy or sudden attraction to a anger. S trong in tu itio n new ro m a n tic partn er uncovers secrets that are to your tempts you to begin a tempestuous advantage - do rax reveal them.’ romance - think before you act L ib ra Sudden insights w ill he possible but there could also be sudden arguments: he cautious. N o v ..2 3 -D e e .21 Your household may he in chaos, and that is hardly ever a good thing. Tackle all those projects that have been nagging you, it is important to get them dorie now and rax tomorrow Intense but negative M a y 2 1 -J u n e 20 Y o u ’ ll w ant to be outstanding and he recognized for your Sagittarius A dinner party w ith good friends or any nome entertainment, could be enjoyable. Reading a good book or watching a T V movie can relax you also from a long, busy week. A p r il 2 1 - M a y 20 Even i f you are taught . in an aw kw a rd s' tual'on yo u 'll find the appiroriate words to defuse tne tension. tX rible check everything you do to avoid future complications. July 23 • Aug. 22 Aquarius Wj;« J A - jl yo ur m ind, perhaps because you are c o n te m p la tin g this year’s winter get away and you have to come up w ith the means o f financing i t O c t 2 3 -N o v .22 Some unexpectedly AMR b Jan. 20 • Feb. 18 Your finances are on Pisces a f f f ik k Feb. 19 - M arch 20 An pleasant e xpe rience Isley Brothers SUN. JUNE 16 (T tje ^ o r t t a n i » ( © b s e r l i e r welcomes Washington Counfij Fair Plans are under way forthe 1996 W ashington County “Special Kids R odeo” for children up to I5 y ea rs o f age with physical and mental disabilities. It w i II take place Saturday m orn­ ing, A ugust 3 during the W ashing­ ton C ounty Fair and R odeo in H illsboro. T he “ Special Kids R odeo” is m ade up o f m ock rodeo events o rg a n iz e d by th e W ash in g to n County R odeo Board and spon­ sored by Liberty Sheet M etal. A nyone interested please co n ­ tact the Fair C om plex office at (5 0 3 )6 4 8 -1 4 1 6 by June 28th S TA M I* MUSIC! r MEM SHANNONAja L A L V IN V i YOUNGBLOOD',. < r- HAUT & THE MEMBERSHIP Lahewood Fheater Holds Auditions The L akew ood T heater C om ­ p an y ’s will be holding auditions by appointm ent for a production o f “C razy For Y ou” Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9. T he G ershw in m usical will be the opening production o f the com ­ p an y ’s 44th season. D irectorM illi H oelscheradM u sical D irector M arge Spoelstra are seeking to fill 18 roles varying in age 20-60. Each actor should prepare a m usical selection in the correct key. And bring a head shot and a resum e. The play will run Septem ber 15 - O ctober 20 T hursday to Sun­ days. T he com pany supports and encourages diversity in its casting and actors will be rem unerated. Call 6 3 5 -3 9 0 1 from 9 a m. to 5 p.m to schedule an appointm ent A. family HIDE PACKAGES AVAILABLE! SH O W TIM E 3P M OATES OPEN 2PM KID* UNDE» 1 2 F » E I Caught between honor and revenge, how far Will one man go... • ALL AGES .N O OUTSIDE FOOD OR BEVERAGES .N O DOGS .N O RECORDING DEVICES OR CAMERAS | PERMITTED I .S A N D CHAIRS ONLY EAST END OF THE SELLW OOD BRIDGE TICKETS AT ALL TICKETMASTER OUTLETS. RIB EXPRESS 2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 . ONE STOP M USIC 2 8 4 2 4 3 5 . HOUSE OF SOUND 2 8 7 1 9 6 0 OR CHARGE BY PHONE 2 2 4 4 4 0 0 • SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE 1.M i:\TtRIAI\Mr\T IM I RVtTIOVUW .mil IOSFPH MFHRFZ HEIDI Ft'KFS UI.WTRI , MAS MFHRFZ - DAXIFI BFRVHARDT PATMORÌTA; RIIWSPORT II Tilt. M \T RUMITI. [XlSlilM IAME5 HOM, .. .. MltHAII CRIMTOSF muuttm r | a s a ri. STIVE FIMtRPS DIAM MI.IIRIZ tHAXDRAVRUTVAM MICMAFl MIMR . rum mihriz iiiiriì rovyitz un si hilutir . UIVVVDIRTMÌRI7I masmfhrfz COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ÎIÎMTS « «Il TICKETMASTER 0UTI1TS. MUSIC MIUtHNIUM i ALADDIN 101 OFFICE OR CHARGE BV PHONE 224 4400 ___________________ SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE Chuck Hinton's Rib Express 3328 N.E. Killingsworth unreasonably lle<-'cl> nxnantic male makes you feel almost could be the reason too cheerful. People are you consider going at it inclined to talk too much alone for a while. I f he or and tell you more alxxit themselves she is important you, talk before than you really warn to hear. you make the decision. The Portland Observer 4747 MLK Jr. Blvd. lAlQUFSHAITKIV