i * P agi B2 M ay 29, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver (Tlje IJa rtia n b (Pbscruer Rose Festival Kids Program Completed Kids, R osarians and P acific P o w er K ick O ff N ew P rogram The members o f the Portland branch o f The Washington family celebrate their family reunion at Lincoln Park in Seattle. Pictured: Destiny Washington, and Cynthia Washington. Pools Scheduled To Open Soon Another summerofswimming and other aquatic activities begins this month at the Portland City pools Opening day is Monday, June 17. There is a week o f free learn to swim lessons from June 17 to June 21. There is still time to get kids signed up for swim lessons. Regis- VOA Seeking Nominees For Community Service Awards The celebrate 100 years o f service to the community V olunteers o f America will honor 100 individuals for tier community service. The con­ tributions o f these “All-Stars” will be recognized at an awards event on September 5 at the Portland Center for the Performing A rts’ “Salute to the Stars” . To obtain a w ide cro ss sectio n o f nom inees a cen te n n ia l c o m ­ m ittee in charge o f p la n n in g the event is c o n ta c tin g co m m u n ity leaders from a v ariety o f d iffe r­ ent fields ranging from b u sin e ss, the arts,an d go v ern m en t, to r e li­ gion, health and ed u catio n . “ We w anted to insure as bro ad a re p ­ resen tatio n as p o ssib le to re fle c t the values o f VOA O regon and the o rg a n iz a tio n ’s com m itm en t to d iv e rsity ,” said C huck W ill­ iams, com m ittee chairm an . “All-Star” nominees must have demonstrated extraordinary acts o f kindness and personal sacrifice to help others, contributed to the uplift­ ing of a person, organization, or the greater community; or built bridges between people and organizations by overcom ing barriers o f race occu­ pation, culture, age, gender or other differences. Call 235-8655 for more informa­ tion. tration from sand summer schedules are available by calling the Portland Parks and Recreation Aquatics De­ partment at 823-5130. Swim Les­ sons classes w ill continue to through­ out the summer. To sigh up call or visit neighbor­ hood pools during normal operating hours. The Portland pools also offer rec­ reational play swims, pool rentals, water exercise classes, junior life­ guard training, summer swim teams and special events. For more information call the Pool Hotline at 823-SWIM Jefferson Class Of 1951 ’s Reunion The Rose Festival Kids, spon­ sored by Pacific Power, is a new program involving youth from 12 elementary and middle schools in local community service projects. The projects will be completed dur­ ing Rose Festival Kids Week May 8 - May 19, and the children will march in the Pacific Power Junior Parade on June 5. Participating schools chosen by lottery, include Chapman Elemen­ tary Femwood M idd le, George M id- dle, King Elementary, Prescott Ele­ mentary, Robert G ray M iddle, Russell Elementary, Smith Elemen­ tary, Sunnyside Elementary, Harri- etTubman Middle, Vestal Elemen­ tary and Youngson Elem entary Schools. To Kick off the Program , Pacific Power, school children and Royal Rosarians celebrated at a ceremony held at Portland Public Schools ad­ ministration building. Sheriff’s Office Thanks Community Sheriff Dan Noelle and the Mult­ nomah County Sheriff’s office would like to express their appreciation to the citizens of Multnomah county for approval of the jail levy/bond pas­ sage. The office promises to provide the maximum amount of public safety for the least coast. , During the past hear the agency has created 100 jail beds without additional construction costs. We intend to make the best use of tax dollars and bring an end to the early release of inmates. The remodeling of the justice center booking facility ABO UT W H A T YO U'D EXPECT The Class o f 1951 from Jefferson High School will hold its 45th year reunion with a golf tournament at Broadmoor G olf Course on Friday morning July 19, 1996 That evening there will he a social at Blitz Wemhard Brewing C 'o. Dinner and dancing will he at the Milwaukie Elks Lodge starting at 6:30 on July 20, / 996. For more information contact: Merrinell Lindstedt 409! N. Overtook Blvd., Portland, OR 91221. CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES Marketed by Sunkist sweet and full of juice $1 00 POUNDS FOR If I BROCCOLI FROM A BUNCH OF KIDS. large flowers with tender stalks [ broccoli "! I CROWNS I 89i POUND 59 COCA-COLA o r SPRITE PRODUCTS HOMELESS OUTREACH • LITTER CLEAN-UP • WETLAND RESTORATION PUBLIC ART • HOSPITAL VISITATIONS • WOMEN'S SHELTER SPONSORSHIP FLOOD RELIEF • HISTORIC PRESERVATION • PEER M EDIATIO N TRAINING • TRAIL CONSTRUCTION new Rose Festival tradition takes root $029 12o z. CANS 6eTR7ENZ5T/f ST STOflES7nTown since 1908 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PLUS DEPOSIT SP E C IA LS EFFEC TIVE TU E S D A Y th ro u g h S U N D A Y M A Y 2 8 th ro u g h J U N E 2, 19S® •T O M H O U M W IIN O A T S MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS SUNDAY Y A.m. N • p.m . FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW'S STORE CALL: 859-5220 HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 A R obert G rey M iddle S chool . Wetlands this year with Rose Festival Kids cleanup at Gabriel Park. sponsored by Pacific Power. Rose R ussell E lementary S chool . Donation Festival Kids involves youth from elementary and and assistance to House of Rahab women & middle schools in local community service projects. children’s shelter. Portland area schools during May completed S mith E lementary S chool . Fund raising 12 outstanding projects that put volunteerism and for calf to replace Tillamook farmer’s cow. public service at the forefront. Pacific Power is S unnyside E lementary S chool . Street proud to be the sponsor o f the Rose Festival Kids cleaning, SMART volunteer recognition and program. These schools arc putting the right kind senior citizen history project. o f energy back into their community. H arriet T ubman M iddle S chool . • C hapman E lementary S chool . Can and bottle drive for the homeless. • F ernwood M iddle S chool . Clean-up of neighborhood, Grant Park and Sauvie’s Island. You Are Invited To The OASIS Volunteer Breakfast “Exploring The Wonders ” VOLUNTEERS Thursday, June 13, 1996, 8:30 AM To 10:00 AM Meier & Frank Georgian Room RSVP By June 6, 1996 241-3059 Sponsored by Meier & Frank. Legacy Health System, and BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon A will end officers having to wait in line to book inmates. It will also keep them off the streets longer. The office says it relates to citi­ zens frustration in paying for the jail initiatives and that the public’s safe­ ty has always been the main concern governing the jails. • G forc . f M iddle S chool . Restoration o f Ramsey I^kc through plantings in wetland areas. • K ing E lementary S chool . Raise funds for sculpture of Martin Luther King, Jr. at Oregon Convention Center. • P rescott E lementary S chool . Visitation and fund rais ing for Docrnbechcr Children’s Hospital. Training in peer mediation to help solve problems. V estal E lementary S chool . Interviews with nursing and retirement home residents about school experiences for book. 1996 IWSE FE$r I val KIPS P R IIIM T I» a v PACIFIC POWER A D IVISIO N OF PACIFICORP 1 Y oungson E lementary S chool . Design, landscape of public walking path. Congratulations to all who pitched in to make Rose Festival Kids a success. Look for Rose Festival Kids a t the Junior Parade.