Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 22, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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    T he P ortland O bserver • M ay
22, 1996
P age
A 5
Rose Festival To Crown Queen
Continued from Front
starting her own im port business.
A na is active in her church choir and
band, a m em ber o f the M azam a Rock
clim bing group and volunteer for the
Little B uilders Mission.
M u a n g S a e te u rn , o f M adison
H igh School, is president o f the
M ulticultural Club, SeniorC lass Vice
President and vice president o f the
Future B usiness Leaders o f A m eri­
ca. She enjoys sw im m ing, tennis,
Tae-Kwan-Do and racquet ball in
her spare time. She is a m em ber o f
the Spanish Club, Key C lub and the
N ational H onor Society. She spends
h er sum m ers working as an Urban
S a ra W ood is eyeing a position
with N IK E. The W ilson High School
senior w ants to work in m arketing or
advertising and plans a degree in
business. The three tim e scholar ath­
le te is c a p ta in o f th e v a rsity
cheerleading squad, a m em ber o f the
varsity track team, Vice President o f
the business club for m arketing stu­
dents. She was voted H om ecom ing
Q ueen and is listed in W h o ’s Who
A m ong H igh School Students. A
sem i-finalist in O reg o n 's M iss Teen
All A m erican Pageant, Sara is a vol­
un teer at W est G resh am G rad e
School and enjoys floral design,
dance, m usic and photography.
C h a la B a rrin g to n , o f Parkrose
High S chool, is a p articip a n t in
Thesbians and is on the speech team.
She has w on many aw ards, including
second place honors at the state level
o f both speech and dram a, C hala is
a m em ber o f Key Club and has par­
ticipated in mock trial. Involved in
Urban Progress, an inner city m inis­
try, she plans to attend Portland Bi­
ble C ollege and m ajor in business
m anagem ent and political science.
S hazi T a te credits a special teach­
er at Lincoln High School and at­
tending the 1995 N ational Young
Leaders C onference in W ashington
D.C. with helping her develop co n fi­
dence and political aw areness. The
co-feature editor o f L incoln’s C ard i­
nal Tim es, Shazi would like to m ajor
in pre-law , pre-m ed or veterinary
m edicine. A varsity tennis player,
she spends her spare tim e reading
new spapers, dancing, w atching C-
Dole Explores Future
Continued from front
he denounced Fidel C astro at a Free
Cuba rally in Miami.
And each o f those appearances
dw arfed D ole’s rem arks to a race­
way full o f stock-car fans in North
C arolina on Saturday. T hat lasted
about 30 seconds - including, “G en­
tlemen, start your engines.’’
After D ole gave his resignation
speech in W ashington last W ednes­
day, he flew to Chicago for a quick
and celebratory thrust to the city
where D em ocrats will renom inate
President Clinton this summ er.
But a speech on w elfare he is to
give in W isconsin, which had been
scheduled before Dole m ade his
announcem ent, will m ark the first
full-bore cam paign event since his
resignation and, his aides hope, the
first indication o f how D ole will run
as a form er W ashington legislator.
On one hand, as D ole rem arked,
it is unrealistic to expect a cam paign
to maintain the level o f excitem ent
that he initially created. “ I c a n ’t
resign every day,” Dole said. But
more significantly, w hat these past
few days have revealed is the price
his staff is paying for D o le’s suc­
cess at keeping his decision to quit
a secret from all but two advisers
and his wife, Elizabeth.
Dole ’ s staffhad constructed a strat­
egy on the foundation o f his remain­
ing the Senate majority leader.
N ow that D ole is going from
beingthe Republican P arty’ssen io r
elected official to private citizen,
his cam paign advisers - m ost o f
whom were as surprised as every­
one else at the news - have been
forced to accom m odate a change.
This challenge - essentially, the
reconstruction o f a cam paign strat­
egy - is not solely a logistical p ro b ­
lem for political strategists.
A sked the single m ost im portant
benefit o f quitting. Dole pointed
his left finger to his tem ple and
said: “T hink. Think about the cam ­
paign. A nd not, W hen are you
going to get my bill u p ?” ’
D ole said he viewed it as an
opportunity to consider why he was
running for president and how to
explain his candidacy to the public.
“ Before long, I w on’t be in W ash­
ington or a senator,” Dole said aboard
his campaign plane. "And then I have
a right to - then I can go out and define
who Bob Dole really is. What his
ideas are and his agenda and his so-
called vision for America.”
S pan and she v olunteers for the
A m erican Red Cross.
K r i s tin W a ld r a m . from St.
Mary ’s Academ y, hopes to becom e
an obstetrician or gynecologist or
follow a career in broadcasting. She
has establ ished food drives and a tool
drive for the M ultnom ah A thletic
C h ib ’s energy conservation project.
K ristin was a class officer in her
freshm an, so p h o m o re and ju n io r
years. She is an A ssociated Student
B ody officer and a m em ber o f the
’‘M arians’’ choral group. Tw ice w in­
ner o fth e school spirit award, Kristin
is the recipient o f the Sister M arie
Rose Award for C hristian Leader­
A d rie n n e N ew m an is editor o f
the Benson High School new spaper,
a yearbook photographer, ch ief o f
sta ff for the sc h o o l’s radio station
and a m em ber o f the chess club. She
hopes to attend Lewis and Clark
College to study com m unications and
education on her way to becom ing a
teacher. A drienne likes to read, dance
and make people laugh. A volunteer
math tutor, she lettered in math. On
w eekends she v olunteers for the
Friends o f Seasonal W orkers
E rin F u ller, from C entral C atho­
lic High School, is an honor student
and m em ber o f the Spanish Club,
Friends o f the Earth Club and N a­
tional Honor Society . She likes go­
ing to the beach and participating in
vintage auto events. Erin would like
to teach special education or early
childhood education and plans to
attend Santa Clara University. She
coaches Special O lym pics, w orks on
food drives and collects dolls. She
participates in beach and riv erclean -
Ja im i Jo n e s is a m em ber ofC leve-
land High S chool’s YESS (Youth
Enhancem ent for Salm on and Steel­
head) Club. She plans to attend
Brigham Y oung University and m a­
jo r in marine biology. Captain o fth e
dance team, she has served as G irls
League President, Junior Class H is­
torian, S eniorC lass Publicity R epre­
sentative, Freshman H om ecom ing
Princess, Senior H om ecom ing Queen
and A ssistant Photo Editor. A schol­
ar athlete, she is a m em ber o f the
N ational Honor Society and made
the T h u n d e rb ird C am p A ll-S tar
Dance Team
R o sem ary B re ih o f plays basket­
ball. softball, volleyball and soccer
and p articip ate's in track A m em ber
o f the Spanish Club and Freshman
Class Vice President. Rosemary has
worked at the Student Store for three
y ears and at the Franklin 11 igh School
Day Care for the past y ear She would
like to attend either W estern Oregon
State C ollege or Portland State U ni­
versity tostudy psychology and hopes
to be a school counselor or teacher.
J e n n ife r D u ra n hopes to pursue
a career in physical therapy. The
Roosevelt High School student has
volunteered at G ood Sam aritan Re­
habilitation Institute, Emanuel H os­
pital and Emanuel O utpatient Reha­
bilitation. Jennifer has served as the
vice president and secretary o f I lealth
Occupation Students o f America. She
is Student Body Vice President, Se­
nior Class H istorian and m em ber o f
the N ational H onor Society . A schol­
ar athlete, she was captain o f the
freshman basketball team , captain o f
the varsity volley ball team and plays
for the varsity softball team. She was
a m em ber o f th e All-City volleyball
jo u rn ey will include a stop in Atlanta
On June 15th, Portland native Je ff
Brow n will team with a Seattle cy­
clist to begin a one and a h alf month,
3,500 mile bicycling adventure from
Seattle to H ilton H ead, SC. Their
during the opening w eek o fth e Sum ­
mer Olym pics. The team , known as
A m erican Crossing ‘96, will height­
en c a n c e r a w a re n e ss an d raise
$250,000 for the Fred Hutchinson
C ancer Research C enter."
Jon Croy, co-founder o f A m eri­
can C rossing ‘96, said that the m oti­
vation fortlie ride is sim ple. "A lm ost
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Key. For a new America:“
Renee W'atson enjoys traveling,
singing, w riting and acting. The
Jefferson High School Student Body
President plans to attend Lewis and
Clark College and m ajor in creative
writing or jo u rn alism Renee would
like to becom e a novelist targeting
young African Am ericans. She wants
to m ake a d ifferen ce and is the
founder, instructor and president o f
Jefferson's Image C hangers Bible
Club. She is on the sta ff o fth e school
new spaper, peer m ediator and a m em ­
ber o f the Financial Services A cade­
my Student Board.
T am i F itz p a tric k . o fG ran t High
School, has lettered in basketball for
four years and softball and volleyball
for three years. She has w orked at
U.S. Bank for the past three years
and volunteers at Emanuel H ospital.
A m em ber o f th e national honor so ­
ciety, she attended G irls State at
Lindfield College. She wants to study
pre-m ed or nursing and has received
an ROTC scholarship She plans to
continue her enlistm ent in the U.S.
Army as a surgical nurse.
everyone you m eet has been touched
by cancer in som e way.
This cam paign brings a m essage
of hope and dem onstrates great re­
search strides.