P agi B6 M ay 22, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver (few Church To (Be Constructed A L T E R N A T IV E S Defining The Age (Times) “Apocalyptic Hope” by Sketch o f the new church to be constructed later this year on the corners o f North Emerson and North Michigan. B ishop A .A . W ells, Ph D., Founder and S en io r Pastor o f Emmanuel T em ple C hurch an ­ nounced plans at the official new church unveiling held May I Iththat a new church will be constructed on the corners o f North Emerson and North Michigan in Portland. The new facility will be a 30,928 square foot sanctuary at a cost o f approxi­ mately $1,300,000. Dr. Wells established the current church, located at 1032 N orth Sumner, in 1965. The new church architect, Mr. Larry Abell, advised that the new church will be a state o f Tiarcfi Jo r Jesus The 1996 Global March for Jesus will take place on Saturday, May 2 5 th in th e hub o f o u r ow n Metroplex, as well as in thousands o f cities worldwide. Jesus will be lifted up in extravagant praise, wor­ ship and prayer for twenty-four hours, by millions o f people around the world. Ten million participated from 178 nations in the last global march and more are expected this year as we draw nearer to the 2,000th birth­ day o f our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The goal o f the March For Jesus is to call forth Christian churches locally, nationally, and globally from every tongue, tribe, and nation to pray for their communities. Lo­ cally, for the last two years, repre­ sentatives from nearly every ethnic group in the Portland Metroplex have participated. H undreds o f churches have responded to this celebration o f praise and prayer which exemplifies both diversity and the unity in the body ofC'hrist in this region. As we come together this year, we will again ask G od’s grace, peace, safety, and prosperity to per­ meate our region. We will gather at Pioneer Square afterwards to pray for our city and region. Assembly will begin at 9:00 A.M. West Portland and Clark County will assemble off West Burnside near Park and Ankeny. East Portland, and all others, will assemble between S. W. 3rd and S.W. 5th near Ankeny. The March will begin at 10:30 A M. with both groups coming to­ wards Broadway where we will merge and proceed south to City Hall and back to Pioneer Square on S.W. 4th. For more information, contact the March For Jesus office, 13231 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas. Phone: 698-555 or 698-2466. Join The Breakfast & Lunch Bunch!!! Maranatha Church Of God J-Crew Youth Program Community Free Breakfast & Lunch Program Free Breakfast & Lunch is available to all kids age: 18 & young­ er. No Fee No Registration the art building with a capacity to hold 1,200 people. New construction, which will commence in late 1996, will be under the direction Craftsmen For Christ Construction company whose specialty is building churches throughout the U.S. M argaret I saacs All around us, we see and feel a sense o f despair, a disbelief in the future o f mankind, a suffering o f the masses that surpasses the starvations and homlessness of the great depres­ sion. Disease is rampant; drugs are taking a toll which is severe among young men and women; babes citi­ zen is hard to bear. Murders have become so prevalent, that they seem second nature; children killing chil­ dren, mothers slaying their young, children killing parents and etc.. Wars all over this world; earthquakes, fam­ ine, and this is just the beginning o f the evil to come. These are the char­ acteristics ofjew ish-Christian apoc­ alyptic. Those who believe G od’s Words recognize these signs as lead­ ing to a certain climatic moment. Those who believe in a Divine Being as the ruler o f all things, know that the tragic events o f human history must have been foreordained by him, and that there is a di vine plan through which these horrors o f history and the present time will reach a climax, and things will change utterly and forever. If hereby and therein lies the hope o f those who believe and this hope sustains and maintains human sanity. Mark 13: 7-8,24-25: We have yet to see the sun darkened, and the moon fail to give light, and the stars fall form heaven, and the powers o f heaven shaken. When this happens, those with hope, will not be alarmed, We are living in the most demand­ ing period in all human history. Rare­ ly do we find people at home. Since we desire all to have life in a peaceful new world we are writing to all the businesses in our area. The New York Times o f January 26, 1995 stated “ In no previous age have people shown so great an apti­ tude and appetite for killing millions o f other people for reasons o f race, religion or class.’’ Billions are swept along with the greedy and violent spirit o f the world. As a result many o f us feel discouraged or weighted down on occasion. We can readily see the attitudes mentioned at Second Timothy chap­ ter 3 verses one to five in the home, at the work place at our place of worship. Who can deny that these are critical times hard to deal with. Daily we come in contact with people who are lovers o f self, lovers o f money, lovers o f pleasure rather than God, disloyal, no natural affection. Affec­ tion is often missing in the very envi­ ronment in which it should flourish- the home. Reports o f abusive treatment of marriage mates, children, and even the elderly parentsftpy^Jbecome dis­ turbingly common. Too many lack human sympathy and feeling. Jesus tells us to take courage and do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and suppli­ cation, along with thanksgiving let your petition be made known to God and the peace o f God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and mental powers by means o f Christ Jesus. Philippians chapter four vers­ es six and seven. John chapter four­ teen verse twenty-seven. In order to survive these last days we must keep in mind that All These problems are only temporary. It is Gods will that you enjoy lasting hap­ piness under the best conditions in wonderful surroundings. This is no mere dream, for God actually offers you the key to such a happy future. That key is knowledge. John chapter seventeen verse three. Notice the Bibles promise o f a restored life to Paradise! /. Sickness, O ld A ge A nd Death Up To 60% O ff Retail Everyday GRAND OPENING CHOICES Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS • • • • • Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce <& Family Law Landlord / Tenant • Small Business Law • Product Liability • Criminal Defense • Collections livet Baptist Church Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Church School: Bible Study: Radio Ministry: 2233 NE Alberta, Portland, Oregon J ourney c = v Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR able In Abundance. Psalms chapter seventy-two verse sixteen. Psalms chapter sixty-seven verse six. 6. Everlasting Life On A Paradise Earth Will Be Delightful. Psalms chapter thirty-seven verse twenty- nine. Isaiah chapter thirty-five verse one. In order to live in paradise we must have the mark o f survival rather than the mark of the wild beast. Ezekiel chapter nine verse four. Revelation chapter nineteen verse twenty. To learn more visit us Sundays 1:30 to 3:30 Tuesdays 7:30to9:15 at 6836N.E. 7th between Dekum and Bryant or ask any o f Jehovahs Witnesses. Nita J. Robinson Sundays; 8:00 AM , 11:00 AM & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 AM Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 AM on KBMS Rev. Janies E. Martin, Ph.D. Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor (¡¡race Covenant fedowship 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 • Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 for your free initial consultation. “W e 're A Iways Fresh ” SWEETS FISH & MEATS 7406 N. Vancouver Ave. ( Will No Longer Exist. Isaiah chapter thirty-five verses fiv e and six. Reve­ lation chapter twenty one verses three and four. 2. Crime, Violence A nd Wicked­ ness Will Be Gone Forever. Psalms chapter thirty-seven verses nine to eleven Proverbs chapter two verse twenty-two. 3. Peace Will Prevail Earth Wide Psalm chapter fo rty six verse nine. Psalms chapter seventy-two verse seven. 4. Housing Will Be Secure A nd Work Satisfying Isaiah chapter six­ ty-five verse twenty-one to twenty- three. 5. Healthful F ood Will Be Avail­ Worship Services: 4222 N.E. 13th & Skidmore For more information please cal I Youth Pastor: Wade J. Norris 288-7241 The summer food service program does not discriminate on the basis o f sex, age, color, race handicap or national origin. If you feel you have been discriminated against in any USDA related activity contact: Office o f the Secretary, USDA, W ashington D.C. 20250 will our children develop character­ istics necessary for daily communi­ cation with others? In this present time, those who live in hope o f a return o f the Creator, God, will weep and wail while this world rejoices; you will sorrow now, but your sor­ row will turn to joy. You are sad now, but God will return and your hearts will be filled with joy, and that jo y no one shall take form you. any thing you ask o f Father God, he will grant in the name o f Jesus. Lis­ ten, the time will come...in fact it has come already....when believers will be scattered, each going his own w ay and le a v in g G od a lo n e . But . those with hope in God will find peace in him. In the world you will have trouble, but be brave, saith the Lord, I have conquered the world John 16, John 17. Avoid those who are slaves o f their own appetites, confusing the simple-minded with their arguments. Keep your fidelity to Christ Be wise in what is good and innocent o f what is bad. The God o f peace will soon crush Satan beneath hour feet. Grace, the gift o f our Lord Jesus Christ, will be with you. All This Is What Scripture Has Predicted And It Is All part O f 'The W ay’ The Eternal God Wants Things To Be: So Saith The Lord In His Word. He Alone Is Wisdon; Give Glory Therefore To Him Through Jesus Christ For Ever And Ever. Amen. Romans 16:25; 16:27. Jiow To Survive The Stresses O f The Last (Days Maranatha Church O f God 9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A M. 12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M. Monday - Friday June - August for then they will see the Son o f Man coming in the clouds with great pow­ er and glory. He will send out the angels, and gather his Elect from the four winds, from the ends o f the earth to the ends o f heaven. Mark 13:26- 27. Those people who deny God, heav­ en, Holy spirit and all form sofChris- tian religion, offer no proven hope, no alternative to despair, no key to the future o f mankind. They say: “ If you are deceased, kill yourself or al low someone else to take your I ife”; They say: “ If you kill your parents, neighbors, children or friends, we will look into your childhood for reasons and causes for this behavior, and forgive and not punish’. They say: "there is no God but man himself and each person is a god unto him­ s e lf’; a poor god, certainly, who has no power to give life or to heal a diseased body, but a god, non-the- less. They hate the idea o f a Supreme Being, but again offer no alternative hope. Despite the variety o f the forms o f expression, the hope itself is con­ stant for a climactic series o f events th a t w ill lead to th e fin al, eschatological intervention o f God into hum an history, directly or through intermediary figures. IfG od isexpunged forourhom es, our schools, our government and other phases o f living, where then does our hope lie? Where then will survival attributes be taught? How 503-285-4750 "Where the Best is Yet to Be! " BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR