T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 22, 1996 P age B3 QTlje |J o r t lattò ODhserun* ENTERTAINMENT Sagebrush Puppeteer Brings South African Folktale “Abiyoyo’s coming Run for Your Lives.” Classic Take 19 chefs from famous res­ taurants around the world, stir in some hot after-dinner dance mu­ sic to spice things up, and serve it in a dramatic outdoor setting by the beautiful Broken Top club­ house. That ’s the recipe for what prom­ ises to be the premier epicurean event ofthe Pacific Northwest this sum m er--the 1996 edition o f The Sagebrush Classic Feast, coming Saturday, July 20. The event, jointly sponsored by The Deschutes Brewery and Broken Top, benefits the Rosie Bareis Community Campus, a cen­ ter for programs that help young people and families in Central Oregon. It started seven years ago as a small golf tournament, originally called “The Sagebrush Scramble,” and by last year had grown into Bend’s biggest summer party, with nearly 700 diners enjoying the spe­ cialties o f chefs from 10 restau­ rants across the country. This year the sponsors expect 1,000 guests at the dinner and 250 golfers play­ ing in the pro-am G olf tournament that takes place the day before. The big change this year is that the Classic Feast will have an in­ ternational flavor. Seven chefs from distinguished restaurants in countries from Sw itzerland to Singapore will join eight from fa­ mous American restaurants and four from Central O regon’s top dining spots to prepare and serve their favorite creations at the buf­ fet-style dinner. The greedy giant Abiyoyo has re­ turned to wreak havoc on a South African township. Only a small boy with a ukelele and his magic wand- wielding father, once banished by their community, dare to defy him Master Puppeteer Rick Manning brings this traditional Zulu folktale to life Thursday and Friday, May 30- 3 1 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultur­ al Center, 5340 N Interstate Ave. Performances will be at 9:30 and 11.30 each day. The production, part o f the F ire­ house’s 10 Annual Student Matinee Series, features four-foot-tall hand carved marionettes, elaborate sets and lively South African Folk I tines incorporated with jazz and rhythm and blues. Mann ¡ng has performed extensive­ ly as a member o f the Theatre de Marionette and has led marionette workshops as an artist-in-residence in public schools. He carves and cos­ tumes his own string marionettes out o f the wood, leather and fabric, then manipulates them from behind the scenes. It's a form of live theater that has excised in various forms around the world, but is now disappearing. He says, do to its extreme complex- ity. Constructing and operating a mar­ ionette involved a precise understand­ ing ofbalance, motion and materials. It requires a lengthy apprenticeship to be mastered. Manning writes the scrips for all his productions. “ I take an Afro-cen­ tric perspective in my work,” he says. "I want children to know about their rich African cultural heritage.” I he series is designed for elemen­ tary school aged children and a ques­ tion and answer session with Man­ ning will follow. Call 823-2000 for reservations. The Northwest Afrikan American Ballet will perform its annual Rose Festival concert at the Intermediate Theatre Friday, May 3 1 st at 8:00 p.m. The Northwest Afrikan American Ballet (NW AAB) presents some of the finest productions of African music and dance in American. They electrifies the stage with high energy dance m ovements from Senegal, Guinea and Mali regions of West Africa. The Ballet consists of 16 dancers and musicians who fill the stage with colorful traditional cos­ tumes and an elaborate stage setting of an African village. Premiering at this concert will be Under the Baobob Tree, an interpre­ tive melodramatic folktale. The NWAAB was founded in 1981 by Bruce Smith. Mr. Smith has studied drumming for over 25 years. He has traveled abroad to five coun­ tries in West Africa. To obtain Ticketts call Portland Center for the Preforming Arts box office or call Fasti xx (503)224-8499. Portlanders can cruise down the highways and byways o f American with Summer Angels, Some Are Not, the comedy musical review. The revels in a MiniVan will give a preview performance Friday, May 31 with regular shows June 1, 7-8, 14-15 and 21-22. All performances are at 8 p.m. SASAN has already been flying down the highways in 1996, but they return to their home town (Port land) for refueling after an exhilarating trip to Los Angeles in search o f truth, ju stice and the Am erican Dreamcicle. The infamous Angels comedy music caravan is fully load­ ed with a room full o f topical tunes, current event capers, and all the ex­ tras. Take a test drive. Advertise In ¿Híic ^ lo r tla n h (©bsertfer Call: 503-288-0033 Aries M arch 2 1 - A p ril 19 5" A close partner or co-worker figures prom inently in the scenario. Don’t Taurus "Tfj Leo Sagittarius tim e. L u c k y lottery num bers: i , 5, 89, 10, 16, 50. Those who tho u gh t they co uld fo o l you w ill be in fo r a rude awakening. Gloating is allowed. Virgo Y ou w il l be p re o ccu p ie d w ith s e c u rity , inco m e , lo c a tin g y o u r lost articles, and marital status. Pisces and Virgo play outstanding, roles. Your lucky number is 7. Cancer Advertise In Win' F ortiani» (Oh s e r tier necessary to make a short trip to locate a heeded document. *unt*'n8- und opening new d oors fo r yourself everywhere. Overcome the temptation to look back: Move forward! This is just what you’ve wanted! C apricorn BttS L ibra Aquarius 24 hours, attention w ill revolve around yo u r home, p ro p e rty , p lo n g ­ standing negotiations, and marital status. Imprint your style, make a fresh start, he vulnerable. O Pisces , llight is on where you live, your lifestyle, a business or marriage partner. Be fair. Jan. 21 - Feb, 19 A vo id getting mired d ow n in the past. Keep these words in mind: “ That was then, this is now !” A Gemini is in the picture. It may be tim e to tear down, in order to’rebuiId. Scorpio (k t 20 - Nov. H A special note: avoid heavy lif t in g ! Leo and A q u a riu s p la y significant roles. Thé Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 K you a tte m p t to teignite an old flame 11 COUI9 cause you a lot o f embarrassment and loss. The focus is on spirituality, foreign lands, and the adventure o f discovery. Sept. 24 - ( k t D lì W ith in June. 22 • July 23 Be aware o f a lim e lim ita tio n ; discuss plans with a relative, keep y o u r o p tio n s open. I t ’ m ig h t be You w ill he obtaining Aug. 24 ■ Sept I t A c o m m u n ic a tio n Of your inner voice. received fro m tar You might receive an aw ay v e rifie s your answer to the eternal views, lets you know question o f: “ W hy am 1 what is going on and why. here?" Trust your self; believe in Y o u ’ ll be rid o f a fo o lis h yourself; be true to yourself. obligation and be free to love. 1------------------------------------------------- 1 G em ini M a v 2 2 -J u n e 2 1 N o v ..2 J -D e c .2 1 : w Take things easy this A p ril 20 • May 21 Lislen for the sound J u ly 2 4 - A u g . lt InSM business rush into anything without giving it your fu ll "attention first. You are due for a vacation. Feb. 20 • M arch 20 The emphasis here is on c re a tiv ity , style, change, tra v e l, a variety o f sensations and experiences. Read and w rite, disseminate inform ation. Plan for tomorrow, today. SUN. JUNE 16 S H O W M A N W tje IN C . P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S Q D bggruer WELCOMES STARRING ~ BOBBŸ r 'B L U t" BLAND -TURN ON YOUR LOVE LIGHT” ‘ " I PITY THE FOOL MUSIC! A L V IN * YOUNGBLOOD'^ <5 r- HART A a FOOD! FAMILY RIDE PACKAGES AVAILABLE! SH O W TIM E 3 P M OATES OPEN 2PM K ID * UNDER 12 FREE Caught between »QE» NO OUTSIDE FOOD OH BEVERAGES • NO DOGS NO RECORDING DEVICES OR CAMERAS PERMITTED • SAND CHAIRS OMIT Sandcasfle Festival The first ever three day weekend long festival to celebrate the art of sand building is scheduled in Can non Beach May 31 through June 2. The sandcastle contest is believed to be the oldest in the nation. The event begins Friday with the lighting of the “every one is invited" bon fire. Saturday from 5 to 11 a m. is the 33rd sandcastle com petition. 10,000tickets for the downtown grand prize drawing will be given away. Contestants must register by 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 29. Contest infor­ mation and entry forms are available at the Cannon Beach Chamber of Com­ merce, P.O. Box 64. Cannon Beach, OR. 97110 or call (503) 436-2623. Imago Theater hold its yearly open auditions for actors dancers anil Physical performers fo r the 1996-97 season. Roles will he cast fo r experimental and popular works that will he presented at the Imago Theater in Portland as well at national and international engagements. All performers will'J irst he seen in groups and no prepared audition material is necessary. Sign up fo r an audition by calling 288-7756. Auditions will he held Tuesday, May 28 between 1:80 and 8:30 p.m. or Wednesday May 29 between 6:80 and 8:.II) p.m. at the Imago Theatre. 17 SE 8th Air. Dress for a nun ement audition. C all 2O8-949.I for recorded information. Summer Angels, Some Are Not WEEKLY HOROSCOPE C a ll: 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 Under The Baobob Tree Imago Holds Auditions honor and revenge, how far Will one man go... ROY HARGROVE AY 2 C A S S A N D R A W IL S O N F & C O U R T N E Y P IN E l S A T . "" * ™ ** THE NEXT KUMITE Hl l\Tt RTMVIE\T ISTI R\ATIOYAI \ V and IOSEPH MEIIREZ HI IDI EtKES IIIWTRE II IX MEIIREZ DISITI. BERNHARDT PAT MORIE) REOÖDSPORTII Till MAT RUMITI DOSI,IBI! HUES HONG MICHIIT tRIStlDSE l'uoUTS IIUTKIV STEVE EDWARDS DIASI MEIIREZ CHANDRAS RUTS III MICHAEL MEIER IIEXIXDIRTIKRI7I IMHsMCTtsaarl. diaxemehrez h iir i i rosa itz iehschechtir aeasaiihriz 1 txic3Ei~a] A N E V E N IN G W IT H JO E SA M PLE S U N . JU TICKETS AT AIL TICKETMASTER OUTLETS. MUSIC MILLENNIUM & ALADDIN BOX OFFICE OR CHARGE BV PHONE 224 4400 _______________ SUBJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Chuck Hinton's Rib Express 3328 N.E. Killingsworth The Portland Observer 4747 MLK Jr. Blvd. ÍFMl BESI