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See Family, page B2. ®l|e ^ a rtla n h i.i& n a D p S Schoe _ n - N M e o w sp e ir r M rs fit y of Eugene, E -o í O reg< O re g o n Rose Festival To Crown Queen REVIEW Heavy Rain Hits Crash Site I leavy rain associated with the first trop­ ical weather system o f the year doused the Everglades site o f the ValuJet crash, as di vers wearing spec ial biohazard suits dove into the inky black water tillin g the crater left when the DC-9 went down. Rescue workers hoped to be able to recover the cockpit voice recorder and more o f the oxygen-generating can isters that may have been involved in an explosion, The plane plunged into the Everglades muck on May 11, taking the lives o f all 110 people on board. Amy Rodger, David Douglas High School Ana Campean, M arshall High School Muang Saeteurn, M adison High School Church Fire Probe Continues Federal investigators say they have not found any evidence that a national conspir­ acy is behind a series o f fires at southern black churches, but they're promising to continue extensive investigations. The d i­ rector o f the Bureau o f Alcohol, t obacco and Firearms told the House Judiciary Committee the ATF is investigating 25 tires at predominantly black churches since January o f 1995. Assistant Attorney Gen­ eral Deval Patrick told the panel it’s pre­ mature to say i f the tires are part o f an organized hate movement, but he added, “ we’re facing an epidemic o f terror.” Sara Wood, Wilson High School Chala Barrington, Parkrose High School S' JKt T Shazi Tate, Lincoln High School K ristin Waldram, St. M ary's Academy Ja im iJo n e s C leveland High School Rosem ary Breihof, Franklin High School Adrienne Newman, Benson High School Erin Fuller, C entral Catholic High School Shuttle Retrieves Satellite Shuttle Endeavour’s 50-foot robot arm reached out and plucked a small satellite from orbit today to bring it back to Earth. The satellite holds the results from yester­ day’s test o f a giant inflatable antenna that NASA hopes w ill be a prototype for cheap­ er space structures. NASA project manag­ er Steven Bard says they w on’t be able to say that the experiment was a full success until they look at the data from the satellite. The parachute-like M ylar antenna was jettisoned from the satellite at the end o f yesterday's test. It’s expected to disintegrate in a fiery plunge through the atmosphere. US: Iran Behind Israel Attack Secretary o f State Warren Christopher says there’ s growing evidence that Iran is using “ terrorism” to undermine the Middle East peace process. Speaking to the Wash­ ington Institute for Near East Policy, Chris­ topher accused an Iranian-backed group o f a shooting in Israel last week in which an Israeli-American student was killed. He says that while the United States continues to believe that a comprehensive trade em­ bargo is the only way to get Iran to change its behavior, the U.S. is not opposed to opening a dialogue with “ authoritative rep­ resentatives” o f the Iranian government. Iraq Hails UN Oil Deal, Hits US O fficial Iraqi newspapers are combin­ ing jubilant reports o f an o il export agree­ ment with the United Nations with fierce attacks on the I Inited States The newspa­ pers said the accord, which w ill allow Iraq to sell limited amounts o f oil to buy food and medicine for its citizens, is the first step toward the complete removal o f U.N. sanctions against Iraq that were imposed after its 1990 invasion o f Kuwait. One newspaper blamed the U.S. for the deaths o f “ Hundreds o f thousands o f martyrs who passed away due to hunger and disease during the past six years.” Another called the U.S. “ the slave o f Satan.” FRONT SEC TIO N EDITORIAL A2 I he achievements o f 14 young women from Portland-area high schools w ill be rec­ ognized Thursday, May 30, at C ivic Audito­ rium and one w ill be crowned Rose Queen at the Incredible Universe Queen's Coronation presented by KW'JJ. The event, scheduled to begin at 8 p.m., promises entertainment and suspense starting with the introduction ofthe 14 court members and culminating with the coronation o f the Rose Festival Queen. Jennifer Duran, R oosevelt High School Court members are judged on leadership, scholastic achievement, school activities, civ­ ic involvement, volunteer projects, commu­ nication skills and the overall impression they make on the judges. The Queen w ill act as ambassador for the Rose Festival and the C ity of Portland for the next year. This years rose court: Am y Rodger, front David Douglas High School, plans to obtain a doctoral degree Renee Watson, Jefferson High School after she attends Marylhurst College and receives a degree in Education. An Honor student, Amy has earned an excellent rating at the 1995 Publications Olympics and first place at the 1995 American Scholastic Press Association C om petition. She coaches Y M C A basketball, is active in the Midway Christian Youth Fellowship and is a belly dancer. J esse B row s wrongs o f yesterday can’t be righted, so we he impetus provided by the re­ hear. Never would such a notion be more cently concluded four-year na­ plainly misplaced were it to deny the simple tional commemoration of World truth and justice o f honoring these black War II was barely sufficient to lift one of soldiers. that e ra ’s untold stories from obscurity. In an exhaustive and meticulous study o f In late A p ril, I he White House announced half-century-old documents, a distinguished it was seeking a congressional waiver so that team o f scholars assembled by Shaw Univer­ the Medal o f Honor could be awarded to sity under contract with the army made a seven black soldiers whose deeds in battle compelling case for its recommendations. date back to the 1940’ s Clearly concluded was that disparities did In and o f itself, belated awards for heroism exist in the criteria and administrative pro­ are not unprecedented. But in this instance cesses associated with valor awards. Blacks, we have more than the usual oversights, whose acts o f bravery seemed to meet the paperwork snafus and other lapses that mark Medal o f Honor test o f “ above and beyond earlier redresses o f missed recognition Here, the call o f duty,” were instead awarded the it was the astounding fact that not a single Distinguished Service Cross. black who served in World War II received 1 he H istorians, noting the nature o f segre­ the nations highest decoration for valor. gated m ilitary forces and all-white higher As a nation that today still struggles with command echelons, perceived a form o f bias issues o f racial division, we tend to chalk-up and discrimination; they viewed the outcomes vivid examples o f earlier offenses against as a product o f the times that in many ways people o f color to times best forgotten. The relegated blacks to inferior status, The u lti­ T EDUCATION HOUSING A4 A7 HEALTH A6 mate formation and deployment o f all-black combat divisions may have itselfallowed the issue o f race to prevail over proclaimed ob­ jectivity. Men and now women, in battle confront dangers that are nonselective. War kills and maims without regard to race, gender or creed. It has always been that way and it most certainly prevailed among the 1.2 m illion blacks who served in World War II The medal o f Honor for that era was awarded - many posthumously - to 432 Americans whose regard for their own safety evaporate in a supreme test o f human strength and nobility. Today, only one o fth e seven new nominees survives. But kin and others seeking to somehow reconcile these now proven instances o f prejudice, can inherit the wise morality o f President C linton’s deci­ sion. In no small way, this is an act o f healing at a time when it may very well mean more than it might have 50 years ago. We w ill all be better for it. METRO SEC TIO N and is senior class treasurer at Marshall High School She is a baccalaureate chair and publicity director for Marshall’s peer men­ tors. Born in Rumania, Ana plans to attend the University o f Portland and obtain a de­ gree in business management with her eye on starting her own import business. Ana is active in her church choir and band, a mem- ▼ Ana Campean plays varsity volley ball ia s Found In V a lo r A w a rd s For B lacks ht Tami Fitzpatrick, Grant High School FAMILY B2 I Continued to page A5 DOLE EXPLORES FUTURE S enator Bob Dole completed his first full-length foray as a soon-to-be ex-senator Monday - a preview, his aides said, of what Dole might he like a t a full-time pres idential candidate. But D ole’ s campaign schedule was sparse and cobbled-together, as his staff sought to adjust to the candidate’ s sudden new status, which has forced them to re­ think their entire approach. Dole spoke in Key l argo for a total o f four minutes on the subject o f education. That was one minute longer than his cam­ paign appearance Sunday night, in which ▼ Continued to page A5 ARTS & ENT. RELIGION B3. B6 CLASSIFIEDS B7