: * 5 'x / * : • * . A * * •- * * P age * * . - • * » * -, . A 8 -* /. * - j% ; a *. < ; / . / ■ ■ i A >» i M ay 15, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver Shady Grove School Reunion Calling All Alumni From The Shady Grove, Louisiana Area The 1996 Reunion has planned a Dinner/Dance fo r Friday, July ¡2, 1996 at 7:00 PM in the Civic Center in Ruston, Louisiana. Saturday, July 13. 1996 at 10:00 AM a Fish Fry-Picnic is scheduled Sunday. July 14, 1996 will culminate with worship service at the St. Mary Baptist Church at 11:00 A M. Help spread the word hy notifying all your friends, relatives, form er teachers and sta ff o f Shady Grove School o f this memorial event. Your Northwest Area Contacts Are Falorie Peoples Morgan 503-281-5016: and Bernice Satcher Martin 503-287-9760. Garlington Wants Customer Feedback May is National Mental Health Month and for in accordance to its new vision statement, Garlington Center Behavioral H ealthcare plans to increase customer satisfaction. Garlington’s theme for May is “Tell Us What You Think.” During May, G arlington’s cus­ tomers have an opportunity to rate the center’s services and comment on new services through written sur­ veys and focus groups Garlington’s new vision state- ment, “ Impact Locally ... Connect Globally,” was recently developed to reflect their recently revised stra­ tegic goals. The organization wants to direct its plans for change and growth within managed health care; providing high quality service and affordable prices. Their newly re­ vised “values” will emphasize peo­ ple development, enhance cultural competency and diversity training and team building in the organiza­ tion. May 21 Garlington staff mem­ bers will speak to the Concordia Neighborhood Association on the issue o f“Not In My Neighborhood, Valuing Those With Menta Illness As Neighbors. On May 29 the cen­ ter will team up with Portland Com­ munity College for a panel discus­ sion on Measure 11 and its mean­ ing. Police Chief Charles Moose will participate on the panel. For more information call 249- 7990. Minors Buying Tobacco Getting Harder The odds that an Oregon minor can illegally buy tobacco slipped to four in 10 during the most recent state-sponsored attempts for minors to buy tobacco in five counties. That is still double the state’s goal to reduce successful purchases to 20 percent o f attempts by year 2000. however. “ Fifty-eighty percent o f clerks said ‘no sale’ to minors who wanted to buy the nation’s leading cause of preventable disease, disability and death,” said Jeffery N. Kushner, di­ rector o f the Office o f Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs in the Oregon Department o f Human Resources. “That is hardly a win, but I want to believe it’s cause for optimism.” Forty-two percent o f 31 clerks in Columbia. Josephine, Lake, Lincoln and Tillamook counties sold to mi­ nors ages 16 or younger during in­ spections through April 25, he said The legal age for purchasing tobacco is 18. Kushner said one clerk asked a 16-year-old youth his age and, even though he acknowledged he was only 16, the clerk sold anyway. Since last fall, he said, 17 percent o f 165 clerks have asked under-age kids for iden- tification but then sold anyway. In 14 counties where under-age youths have attempted to buy tobac­ co since last fall, Kushner said, half o f clerks sold. “Be assured that in those stores that sold, we’ll be back to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Kushner said. These are the stores where clerks sold or declined to sell in the five latest counties checked. In all cases a minor age 16 or younger attempted to buy tobacco; clerks who sold were cited by a plain-clothes police offic­ er. In Columbia County, the minor was 14 years old. Conference Adresses Living With Diabetes On Saturday, May 18th, youths with diabetes and their families will have an opportunity to learn “how to keep it together” at the American Diabetes Association, Oregon Affil­ iate’s 8th Annual Youth Conference. The all day conference will be held at the E m erald V alley R eso rt in Creswell, Oregon. As part ofthe Growing Well With Diabetes series, the conference ad­ dresses basic elements o f diabetes management and how to maintain those basics given the fast lifestyle many families face today, as well as, strategies to help families keep it together when faced with problems or circumstances that could effect their emotional and physical well being. Highlights include: develop- mental stages and the impact physi­ cal growth and sociological changes have on the management o f diabetes; how to help youths make good deci­ sions in tempt ing situat ions; being part of a support team and what that means; and, working through the grief process to find meaning in the challenge of living with diabetes. Call (800) 234- 0849 for more information. Portland’s Farmers’ Market Opens fresh produce directly from the farm­ er who grew it. In May, along with early season vegetables, vendors will be selling a wide selection o f starts and bedding plants. There will also be plenty o f cut flowers and bou­ quets. Specialty products sold at the market include wild mushrooms, goat milk cheese, jam s and jellies, honey Portland Farm ers’ M arket an­ nounced that its fifth season will be­ gin Saturday, May 11. The market will be open every Saturday from 8 a m. to p.m. through October 26. The market is found along the Willamette River at 1200 NW Front Ave., just north o f the Broadway Bridge. At the Market, customers can buy breads, pies and other baked goods Five garden talks are scheduled at 10 a m. for the beginning o f the sea­ son. The Chefs in the Market pro­ gram will begin June 22 with 16 local chefs giving cooking demonstrations using fresh market produce. For more information call 705- 2460. Child Abuse Death Rates Rise 1747 victims down 161 from 1994 figures but still higher than 1993. The western region, excluding metro, ranked lowest with 7.4 per 1000 cas­ es. The southern and eastern regions reported more than 12 cases per 1000. In general reports o f abuse and ne­ glect have leveled over the past sev­ en years. However, the figures should take into consideration limits in the system’s capacity to respond to re­ ports. The data showed 3178 cases of neglect, 29 percent. Fifteen percent ofthe cases were physical abuse and 14 percent were sexual abuse. In­ fants make up the largest single age group of victims including those who were drug affected at birth. And girls represent 53 percent o f all abuse victims and 79 percent in sexual abuse Last Year, 8018 Oregon Children were victims o f child abuse or ne­ glect. Thirty-six of them died. According to data from a report released by the Stat Office for Ser­ vices to Children and Families (for­ mally Children’s Services Division), more children died o f abuse and neglect in 1995 than in the previous year. Twenty-eight percent ofthe 36 deaths were from neglect and most from lack o f supervision and poor and inadequate child care. Most o f the victims were younger than five. “This is a tragedy,” said agency director Kay Toran. “ It means all o f us must accept the responsibility o f supporting families and trying to keep children safe and protected.” Portland’s metro region reported cases, which dropped 10.7 percent lower than 1994. In most incidents the father or mother committed the acts and 90 percent occurred within the family. A father figure accounted for 37 per- centofsexual abusers. Friends, neigh­ bors and other non-family make up 32.7 percent o f abusers. The report also showed an in­ crease in all stress factors that con­ tribute to abuse or neglect o f chil­ dren. the major problems -- being a single parent, abusing drugs and al­ cohol, domestic violence and crim­ inal activity - all contribute. In ad­ dition, those who were abused as children are likely to abuse their children. Drug and alcohol abuse were found in 73 percent o f neglect cases. “A Learning Laborer For The Jefferson Student Finished Basic Training Air Force Airm an L aura C. Sanchez has graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. During the six weeks o f training, the airman received special training in human relations. Airmen who complete basic train­ ing earn credits toward an associate degree through the Commun ity Col­ lege o f the Air Force. Sanchez is the daughter o f Naida Sanchez o f 8756 N. Wilbur, and Peter Sanchez o f 36 N.E. Buffalo, both o f Portland. She is a 1994 g ra d u a te o f Lord" Greater Portland Community, Portland, Oregon. It is with great pleasure that we, the Vancouver Ave. First Baptist Church Family extend a jubilant invitation to the community at large in celebrating our Pastor’s Second Anniversary, Pastor Amzie Bailey. Please join us on Thursday, May 16, Friday M ay 17, 1996 at 7:00PM We will culminate the Anniversary Celebration on Sun­ day, May 19, 1996 at 10:45AM and again at 3:00PM. Our guest speaker is the electrifying Rev. Stoot from Everett, Washington. Please bring your family and friends; Vancouver Ave. First Bap­ tist Church, 3438 N Vancouver Ave., Portland, Oregon 97217. Phone: 503 282 9496. Laura C. Sanchez Advertise In (The |LÌnrtktnò (Observer Call: 503-288-0033 c I Prices Effective May 15 through May21,1996 at your nearby Safeway store. Young Tender Turkey Breasts • with Ribs. • SAVE UP TO 700 LB White or Yellow Sweet Corn ✓ Snow Star Half Gallon Ice Cream • First 1 • SAVE UP TO 1.00 a I ifeAi *v>„ » Look For Your ea Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping At Safeway! Enjoy Extra Savings With The SAFEWAY EXTRA In-Store Savings Guide Available at your Safeway store. L