«rt -« V w ' ’> î' C- ‘ *. - •*> — '‘A t ó P age I he P ortland O bserver • M ay 15, 1996 P o lic e \ e w s Serial Cat Burglar Sought A suspect in six residential rob­ beries and sexual assaults involv­ ing women living alone has appar­ ently committed anothercrime. De­ tectives are investigating a seventh incident that occurred early Friday morning (May 10). In this morning’s incident, as in the previous six, the suspect en­ tered the residence o f a women living alone. In this case, as in the previous six, the suspect has en­ tered through an Unlocked or Un­ secured window or door. Friday m orning’s robbery and sexual assau It occurred in the Goose Hollow neighborhood. It is believed that the suspect was S k e tc h o f serial c a t burglar. armed, probably with a handgun. The suspect is described as an African-American male, light com- plexion, 5’9" to 6 ’0", medium build 20 to md 30’s in age, with a round face that is clean shaven. In some o f the incidents the suspect has worn ski mask and gloves. We would certainly stress the importance o f checking windows and doors to make sure they are locked prior to retiring for the evening. Anyone with information on this incidents is asked to contact Ser géant Bill Carter o f the Sexual As sault Detail at 823-0434. People with information can also remain anonymous if they wish by calling Crime Stoppers at 823-HELP Re ward money o f up to $ 1000 is avail able through the program. Crime Stoppers: Hate Crime Portland Police Bureau Bias Crime Detectives, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in solving an aggravated assault case that appears to have been committed simply because o f the victim’s race. Shortly after midnight Sunday, April 14, black man was driving alone in his car on 1-26 eastbound near Highway 217, ju st east o f the Sylvan exit, when a pickup truck began to tailgate and tried to ram him. The pickup cut in front o f the man’s vehicle and slammed on its brakes to stop the him. The victim pulled o ff the highway and the sus­ pect vehicle pulled o ff just ahead o f him. As the man got out o f his car, he was confronted by the driver o f the pickup truck who said, “You are mine now, n— r!” The victim saw someone get out o f the passenger’s side o f the pickup. Shortly thereafter, he was struck from behind and knocked unconscious. The man awoke in a ambulance suf­ fering from serious injuries. The driver o f the suspect vehicle is described as a white male, mid- 3 0 ’s, 5,10"-6’0", 180-200 pounds, with sandy hair that is just below the collar, blue eyes, and a mustache The suspect vehicle is described as a full-size, 4-wheel drive pickup in “poor” condition. The vehicle silver or white and the paint is dull or rusted. There is a black stripe on the tailgate where the name o f the make appears. The vehicle also has an extremely loud exhaust. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa tion that leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crime and you can remain anonymous. Attempt Robbery/Attempt Murder Portland Police Bureau detec­ tives are asking for your help in solving an attempt robbery case where shots were fired at the vic­ tim. On Monday, April 1, 1996, at approximately 1:00 o ’clock in the morning, a 24-year-old male em­ ployee o f the New Copper Penny Restaurant, 5932 SE 92nd Avenue, drove to the U.S. Bank’s Eastport Plaza branch, 4300 SE 82nd Ave­ nue, to drop the day’s receipts from the restaurant into the night deposit. Since he regularly made the night deposit, the employee would vary his time schedule so as not to set up a predictable routine. On this particular morning, as the young man drove up to the night deposit, he noticed that someone had blocked the parking area next to the night deposit with a large concrete ashtray. Suspicious, the young man did not stop. Instead, he drove several times round the black looking to see if anyone was in the area. Not seeing anyone, the young S k e tc h o f serial c a t burglar. man pulled onto the bank lot and had just gotten out o f his vehicle, when he was confronted by a subject armed with a handgun, who apparently had been hiding a short distance away. The suspect ordered the young man to drop the deposit bag. When the young man did not comply, the suspect shot at him. The bullet, which narrowly missed the victim, struck the driver’s door o f his vehicle and shattered the glass. The victim dove back into his vehicle and started to accelerate rap­ idly away. As he did, the suspect fired at least one time at the victim, but did not hit him or the vehicle. The suspect, who attempted to rob the victim and shot at him, is de scribed as a male white, 5 ’8", 170 pounds, wearing a gray sweatshirt with a hood that was pulled over his head, black ski mask, olive green pants, and white tennis shoes. At 11:11 pm, a little less than two hours before the robbery attempt the bank’s ATM camera photo graphed a subject wearing a gray sweatsuit, who was attempting to conceal his faae, standing near the area o f the night deposit. Upon checking the night deposit box, officers found that the lock had been disabled, which would have prohibited the victim from using it From all appearances, with the concrete astray used as a barricade and the disabling ofthe night depos it box, the robbery attempt had been a planned set up. Crime Stoppers is offeringa cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa tion, reported to Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you can remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. The Theory Of The Black Middle-Class m P rof . Mt K inlen B i in c o u rt and has not been seen since. A felony no bail w arrant for fa ilu re to a p p e a r was issued M unsterm an is d e sc rib e d as i 4 1 -y e a r-o ld w hite m ale, 6 ’ I", 240 po u n d s, w ith brow n eyes and black hair. C rim e sto p p e rs is o ffe rin g a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,0 0 0 for in fo rm atio n , re p o rte d to C rim e S to p p e rs, that leads to an arrest in this case or any un so lv ed fel­ ony crim es. C a lle rs w ill rem ain an onym ous. C all 823-H E L P . Advertise In (The ^.ìvrtkm ò (O b serv e r dent, who called for police and med­ ical assistance. The woman found shot to death in Macleay Park on Tuesday morning has been identified as Maggie Ann Overlund, DOB 05-06-77. A photo is available in my office. A nyone with inform ation on Veblin rides again (But are they, ahem, ‘lower’ class? Must the entire economic scale be written down?). While that scenario had general a p p lic a tio n a c ro ss th e b o a rd , inbetween there were some particu­ lar ramifications that materially af­ fected the African American popula­ tion; especially following World War 11. This could be inferred when I wrote a week ago o f a Los Angeles scene o f the early 1950’s, where I had the unique vantage point o f pub­ lic accountant; an observer who had both the strivers and the financing mortgage brokers as clients. “ ...that hard-driving, upward-mo­ bility crowd which took over the ritzy Baldwin Hills suburb early in the Black Revolution” . “A frenzied mob o f over achievers”, a new black middle-class o f executives, engi­ neers, administrators, lawyers, doc­ tors, scientists, etc; who didn’t just inherit the swimming pools and ten­ nis courts that were abandoned in the white flight promoted by enterpris­ ing real estate brokers - but went on to convert a now-93% black elemen­ tary school to the best in the city: IQ, math, reading Its been said before but, again, “the best laid plans o f mice and men often go wrong.” There were many o f us young African Americans with the skills and expe­ rience in both the white and black V area o f finance, technology and eco­ nomics who thought the promised land’ was at hand. How easy and simple it would be to accomplish what the prior generation had pro­ jected -- what, perhaps, only a Marcus Garvey could have dreamed of. What we failed to realize was that the generation o f our fathers was also very ambitious, cold and greedy we thought - “realism” was their term: “w e’re beyond the fancies o f youth.” In any case, these o ld ’ fifty and sixty year-old black economists, advertis­ ing men and assorted hustlers went to General Motors, Ford, Pepsi Cola, Schenley Distillers, Phillip Morris and the like, and sold them’a multi­ billion dollar package (Part o f a col­ lege course I designed, “Black Eco­ nomic Experience.” Twelve million blacks also were sold). With open-ended financing these “Black Market Men” as they were called conducted all the market re­ search necessary to ascertain black preferences in cars, whiskey, clothes, cereals, tobaccos, colors, smells, etc and hired away all the young black professionals counted on by the black, business ownership-minded. Ebony and Jet were saturated with color ads and “head hunters” were sent to black colleges to recruit more liquor and tobacco salesmen. Concluded next week. Portland C om m unity Design invites you to join the MLK MAIN STREET MASTERPLAN SUMMIT WORKGROUPS Each workgroup meeting will focus on issues to revitalize MLK Boulevard into a mainstreet. Guest panelists will join in discussions of topics including mixed use development, the median strip, and celebrating the spirit o f Albina. All workgroup meetings will be held Thursdays at noon at Metro in Room 370, 600 NE Grand Ave..Portland. Please bring your own lunch; coffee will be provided. For more information call Laurel Lyon at Portland Community Design, 281 -8011. Call 503-288-0033 O R E G O N L O T T E R Y -¿MONEY GAME SHOW $100,000 Money Game Show Saturday • May 18 • 7-8 PM WATCH AS 10 PLAYERS VIE FOR SI00.000 A 1996 FORD MUSTANG LX COUPE, HAWAIIAN VACATIONS, AND CASH! Tune in and Win! Viewers at home, you can win $1,000 with your $100,000 Money Game Show Scratch-it! Match your Game Show Bonus Symbols revealed during the show! Tune in to Koin Portland, KOBI Medford, KMTR Eugene, KMTX Coos Bay, or KOTI Klamath Falls and win. Macleay Park Homicide Portland Police are investigating the discovery o f a w om an’s body in Macleay Park, near the 5300 block NW Cornell Rd., as a homicide. The body was discovered by a pedestrian on one o f the trails in the park at about 7:00 am Tuesday. The pedestrian then told a nearby resi­ kt Yes, Yes, Yes! I agree dear ladies that the black woman is a very impor­ tant component o f this idea o f a new. vibrant, if ill-defined, black middle- class And for those who make the error that I simply make the case for a clone o f a white social stratum, please recall my 1992 assessment. Earlier this century, the concept o f a middle-class (period!) was o f a group chose income was at the mid­ dle or median o f all Americans, and who, additionally, lived in a manner and style often termed “genteel” (whether real or fancied). I made the further point that this life style o f a “to-the-manor-born” gentry was the behavior o f people who did not punch time clocks, but employed others to operate the economic units which they owned: stores, shops, small plants and farms; dictated agenda, time, sequence. Their “gentility” extended to ser­ vants and domestics in the homes, live in or day workers. And. ofcourse, the social amenities which included (in a minor correspondence to the real upper-crust) the sponsorship o f many o f the arts and sciences. Now, compare this classic cultural institu­ tion with today’s hilarious ofl-Broad- way production provided by the Madison Avenue advertising agen­ cies. With the aid o f an enthusiastic media, craftsm en, trades-people, school teachers, car salesmen, post office employees, etc. are persuaded (conned) to become actors in a play where many actually come to believe that they are truly middle-class - and are provided a matching trendy and expensive consumerism agenda, with credit cards to match. Thorstein Child Abuse Suspect Sought P o rtlan d P o lice B u reau D e­ tectiv es a ssig n ed to M ultnom ah C ounty C h ild A b u se T eam in c o o p e ra tio n w ith C rim e S to p ­ pers, are a sk in g for y o u r help in locating and ap p re h e n d in g John A ndrew M unsterm an. M o n d a y , A p r il 8 , J o h n M unste-rm an a p p e a re d in M u lt­ nom ah C o u n ty C o u rt to stan d trial on m u ltip le c o u n ts o f rape and sex abuse. T he v ictim s in the case w ere 10 -y e a rs-o ld . M unsterm an w as a “ no sh o w ” Overlund, especially her activities on Monday May 6th, is asked to call either Sergeant Kerry Taylor Derek Anderson at 823-0479. People with information can also call the Crime Stopper line at 823-HELP You can rem ain anonym ous, and reward money up to $1000 is available. Last year's H 00,000 winner Jeff Hill and his Officers Seize Five Pounds Of Cocaine Portland Police officers seized almost five pounds o f cocaine and arrested one man while investigat­ ing a domestic disturbance Tues­ day night at a Northeast Portland apartment. Officer Mike Stradley and oth­ ers went to an apartment in the 1700 block o f NE 162nd Ave. after re­ ceiving a call from a resident about a domestic fight. While at the loca­ tion the officers located drug para­ phernalia, then a large amount o f crack cocaine and powder cocaine Investigators from the Drug and Vice Division were called in to assist in the investigation. Seized by police was four pounds o f powder cocaine and 3 4 o f a pound o f crack cocaine. Investigators say that the street value o f the cocaine is over $100.000. Charged in connection with the seizure is Brain Vasquez, DOB 01- 11-75. Vasquez is being held at the Justice Center Jail on charges o f Manufacturing a Controlled Sub­ stance in the Second Degree, Distri­ bution o f a Controlled Substance in I the Second Degree, Possession o f a Controlled Substance in the Second Degree, First Degree Child Neglect, and Menacing. The Child Abuse charge stems from the fact that a two year old boy was also living at the address. ORS 163.547 makes it a Class B Felony if a “person knowingly leaves the chi Id, or al lows the chi Id to stay.. on premises and in the immediate prox­ imity where controlled substances are criminally delivered or manu­ factures...”. A 7 wife, Lisa Jo. w ith hosts Tom Parker and Karen Trumbo OREGON LOTTERY Thanks to these special sponsors S a th e r T ra v e l MID CITY WOODBURN Portland ♦ SALEM