M A ay 15, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver L E Defining The Ages (Times) Article 7 by M I saacs There is a global resistance to God arid to his Holy Word, and to his followers. T h is is not a “ business as usu­ a l” time! There is serious oppo­ sition to the way o f G od; but this o p p A o sitio n has no bearing on G o d ’s W ord and does not change one Word o f prophecy; in fact, it does not change anything pre­ destined to happen G o d ’ s Word Is U n co n d itio n al: G od does be­ cause it pleases him to do; he Says, because he desires us to know; He desires us to know because he made a covenant with his son Jesus, to save, bless and change every one who accepted his son as Lord and Savior o f this world. We are qualified to receive all that is promised in the Word of God, because we have a Covenant with him through his Son, Jesus Christ, being joint heirs with the Son of God. It is long past the time to shout about the time o f our accepting the Lord; when we first received salva­ tion. The devil rages through the land and we have not grown past our first blessing; our mode o f thinking has not changed since we first accepted the Lord, and we face the “big guns” o f Satan with very few tools for de­ fence We dwell on and shout about “ When we first received the Lord” We remember the day and the hour; what was said and what we did and how we felt. Conveniently forgetting what was said and what we did and how we felt. Conveniently forgetting that we had just begun the journey; without full knowledge, and no wis­ dom, no growth, no tolls to travel the journey from hell to heaven. Satan has a “hay day” with Christians such Open Letter To Oregon Office Holders And Candidates Fellow Citizens: We the members o f Multnomah Monthly Meeting o f the Religious Society o f Friends write out o f reli­ gious concern for the well being o f Oregon’s young people as they face difficult and changing times. Their moral health, theirconfidence in their ability to lead decent and productive lives, depends upon the education provided them by a society faced with the challenges and opportuni­ ties o f profound economic change. We do not need to labor the point that equipping the young for the new job market as well as the complex de­ mands of modem soc iety w ill benefit all citizens, there being no more prom­ ising and constructive means o f bui Id- ing strong and happy communities. Public education in Oregon is un­ der funded, and quality is threatened at all levels, from kindergarten to graduate school. It takes more than money to develop a strong system o f education, but adequate funding is prerequisite to its development and necessary to its maintenance. Good models abound, in major American cities as well as in economically com­ petitive nations such as Germany and Japan In Oregon innovative ap­ proaches that have shown success and promise are now being damaged by program cutbacks and teacher lay­ offs. The trend must be reversed. Oregon needs thorough reform o f its tax structure. Measure 5, and with it dependence upon the real property tax, must go. We realize there are many competing proposals, some representing various special inter­ ests. Am ong them we are aware o f the following: Local option taxes for sch o o l p ro gram s, G o v e rn o r Kitzhaber having recently suggested that school districts might be em­ powered to levy them after a study o f essential educational costs and state funding o f them; a gross receipts tax or sales tax that would exempt food, medicine, perhaps other basics; g iv­ ing school districts a slightly larger share o f tax revenues vis a vis cities and counties. Here we make no brief for any one or combination o f these, recognizing that there are political realities to be faced as well as com­ plex economic issues. What we ask is an urgent effort requiring close cooperation o f the Governor’s office and the Legisla­ ture. We suggest that the process o f reform might best begin through the joint leadership o f the Governor, the Senate President, and the Speaker o f the House. It might continue through the agency o f a special commission charged with development o f an eq­ uitable new tax structure to be acted upon in a special session o f the Le g ­ islature. We urge such a course in orderto forestall narrowly conceived efforts to alter the tax structure by Men’s Conference On T h u rsd ay, M ay 30 Mt. O liv e t B aptist C h u rch w ill k ic k o ff it ’s First annual M en’s C o n ­ ference. Som e o f the main rea­ son why men have fallen from their God give n positio ns. T h is conference is centered around g iv in g all men the tools to “ Fight L ik e A M an!!” I f you are a man who wants to live up to your Potential, then this conference is a must. There w ill also be topics de­ signed for youth . The conference continues Friday and Saturday from 8 a m. to 3:30 p.m. "Harvest '96" State Evangelism Department O f Oregon First Jurisdiction w ill spon­ sor its 1st annual Workshop “ Design For The Harvest 96” on Saturday, May 25, 1996 at 8:00 A M. - 2:00 P.M. Location, V ic to ry Tem ple Church, 241 N. E. Hancock, Port­ land, O R Donations accepted. For more information contact Ruth Pitts- London at (503) 775-0681. Morning Star 49th Anniversary- M orning Star M isso n a ry B a p ­ tist C h u rch C le le b ra te s T h e ir 49th C h u rch A n n iv e rsa ry M ay I7 - I9 t h . M u s ic a l M ay 17 at initiative. Finally, open minded as we are as to the details o f change, we are very much concerned with principles. First, we believe that the quality o f public education is a measure o f a society’s achievement and should be a source o f jo y and satisfaction for all. Secondly, we believe that fund­ ing should be equitable throughout the state, but, because the demands on school districts vary—for example the need for coping with many lan­ guages and difficult sociological con­ ditions—truly equitable sharing o f resources w ill not result from uni­ form per capita funding. Thirdly, we believe that taxation should be progressive, h)0*0*0*e economical­ ly fortunate being expected to pay at a higher rate than those less so. We trust that all o f you care about this issue and that many feel the frustration o f the present situation and the loss o f public confidence in the legislative process. We sympa­ thize with the difficulties o f the well- intentioned as they feel the pressures o f conflicting interests. Our hearts w ill be with you in your efforts to respond to the iong range interests o f the people o f Oregon. We look forward to hearing your views on tax reform, particularly in relation to school funding. Sincerely, Madeline Moore,Clerk o f Meeting (503)281-4891 R etraction Please contact us fo r the correct information. 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 972112 ofmen.and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by means o f those mira­ cles which he had power to do. Rev. 13:13,14. We I i ve, with the weapons o f God available to us and we refuse to learn how to use these weapons against the evil one: Closing our hearts and feel­ ing secure in our lack o f knowledge and w isdom, which is a form o f dis­ belief in the existence o f evil. Oh, Foolish Men, Who See God A s A Bandaid For A ll Their Surface Ills; Using Him A s A Vehicle To De­ mand And Solicit Praises O f Men. Lutheran Leader To Be Honored Gloria Edwards, president o f a national Lutheran women’s organi­ zation and principal o f a Northern California construction company, will receive an honorary Doctor o f Laws at Concordia University’s May 18 commencement ceremonies, an­ nounced C o n c o rd ia Presid en t Charles E. Schlimpert. One hundred and sixty bachelor’s degrees w ill be awarded at the 10.00 a m. event in the school’s gymnasium. Combined with 127 degree recip­ ients at Winter commencement held in December, Concordia w ill be granting a record 287 degrees in the 1995-96 academic year. Edwards, a resident o f Portola V alle y, is being recognized by Concordia University for her life­ long involvement in the Lutheran Church-M issouri Synod (L C M S ). including serving as a member o f the Concordia University Board o f Re­ gents since 1992. Edwards has been involved in many community and church projects and organizations from the local P T A , her local congregation Bethany Lutheran Church in Menlo Park, the Califomia-Nevada-Hawaii District o f the L C M S Church as chair o f the Committee on Women, to advisory broad membership to the Stanford University Young Women’s Group. She has served as a board member o f the international Lutheran Wom­ en’s Missionary League (IL W M L ) and in 1995 to emphasize mission education, mission inspiration, mis­ sion service and mission projects for women in the L C M S . The IL W M L p ublication, Lutheran W om en’s Quarterly, provides inspirational ar­ ticles, mission news, and Bible stud­ ies to the 2 m illion members o f the LCM S. Concordia University is one o f 10 colleges and universities, including two seminaries, owned by the LC M S. Edwards and her husband, Rosser, are founding principals o f Webcor Construction o f San Mateo, Calif. Webcor served as general contractor of Concordia’s new science wing o f Luther Hall. “ Bestowing this degree upon G lo ­ ria Edwards provides us with a won­ derful opportunity to honor not only the service o f a great leader, but women throughout the Lutheran Church-M issouri Synod,” said Dr. Schlimpert. Edwards w ill give the commencement address. Graduating seniors Am y Gehrke and Blake Y o rk are student com­ mencement speakers. Gehrke is an elementary education and profession­ al church work major from Reedsport, Ore., and Y o rk is a Business Man­ agement and Communications ma­ jo r from Milwaukie, Ore. Y o rk is a wire transfer clerk with U S. Nation­ al Bank o f Oregon. C lass speaker are selected on the bases o f their G P A by the Com muni­ ty Life Committee, a standing faculty committee. Other awards announced atcommencement include the Senior Athlete Awards, Leadership Awards, and the Christian Character Award. Additionally, each o f the universi­ ty’s five colleges w ill announce out­ standing student awards. Glenn Smith, Dean o f Students at Concordia, was selected as bacca­ laureate speaker by the graduating class. Baccalaureate is at Friday, May 17, at 5:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. Founded in 1906, Concordia U ni­ v e rsity has been awardingh)0*0*0*chelor’s degrees since 1980, three years after its suc­ cessful transition from a junior co l­ lege. Concordia opened its 91st year last fall with new university status. Its 1,000 students are enrolled in one o f five colleges in Arts & Sciences, Business, Educations, Health Care Adm inistration, and The o lo gical Studies. The university is offering its first graduate level degree program in June with the introduction o f three master’s degree programs in the C o l­ lege o f Education. "Maying Piis ‘Praise Cjtorious" Friday June 21st at 7:00pm the Mt. Olivet student choir, “Chosen Generation," w ill present “ Making I he future o f m inistry in the Church w ill be the topic o f the next Catholic Scholars series. Sister Sara Butler, M .S.B .T ., will be the next speaker in the series on “The Church in the Third M illenni­ um.” His Praise G lorious.” It’s a ministry production featuring the next stellar award winner from Pulaski, Virgin- Sister Sara’s presentation w ill be “ L a y Ministry and Holy Orders in the Post-Vatican II Church.” She will speak at St M ary’s Cathedral on Sunday, May 19, 1996 at 8:00 p.m., and on Monday. May 20 at 8:00 p. m. at St. M ary’s Church in Eugene. J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR la Ap ril Patterson, with special guest appearances by Rap Hip/Hop sensation “ Dedicated” . livet Baptist Church Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Radio Ministry: Sundays; 8:00 AM , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 A M on K B M S Rev. James EL Martin, Ph.D. Senior Pastor ^bfappená Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson Assistant Pastor . (jrace Covenant Jetiowship ,_ h a ir d e s ig n FULL SERVICE SALON Stylist - Braids 1926 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 (503) 232-6263 Call Fur Appt. (503) 284-3662 Pgr. 202-8483 We are sorry to announce, that due to our newest project fo r enlarging our business, we made a slight discrepancy, in our cremation fees. The time is far gone to Celebrate the dead, for the “dead know not anything ”. We are alive and Satan wants our souls; he has lost the power to claim souls once they die A ll o f Satan's wonders and miracles will not affect the dead. The dead rest, awaiting the judgement. The miracle working power o f Satan focuses on the living soul, for these are the ones he must change and claim before death takes them beyond his reach. He (Satan) doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight ‘future of Vatican 7 :0 0 p m and the a n n iv e r s a r y C lo se -O u t M ay 19th at 3:00pm Sunday Afternoon. A d dre ss is 106 N E Iv y . Cox F uneral H ome I nc . as these. They swing with every wind that blows These are they that are in competition with other members in G od's family. These are they that require praise when they use the gifts given them by God. These are they that seek, yea, expect rewards and awards for doing what God expects them to do as his followers. These are they that look for material blessings because they have not missed a Sun­ day in Church Service. When W ill We Grow To Realize That We Are Not Saved Because We Work, But We Work Because We Are Saved! S 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 /A RACHEL'S STYLES Jerry's Salon “ Where the Best is Yet to Be! ” 2nd & Killingsworth/Williams Portland, OR 97212 BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR