t » ♦ . ■AHU an • - . • • > r •< v ™ •/ r^T •>r*T> 1 f4 .r.V i n * * * *. ” iM fv x * * 5 k . A ^ . - . - x L ft, «»**•» P age A 1 0 BUSH IES C h u c k H in to n ’s B U Y AND SELL = R t B EXPRESS= JAY'S MOWER & CHAINSAW C h icken • Pork Ribs • B eef Ribs C a te r in g & T a k e - O u t S h a r p e n in g W ayne & Juanita C annon (Proprietors) O ur S pecialty: R eal H ickory Sm oked B ar-B -Q Mon-thur 11:30am -9:00pnr FRI-SAT 11 30am-11:00pm • Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 3328 N.E. K ILL IN G S W O R T H Kosie A, Dean S m a l l E n g in e R e p a ir 8 : 3 0 t o 5 :3 0 M th ru F 9 :3 0 328 NE Shaver St. P ortland OR. 97212 to 3 :0 0 S a t IN D E P E N D A N T T R AVEL AG ENT D EAN ENTERPRISES INC. 753 N.E. Bryant, Portland OR 9 72 11 2 8 7 -6 6 1 0 503 283-0094 503 283-0094 Travel Reservations Only 800-95TMAXX PIN #13581 ‘D e / E t y e C o - ’4, anessias fill flround Style Antonio Greet/ Owner A Full Service Shop Hair • Nails • Shoe Shines (503) 331-0712 or 331-1851 Pgr 402 0926 Veneesi« Greely H ours: Tues - Sat 8:30am - 6:00pm 409 NE Dekum Portland. Oregon 97211 Entrepeneur / Co-Owner Birthday Bouquets Grand Openings Corporate Functions BALLOONS ®AL®RE? Stork For Rent We Deliver When You Deliver Balloons F or All O cca ssion s & Events -D e cora ting S ervice - D elivery S ervice A va ila b le H elium Rental D esig n s by: Edw ina Jo ne s M cC oy & D aren M cC oy Special E vents By A p po intm e nt (503) 331-1101 P.O. Box 11833 Portland, OR 97211 E a r l's B a r b e r Shop león f ! F E IN S U R A N C E & E v e r C h a n g in g E arl W CAUTION: Extrem ely A R R E • Life - Health Group • Disability Income • Home - Auto • Commercial • Annuities • Business N S U R E R A V N I C C E E S P ost O ffice B ox 12128 2207 N.E. B roadway , S uite 5 P o r tla n d , O regon 97212 FAX 503-284-7607 PHONE 503-284-6595 Vicious May Be Habit Form ing ERNEST WARREN SR TIMBERLINE EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS • D um p T ru cks, G ravel & Dirt D elivered • R esid en tial or C o m m ercial • L oaders, D o zers, T rackho e • E arthw ork, D em olition, C learing • C o ncrete R em oval & R eplace • R em o val & R eplace A sp h alt (503) 2 8 1 -1 08 8 O pen Sat. if Falls on First 2 71 7 N.E. B raodw ay Free E stim ates Ask F or Dan (503) 239 -2 32 2 P ortland, OR 97232 a0 <^ \ f o s . t a L q L o . C C C B No. 80229 Vessels I 4 4 5 N .E . K I L L I N G S W O R T H 288-9367 Fish & Chips * Terriyaki Chicken & Beef Hamburgers 2605 NE M L K Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Comer of N E Russell M O N D A Y - S A T U R D A Y , 8 :3 0 a.m . - 9:00 p.m . (503) 249-1952 S U N D A Y , 8 :3 0 a.m . - 6:00 p.m . Able Gable, Inc. G o ld e n s M ouse o f S f ijle 4 0 3 8 wl Sales • S ervice • Parts 4011 N.E. M.L.K. P ortland, OR 97212 (503) 288-3233 Affordable Heating & Air Conditioning ÎS . In t e r s t a t e A v e . SPRING SPECIAL C a rc Air Conditioning as Low as $1800. Ig n e W a g n e r Call Today for your FREE ESTIMATE H a ir Siglisi Business Licensed ❖ Bonded ❖ Insured 1 up . - Sal. 10-6 503-240-0368 Home Walter Bennett's Auto Detailing 239-5570 1 lours: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -9 4 3 1 Pager • 903-0191 3939 MLK Portland, OR 97211 282-2006 PHILLY CAFE With Meaning" Tues. - Sat., 10 a.m . - 6 p.m . McMURPHV S APPURNCC CCNTCA H air Design Dannella Bietson Rosa W ashington Stylists Leisure Curl Technicians Ethnic Accessories for the dinning room, bath, and kitchen. * 503-351-3413 C ellular Credit Problems □ ANDREWS WHOLESALE Need a Good Car? You have a stable income. □ You have a down payment. □ Your problems are behind you. (Bankruptcy & collection problems - no problem) Call (503) 281-9818 Home/Commercial Sales "The Best For Less” The Jefferson Andrew s O w ner 7205 N.E. MLK Boulevard (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -9 0 6 1 7127 N. Leonard Portland, OR 97203 M ove Y our F eet to the A frican B eat A FR IC A N DANCE CLASS JENKINS AUTO SERVICE DVANTAgE Miti AUTO BROKER 6 7 17 N E Sandy B lvd . Portland. OR 97213 L ’AMOUR NOIR VIDEO Specializing in Children & Adults “All-Black Cast & Race F ilm s” Classes begin Sat. April 20, 1996 Lutheran Inner City 4219 NE MLK Blvd. 1 9 0 0 ’s • 19S0’s SPECIALIZING IN AUTO TRAMSMISSIONS COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL a ACCESSORIES ART JENKINS A ll Securities through Money Concepts Capital Corp. Member NASD/SIPC 1208 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 Tel: (407) 627-0700 u Putt in ' down Styles best described us “Attitude Changers” or simply “Tight" Shop: 289-5040 • Pgr.: 1-800-616-5706 M on. - Fri. 9:00 - 6:00 Phone • 283-2433 5 03 /23 3 -9 58 8 S B u sin e ss H ours 4603 N . Williams Ave Portland, O R 97217 (50 3) 288-3171 GREGORY J. KIJEK ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE M O N E Y CONCEPTS F IN A N C IA L P L A N N IN G CENTRE 4 3 7 0 N.E. HALSEY STREET, P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N 9 7 2 1 3 TELEPHONE: (5 0 3 ) 287-1 I6 5 FA X : (5 0 3 ) 287-1 165 I N B u y - S e ll F u ll Service Salon MONEY CONCEPTS Featuring, Visionary Creative Stylist: J e w e lr y a n d C a s h H air Connection Z-.4 FIÑÁÑCÍÁC pla ÑÑÍÑG 232 S.E. O AK SU ITE #107 P O R T LA N D , O R E G O N 97214 I. Nicholas NA TM’S M c K enzie D. SONYA entrepreneur/Master Designer 5 0 3 /2 8 9 5 0 4 0 6800 N.E. M L. King Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 E v e r C h a n g in g S ty les T u e sd a y - S a tu r d a y 8 : 0 0 A M - 6:OO P M o r S econd D ay o f M onth 10:00-4:00 2535 NE A lberta St. Portland, O regon 97211 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING NETWORK NE A lb e r ta P o r tla n d , OR — ‘Doin ' Picture Perfect Styling With Georgia Mae On My Mind“ INSURANCE AGENCY Y72A S ty lis t d u o tta , Barber and Beauty *Shop A l Ethnic Backgrounds W elcom e A l Ages • A l Ses es • A l Styles TUES THURS 9 6, FRI SAT 9 UNTIL EVES BY APPT from the 3945 NORTH WILLIAMS AVE PORTLAND, OREGON 97227 Í ( a // Sum ira at 284-9223 • 8 week Session & Performance Phyllis C. Renton, Owner (503) 287-0319 Voice & Fax P.O. Box 11522 Portland, OR 97211 Write or call for catalog (Elje R it ir ila ttb O Dbsrriier -'A t , --7 •-W', -‘Aw’jBLBpt.’