Lu & S ’ 'tîi • *5&& */ * / - * ‘ ’ '"‘ xm 4 I m P oru \Np O hm rver • M ay 8, 1996 P age b ^ 4 JM . A 5 The Theory Of The Black Middle-Class; Part II P rof . M< K i m m Bi 1 he hi Law o f unintended conse­ that famed “ Harlem Renaissance model It is true that just this very phrase evokes bitter-sweet memories o f a stationary moment in tim e - a cultural snapshot ofth e b rillia n t ebony quences fin a lly caught up w ith me last week; ‘The Theory o f the L e i­ sure Class" is the classic book w rit­ ten by Thorstein Veblen. Though I inadvertently om itted the title , read­ expatriates ( in their own country) who, in their Harlem bantustan; indulged ers d id make a connection w ith the auth o r’ s value judgem ents o f "c o n ­ spicuous consum ption” and “ pecu­ niary em ulation (w hite population, themselves in an intellectual ferment as productive as Europe’s offerings. That writers, poets, painters, sculptors leaders and teachers were forged in their own fiery furnace. A n interesting 1899). What was’ intended was to fo llo w on w ith a demonstration that today’ s black middle-class could not be de­ aside here, concerning Harlem, is how a process thought to have a gradual and orderly beginning turns out to have been pure serendipity. Among the many scribed as a population at "leisure” , not by anyone’s standard. N ot even when compared with that hard-driv­ ing, "upward m o b ility” crowd that took successful A frican American inven­ tors who empowered early entrants to the black middle-class was G ranville Woods whose electrical inventions so greatly influenced the development o f over Los Angeles' Baldwin H ills sub­ urb early in the “ Black R evolution.” That frenzied mob o f overachiever also is not a suitable model for an Am erica’ s railways. For one fall CD- R O M , I have focused my research on Woods and subways. W oods patented the so-called "W estinghouse” A ir Brake, the R a il­ way Telegraph and scores o f other evaluation today. Y our parents were great, but the w orld is in a flux. N or, as I advised one ‘ nostalgic’ caller, could we meaningfully employ Ceasfire Oregon ▲ Irw in notes that Ceasefire does not advocate fo r legal restrictions on gun ownership, o n ly voluntary ac­ tion. Canda says, "W hen our enter­ tainm ent is violent and our media is vio le n t, should we expect anything less than vio le n t confrontations?” He adds, however, “ C ertainly i t ’ s peo­ ple that k ill people, but guns make it a lot easier.” Irw in can attest to this. A ccording to statistics, she says, violent assaults in v o lv in g guns end in death 60 per­ cent o f the tim e, as compared to four percent o f assaults w ith knives and one percent o f assaults w ith clubs, feet o r fists. When young people attem pt suicide w ith guns, they suc­ ceed 76 percent o f the time, as com ­ pared to 35 percent fo r poison gas, less fo r other methods. m odem subways possible. In 1888. the A m erican C atholic T ribune de­ scribed W oods as "T h e greatest elec­ tric ia n in the w o rld .” to and have tw o interested scholars com ing here this summer. There was great interest in the S h o rtly afterw ards, serendipity to o k over when New Y orks new “ In- overall concept, and callers offered models and parameters ranging from classic studies like "T h e Philadel­ phia N egro” (W .E .D . D ubois) and terurban Rapid Transit C o.” found its expansionist dreams expedited by the black engineer's inventions But "the Black Bourgeoisie” (E. Franklin Frazier), to a dozen essays and po­ lemics by contem porary observers; m uch too fast when the com pany’ s real estate d ivisio n greatly ove r-b u ilt Cornel West, Haki R M adhubuti, Harold Cruse, L in co ln Frazier (the Negro Church In A m erica), Nathan H are, Ja w a n za K u n ju fu , T o n i M o rris o n , A n g e la D a v is , A lv in Poussaint and others. great tracts o f fashionable upscale apartments at the most distant te rm i­ nal. They stayed em pty at any price. Facing bankruptcy. Raid Transit was bailed out when a black man by the name o f Pickens came up w ith “ an idea that w ill make all o f us ric h .” A nd that he did, re cru itin g m iddle- income black tenants from many near by areas o f New Y o rk and New Jer­ sey in the greatest upward m o b ility ’ A more practical vie w o f matters at hand w ould suggest that constraints o f space w ould not perm it an in- depth critique, but on the other hand we w ould not want to be so breezy and anecdotal as to exclude hard inform ation w hich could enhance the mances M ay 12 and 18 at 2 p.m. Program B also begins and ends w ith ensemble w orks w ith James Hampton’s “ W ild M an” and Donald B yrd ’s “ Cracked Narrative.” Three pas de deux’s w ill be performed in the middle o f the program including two classical works w ith Shakespearian ELIMINATI • COCKROACHES• • HOUSE ANTS• H R A T S & MICE • LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 S in g le s & S e n io rs, I can help yo u l “1st Class Guarantee" ‘ A-ZEBRA 13 m ils Q Realty Inc. 3 0 0 NE M u ltn o m a h , S uite # 2 7 P ortla nd, O regon 9 7 2 3 2 George A. Hendrix MBA. GRI, Broker themes -- James C anfield’ s passionate “ Romeo and Juliet” and “ Hamlet and O p h e lia ” — separated by Josie M oseley’s “W ith ," M ay I I , I6, I7, 19, 22 and 24 at 7:30 and matinees M ay 11 and 19 at 2 p.m. (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 YOU ARE THE MISSING PIECE! wowt Women’s Day A t PCC PURHAW Saturday, May 11 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. W om en’s Day A t PCC is for all women who want to increase their earning power. Come and find out about PCC programs that will help you move up in the workforce with confidence and marketable skills. ♦ ♦ gun.” ♦ # * « Mini-classes so you can sam ple d iffe re n t program s W orkshops o n h o w to get started, w h e re to get h elp and h o w to be successful. Meet business and social service representatives. H e lp p u t the p u z z le to g e th e r — b e co m e a s h e lte r parent. We o ffe r fina n cia l support, train in g and 24-hour backup Team w ork is our top p rio rity W ith all the pieces together, helping youth doesn't seem quite so puzzlin g W on't you add your piece? Call: 222-9661 The Boys and Girls Aid Society o f Oregon // Cascade Campus 7 0 5 N . K illin g s w o r th Rock Creek Campus Mother's Day 17705 N .W . S p rin g v ille Rd. Sylvania Campus 12000 S.W . 4 9 th A ve. 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So before you give up hope, give us a call. “ / / // works tike a dream it works like a Rheem. ”™ (JJJ I) Washington Mutual vx. . < . . . .. . .. *1 The friend o, the tam lly* S ’ C a ll to d a y f o r fre e c o n s u lta tio n . License #CCB-81322 Bonded & Insured EDWARD T. DURHAM. JR. (503) 319-0821 FAX 283-2977 I T ’S T H E D IF F E R E N C E BETW EEN W A N T IN G A HOME AND O W N IN G A HOME. T e rre ll H a ll Rm 122 977-8101 •- C O N S T R U C T IO N DEVELOPM ENT 3 1 7 B. N E. KILLINGSW ORTH PORTLAND, OREGON 9721 I It’s all free! Call ahead for free childcare. Drawing for free tuition. H appy 282-5111 PARPFMTPO vM n rC R I Cri A Certain depth o f Heart, Also Love will be performed during sixth annual ballet showcase. S p a ig h t’ s C ra y o la , and James C a n fie ld ’ s “ D rifte d in a D eeper Land.” It w ill be perform ed M ay 10, 12, 15, 18 ,2 1 , and 23 at 7:30 p.m. There w ill be tw o matinee p e rfo r­ me hunting,” she quotes him as say­ ing, “ but I ’ m going to bond w ith him by having him see me turn in my Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 Continued next week. 2 2 2 -7 1 2 8 “ When I was his age m y father took heating oils ny were ca lling each other "dweebs, nerds” and no, satisfied w ith Sony Play Station and Sega Saturn, w ant­ ed equal time on W o rld W ide Web. PEST CONTROL center section o f the program fea­ tures Val C a n ip a ro li’ s “ H am let and O p h e lia Pas de D e u x ,” D e n n is Sometimes you can get both things Call For Quote Then, again, I was hearing o f the g ro w in g number o f black investment clu b s, the p o p u la rity o f W endy O ver The Hedge and Cathy. M any o f th e ir older teenagers are d riv in g / b u ild in g "B a d D ude” type ground- hugging cars. T h e ir younger proge­ program - Paul T a y lo r’ s “ C loven K ingdom ” and Bebe M ille rs " A Cer­ tain Depth o f Heart, A ls o Love.” The at once. Irw in says that last year a man to o k his ten year old son w ith him when he turned in a hunting rifle . Friendly management,” the most endangered species among jo b sectors (especial­ ly the last hired). Program A features ensemble works at the beginning and end o f the contrast, she says, “ I f we destroy 100 guns it may seem like a drop in the bucket, but it w ill probably save five o r six lives.” Service a new “ black landed-gentry" that drove Suburus and Audis, sen, the little ones to Montessori schools — but were also employed in “ m iddle- R am m er's book, “ I ’ m D ysfunction­ al, Y o u ’ re D ysfu n ctio n a l,” and that the in ’ com ic strips were D ilb e rt, Oregon B allet Theater w ill present “ C hanging vio le n t behavior re­ quires a radical change in society, and that takes tim e,” she says. By Dad's q u a lity o f life. For instance, both my local and national sources described tw o programs as a part o f its sixth annual “ Am erican Choreographers Showcase,” M ay 10-12, 15-19 and 2 1 -24 at the Intermediate Theater o f the Portland Center fo r the P erform ­ ing Arts. N ine w orks were selected from the com pany’ s repertory. guns in yo u r home may be used against you.” man nature? Both Canda and Irw in concede the point. (P a te n ts N o. 383,844,463,020,509,065,ect.), in­ c lu d in g the "T h ird R a il” w hich made movement seen to that date. "H a rle m " was established, and the "Renais­ sance” was assured It seems that I ’ ve opened up some terra incogni­ Oregon Ballet Theater Programs Continued from front W hat o f the N ational R ifle Asso­ ciation argument that people, rather than guns, k ill people, that a mechan­ ical device is being blamed fo r hu­ inventions. But, p a rticu la rly we cite here his "E le c tric R ailw ay” systems HUJJAl IRlt SIM. LEN D ER Maury Sails, (503) 231-4501 FDIC Insured