t ' . *< . w . / . * . s® • •»- «- lu 5 £ ^ - s 2 ^ À ii^ a iK ^ * lï .. > . . 5 7 £2^.»rAç w « * •_ * /• **> . : • -r < * * - y ^ ; ; - / - . . . VwO. <■’*■» » ifäftKnlMi '»»,»> 1 :» ■».<..r. # S ms £ 1 hi P or 11 and O bserver • M ay 8, 1996 P agi A3 ijJÌnrtlanò hseruer _ _ _ Market, Inc. ___ _______ O. Box 69626 D/ir-flni Portland. Oregon 97201 or call: 1-503-282-8040 R.C.M. Gift Pack is filled with an assortment of Creole mixes and seasonings packed in boxes for con­ venient shipping. All contents of the Gift Boxes are nonperishable and are shipped anywhere in the conti­ nental U.S. (“Free’ Recipe Booklet included). $15 postage and handling included. Gift pack SI.00 off with Ad __________________ 1 pkg. Cajun Red Beans, Gumbo Mix, Gumbo File’, Chicken Fry, Cajun Seasoning, Jambalaya Mix. J Portland Community Design invites you to join the MLK MAIN STREET MASTERPLAN SUMMIT WORKGROUPS Each workgroup meeting will focus on issues to revitalize MLK Boulevard into a mainstreet. Guest panelists will join in discussions of topics including mixed use development, the median strip, and celebrating the spirit of Albina. All workgroup meetings will be held Thursdays at noon at Metro in Room 370, 600 NE Grand Ave..Portland. Please bring your own lunch; coffee will be provided. For more information call Laurel Lyon at Portland Community Design, 2 8 1 -8011. W FOOD MART $$$ Available for Home Improvement Most homeowners are unaware that regardless of their income are Federal, state and local programs that will help them repair and remod­ el their homes. Government at all levels recog­ nizes that neighborhoods are the ba­ sis of life in our country. When a neighborhood deteriorates, many things happen both physically and socially. When the homes look shab­ by, a neighborhood seems more at­ tractive to crime and criminals. An area in decline in like a spreading cancer. As homes become shabby looking and in need of maintenance, the residents lose their desire to keep up the neighborhood. Streets become receptacles for trash, schools lower their standards and very quickly the selling price of homes in the area drops sharply. This accelerates the cycle of degeneration. In order to keep and maintain the nation’s housing and neighborhoods, government at all levels have pro­ grams to give homeowners money (that does not have to be repaid) for repairs or to lend them money at below market levels or at no interest. In many areas utility companies will either do energy conservation work free or at low cost and in other places will lend homeowners money at no interest to pay the contractor of their choice for the necessary work. In addition there are tax incentives to promote efficient energy use. These programs are not restricted to low-income people, slum areas or urban neighborhoods. Owners of single or multi-family dwellings are eligible. While the grants do not have to repaid, most of the loans offer low or no-interest, long terms and low payments. Some of the other home improve­ ments covered under these programs are: attic and wall insulation, new windows, outerwall siding, security doors, and locks, window guards, sidewalks and masonry work, bath­ rooms and kitchens, electrical and plumbing, new roofs, gutters, and downspouts. Consumer Education Research Center, a national non-profit con­ sumer group formed in 1969, has just published the 208 large-page, 1994 edition ofConsumers Guide to I lome Repair Grants and Subsidized Loans ($16.95 plus $3 p&h from CERC (¡RANTS, 1980 Springfield Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 or 800-872- 0121) which lists over 7,000 sources of loan and grant programs offered by Federal, state and local govern­ ment, utility companies and other; typical programs offered and the how to qualify. Form letters for inquiries to these loan and grant sources are included as well as detailed instruc­ tions on determining your debt-to- income ratio for eligibility. Robert I.. Berko, executive direc­ tor of CERC, tell us, “Some pro­ grams have no income ceiling and others allow income of as much as $50,000 per year or more. There are even programs for which tenants are eligible and many allow loans to poor credit risks In many areas, people w ith disabilities can receive grants to pay for needed repairs such as access ramps and widening of doorways.” Since it is important that the work be done properly, the book includes a section describing the rough cost of the cost of many jobs as well as advice on picking a contractor, negotiating a contract, and insuring that the work is done properly and for a fair price. And to help you communicate with your contractor, lawyer and lender, the book includes a dictionary of terms used by these professionals. PDC RENT YOUR NEXT ToRTI.AMD BEVKLOPMENT TitiMMIAsIGN WASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS W ith o p tio n to buy. rh is C o u p o n G o o d F o r $ 1 0 Off $40 Per M ? "th For The Set DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION FEE r e n ta l w a sh er 231*7413 1 6 5 7 S. E. TACOMA ST. COM M ISSION MEETING Date: May 15, 1996 Place: PDC 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Eleventh Floor Portland, Oregon Time: 9:00 a.m. Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities may call 823-3232 or TDD 823- 6868 for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. kw/Y us fo r your best convenient shopping. Our doors are open all day. We sell oriental food. D ream s fo r sale $500 D o w n . We also offer automotive services on foreign & domestic cars. ■ Tune Up,Brakes ■ Engine & Transmission ■ Repair & Rebuild ■ Towing / f y o u 'v e a lw a y s h a d t h e d r e a m HAVE 18 YEARS OF COMMITMENT TO OUR COMMUNITY. o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r d r e a m m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e t r u e 5520 NE MLK JR. BLVD., Portland, OR 97211 281-6483 NEED MORE INCOME? PART TIME/FULL TIME No Obligation Information on A H IG H L Y SU CCESSFU L HOM E B U S IN E S S No Experience Needed «w Quick Start Income IRT No Product To Buy Long Term Income Everybody Uses No Collections "*■ No Deliveries No Inventory •w- No Payroll No Quotas THE PERFECT BUSINESS! DON’T MISS THIS GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY! CALL (503) 251-8986 F o r a s little a s y o u 'r e p a y in g in m o n t h ly r e n t a n d ju s t $ 5 0 0 d o w n p a y m e n t , y o u c o u ld b u y a H U D H o m e . T h a t 's r i g h t . T h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H o u s in g a n d U r b a n IN JU N E , JU S T $500 IYÔWN M A K ES YOUR FIR ST HOM E A REALITY. D e v e l o p m e n t ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s i e r t h a n y o u th in k . P r o g r a m s t h a t w ill e v e n h e lp y o u c o v e r m o s t if n o t all o f y o u r c lo s in g c o s t s . If y o u 'd lik e m o r e in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e h o m e y o u 'v e a lw a y s d r e a m e d o f, c o n ta c t y o u r re a l e s ta te a g e n t to d a y . O r , fo r a fr e e b r o c h u r e on h o w to buy a H U D h o m e , c o ll 1 - a œ - 7 B / - 4 H U D T h e r e 's n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r t i m e t o f o llo w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it i=ï FOUAI HOUSING OPPORTUNITY W E’LL HELP Y O U O W N A PIECE O F AMERICA. To qualified buyers, onfy on homes with FHA-insured financing Closing costs and fees additional I k