•r : MM •- • '. • - • • .— • »A < ’ • : ' • •‘ - ¿ • • V • • S A* -- ÉBWtk j '«-■•■-i-',. P age A4 E d u c í i n e n Separating Yard Debris From Garbage Could Pay Oft Environmental Services has always urged Portland residents to keep yard debris out o f the garbage can. People who follow that advice help the envi­ ronment by recycling yard debris and instead o f sending it to the landfill N ow they can help the environment and win prizes at the same time. Portland garbage haulers are dis­ tributing special stickers to Portland curbside recycling custom ers to put on their garbage cans. The stickers say, “This Can Is For G arbage Only: We Keep Yard Debris Out o f This Can ” N ext month. Environm ental Services staff will random ly check cans with stickers. The ow ners o f cans that are free o f yard debris are eligible to will a free com post bin and a S25 discoupt on their garbage bill. E nvironm ental S ervices will choose 100 w inners at random from throughout the City. All prize w in­ ners will be entered into a grand prize draw ing for a m ulching lawn m ow er “ Portland residents have m ade good progress over the last year in reducing the am ount o fy ard debris in their garbage cans, but w e ’re still sending too much o f it to the land­ fill,” said Environm ental Services D irector Dean M arriott. “ Yard de­ bris can be much better used to make a beneficial com post, and if we can stop throw ing aw ay so much o f it we can hold down the cost o f garbage service for our custom ers.” State rules require Portland to offer either weekly yard debris pickup or a program that keeps yard debris out o f the landfill as effectively as weekly pickup. If the amount o f yard debris in residential garbage cans doesn’t go down, the City may have to increase curbside pickup o f yard debris. About Your Social Security Q u estio n : My 16-y ear daughter I is going to babysit the n eighbor's children 40 hours a week this sum ­ mer. A re her earnings taxable for J Social S e c u rity ’ A n sw er: No. W orkers under age 18 are exem pt unless house­ hold em ploym ent is their main oc­ cupation If so u have questions about reporting household em ploy­ m ent and pay ing the Social Securi­ ty taxes, call the Internal Revenue Sers ice’s toll-free num ber. 1-800- [ 829-1040. Q u e stio n : I recently turned 65 | and signed up for M edicare. Will M edicare pay for my prescription | drugs? A n sw er: N o, M edicare does not I pay for m ost prescription drugs. If you have any other general ques­ tions about w hat M edicare pays for. “The M edicare H andbook,” which I is sent to new M edicare beneficia­ ries, outlines M edicare benefits and describes what M edicare covers and what it does not. If you d id n 't receive your handbook or if you have more specific questions, you can call Social S ecurity at 1-800- I 722-1213. Q u estio n : I recently applied for I disability benefits. If I'm eligible for disability benefits, will I au to ­ matically get M edicare benefits? A n sw er: N ot right away. You I will have to be a disability benefi­ ciary for 24 m onths before you will | be enrolled in M edicare Q u estio n : I have never worked under Social Security but my hus­ band has for many years W hencan I get retirem ent benefits as his w ife? Answ e r: To receive a w ife’s ben efit, your husband must apply for his own retirem ent benefit and you m ust be at least 62 years old o r have a child under 16 still living with you. Q u estio n : W hat do I need to do to change the bank w here my Social Security benefit is deposited? A n sw er: Cali Social S ecu rity 's toll-free num ber, I-8 0 0 -7 7 2 -1 2 13 and the Social Security representa five will change your direct deposit inform ation o v er the telep h o n e Have your new and old account handy when you call. D o n ’t close y o u ro ld account until direct d ep o s­ it to your new account has started You can call your financial institu­ tion to m ake sure it has received your check. Q u e stio n : D oes continuing to work after you are 65 have an effect on your Social Security benefits? A n sw er: Yes. W orking beyond age 65 adds to your lifetim e earn ­ ings. T hese earnings are used to com pute your Social Security ben efits. In addition, you receive cred ­ its for each month you delay retire­ ment after age 65. Ify o u c o n tin u e to work after you are entitled to bene­ fit. your benefits may be w ithheld if your yearly earnings exceed certain limits. The 1996 lim its for individuals 65 and o ver is S I 2 ,500 We w ith­ hold SI in benefits for every S3 in excess earnings. Ifv o u 'd like m ore inform ation, call Social Security 's toll-free num ber and request the publication. Social S ecurity—How W ork A ffects Y our Benefits. Wells Fargo Donates $150,000 To Portland Public Schools Foundation W ells Fargo Bank announced it is donating $150,000 to the Portland Public Schools foundation, the first corporate gift m ade to the C am paign For O ur Schools Fundrasiing drive It is one o f the largest gifts W ells Fargo has ever m ade to benefit p ub­ lic education. In a b rief cerem ony at H um boldt Elementary School in N orth P ort­ land, W ells Fargo Executive Vice President G eorge Passadore present­ ed the check to Foundation C hair Ron Saxton and Portland School D is tr ic t S u p e r in te n d e n t J a c k Bierwirth. A lso attending w as W ells Fargo Senior Vice President Linda Tubbs. Through its Charitable Contribu­ tions Program. W ells Fargo Bank seeks to invest in the communities in which it does business. A major focus o f the bank's grantmaking is kindergarten through 12th grade education. “ We hope that this S150.000 grant helps give our children those oppor­ tunities. O ur public schools and our teachers are vital parts o f our co m ­ munity and we are happy to do our part in ensuring their future. We en ­ courage other local businesses, and everyone else in the Portland com - munity, to jo in us in this effort.: said Pasadore. T he fo u n d atio n kicked o ff its fundraising cam paign Tuesday. April 16. to restore teaching positions that will otherw ise be elim inated in the 1996-97 school year, due to budget shortfalls. Based in Portland. P assadore is the division m anager o f W ells Fargo's N orthw est branch banking netw ork and T ubbs is the di vision m anager o f Wells F arg o 's N orth w est com m ençai banking group. W ells Fargo Bank m erged with First Interstate Bank on April I . Employers Of Teen Must Have Employment Certificates Retail, hospitality and other em ­ ployers who are thinking about hir­ ing young people for sum m er jo b s should apply now for em ploym ent certificates ifthey d o n 't already have them, according to Bureau o f Labor and Industries officials Last year the O regon Legislature abolished the work perm it require­ ment for 14-through 17-year-oldsand sim plified the em ploym ent certifi­ cate procedure for em ployers. Now em ployers planning to hire m inors file an E m ploym ent C ertifi­ cate A pplication with the b u reau ’s W age and H our Division. If the application is approved, the bureau sends and Employ ment C er­ tificate to the em ployer. The certificate is good for one year The bureau autom atically sends out renewal notices to em ployers about six weeks before their current certificates expire. In addition to posting a validated E m ploym ent C ertificate, em ployers m ust verify the age o f each young person they hire from an appropriate docum ent such as a birth certificate, d riv er's license or passport. State law also requires each busi­ ness to keep a list o f all m inors hired and to file a N otice o f C hange in D uties Form if the jo b responsibili­ ties o f the youngsters change. “T hese changes sim plify the p a­ perw ork for em ployers and the te en ­ agers w ithout com prom ising p ro tec­ tio n s,’’ said L abor C om m issioner Jack R oberts. “N ow em ployers file only one certificate a year instead o f one for each m inor, and kids can skip the trip to the bureau to apply for the perm it. But the b u rea u ’s careful review o f all E m ploym ent C ertificate A pplications ensures that businesses are com plying with child labor law s.” graders at Beach Elementary School plant ancient ginkgo tree donated by Kaiser Permantente. The tree once grew around the world but died out everywhere but China during the ice age. F/ft/? Conference of Color Bucks Trend For Underrepresented Minority Students A ttending college is often a diffi­ cult decision for a m inority high school student to make. M any o f them must overcom e financial and cultural barriers in order to attend. O thers sim ply do not have the parental or peer guidance to help them choose higher education. An annual conference that targets “students o f co lo r” is one w ay in which colleges and universities at­ tempt to reverse this trend for m in o r­ ity students. W estern O regon State C ollege played host to the O regon Regional C onference for Students o f C olor on I uesday, April 23. at the cam pus in Monmouth. R epresentatives from all seven institutions in the O regon State Sys­ tem o f H igher E ducation will talk with high school students, freshm en through seniors, to encourage them to think ahead about the possibilities o f attending college. “ Everything from financial b arri­ ers to individuals w hose parents nev­ er attended college keep minority' students from even thinking about co lleg e,” said D avid M artinez, d i­ rector o f M inority Students Services at W estern Oregon. “ M any o f these student do not have som eone at hom e telling them that college is possible and helping them through the college process. And although their high school may have inform ation about college, m any minority teenagers d o n ’t see their peers attending. They have to deal with the peer pressure o f “ Is this som ething I can really d o ,” M artinez explained. T he director believes the upcom ­ ing conference will help high school students get the m essage early that “going to college is possible.” At the conference, students will learn about how to prepare for co l­ lege. how to pay for it. and why they should attend. "W e m ake it clear that our goal is to recruit students for h igher educat ion. not to attend W est­ ern O reg o n S tate C o lleg e ," said M artinez. T his y e a r's conference has an ad- ditional m essage,too, he says, one o f “stu d en t’s helping students.” C o l­ lege students who received 1995-96 U nderrepresented M inority A chieve­ m ent Scholarships, offered though the O regon State System o f H igher Education, will be present to talk with their peers about college life. "T he m essage that students are doing this to try to help other students is a very positive one,” he added. W hile the conference is hosted during the year at other state regional colleges in O regon, W estern O re­ gon. traditionally, attracts the largest contingent o f students attending from M ultnom ah, M arion, W ashington, Polk, and surrounding counties, said M artinez. A pproxim ately 300 stu­ dents are expected to attend. "O ne o f the reasons {W estern at­ tracts so many students} is because w e're centrally located. A nother is that we have a reputation o f being student-focused,” he said. Any individual w anting addition­ al inform ation, can contact M artinez at telephone 503/838-8195. STORE MANAGER SALE Ovenjoy Bread • 22.5-Ounce Wheat or White • First 3 •SAVE UP TO 1.07 ON 3 s S S X re Safeway wéekÎyShoppbg Guide I In jo u r Oregonian FOODday in the | ^ ^ ^ v i n g s G u i d e ^ 1 Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping At Safeway! Available at your Safeway store. I 4