Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 01, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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d efin in g The. Age. (Times)A rtid e 5
M. I saacs
“Come near, Ye Nations, to hear;
and harken, ye people; let the earth
hear, and all that is therein; the world,
and all things that come forth of it".
(Isaiah 34:1). God has revealed His
will to men through His word and the
Holy Spirit as promised by our Sav­
ior, opens the Word to His servants,
to illuminate and apply its teachings
But as the Church nears her final
deliverance, Satan is working with
greater power. He comes down “hav­
b >
ing great wrath, because he knoweth
that he hath bu, a short time." (Rev­
elations 12:12). He (Satan) is work­
ing "with all power and signs and
lying wonders.” (2 Thessalonians
2:9). For thousands o f years that old
serpent, that once was highest among
the angels o f God, has been totally
bent to the work o f deception and
ruin. And all his satanic skill, and all
his cruelty, during the struggles of
this age, is being brought to bear
against G od’s people. The great con­
troversy between good and evil will
increase in intensity to the very end
o f time.
S a ta n ’s goal does not, will not
change. He w ill em ploy the same
po licy , m anifest the sam e sp irit,
and w ork for the sam e end, as in
all p re c e d in g ages. “ For false
c h rists and false pro p h ets shall
rise, and shall show signs and
w o nders to seduce, if it were
p o ssib le , even the E le c t.” (M ark
13:22). And Jesus said , “ Take
“Keeping In Step ‘VXlith (lfie S p irit”
“Keeping in step with the spirit”,
Galatians 5:16-26 is the theme this
year for the Mallory Avenue Church
o f Christ Annual Homecoming week
May 4-10. We are very happy to have
Brother Billy Curl from Los Ange­
les. California speaking Sunday thru
Friday. Three choirs from Washing­
ton and two choirs from California
will be joining us Saturday May 4 at
6pm for a super song fest.
Step with us Saturday and all thru
the week as we listen to Evangelist
Billy Curl bringing the word o f God
Sunday thru Friday starting at 7pm.
Each evening is free and refresh­
m ents will be served Saturday
evening in addition to the music for
your spirital enjoyment.
Mai lory Church o f Christ is locat­
ed at 3908 NE Mallory Avenue.
Please call 288-1092, Pastor Jim
Morrison or Asst. Pastor A lien Gam­
ble for additional information.
Joys O f Jew ish Learning Chasses
At Mittleman Jewish Community Center
Tuesdays, M ay 7-21, 7:30-9:00
P.M ., ExploringT alm ud: A 3-week
course designed for students who
have taken the “ Introduction to Tal­
mud” class, or have a basic knowl­
edge oftalm ud. Pre-registration re­
quested by May 2. Class fees: $30/
MJCC members; $45/Non-members.
Class 4305B
Tuesday, May 7,7:30-9:00 P.M.,
S h ab b at W orkshop: A workshop
to learn how to make a meaningful
Friday night Shabbat (Sabbath) cel­
ebration. Participants will explore
the history and meaning o f the obser­
vance o f Shabbat, the rituals, bless­
ings songs, and traditional foods as­
sociated with this “day o f rest". Pre­
registration requested by May 5 Fees:
SI0/M .IC C m em bers; $ I5 /N o n -
members. Class 4308.
T u esd ay , M ay 14, 7:30-9:00
P.M . - S habbat W orkshop: Same
as above, except will be held on
Portland’s East Side. Call Eliana
Temkin, 452-3433 for location.
T u esday, M ay 14, 7:30-9:00
P.M . - The Story of The Dead Sea
Scrolls: Class 4309
Tuesday. May 2 1,7:30-9:00 P.M.
- What Kind o f Jews Wrote The
Dead Sea Scrolls? Class 4 3 10
S teve W aSserstron, in structs
both classes l ake one or take
them both! The Story o fT h e Dead
Sea S crolls will review the d is­
c o v ery o f the S cro lls, T heir c o n ­
ten ts, the scandals o f the 1900’s
and the recent release o f new
e d itio n s . W hat K ind o f Jew s
W rote T he D ead Sea S cro lls?
Will review the cu rren t state o f
sc h o la rsh ip on the au th o rsh ip o f
the sc ro lls and q u e stio n s o f re li­
gious b e lie f and p ractice.
P re-reg istratio n requested by
May 3. Fees: MJCC members—$6/
single class; $IO/both classes, Non-
m em bers-$9/single class; $ 13/both
All classes wil I be at the M ittleman
Jewish Community Center, 6651 SW
Capitol Hwy., Portland, unless oth­
erwise noted. For additional infor­
mation, contact E liana Temkin, (503)
452-3433. To register, call (503)244-
“Giving Thunks To The Lord'': Shorn /or joy to the Lord, all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness; come
before him with joyful songs Know that the Lord is h o d It is he who made us. and we are his; we are his people,
the Sheep of his pasture Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise
his name Lor the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations
Psalm 100V1-5, F.C.
Church O f Scientology’s 25th fear In ‘Portland
On Saturday, April 27, Church of
Scientology parishioners celebrated the
church’s25thyearin Portland. Found­
ed by writer and philosopher L. Ron
Hubbard, the Scientology religion
emerged alter he began his studies of
the mind in 1923 In 1947, Hubbard
wrote a manuscript detailing some of
his new discoveries about the mind. It
was not published at that time, but
circulated among friends, who copied
it and passed it on to others. The result
was an increasing flood o f letters want­
ing more information about these new
breakthroughs. He soon found himself
spending all his time answering letters
and decided to write a comprehensive
text on the subject
His first published article on the
subject, “Terra Incognita: The Mind",
appeared in 1949 in the Explorers
Club Journal It was followed by the
book "Dianetics: The Modern Science
of Mental Health" which was pub­
lished in May 1950. It hit the New
York Times Bestseller list and re­
mained a bestseller for nearly four
decades alter its first publication.
P ortlan d w as in tro d u ced to
Dianetics in 1950 by a handful of
teachers, businessmen, homemakers.
C ox
farmers, and anyone e Ise who had read
the book. The group met at each oth­
ers’ homes and for discussion and
study o f Hubbard’s materials.
He discovered early in his research
that people were spiritual beings, in­
habiting a body and using a mind.
These discoveries led him to realize
that he had entered the realm o f reli­
The first Church o f Scientology
was formed in 1954 in Los Angeles, by
agroupofScientologists. W ithinafew
years, churches had been formed across
the country and around the world. The
Church ofScientologyofPortland was
formed and incorporated in 1971 and
was located at SE 47th and Belmont. It
is now located at 323 SW Washington
Street. The first Scientology mission
in Portland was opened in spring of
1974 at 709 SW Salmon where it still
is today. The mission became aChurch
in June 1986.
Many Portland residents remember
the Church o f Scientology's Religious
Freedom Crusade when tens o f thou­
sands o f Scientologists from around
the world rallied in Portland to uphold
the First Amendment.
A judge in Multnomah County
F uneral H ome I nc .
R etraction
We are sorry to announce, that due to our newest
project fo r enlarging our business, we made a
slight discrepancy, in our cremation fees.
Please contact us
for the correct information.
2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 972112
declared a mistrial in a case involv­
ing a former parishionerof the church
w ho had been k id n a p p e d by
deprogrammers and then forced to
renounce her religion. The judge’s
decision threw out a 39-million-dollar
verdict against the church and declared
that the court had not properly protect­
ed the rights o f the church as a religion
during the trial. This reversal came
about after the Scientologists stood,
shoulderto shoulder for 60 days, until
justice was done.
heed lest any man d eceive you
saying, I am Christ; and shall d e ­
ceive m any.” (M ark 13:6). B roth­
er shall betray b ro th e r to death,
and the father the son; and c h il­
dren shall rise ag ain st th eir p a r­
ents, and shall cau se them to be
put to d e a th .” (M ark 1 3 :12). And
the fo llo w ers o f Jesu s shall be
hated o f all men for b elieving in
him.” “Judgement (o f all evil) must
begin at the house o f God; and if it
first begins at us, What Shall The
End Be O f Them That Obey Not The
G ospel?(I P e te r4:17).
There is a world-loving church
which is maintained by the witness o f
those who ‘loved not their lives”,
and G od’s Church, the Elect, must
see this world-church in the light o f
G od’s Word, as illuminated by the
Holy Spirit; that we may unveil the
devices o f the wicked one, and see
fully that which we must shun, if we
would be found “without fault" be­
fore the Lord at His coming.
Symphonic (J ir [choir
You are invited to attend an af­
ternoon filled with an international
potpourri o f musical selections, per­
formed for you. by the Portland
Symphonic G irlchoir Sunday. May
5th, 2:00PM at the First United
Methodist Church located at 18th
and SW Jefferson.
The choir, directed by Roberta
Q. Jackson, is comprised o fa tour­
ing choir and a preparatory choir.
The touring choir, boasting 70+
girls, grades 7 through 12, have
already been internationally recog­
nized for their choral achievements
at the Tuscany (Italy) International
Children'sChoir Festival. July 1995
and the Three Spires Children's
choir Festival in Copenhagen, Den­
mark. July 1993.
Their many accom plishm ents
locally which include being select­
ed to perform at the 1994 Northwest
Division Convention o f Choral Di­
rectors, recipients o f numerous ar­
tistic awards, and their active con­
cert schedule has greatly enriched
this community.
In addition, the Portland Sym­
phonic Girlchoir is very proud of
the 40+ new young voices, grades 4
through 8. entering the choir through
the preparatory choir.
Please call the PSGC voice mail
for any additional information, 226-
Applications fo r the Portland
Symphonic Girlchoir are now
being accepted until M ay 9,
¡996 fo r the ¡996-1997 sea­
A uditions will he scheduled the
last two weeks o f May.
Grades 4-8 audition fo r the
preparatory choir.
Grades 7-12 audition fo r the
touring choir.
The touring choir is currently
planning a 1997 tour to Aus­
tralia and New Zealand
For m ore inform ation ca ll
PSGC voice mail at 226-6162.
Call 503-288-0(133
MinisterialMliance ‘J e w Child Care Services
Parents, em ployers, und
child cure providers in inner-
North/Northeust Portland cun
take advantage o f new child
care training und support ser­
vices. This support is provid­
ed by the A thin a M inisterial
The A llia n ce’s new Child
Cure E nhancem ent Project
provides child cure referrals and
consumer education too purents,
enhanced referral services fo r
employers, and assistance with
state certification, fo o d program
enrollment, and early childhood
education and business manage­
ment training fo r child care pro­
The Albina M inisterial Alli-
ance promotes the health and
well-being o f over 7,000 peo­
ple each year with child care
services, youth em ploym ent
and academic support, and
services and shelter fo r home­
less fam ilies.
For m o re in fo r m a tio n
about enhanced child car ser­
vices, call 285-0493, X2I4.
L ocal Muslims Celebrate ‘E nd O f Eilgr image
On S unday, A pril 28. 1996
M uslim s in P o rtland c eleb rated
the end o f the yearly H ajj, or
pilgrim age to M ecca, with co m ­
munal prayers at P ortland State
U niversity - M ain Gym at 6:45
am. The p ray ers and the holiday
which follow s are c alled Eidul
Adha (e e d -a ll-o d d -h a ), or “ fe sti­
val o f s a c r if ic e .” E idul A dha
c o m m e m o r a te s th e P r o p h e t
A b rah am 's w illin g n ess to sa c ri­
fice his son Ishm ael at G o d 's
com m and. The holiday is c e le ­
brated with p rayers, sm all gifts
J ourney
for ch ild ren , d istrib u tio n o f meat
to the needy and social g a th e r­
ings D uring this holiday, M us­
lims exchange the greetin g “ Eid
M ubarak" or "B lessed E id."
Each xear, more than two million
Muslims go on Hajj. There are an
estimated six million Muslims in
America and some 1.2 billion world­
wide. Demographers say Islam is the
fastest growing religion in this coun­
try and around the world.)
Baptist Church
Building Strong Families
Based On
Biblical Principles
8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 240-PRAY
Worship Services:
Church School:
Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM
Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M
Searching? So Are We.
Rev. James E. Martin, Ph.D.
St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR
Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson
Senior Pastor
Assistant Pastor
Stylist - Braids
(503) 284-3662
Pgr. 202-8483
Jerry's Salon
2nd & Kiiiingsworth/VViliiams
S a ssy
Portland, OR 97212
Bible Study:
Radio M inistry:
Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM
Sundays; 8:00 A M on KBM S
(jrace Covenant fellowship
1021 NE Grand
6th Floor, Ballroom 4
Sundays at 11:30 AM
(5 0 3 )2 8 2 -3 7 8 0
¿ S la s s y
Salon o f Beauty & Boutique
Carolyne Wagner
3606 NE Williams Ave.
Portland, OR 97212 • (503) 284-2424
Hair, Relaxers, Curls, Nails, Facials Shaves,
Purses, Mens & Womens Clothes, Etc.
“Where the Best is Yet to Be! ”
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