Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 01, 1996, Image 1

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Volum e X X V I, N um ber 18
May I, 1996
C om m itted to cultural diversity.
PSU Places First
Hidden Center
Yurok Indian Artist
A team o f civil engineers
from Portland State
University took first place
in a regional steel bridge
Cultural center
recognized in state and
nation but not well
known in own
Yurok Indian Artist Rick
Bartow will speak on his
art and culture.
See Education, Page AS.
See Metro, Page BI.
See Entertainment, Page B2.
(Che -jlartíatth (T
Siletz Tribe Opens Casino
City’s Crime Rate Drops
P ortland's crim e rate dropped slig h tly
in 1995 placing it 165th in a 195 c ity list.
O ve ra ll crim e dropped from 136 per 1.000
people to 129.5. M ost crimes were against
property rather than people. M urder, van­
dalism and b icycle theft decreased, but
burglary. rape and aggravated assault rose.
There were no reported trends by neigh­
borhoods crim e decreased in eastside
n e ig h b o rh o o d s and increased in the
westside Sharon M cC orm ack manager o f
the crim e prevention program fo rth e c ity ’ s
O ffice ot Neighborhood Associations think
Portland is do in g w ell. “ It is a pretty safe
c ity to live in and there is a feeling that
there is a much higher level o f crim e that
there really is o ve ra ll.” she said
Bomb Explodes At
Spokane City Hall
A pipe bom b fille d w ith nuts and bolts
exploded outside a main entrance at Spo-
kaneC ity H all. Itw as th e th ird e x p lo s io n in
less than a month. N o one was injured in
the blast but residents are shaken and wary.
The first bomb exploded A p ril 1 outside a
suburban bureau o f the Spokesman Re­
view . H ow ever, police believe it was a
rouse to cover fo r a robbery o f a near by
bank. S ecurity at city buildings w ill be
high fo r the next few days.
Fire Burns Out Phone
Service N/NE Portland
A tw o alarm fire last Wednesday wiped
out service to almost all north and north­
east Portland. A ffe c tin g 50,000 residents
and businesses. The fire started in a base­
ment o f a US West sw itching station and
burned through cables affe ctin g its backup
systems N o one could call 9 1 1 leaving
p olice to add more patrols. Flights were
delayed at Portland International A irp o rt
and A T M m a c h in e s d id n ’ t w o rk .
Firefighters had responded to a smoke
alarm early that m orning but found noth­
ing. they returned an hour later to find that
the source o f the fire was a power line that
had shorted and burned through the insula­
Nike Gives $500,000
To Schools
P h ill K n ig h t C EO o f N IK E presented
Portland Public Schools $500,000 in cash
and e q u ip m e n t fo r sp o rts p ro g ra m s.
$300,000 is fro m a cash challenge grant fo r
the com pany’ s Participate in the Lives o f
A m e rica ’ s Y outh ( P. L. A . Y .) program, w ith
an additional $200,000 in equipm ent and
apparel. “ T h is grant w ill a llo w athletic
programs to remain at courant levels fo r
the *96-’ 97 and ‘ 9 7 -’ 98 school years, w hile
I at the same tim e a llo w in g us to sh ift exist­
ing sports funding to other c ritic a l academ­
ic program s," B ie rw irth said.
Jackie-O’s Yardsale
Brings $34.5 million
In an extraordinary estate sale o f more
than 5000 bits o f m em orabilia from Pres­
ident John Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy
Onassis turned into a “ feeding frenzy” as
bidders paid far more than estimated p ric ­
es fo r a piece o f Cam elot. One buyer paid
more than 20 tim es the estimate fo r a
Christm as g ift Jackie gave her mother
weeks after her husband died. The volume
o f inauguration speeches fo r all the US
presidents was inscribed “ Jack was going
to give you this fo r Christmas -- please
accept it from me now .” She stipulated in
her w ill that her children and the John F.
Kennedy L ib ra ry keep wha, they wanted
and sell the rest. The proceeds w ill go to
the estate.
The Siletz Tribe's new casino/conference center is scheduled to open June 28 and will feature resaturants gambling and entertainment
D an B ei l
velopm ent Corporation was established to
center and casino. Since the central Oregon
Coast is a destination point fo r over 5 m illio n
visitors a year. L incoln C ity is ideally suited
for a casino convention center.
The new casino opens June 28. The m od­
ern brick and glass design has a d istinctive
Native Am erican influence. O ve rlo o kin g the
Pacific, it w ill feature blackjack, poker, slot
machines, video poker, and bingo
I he main floor w ill house the game area and
bingo parlor, and the second story w ill accom­
he Confederated T ribes of Siletz
develop economic enterprises for the tribe to
will soon open their Chinook
create jo b opportunities and to foster eco­
Winds Gaming and Convention
nom ic and social betterment o f the trib a l
Center over looking the beach in Lincoln
members. Congress passed the N ationalG am -
City. The Siletz is a confederation of 24
ing Regulatory A ct in 1988 This was seen
Indian Tribes that inhabited northern
sp e cifica lly as a economic strategy to help
California to Southern Washington from
Indians w ith landed reservations, or recog­
18 5 5 to 1955.
nized trib a l nations.
They were recognized as a trib a l entity.
A t first the tribe wanted to locate a gaming
However, in 1955 they were dissolved as a
tribe and their land appropriated. A fte r y ears
o f fighting for recognition, Congress re-in­
center near Salem. However, due to success­
ful opposition from comm unity aided by
form er G overnor Barbara Roberts, that goal
stated the tribe to their fo rm e r status in 1977,
m aking them only the second tribe at that
tim e to do so. There are approxim ately 2,300
was not readily realized. I he issue remains in
litig a tio n .
L in c o ln C ity, the trib e 's second choice.
restaurants, one w ith an ocean view
In the evening the bingo parlor w ill double
as a forum for headline entertainers Chris
Christopherson w ill be the first to appear
members o f the Siletz T ribe at present
In 1985, the S iletz T rib a l Economic De­
now serves as the site o f the m u lti-m illio n
d o lla r com plex, that is both a convention
opening day June 28, and Lou R a w ls w ill
fo llo w o n J u ly 4. Ih e C h in o o k W indsC asino
Ethiopia War Crimes Trial
A fte r long delays, prosecutors in A ddis
Ababa began presenting witnesses in the tria l
o f the Derg, the M arxist ju n ta that overthrew
Em peror H aile Selassie in 1974 and ruled
u n til 1991 when it was d rive n from power
I he tria l marks the -tart o f what promises to
be the most extensive ju d g m e n t o f w at crimes
since Nuremberg the tria ls o f Nazis after
W o rld War II.
Forty-six m ilitary leaders stand accused,
not o n ly o f m urder but also o f genocide and
crim es against humanity. A nother 22 are
being tried in absentia, in clu d in g form er Pres­
ident Mengistu Haile M a ria m in exile in
Zim babw e w hich refuses to extradite him.
O ffic ia ls in A ddis A baba argue that the
o n ly way to establish the rule o f law and to
end the eye le o fc o u p and re vo lu tio n is to hold
leaders responsible fo r the k illin g s at an open
tria l.
“ I th in k it is high tim e fo r E thiopia to really
break away from the past and to th in k in terms
o f democracy and the rule o f law ,” said
G irm a W a kjira , the c h ie f special prosecutor.
“ In Ethiopia we used to have a saying: you
can’ t p lo w the sky any m ore than you can
modate the eon vein ion center, nursery . and two
is b ille d as the largest fa c ility o f its kind on the
Oregon Coast.
Revenue from the gam ing center w ill go to
further enhance developm ent in education,
health and financial assistance, fo r the tribe.
Am ong S T E D C O ’ s accomplishments are the
com pletion o f 54 homes fo r tribal housing
and the establishment o f the Siletz C om m u­
nity Health C lin ic fo r T rib a l and non-Indian
members, and it has gained H U D approval
for the construction o f 26 units for elders and
low -incom e fam ilies. S I E D C O also markets
tribal tim ber and runs the Siletz. Smokehouse
in Depot Bay and the Independence Box
C hinook W inds anticipates em ploying 700
individuals. G am bling w ill be available all
day. C a ll 1-800-863-3314.
accuse or try the king. There-is now a clear
message to the government — past, present or
future -- that government should be account­
able to the people and answerable before the
law ."
The trial, which began in 1944. is bein'!
held only two days a week and is expected to
last years
B e s id e - the h ig h -ra n k in g iunta m em bers,
some 800 policemen, soldiers and m idlevel
adm inistrators and about 900 members o f
local o f local revelational guards w ho carried
out most o f the killin g s, are also aw aiting
The prosecution plans to call at least 100
witnesses but the mam evidence comes from
the m eticulous documentation kept by the
regime. The notes detail deliberation among
o ffice rs about who was to be kille d im p ris­
oned or tortured. There are even records o f
how many bullets used on each victim .
N o one knows precisely how many were
k ille d but a v ic tim s ’ rights group has regis­
tered more than 10,000 in Addis Ababa alone.
They estimate the actual death to ll is five
times higher.
Annual Gun Turn-In Scheduled For Saturday
easefire Oregon will sponsor its
annual gun turn-in the first two
Saturday's In May.
On M ay 4 and 11 from I - 4 p.m., at fo u r
locations -- Lutheran In n e r-C ity M inistries,
4219 N E M L K Jr. B lv d .; Eastport Plaza,
4000 SE 82 A ve.; U nited First M ethodist
C hurch SW 18th Ave. and Jefferson St. and,
in W ashington C ounty, at Legacy M eridian
Park H ospital, 19300 SW 65th, T ualatin -
people w ill be able to turn in guns fo r a $50
g ift certificate; no questions asked. I
Ceasefire Oregon a project o f Ecum eni­
cal M in istrie s, is a grassroots form ed in 1993
to reduce gun violence. A side from sponsor­
ing the gun turn in program , it sponsors
educational programs about gun violence
and on positive means o f c o n flict resolution.
Statistics on gun violence are overw helm ­
• One o f every tw o households has a gun
It is estimated that a gun in the home is 43
times more like ly to k ill a fa m ily member or
friend than an intruder
treatment fo r each person hospitalized fo r
gunshot wounds and $373,500 fo r fatal inju
• Adolescent and adult suicides are five times
ries. (m any o f the victim s are uninsured o r
underinsured and the taxpayer picks up the
more like ly to occur in homes w ith guns.
The number one cause o f death fo r 10- to 14-
year-olds in Oregon is suicide and most are
com m itted w ith guns owned by the v ic tim ’ s
fam ilies.
• The number o f ju v e n ile murders w ith guns
doubled between 1985 and 1992.
It costs an average o f $33,000 fo r medical
• Ceasefire o f Oregon, in cooperation w ith
law enforcement has collected nearly 1000
guns at their tw o previous turn-ins
T o turn in a gun today call Portland Police
at 823-8000 o r M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riff's
O ffice at 255-3600.