A pril 2 4 , 1 9 9 6 • T he P ortland O bserver (The ¡{Jnrtlanb (Dbsmier Kids’ Artwork Promotes | Teens Avoiding Date Violence Clean Rivers and Streams! The a rtw o rk o f fo u r elemen- I tary students is being used in an education campaign this spring by The R egional C o a litio n for I Clean R ivers & Streams. The C o a litio n is a partner- I ship o f the C ity o f Portland B u ­ reau o f E nviro nm e nta l S e rvic­ es, U n ifie ld Sewerage Agency, Clackamas C ounty Service D is ­ tric t #1, and the C ity o f G re­ sham form ed to raise p u b lic awareness about s to rm w a te r p o llu tio n and what people can | do to prevent it. The coordinated educational I campaign w ill use the students’ a rtw o rk on bus and M A X p la c­ ards b eg in nin g this m onth to emphasize that o n ly rain should | go down the storm drain. Each s tu d e n t’ s d ra w in g I shows the message “ D um p No Waste, Drains to Stream,” which is ste n cile d on storm drains throughout the m etro po lita n re- | gion. M ost storm drains in the P ort­ land area em pty to the nearest stream, w etland or groundw a- | ter. M any o f the storm drain ste nciling p ro je cts are done by youth groups. paint or household chem icals on | Schools around the region were the ground or in a storm d ra in . I asked fo r a rtw o rk that co uld be • D o n ’ t overuse fe r tiliz e r s ! used in the cam paign. Dozens o f and pesticides; read the in s tru c ­ entries were received. A ll fo u r tions c a re fu lly . B etter yet, try | o f the draw ings chosen were from organic g ardening! Gresham schools. Those select­ • Pick up pet waste and put it | ed were: in the garbage or flush it dow n! • Adam Reeder, age 9, H a ll the to ile t. Elem entary M s .N o o n a n , • Sweep patios and drivew ays teacher clean instead o f hosing them o ff. • Sunny D u b in s k i, age 9, H o l­ • W ater o n ly as much as the) ly-dale Elem entary teacher: ground can absorb. Keep w ater •A n d y K lo t z , age II, from ru n n in g on the d riv e w a y ,! H o lly d a le E le m e n ta r y , M r. sidew alk o r street. Felman and • S ten cil yo u r neighborhood I • Leslie W agner, age I I, H o l­ • storm drains w ith : “ Dum p No ly - d a le E le m e n ta r y M rs . Waste, D ra ins to Stream .” Rauscher F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n , con-1 ta c t: P ortland Bureau o f E n v i-f The students were thanked by the Gresham C ity C o u n c il on ronm ental Services, 8 23 -7 74 0;! b e h a lfo fth e C o a litio n at a m eet­ U n ifie d Sewerage A gency o f l ing on A p r il 2nd. W ashington C ounty, 648-862 I ; I Each student received a fu ll- C ity o f G resham 6 1 8 -2 6 5 7 :| size poster o f th e ir fin ish e d bus Clackamas C ounty, 650-3737. or M A X placard. For more in fo rm a tio n about T he C o a litio n re m in d s peo­ the C o a litio n fo r Clean R ivers ple th a t th e re are m any easy & Streams, or to learn more th in g s th ey can do to p ro te c t about how you can protect yo ur th e ir n e ig h b o rh o o d stre a m o r neighborhood stream, contact r iv e r : yo ur local C o a litio n member at | • N ever dump used m oto r o il, num ber above. Violence in teen relationships is a serious problem, according to a re­ cent survey o f American youth. In this national survey, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, 40 percent o f girls ages 14 to 17 said they knew someone their own age who’d been hit or beaten by a boyfriend Fifteen percent said someone they dated had tried to force them to have sex against their w ill. Kaiser Permanente pediatrician Virginia Feldman, M D, says parents can do a lot to prepare their children for the possibility o f such dating v i­ olence. Dr. Feldman, who practices at Kaiser Permanente’s East Inter­ state Medical O ffice in north Port­ land, says parents should discuss the issue before teens start dating. “ Young people need to know there are steps they can take to lessen their chance o f being victimized by vio ­ lence,” says Dr. Feldman. To promptly reject unwanted at­ It’s A Family Affair II The members o f the Busi ness and Professional W o m ­ e n ’ s C irc le o f M ou nt O liv e t B aptist C hurch present th e ir 2nd annual fashion show, “ I t ’ s A F am ily A f fa ir ” . The show w ill be held on Saturday, A p r il 27, 1996 at M ou nt O liv e t’ s F a m ily L ife C enter, 8725 N. C hautaguqua, P ortland, O re ­ gon. A ll proceeds from this event w ill benefit the G ertrude Crowe M e m o ria l S ch o la rs h ip Fund w hich is used fo r scholarships awarded a nn ua lly to deserving students c o n tin u in g th e ir edu­ c a tio n b eyond high school M rs. C row e was a member o f M ou nt O liv e t and a co m m u n i­ ty a c tiv is t w ho was one o f the founders o f the L IF E C enter located on M a rtin Luther K in g , Jr. B oulevard T h is event w ill showcase M o u n t O liv e t ’ s leaders and members in a w ide va rie ty o f fashions. Scenes w ill include B ody and Soul, S iste r-to -S is- te r. M o th e r’ s D ay, Boys to M en, Babes in T oyla nd , G e t­ tin g D ow n to Business, A ll G o d ’ s C h ild re n and T w o Shall Become One. T icke ts fo r this event are ¡>5.00 fo r a d u lts, $ 3.00 fo r youth over 13 and no charge fo r c h ild re n 12 and younger. T icke ts may be obtained by c a llin g 284-8751. The show w ill begin p ro m p tly at 6:00 p.m. t and now all he needs is an economic “ push” from the community to help him open it completely! Even though he inventedtheTeleCommanderover 15 years ago, he has only been finan­ cially able to bring his invention to the prototype stage. After years o f knocking on many Black political and church doors for assistance, he finally attracted non­ black investors who tried to take over him, his patents and his compa­ ny! This is why last year we dec ided to support Mr. Jackson and take on the T eleCommander as one o f our Com- munity Ownership Projects, which enables any o f our Associate Mem- bers to become part owners in the TeleCommander. He could be sell­ ing the TeleCommander “ chip” to every T V manufacturer right now bringing m illions o f dollars into the African American community in jobs and sales revenue, i f he were in the manufacturing stage!” Section 552 o f the T ele com ­ m un ica tio ns B ill encourages the ind ustry “ to establish a te ch n o l­ ogy fund to encourage T V and e le ctro n ic equipm ent m anufac­ tu rin g to fa c ilita te the d eve lo p ­ ment o f b lo c k in g technology that w ou ld em pow er parents to block T V p ro gram m in g they deem in ­ app ro priate fo r th e ir c h ild re n .” In p re p a ra tio n fo r the A lp en ro se M ilk C arton Boat Race scheduled in June, The P ortland Rose Festival A s s o c i­ ation w ill hold a m ilk carton boat b u ild in g c lin ic , Saturday, A p r il 13, I to 3 p .m . at A lp e n ro se D a iry , 6149 S.W . Back in August 1995 the major T V Networks (N U U A fiC .C B S , and FOX) publicly released information about the establishment o f such a I und total ling $2 m illion, but no funds to date have actually been dispersed, even though Mr. Jackson was first in line for the funds. "W e hope these funds w ill be dis­ persed before Mr. Jackson’s patent expires” , remarks Ms. Pierce. “ But our real preference is that conscious African Americans step forward to become owners o f this history-mak­ ing Black invention that w ill be a major source o f pride for us a ll!” For more information 1-800-898- 4696. Employment In Oregon: March 1996 Oregon unemployment rate IS 5 .1 %, up 0.2 from February (season­ ally adjusted). W hile the National unemployment rate 5.6% - up 0.1 from February Oregon’ s seasonally adjusted un­ employment rate rose two-tenths ofa percentage point to 5.1 percent in March, according to figures released today by the Oregon Employment Department. March was the first month since October 1994 in which the rate was more than 5.0 percent. “ Despite the rise in the unemploy­ ment rate between February and March, Oregon’ s rate is still low by h isto ric standards,” said D avid Cooke, an economist with the Em­ ployment Department. “ March marks the 30th consecutive month in which Oregon’ s unemployment rate has been below the national figure.” A total o f9 8 ,800 Oregonians were unemployed in M arch, up from 86,400 a year ago. In March 1995, Oregon's unemployment rate fell to 4.6 percent, its lowest level since the late 1960s. The primary reason for the continued low levels o f unem­ ployment is the rapidly increasing number o f jobs in the state’s econo­ my. In March. 5,200 nonfarm pay­ roll jobs were added on a seasonally adjusted basis. This is 500 more jobs than the average monthly gain over the past twelve month. The number o f jobs has been growing in the state at close to a 4.0 percent annual pace for more than two years now. Seasonally adjusted employment gains in March were led by service and nondurable good manufactur­ ing, which each accounted for 1,300 more jobs than in February. In ser­ vices, all sectors except engineering and management services showed raw jo b gains for the month. Busi­ ness services, which includes help supply, employee leasing, building maintenance, and security, and many other categories o f services, grew by 1,900 jobs over the month and 7,300 jobs in the past twelve months. Nondurable goods manufacturing added more than 1,000 workers in March, afterajobdeclineofasim ilar magnitude in February. Food and kindred products manufacturers ex­ perienced unusual jo b cutbacks in February due partially to freezing weather, followed by flooding-relat­ ed problems. The March numbers reflect a rebound from the February lows. Over the last twelve months, nondurable goods manufacturing has not added a significant number ofjobs. The UTO ^ D VANTAflE 6717 NE Sandy Blvd. need to be counseled that alcohol and drugs lower inhibitions and impair judgment, even i f they or their date don’t feel orseem drunk. “ Drugs and alcohol increase the risk o f becom­ ing violent, abusive, and acting dan­ gerously, such as driving too fast.” “ W ith so many young people car­ rying firearms, young people run a real risk o f injury or death i f they respond aggressively to bullying, or themselves use insults, yell at others, or shove and cut in line," warns Dr. Feldman. “ Knowing how to stay calm when provoked, and practicing good manners can help your child avoid a fight that could cost his or her life.” D r. Feldman says when par­ ents ro le play each o f these ac­ tions w ith th eir teenagers it makes the young people more ready to act d e c is iv e ly to p ro tect them ­ selves when p o te n tia lly v io le n t s itu a tio n arises. Rose FesNval Boaf Building Clinic Scheduled Telecommunications Bill Opens Doors Mr. Joseph Jackson, black inven­ tor, is well-positioned to capitalize on the recent signingofthe Telecom­ munications B ill. Section 551 o f the B ill not only gives the Television industry one year to voluntarily de­ velop a ratings system for TV pro­ grams, but it also “ requires T V man­ ufacturers to equip all 13 inch or greater T V sets with circuitry to block rated shows.” The Community Financial Invest­ ment Groups Corporation has been working to assist Mr. Jackson go into production since A p ril 1995. Annie Pierce, President explains, “ Joe Jack- son has had his “ foot in the television industry’s door” for quite a while. tention and actions have your kids practice using direct language, a firm voice and physically backing away to signal they want a behavior, such as being groped, to stop,” says Dr. Feldman. “ Make sure your child knows to speak up as soon as they are made uncomfortable, rather than waiting till a situation gets out o f control.” “ Many parents ask their kids to call them for a ride home, no ques­ tions asked, i f they think it’s safer then remaining with a date or at a party,” says Dr. Feldman “ I f a parent cannot always do that, make sure your teen knows a taxi compa­ ny’s number and has enough cash to pay for a phone call and a cab home i f a date becomes unsafe or abusive. It’s also wise to pin money inside your teen’s clothes in case an angry date grabs a purse or wallet.” To avoid anyone w ho’s drunk or drug-affected Dr. Feldman says teens Shattuck Road, P ortland. Children and youth groups with members 8-years-old and up w ill be instructed on constructing m ilk car­ ton boats in three categories: catama­ ran sailboats, showboats and human- powered boats. Following the clinic, Alpenrose « * Dairy w ill provide free ice cream for all participants. The Alpenrose M ilk Carton Boat Races, with more than $2,200 in cash, prizes and trophies, w ill be held Sunday, June 2, I p.m. at the Westmore-land Park Casting Pool, S.E. M c-Loughlin at Bybee. H’ ¿Af** _ « . . p .0. Box 69< 69626 Portland. Portland. Oreeoi Oregon 97201 o r c a ll: 1-503-282-8040 . Market. Inc. R.C.M. Gift Pack is filled with an assortment of Creole mixes and seasonings packed in boxes for con­ venient shipping. All contents of the Gift Boxes are nonperishable and are shipped anywhere in the conti­ nental U.S. (“Free’ Recipe Booklet included). $15 postage and handling included. S I.00 off with Ad Gift pack 1 pkg. Cajun Red Beans. Gumbo Mix, Gumbo File’, Chicken Fry, Cajun Seasoning, Jambalaya Mix. KENT YOUR NEXT WASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS With option to buy. This Coupon G ood For $ 1 0 O ff $40 Per ForTheS et DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION FEE rental Co w asher 2 3 1-7 41 5 1 6 5 7 S. E. TACOMA ST. AUTO broker M B S Portland, OR 97213 In business for the past 7 years, The Auto Advantage provides both new and used automobiles o f your choice. Cars can be purchased or leased. The "advantage" o f our brokerage is a professional service, fairness in pricing and straight-forward dealing in finding the car you want. In addition, most sales generated at The Auto Advantage are referrals from satisfied customers. We are honest and dependable, and w ill work to save you money. W FOOD MART Visit us fo r your best convenient shopping. Hours are 8am yo 6pm Monday through Saturday, 10am to 4pm Sunday. Our doors are open all day. Call (503) 281-9818 We sell oriental food. “Its Family Venation Planning Time at Rainbow fpave I! ” Best Value - p an now! Best Availabil for your Dr eam V«Äi< pons Classic Hawaii Tours to: • Honolulu - Maui - Kona - Kauai • Classic A m en a Tours to: Disneyland 4 Disneyworld - Washington DC “customize y nur vaonion” - plan now! Plan your vacali m at Rainbow D a w t a n d enter our Drawing for Mickey Mouse fo r somayne you love! ( all Shirley Joe - White Rainbow Travel Inc. 635-3525 or WOO) 947-2462 We also offer automotive services on foreign & domestic cars. ■ Tune Up,Brakes ■ Engine & Transmission ■ Repair & Rebuild ■ Towing WE HAVE 18 YEARS OF COMMITMENT TO OUR COMMUNITY. 5520 NE MLK JR. BLVD., Portland, OR 97211 281-6483