P age B 4 A prii 17, 1 9 9 6 • T he P ori land O bserver Ruby Bridges’ Children Story A Part o f history was made in New Orleans on November 14, I960. Six- year-old Ruby Bridges crossed the threshold o f William Frantz Elemen­ tary School on her first day o f school. Ruby was black, and the student body o f the Frantz School was white - all white — and liked itself that way. Her bravery inspired many in the civil rights movement. “ If a six-year- old can be that brave we all can,” was a common statement as television cameras showed her walking into the school building facing an ugly mob o f segregationist, looking straight ahead; her head held high. The Story o f Ruby Bridges (Scho- .lastic, Inc.), a picture book by Robert Coles and George Ford, tells the sto­ ry of this extraordinary girl and her single-handed, heroic act that initiat­ ed the desegregation of New O r­ leans’ public schools — and schools all across the country. And it tells it in language that six and seven-year- olds can understand; young people who can be taught not to hate before it’s too late Ruby’s story, although poignant, is not yet a part o f America’s folklore on the level o f the saga o f Rosa Parks. A fter the 1960 federal court ed ict for New Orleans schools to integrate, Ruby Bridges had to be escorted to and from school for months, all the while confronted by hostile and vio­ lent reactions from angry parents and protestors. White families boycotted Frantz Elementary, in one day pull­ ing all their children out o f class. Sixty-five outstanding students in Multnomah County’s pubic high schools will be awarded scholarships at the 13th annual Academic All-Star Banquet on Monday, April 22, 1996.The Reception starts at 6:15 p.m. followed by the banquet at 7:00 p.m. Contribution through Kim Kono at 25 7 -1621 or Larry Syron at 257-1625. Ticket information is at 25 7 -16 17. Low-Income Energy Assistance Funds Still Available Funds are still availab le through the A lbina M inisterial A lli­ ance (A M A ) for resid en ts o f iriner-N orth and N ortheast P ortland who need help paying their energy or w ater bills. If you have not received “ LIF.AP” energy-assistance funds since October I, 1995 or if you think you might qualify for a discount on your water bill, call AM A’s Energy Hotline at 240-0828. 2338 N.E. A lberta Street 284-1198 WE FEATURE: Grown up, Ruby Bridges, now has children of her own. is one of her intimate friends. He and Coretta Scott King Award-winning illustrator George Ford tell her story clearly and sensitively with hope to help children understand the darker side of American history - racism, segregation and rage that divided the Ruby attended school virtually alone for months, but with courage and dignity beyond her years. Pulitzer Prize-w inning author, noted child psychiatrist, and Harvard Professor Dr. Robert Coles, has fol­ lowed Ruby every since that day and country during the era o f the civil rights movement. Ruby Bridges grad­ uated from Frantz Elementary and went on to high school and college. She still lives in New Orleans and is a successful businesswoman, wife and mother o f four. Teenage Hazards It’s dangerous to be a teenager. Four leading risk categories make the teen years especially fraught with hazards said an adolescent medicine expert at Baylor College o f Medi­ cine in Houston. “Drinking alcohol while doing other activities, failure to use safety devices, access to firearms, and sports are the big four,” said Dr. Albert C. Hergenroeder, chief o f adolescent and sports medicine at Baylor and Texas Children's Hospital. Statistics seem to confirm what most o f us already know - teenagers think they are immortal. Academic All-Star Students Get Scholarships C o n sid e r that: GROCERIES SODA POP/JUICES & MORE ASSORTED FROZEN TREATS HOT, DELICIOUS COFFEE CIGARETTES/CIGARS VARIETY GOODS CANDY & SNACKS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, COME TASTE THE BEST “LOUISIANA” STYLE BBQ. BBQ RIB DINNERS........................................$6.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN DINNERS............................. $5.00/EACH BBQ RIB SANDWICHES............................... $4.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN SANDWICHES..................... $3.00/EACH CREOLE GUMBO.......................................... $4.00/BOWL “PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE” • Nineteen percent o f teens rarely use a seatbelt. • Forty percent fail to wear hel­ mets while riding motorcycles; 95 percent don’t use bicycle helmets. • Twenty-two percent o f teens car­ ry weapons; nearly one-third are guns. • T hirty p ercen t o f teen s had at least five a lc o h o lic d rinks at one tim e recently, w hile 35 p e r­ cen t rode w ith a teen d rinker. B esides the risk for car accidents, teen d rin k e rs are m ore prone to engage in unsafe sex and other d an g ero u s b eh aviors. abric íu* To Advertise In (The ^.ìnvtkinò (Olis e m e r ( all 503-288-0033 THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST April 16th through April 30th, 1996 P.O. Box 69626 Portland, Oregon 97201 Portia Market, inc. 1-503-282-8040 R.C.M. Gift Pack is filled with an assortment of Creole mixes and seasonings packed in boxes for con­ venient shipping. All contents of the Gift Boxes are nonperishable and are shipped anywhere in the conti­ nental U.S. (“Free’ Rccipo Booklet included). $15 postage and handling included. S I.00 off with Ad Gift pack 1 pkg. Cajun Red Beans, Gumbo Mix, Gumbo File', Chicken Fry, Cajun Seasoning, Jambalaya Mix. Everything in the store BROCCOLI larg e te n d e r flowers CUT BROCCOLI CROWNS 99* U, 50 PO U N D STRAWBER rip e and sweet HALF FLAT at SIX PINTS 0/ /o Off THESE - Ä PATTERNS • Burda Quilting Season is here! PINT BASKET PEPSI PRODUCTS C o m e in to d a y and c h e c k o u t our huge s e le c t io n o f c a lic o , b a ttin g , n o t io n s a n d q u ilt b o o k s! r « r S l C O L A -D III PiPSi-PEPSi FBK -W ILO CHERRY PEPSI MOUNTAIN OEW-DR. PEPPER-MUO ROOT BEER BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS” •DiWMint» dn IWI rppli In spinal pnrdUM- nr pmimish dhcaunttd nr nurkml dn»n ilems t 16 ihm 4 Ml 96 184 1 r y n WE RESERVE THE RI6HTT0LIMIT QUANTITIES SPECIALS E FF EC T IVE TU ESD A Y through SU ND A Y APRIL 16 through 2 1 ,1 9 9 6 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW S STORE CALL: SSS-S2M 1 4 1 / / • •.«. »• • p.m. HOME DELIVERY tS AVAILABLE CALL: ÎM5-4595 s \ 11 HI ) 'Hm.im "pm si \ l) \ > H tu o jin "pm U H O I I S M I HOI Rs M< ) \- l HI " AOjm-A klpm STARK STREET Rl I A ll HOI RS M< >\-l HI‘Hiojin-d OHpm ★ s \ 11 HI )\N 9HOjin Spm si \ | ) \ > I l Ohjin-tpnt RETAIL -WHOIKSAIf. FREE PARKING Plenty of CARS • BUSES • RVs 7 0 0 S.E. 122n d Ave. P ortlan d , OR 252-9530 .