Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 10, 1996, Image 9

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    A* *
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Volume X X V I, Number 15
Committed to cultural diversity.
A pril 10, 1996
(Elit' sportiani) (©bseruer
“ Franz Week” Ensues With Activities
zzr n tn nt u n i t u
kLL a 1 e u ò a r
nited States Bakery, the maker
of Franz Bread, is celebrating
“Franz Week" in Oregon the
week of April 8-14. The week culmi­
nates Franz's 90th Anniversary festivi­
ties, which began in March.
Summer Community
Organizing Internships
The Center for Third W orld Organiz­
ing is recruiting young people o f color,
ages 19-30, for the M inority Activist A p ­
prenticeship Program. The leadership
training program combines classroom in­
struction with hands-on organizing expe­
rience. Interns learn skills and strategies
o f community organizing. Participants
receive a scholarship for training, materi­
als, living expenses plus a weekly sti­
pend. The program runs from June 16 to
Sept. 20. Participants must attend a week­
end training A pril 26-28. Deadline for
applications is A pril 15. For more infor­
mation call (510) 533-7583 or fax (510)
533-0926. The address is 1218 E 21st St.
Oakland, CA. 94606.
Grant Writing
Workshop Offered
Metro North Portland Enhancement
Fund w ill be accepting grants for 1996-
97 programs. The organization w ill spon­
sor a grant w riting workshop Wednesday,
A p ril 24, from 7 to 9 p in. at Columbia
Cottage, 4339 N. Lombard. To quality,
projects must contribute to enriching the
quality o flife in North Portland. Deadline
for Applications is May 29 and applica­
tions w ill be available at the workshop.
For more information call 797-1648.
Check Out Local
Multnomah County Libraries’ fifth an­
nual celebration o f libraries w ill feature
samples o f some o f their online informa­
tion services. African and Native Am eri­
can storytelling and European and South­
east Asian music and dance w ill also be
included. Programs listing library a ctivi­
ties are available at branch libraries.
African Dance
Classes Begin
Move your feet to the African Beat
with live drumming at the Black Minzand
In the Spirit Dance classes at the Lutheran
Inner C ity Ministries, 4219 NE M L K
Blvd. The 8-week classes begin Satur-
I day, A p ril 20 and conclude with a perfor­
mance. Children’s class are 3:45 to 4:45
p.m. and adult classes are 5 to 6 p.m. Call
OMSI Seeks Volunteers
O M SI is recruiting volunteers for their
grand re-opening, the Star Trek: Federa­
tion science exhibit, and other opportuni­
ties. A volunteer sampler w ill be held
Wednesday, A p ril 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. at
the Education ResourceCenter(the Wash­
ington Park site) Call 797-4644 for more
World Music Concert
Lewis and Clark College presents a
world music concert featuring Javanese
Gamelan, West African Drums, African
Marimba, and Music o f India, Sunday,
A p ril 21 at 8 p.m. in Evans Auditorium at
the music building, 0615 SW Palatine
H ill Rd.
Packy The Elephant
Turns 34
Packy the elephant w ill celebrate his
34th birthday Saturday, A p ril 13 from 11
a m. to 3 p.m. at the Washington Park
Zoo. Party goers can sign his birthday
card, dance the Packy shuffle and get
floppy elephant ears to wear. Costumed
characters E lliot and Eliza Elephant w ill
entertain youngsters. There w i 11 be games,
music and birthday cake for all.
Stop Smoking Class
Breathe Free stop smoking plan w ill
old a class for people wanting to stop
smoking A p ril 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the
Community Leaning Center 4212 NE
Prescott. Participants w ill get personal
guidance and support and techniques on
how to k ill the urge, managing stress,
ways to prepare the body to quit, and
weight control, for more information call
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
Prior to touring Franz Bakery with m em bers o f the U nited Cerebral Palsy A ssociation, Jim Paxson, form er player fo r the
P ortland Trail Blazers, places a Franz 9 0 th Anniversary cap on Taylor M ontoya while a caretaker a ssists.
The activities surrounding Franz's 90th
Anniversary have included charity donations,
bakery tours, promotions at Portland I rail
Blazer games and a proclamation o f “ Franz
Week” from the governor’s office.
The former Trail Blazer Jim Paxson led a
tour through Franz Bakery for members o f
the United Cerebral Palsy Assoc iationj UCP).
Paxson, who is extremely involved with the
UCP, accepted a donation from Franz on
UCP’s behalf at a half-time ceremony during
the March 28 Blazer game.
The Franz blimp dropped mini loaves o f
bread to four lucky Blazer fans at the firs,
quarter break o f that night’s game During
halftime, the four lucky fans competed to
shoot the most mini-loaves o f bread into the
baskets - the winner took home a year’s
worth o f free bread, courtesy o f Franz
To cap the festivities surrounding “ Franz
Week” and the bakery's 90,h Anniversary,
prices on loaves o f bread w ill be rolled back
at selected local retailers. I'he intent is to
remind people o f Franz’s vast history.
United States Bakery markets products
under the Franz name in Oregon and western
Washington. The bakery is a dedicated com­
munity citizen that regularly contributes to
food banks, shelters and other nonprofit
groups, and is also very involved in the
support ofcolleges and universities through­
out the slate o f Oregon
Essence Awards Honors African-Americans
he 1996 Essence Awards, which
will focus on African-American
youth by honoring the exempla­
ry women and men striving to uplift
children and communities, will take place
Friday, April 26, at 7:30 P.M. at The
Theater at Madison Square Garden (for­
merly the Paramount Theater). Fox
Broadcasting will for the third consecu­
tive year air the Essence Awards as a
two-hour prime-time special in early June.
and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, one o f
the greatest forces in American politics I he
honorees w ill be featured in the may issue o f
Essence magazine, which w ill hit newsstands
on A p ril 18.
Confirmed presenters and performers for
the 1996 Essence Awards include Toni
Braxton, singer D ’ Angelo, Aretha Franklin.
Danny G lover, James Earl Jones, Patti
L aB e lle, E riq LaSalle, novelist fe rry
M cM illan and musical artist Tony Rich.
Sinbad and Halle Berry w ill be cohosts o f the
The 1996 Essence Awards honorees are:
Academy Award-winning actress and come­
dian Whoopi Goldberg; signer-songwriter-
producer Kenneth “ Babyface’ Edmonds; high
school student Ketrick Jordan, who, despite
suffering crippling bums in a fire, has been
able to turn tragedy into triumph, lead an
active life and serve as a motivator for other
W hoopi and Babyface are two o f this y e a r's Essence Award Honories.
burn survivors; 87-year-oldOseola McCarty,
the woman who donated her life's savings o f
more than S I50,000 to the University o f
Southern Mississippi; Carol and Hurt Porter,
founders o f Kid-Care, Inc , an organization
that feeds poor children in Houston, Texas;
Tukufu To Head Cleveland Roundtable
r. Darryl Tukufu, former CEO and
president of the Urban League
of Portland, has been named
executive director of the Greater Cleve­
land Roundtable an organization work­
ing toward diversity in community rela­
“ The G reater C leveland R oundtable
is pleased to have selected a man o f Dr.
T u k u fu ’ s rem arkable a b ility and achieve­
m en t,” A le x M achaskee, chairm an o f
the board o f the GCR, said o f the ap­
pointm e nt. “ The R ou nd ta ble ’ s m ission
is to achieve the v is io n o f a c o m m u n ity
recognized fo r outstanding m u ltic u ltu r­
al and m u ltira c ia l human relatio n s. I am
c o n fid e n t Dr. T u k u fu w ill p ro v id e the
necessary leadership and d ire c tio n to
accom plish th is m is s io n .”
T u k u fu is w e ll respected in Portland
fo r his in v o lv e m e n t in the co m m un ity.
He le ft the area in 1994 after three years
at the U rban League o f P ortland. He is
cred ited w ith tu rn in g the o rg an izatio n
Darryl Tukufu
around and m oving it fo rw a rd fin a n c ia l­
ly and in its c re d ib ility
Tukufu lived in Cleveland as a boy until
Susan L. Tay lor, Editor-in-Chief o f Es­
sence magazine, said, “ We are especially
proud this year to focus on the needs and the
triumphs o f our youth and those who are
his mother moved the family to Los Angeles.
He graduated from Los Angeles High School
and attended Los Angeles City College
He became involved in the Us movement
and was arrested three times. After being shot
in a confrontation between Us members and
the Black Panthers, he returned to Ohio.
There he earned a bachelor’s degree in social
studies at Youngstown State University and
a master's degree in urban studies at the
University o f Akron
1 ukufu has worked at Kent State Univer­
sity and Northwestern University. He is ac­
tive in public service work in Ohio He still
visits his old neighborhood and gives m oti­
vational speeches to students.
“ I am a product o f the Cleveland Public
Schools,” Tukufu said. W orking with the
Roundtable w ill give me an excellent oppor­
tunity to give something back to the place
where I was born.”
He was executive director o f the division
o f Public Services a, Lorain County (Ohio)
Community College
Continued to page B3
ortland Police Fraud detec­
tives are warning members
of the community about a
current phone/mail scam occurring
in the Portland area.
Law enforcement agencies have taken
a number o f reports, especially from se­
nior citizens, about receiving calls or
letters advising them that they have won
valuable prizes or large amounts o f cash
in “ the Canadian Sweepstakes” Con­
vinced they have won a prize, the victims
are told to send money to cover the taxes,
insurance and security for the prize deliv­
ery. The victims are told to send cashier's
checks to mail drop boxes in Montreal,
At least two Portland area senior c iti­
zens have sent $8.000 and $18.000 in
response to the scam instructions.
Urban League To Direct Big Brother/Sister Programs
he Urban League of Portland
has become the administrative
agency for 5 area Big Brother/
Big Sister programs. Besides the
at the Urban League, the other pro­
grams are at the Eastwood Center,
FamilyWorks, Neighborhood House and
North Portland Youth and Family Servic­
Daniel Blue, coordinator o f the Urban
l.eague unit and new coordinator for the local
programs says the programs w ill share equal­
ly from fund-raising. He plans to expand
current staff to a full time coordinator for
each program.
“ There’s no reason this program couldn’t
be three times larger," Blue says. He plans to
recruit and organize an advisory committee
responsible for local fund-raising and public
relations for all units.
The program finds someone to work as a
role model for youngsters form single parent
families. More than 130 youth are in the
programs with around 100 more on waiting
The group is looking for adult partici­
pants. “ There’s a large demand for volun­
teers especially males o f color,” Blue said
“ There’s no real waiting lis, for girls, bu, a
boy faces a wait o f 12 to 18 months One out
o f every 10 volunteers who call is a man, and
I really would love to reverse that," he added
“ T his agreement w ill help us meet the
N a tio n a l Urban League's goal o f m ak­
ing sure that every A m erican c h ild has a
p o s itiv e a du lt in th e ir life ,” said L a w ­
rence D ark p re s id e n t o f the U rb a n
League o f Portland
Those interested in the Big Brother Big
Sister Program can call 280-2627