P ací » A 6 A prii 10, 1 9 9 6 • T he P ortland O bserver ÎElje purttani» bseruer You Can’t Remodel A 60-Foot Tree Som etim es home buyers find, much to their surprise, that when their new house is finished and it’s time to landscape, their wallet is empty. T h e y spent their money on extras or, in many instances, didn't budget anything for landscaping. O wners should plan and budget carefully when landscaping their property, says M ike Snyder, chair o f the Oregon Landscape C on trac­ tors Board One reason is financial Snyder says 10 to 15 percent o f a property ’s value is in its landscap­ ing. "Spend $5,000 on landscaping a $50,000 piece o f property and y o u ’ ll get it back in resale." Not only that, but heating and co o lin g costs can be reduced with the right trees and tree placement. A n automatic irrigation system w ill pay for itse lf in water savings and resale. Besides a general contractor, peo­ ple bu ilding a new home should co n­ sider hiring a landscape contractor. A landscape architect w ill help with the crucial decision o f where the house is placed. D o owners want the house hidden or exp o sed ? W hat’s the best view ? Is view the top priority? What about a large play area for children? H ow can e xistin g trees be saved? Proper house placement can also lessen drainage and access problems. Housing Authority Welcomes New Resident Commissioner The H ousing Authority o f Port­ land (H A P ) welcomes new resident com m issioner Tom Rem ly Rem ly was appointed to the C om m issio n by Portland M ayor Vera K a tz. H e w ill work actively on the com m ission as a representative o f residents in H A P developments. " It ’s a pleasure to welcome Tom , "said Denny West, H A P E xecutive Director. “ He brings an understand­ ing o f the fundamental issues o f H A P residents, ad vocates po sitive ap­ proaches in problem so lvin g, and carries a deep commitment to the people we serve” A Portland-area native, R e m ly has resided in a H A P high-rise develop­ ment in Northwest Portland for sev­ en years. “ I look forward to w orking on H A P ’sC o m tnission , “ R em ly said. “ I sincerely believe I can make a useful and thoughtful contribution to the w ork o f the H ousing A u tho rity’s C o m m issio n .” N ow retired, R em ly has worked in several fields, includingem ploym ent in the Environm ental Services and the Urban Services Departments o f the C ity o f Portland. He also lived and w orked in San Francisco for 15 years in engineering sales. In the com m unity, R em ly has also volunteered with the Red C ro ss D i­ saster Se rvices, in special education c la s sro o m s o f the O re g o n C it y Sch o o ls, and in the N /N E N e igh b o r­ hood C o a litio n youth program s at the k in g N eighborhood F a cility. R e m ly replaces Rose Sch n ell, a resident in a North Portland high rise developm ent, who retired from the C om m issio n after serving five years. T h e H o u sin g Authority o f Port­ land provides affordable housing services for over 20,000 low incom e Neighborhoods For People A s c r e e n in g o f the v id e o “ C o H o u s in g : N e igh b o rh o o d s for People” w ill be held Tuesday. A p ril 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Reedwood Friends C hurch, 1901 S E Steele. A n in tro d u c to ry p resen tatio n about cohousing and C ascadie C o m ­ m ons’ plans to create a cohousing eco village in Portland w ill follow the screening. The event is sponsored by C asca d ia Com m ons. A d m issio n is free. In cohousing com m unities, in d i­ v id u a l re sid e n ce s are c lu ste re d around a C om m on House w hich pro­ vides amenities such as shared meals an dchild ren’splay spaces. Pioneered in Denmark, more than 100 cohousing com m unities are now being planned in the U .S. C o H o u s in g video screenin g and orientation, 7:30 - 9 :0 0 p .m .; Tues­ d ay, A p r il 9, ¡ 9 9 6 ; R ee d w o o d F rie n d s C h u rc h , 2901 S E Steele Fo r more info: cal I Cascadia C o m ­ mons at 650-7169. A d m issio n: Free and very low income people through­ out Multnomah County, and its com m issioners are representative o f the county. The Com m ission includes one H A P resident com m issioner, two appointments by request ofthe M ult­ nomah County C h air, two appoint­ ments by request o f the M ayor o f Gresham and four Portland-area ap­ pointments. A ll com m issioners are appointed by the M ayor o f Portland and ap­ proved by the Portland C ity C o u n cil Fo r more inform ation, please con­ tact H A P Public A ffa irs Coordinator Joleen C olo m bo at 2 7 3 -4 5 2 1 “ Absence o f A lic e " P oll Finds Am erican Recoil from Sp rin g clean­ ing. People do it naked. Som e get drunk first Men are helping women do it more than ever. Most people do it on the weekends, and they’ ll do anything they can to get the jo b done faster. O v e r 8 0 % o f consum ers, though, clean house only when the chores can no longer be avoided, finds Settle-based Shurgard Storage in its annual "A bsence o f A lic e ” sur­ vey, conducted just in time for spring cleaning. With high hopes o f m aking spring cle a n in g less daunting, Shurgard polled 200 random consum ers on- the-street io find out what aspects are most off-putting. So what are our most dreaded tasks? C lean in g the bathroom was ranked number one, followed by laun­ dry and vacuum ing the stairs. T o make chores go faster, most people cranked up the stereo, while others coaxed help from unfortunate passersby. More housework was ac­ com plished on weekends than at any other time, and though most wore regular clothes or sweats while tack­ ling their tasks, one respondent spiced things up by wearing “ skim py linge­ rie" while another professed to don- nine” “ somethine nauehtv.” Construction & Painting Company John McVeety 282-9233 □ Quality Horne Remodeling □ No Project Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts □ □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior '"Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates Harm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem 'M Oil to Gas conversions ¡_j q 3 s \\?a(er Heaters License # CCB-81322 A-ZEBRA Ö Realty Inc. George A. Hendrix MBA. GRI, Broker (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 C A R P E N T E R Al E L IM IN A T IO N • COCKROACHES• • HOUSE ANTS • BATS & MICE • * PEST CONTROL 2 2 2 -7 1 2 8 B onded & Insured OR or W) Free 1-800-852-3671 PORTLAND IQ H .O I’MENT "COMMISSION IT ’S T H E D IF F E R E N C E BETW EEN W A N T IN G A HOME AND O W N IN G A HOME. COMMISSION MEETING Date: April 17,1996 Place: PDC - Commission Rm. 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 1100 Portland, Oregon Time 9:00 A.M. ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, COME TASTE THE BEST “LOUISIANA” STYLE BBQ. BBQ RIB DINNERS...................................... $6.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN DINNERS............................ $5.00/EACH BBQ RIB SANDWICHES.............................. S4.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN SANDWICHES.................... $3.00/EACH CREOLE GUMBO.......................................... S4.00/BOWL Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities may call 823-3232 or TDD 813-6868 for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. “PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE” PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. D ads I “1st Class Guarantee" Call today for free consultation. roc GROCERIES SODA POP/JUICES & MORE ASSORTED FROZEN TREATS HOT, DELICIOUS COFFEE CIGARETTES/CIGARS VARIETY GOODS CANDY & SNACKS Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 Singles & Seniors, I can help you! it works like a Rheem. ”™ 2338 N.E. Alberta Street 284-1198 healing oils LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 $200 rebate (terms apply) Q C u stQ m D u c t W o rk □ Central Air □ FinancingAvailableO.A.C. Conditioning □ Gas Firelogs “ I f it works like a dream & Fireplaces M A R K E T Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote ing the closets. These usually need to be completely emptied and packed again, hopefully after discarding sev­ eral unused items. Ifstored items don’t seem more accessible when you’ve finished, it’s probably time to rent a storage space — or remodel the closets. Meet Y o u r Fans. When cleaning ce ilin g and other fans, a cloth and vacuum with soft nozzle attachment should do the trick. Be very careful not to bend the blades, as this w ill cause vibrations and a likely early demise. C h e ck Y o u r C o il. Sp rin gcle an in g is as good a time as any to tend to the m ajor appliances. Banish the scum ofthe Earth. The bathtub, dreaded more than anything in the house by ten percent o f respon­ dents, really can be cleaned qu ickly. Curtains are easier to care for than doors, but w axin g fiberglass w alls and squeegeeing after showers w ill keep build-up from forming. U se D o u b le B u c k e ts . N e v e r change your wash water. 0 RMLs Northwest Color • s Service ery o f cleaning leaves a sour taste in the mouths o f just about every one, Shurgard has prepared the follow ing list o f 10 tim e-saving tips for polish­ ing up the old abode: Clean clo ckw ise. The direction you clean is important. O n vertical surfaces, clean top to bottom, not the other around - most modem clean­ ers don’t streak and this keeps dirt m oving out o f cleaned areas. T h is applies to the whole house at once, too - p ick a center o f operations like the utility room or kitchen, and move from outer rooms toward this spot. T o A irO u t is Devine. Newer hous­ es probably need more ventilation than older ones due to modern weath­ erproofing. Plan on leaving all the doors and w indow s open for at least six hours consecutively at the first opportunity. T h is w ill prevent mold and mildew form developing and also rid the home o f musty, dusty stale winter air. U nclog the closet. The most dread­ ful task in many households is organiz­ 3OO NE M ultnom ah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 3 2 J WE FEATURE: Household Hints Expose Dirt Under Rug PÚRHAW /A/O u S T R l ^ C O N S T R U C T IO N DEVELOPM ENT Washington Mutual specializes in making the dream of home ownership a reality. We offer a wide range of financing options, including a 97% loan that requires only 3% down. So before you give up hope, give us a call. yjjy Washington Mutual EDWARD T. DURHAM, JR. (503) 319-0821 FAX 283-2977 T’k szs friend of # fr the l-t family* The a KW 'AI.HiNIIM* 317 B N E. KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND. OREGON 9721 I ,1 LENDER a Maury Sails, (503) 231-4501 FDIC Insured