Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 03, 1996, Image 9

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Volume X X V I, Number 14
Committed to cultural diversity.
A pril 3, 1996
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Free Lead
Testing For Kids
Oregon Childhood Lead Poisoning Pre­
vention Program and Multnomah County
Health Department are providing free lead
testing for children six months to six years
every Wednesday from 2:30 to 6 p.m. at
the Rosa Young House, 4206 NEGarfield.
For more details call 248-5240.
The Jefferson Dancers present their 1996
spring concerts in six shows at the Intermedi­
ate Theatre o f the Portland Center for the
Performing Arts, April 30 - May 4 at 8 p.m.
and Sunday, May 5 at 2 p.m
Two completely different programs on
alternate nights feature multiple collabora­
tions with other professional artists. Program
A (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) includes
Carl O rfFs Carmina Burana, performed with
the Choral Cross-Ties o f Oregon along with
outstanding members o f several local high
school choirs; Strata, personally performed
by accomplished choreographer and Jefferson
alum, David Ward; Susan Molitor’s Armonia;
HeatherComell’s Ocsibisa; and Julane Stites’
Soul Shakedown, performed with live music
by The Cal Scott Group, gospel vocalist
Tracy I larris and the Jefferson Choir Ensem­
ble. Cal Scott will perform a piece from his
new CD. Program B (Wednesday, Friday,
Sunday) features two additional David Ward
pieces. Silver Spoon and A merica’s Shadow;
Elena Carter’s Poets and Muses; two tap
pieces by Terry Brock, A-Trainand Beguine,
Beguine, performed by Jefferson alumni danc­
ers Ron Smith and Kristen Brayson; and
Julane Stites’ So Old, So Good.
This highly entertaining, energetic show
features a variety ofchoreographers and dance
styles, professional costuming, lighting, and
live music. Don’t miss it! Tickets are $13,
$11 and $7; available at the PCPA Box
Office and at all Fred Meyer Fastixx outlets:
Women Mentors
Women in Community Service is re­
cruiting women volunteers for positions
as mentors for graduates oftheir L ifesk i I Is
program. The next training classes are
scheduled for April 13 from 9-4 p.m. and
April 17 from 6-9 p.m. at the Southeast
Multicultural Center. 4610 SE Belmont.
Call 280-6646 ex. 310 for more informa­
Volunteers Needed
For Crisis Line
Metro Crisis Line is recruiting volun­
teers to staff its 24-hour telephone crisis
intervention and information referral hot
line. Training will be provided for those
willing to commit to one four-hour day,
evening, night or weekend shift each week.
No experience necessary but must be 18
or older. Call 226-3099.
Ghanaian Dance
Learn about west African dance and
culture with Obo Addy, Chata and percus­
sionists o f Okropong at a Ghanaian Dance
Workshop April 8 through June 3, Mon­
days and Wednesdays from 5 :15 to 6:45
p.m. at the Portland State University’s
Health and Physical Education Building,
930 SW Hall St. Beginners and drop-ins
are welcome. Call 725-5670 for details.
Buckman Art Show
And Sale
Buckman Elementary School will hold
its annual Art Show and Sell April 4-6 at
the school’s cafetorium at 320 SE 16th
ave. The show will include paintings, ce­
ramics, prints jewelry clothes photogra­
phy and glass works from established and
emerging talent. The sale supports the arts
program at Buckman Elementary School.
Technology For People
With Disabilities
Learn how computers can allow people
with disabilities to see, hear and feel what
is on the computer screen, and how office
technology can be adapted to allow em
ployers to recruit from a wider pool o f job
applicants. The workshop, sponsored by
CityCluband the Oregon Commission for
the Blind, will be held April 4 from 5:30 to
7 p.m. at the United Way Community
Service Center, 619 SW I Ith Ave in the
third floor board room. Call 228-7231 for
more information
Women-Owned Businesses Soaring
he National Foundation of Worn
past nine years,” said Susan Peterson the
en Business Owners announced
foundation chairwoman.
last week that there are close
“The sheer strength o f the numbers reaf­
to 8 million women-owned businesses,
firms that women business owners are a
accounting for a third of all US business
powerful catalyst for promoting the health of
and employing a fourth of all workers.
Our economy,” she added.
T here w as a 78 p e rc e n t in crease o f
Anorvia Hardy, owner o f Mother D ear's
w om en h e a d in g th eir ow n co m p an ies
Tasty Pastries, started baking pies at her
sin ce 1987, com pared to a 47 p ercen t
home. She expanded into catering and, in
in crease for all US b u sin esses d u rin g the
January o f 1994, opened shop in the new
sam e p erio d .
Walnut Park complex at Martin Luther King
The result — sales have vaulted 236 per­
Jr. Boulevard. She offers a lunch menu along
cent and employment jum ped from 6.6 mil­
with her specialty pies and cobblers She
lion workers to 18.5 million, a 26 percent
even makes wedding pies.
increase in the workforce.
7 he growth is attributed to the increase o f
“Sales and employment generated by wom­
working women since World War II When
en-owned businesses have skyrocketed in the
women advance as far as they can they open
n Sunday, February 4 ,1 9 9 6 , at
about 8:18 p.m., 49-year-old Jim
Lowe, a cab driver for Broad­
way Cab, picked up three young
males at NE 42nd and Beech.
Approximately seven minutes later, in the
4500 Block ofN E Holman, the three subjects
robbed Lowe o f the little cash he was carry­
ing, then shot him in the face with a small
caliber weapon.
P rior to en terin g L ow e’s cab, the three
su b je c ts had been in a m arket at NE
42nd and Beech and ap p eared to be c o n ­
sid e rin g ro b b in g it. H ow ever, o th e r c u s­
tom ers and the ow ner e n tered the m ar­
The suspects were described as:
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Cen­
ter, Lewis and Clark College and Portland
State University present their 4th annual
play reading series beginning April 9.
Plays include The Child is Father o f the
Man by Connor Kerns, Tiger Eyes by
Analissa Sloan and act Hand IllofW immin
Out the House by RaChelle Schmidt. Call
823-2000 for times, location ¿ind further
Brave Old World
In Convert
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
their own businesses.
Another factor is the increase o f women in
business schools orconsideringenterpeneur-
ship from the beginning o f their careers.
Daughters are inheriting businesses from
their parents and single mothers are going
into business because it gives them flexibility
in caring for their children.
Information for the report, ” 1995 Facts on
Women Own Businesses”, was taken from
data from the census bureau, the Internal
Revenue Service and Dun and Bradstreet
Information Service. It showed the number
o f companies owned by women is increasing
in every state. Nevada increase by 130 per­
cent since 1987, followed by 112 percent in
Georgia, and 108 percent in New Mexico.
Oregon has 121.000 women owned busi­
ness. California is the largest with more than
I million. Texas is second with 552,000 and
New York third with 527,000. North Dakota
and the District o f Columbia have the least
with 19,000.
The majority o f companies owned by
women, 52 percent, are in the service indus­
try, with 19 percent in retail and 10 percent in
finance, insurance and real estate.
The fastest grow ing secto rs are non-
tra d itio n a l. W om en-ow ned co n stru ctio n
firm s ju m p ed 170 p ercent and w holesale
tra d e rose 157 p ercent. T ra n sp o rta tio n ,
co m m unication, a g ric u ltu re and m anu­
factu rin g are seein g large in creases in
c o m p an ies headed by w om en.
Portland Cab Driver Slain
Play Reading Series
At Firehouse
Congregation Neveh Shalom , The
Mittleman Jewish Community Center and
the Pul timid Intel n a tio n a l Pei fo rm a lic e
Festival present Brave Old World in con­
cert Sunday, April 7, at 7 p.m. at Congre­
gation Neveh Shalom, 2900 SW Peaceful
Lane. A dance workshop with the group
will be held Saturday April 6 at the
Mittleman Jewish Community Center,
6651 SW Capital Hwy. Call 246-8831 for
more information.
1996 Spring
¡ t U
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A black male, 17-20 years, 5’ 11" to 6',
thin build, wearing a hip length black starter
jacket and a stocking cap.
A black male, 18-20 years, with short
Afro hair and a nosering (possibly a dia­
mond). He was wearing a black jacket with
a hood.
A black male, 17 to 20 years, 5’ 11",
medium build, wearing black pants and a
black starter jacket with a dark colored
C rim e S to ppers is offerin g a cash
rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation
that leads to an arre st in this case, or
any u n so lv ed felony crim e. You do not
have to give your nam e. C all C rim e
S to p p ers at (5 03) 823-H E L P.
Schools To Receive Awards For Hunger Relief Efforts
ired of watching overpaid, over­
Wednesday, March 27
rated movie stars win too many
Master o f ceremonies was the charismatic
awards at the always tedious
Nick Jones, Portland Trail Blazers Commu­
annual Academy Awards ceremony. nity Activities Coordinator At least 31 stu­
A more satisfying and deserving awards
dents and their schools received awards in
ceremony on Wednesday will honor students
such categories as
o f all ages who collected food for Oregon
“Top Students.”
Food Bank network agencies. The 25th An­
“Total Pounds of Food Collected Per Stu­
nual Project Second Wind Awards Ceremo­
ny was held at 2840 N.E. Riverside Way on
“Tota I Pounds Col lected by a H igh School/
Middle School/Elementary School;”
P roject Second W ind, a food drive
spo n so red each year by P ortland Public
S chools, is ce le b ra tin g its 25th annual
food drive. T hem e for the d rive is “O r­
egon S tudents Fight H u n g e r.” D uring
the M arch 4-8 d riv e, th o u san d s o f Port-
land-area students from about 90 schools
spent tim e, energy and im agination c o l­
lecting food and p a rtic ip a tin g in hun-
g e r-re la ted e d u catio n al a c tiv itie s. O re ­
gon A ir N ational G uard vo lu n teers are
c o lle c tin g food from schools and tra n s ­
p o rtin g it to the w arehouse for pickup by
m etro -area h u n g e r-re lie f agencies.
Project Second W ind’s sponsors include
PACC Health Plans, Portland Public Schools,
First Interstate Bank, The Oregon Air Na­
tio n a l G u a rd and K G W N o rth w e st
NewsChannel 8