• » • &_• • mummu * ***■-* ■ - f .’A Ìft T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 3, 1 9 9 6 P age A 7 iVE^SITY ®I|e jjjnrtlanir (©baerUer Au Equal Opportunity Employer Legacy Health System Equal Employment Opportunity And Affirmative Action Legacy Health System is pledged to a policy o f Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity and A ffirm ative Action in em ploym ent. O ur objective is to prom ote equal em ploym ent opportunity by p rohib­ iting discrim ination in em ploym ent because o f race, religion, color, na­ tional origin, sex, m arital status, age, sexual orientation, physical or m en­ tal disability, and status as a Vietnam Era or disabled veteran. O ur organization has im plem ent­ ed A ffirm ative A ction p ro g ra m s which are review ed annually. O ur program s are designed to ensure di­ versity in all aspects o f our work force including both m anagem entand non-traditional jo b s. Each Legacy Health System operating unit has a designated individual responsible for the im plem entation and adm inistra­ tion o f the A ffirm ative A ction plan and are listed below: Dennis Phister, Human Resourc- es D irector, Legacy C orporate O f- fice, 1919 N W Lovejoy, Portland, O regon 97209. 503-415-5740 Joan C roft, Senior H um an Re­ sources Consultant, Legacy Em an­ uel H ospital & H ealth C enter, 2801 N G antenbein A venue, Portland, O r­ egon 97227. 503-413-4165 Pat Partlow , H um an Resources D irec to r, Legacy M erid ian Park H ospital, 19300 SW 65 A venue, T ualatin, O regon 97062. 503-692- 2229. Carol Hollister, Human Resources Director, Legacy Mount Hood Medi­ cal Center, 24800 SE Stark, Gresham, Oregon 97030. 503-661-9297. Joan C roft, Senior Human Re­ sources Consultant, Legacy G ood Sam aritan Hospital & M edical C en­ ter, 1015 N W 22nd A venue, Port­ land, O regon 97210. 503-413-4165. Cheryl Swenson, Human Resourc­ es D irector, Legacy V isiting N urse A ssociation, 2701 N W Vaughn, Suite 750, Portland, O regon 97210. 503- 225-6204 AMERICA PREFERS US, April 30 - May 4 • 8 p.m. May 5 • 2 p.m. Intermediate Theatre Portland Center for the Performing Arts ~ ' Mi * 4 - à So Do anagers. Wendy's was recently rated "th e most preferred restaurant ch a in " by a 25% margin over the com petition in a national consumer survey. That is strong testament to our top quality products, service and cleanliness. The management careers we offer are equally exceptional. < * k Wendy s managers have responsibility for a $1+ m illio n location in clu d in g sales projections, p rofit planning, cost control, employee supervision and beyond. For those w ho have management experience in the service industry (preferably quick-service restaurants) a nd/or a college degree, we offer: Tickets: 111. $11 and t l i Available at thrfcPA Boi Office and all Fred Meyer Fasti» outlets: 22441XX. AH tickets suBjwt to addition.1 service charges. • Attractive base salaries • Incentive compensation • 5-Day Work Week • Excellent Paid Training • Comprehensive Benefits • 401(k) • Stock Options... To learn why managers prefer us. please fax or send your resume to: Hum an Resources Dcpt. OBS/0327, Wendy's International, Inc., 4000 S.W. Kruseway Place. Bldg. 3, Suite 255, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, FAX 503-635-8703. EOE Multicultural College Fair Planned April 20 Six Oregon private colleges will share opportunities for higher ed u ca­ tion with m ulticultural stud en tsat the fourth annual Jam es D ePreist M ulti­ cultural C ollege Fair Saturday, April 20, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Buckley Center at the U niversity o f Portland The fair is sponsored by Lewis and C lark College, Linfield C ollege, Pacific University', Reed C ollege, the U niversity o f P ortland and W il­ lamette U niversity. In addition to the six sponsoring colleges, representa­ tives from the U niversity o f Puget Sound will also be on hand to meet and answ er questions from students and their parents. “This is a good tim e for m ulticul­ tural students and their parents to becom e fam iliar with higher ed u ca­ tion options they may not have con­ sidered,” said Ray W arren, director o f ethnic students services at Lewis and Clark College. “ Private colleges may be ju st as affordable as state colleges and may offer an environ­ ment that fits m ore closely with a student’s needs.” In addition to D eP reist’s presen- tation, the college fair will include w orkshops concerning financial aid and scholarship inform ation, appli­ cation and adm ission procedures for college, and transfer opportunities. Students from each o f the six colleg­ es will also present a panel discus­ sion on cam pus life. T ra n s p o rta tio n fro m th e M c M in n v ille , F o re st G ro v e and S ale m a re a s is a v a ila b le by c a ll­ in g H o lly C o lb e r t at L in fie ld C o lle g e in M c M in n v ille , 4 3 4 - 2 5 7 4 ; T ris ta C o r n e lio u s , P a c ific U n iv e rs ity in F o re st G ro v e , 3 5 9 - 2 2 1 8 ; a n d T e r e s a H u d k in s at W illa m e tte U n iv e rs ity in S a le m , 3 7 0 -6 3 0 3 . A n y o n e n e e d in g tr a n s ­ p o r ta tio n in th e P o rtla n d a re a s h o u ld c a ll R ay W a rre n , L ew is an d C la rk C o lle g e , 7 6 8 -7 0 4 0 . T he M ulticultural C ollege Fair gives students o f color an o pportuni­ ty to learn about O reg o n ’s private colleges. For m ore inform ation co n ­ tact any o f the ind i viduals I isted above or K athryn Ernst, U niversity o f P ort­ land, 283-7147, o rS ally G anga, Reed C ollege, 777-7511. Congratulations to these Jefferson High School Financial Services Academy Academic Achievers Thuy Nguyen, Renee Watson, Michael Johnson, Patricia Davis, Ghania Bibb, Josh Albers, James Allen, Telisa Brazile, Aaron Gomez, Damon Lindsey, Lisa Caldwell, Daniel Chappell, Felicia Ford, Natelya Glover, Rolanda Jordan, Lastrada Lawrence, Ken Lyday, J uana Wesley, Jessica Bradford, Jataune Hall, Moko Bob-Ray, Nathan Pinard, Kuwana Watson, Annette McGee Matthew Scoggin, Nitosha Ramsey, Lanny Fowler, Romla Johnson, Wende Johnson, Michael King, Janaela Page-Mitchell, Tolu Sosanya, Libby Richard, and Steven Davis. Neil Kelly Designers / Remodelers 288-7461 PCC values the dignity and worth of each individual. T h e s e A r e O u r G u id in g P r in c ip le s . ♦ I n c r e a s e diversity in die student Ixxiy, faculty, and skiff ♦ E sta b lis h hiring practices to achieve diversity. ♦ P r o m o t e retention of a diverse faculty an d staff. ♦ C u ltiv a te appreciation o f the diverse cultures within PCC. T h e result? A com m unity o f caring people dedicated to ot / r sti t dents' success. As one PCC student said, “I’ve never been anywhere where so many different kinds o f people get along so welL” An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution First-Ever Women’s Day In May At PCC Portland Com munity College will host the first PCC W om en’s Day on Saturday, May 1 1, at all campuses. The event is informational college fair for the benefit o f women. It is free and open loall interested women. Child care will be provided at no charge for children from I 1/2 to 8 years o f age. W om en’s Day events are between 9 a m. and 2 p.m. at the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S. W. 49th Ave.; the Rock Creek Campus, 17705 N. W. Springville Rd.; and theC ascadeC am - pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. PCC instructors will introduce their programs and conduct m in ¡-classes on topics like “ Relax, It’s Only Math.” A number o f workshops will provide information on student support servic­ es at the college, includinga workshop on “ Paying for College: W here’s the M oney?” W omen who attend will be able to meet college staff and students, com ­ munity, business and social service representatives, and obtain help in ca­ reer exploration. Information on a va­ riety o f PCC programs will be avail­ able. Refreshments will be served. This event will be o f interest to women who want to train or retrain for a career, consider non-traditional ca­ reers, upgrade their skills, increase theirearning ability or prepare toenter the jo b market Brochures with program details at the different cam puses will be avail­ able after April 17 from the campus coordinators For more information or to register in advance, call Deborah Evind (Sylvania), 977-8069; Kim Warren (Rock Creek), 614-7335; or Sheryl M ercer(C ascade)at 978-5279. At which $24 billion corporation do Black executives help call the shots? Black executives are helping shape the future at McDonald’s.® From lawyers and accountants to construction engineers and •• • • architects, they're defining solutions to today's problems while facing tomorrow's challenges Yet, there's more to their story than just handling tough jobs with major responsibilities. Many of these same people who now hold key positions and make important decisions, joined McDonald's as crew employees and worked their way up • Sure they have different jobs, but these executives all share one thing in common: A burning desire to be the best they can be And at McDonald's, that's what it takes to be a success ' 995 McDonald s Corporation Portland Community College