P age A 6 A prii 3, 1 9 9 6 • T he P ori la n d O bserver E d u c a ti Portland State Opens Business Outreach Center Dean Boyer, Coordinator, PSU S o u th ea st Portland B usiness Outreach Center small business owner, will coor­ dinate the center, which offers counseling and practical assis­ tance to small business opera­ tors. Boyer will work with indi­ vidual clients, backed by the as­ sistance o f PSU undergraduate and graduate business students. “Our business school is com ­ m itted to providing assistance to small businesses in the Portland m etropolitan area, and this of­ fice will greatly enhance our abil­ ity to do s o ,” said R o g er A hlbrandt, dean o f PSU ’s School o f Business A dm inistration. The center is funded through a contract between PSU and the City o f Portland Bureau of Housing and Community Development. The bu- Portland Averts Teacher’s Strike ▲ Southeast Portland residents who operate or plan to start a small business have a new, free source o f help with the opening o f the Portland State University School o f Business adm inistra­ tio n ’s Southeast Portland Busi­ ness Outreach Center. The center is headquartered in space donated by First Interstate Bank at the b a n k ’s 46th and Continued from front W oodstock branch. A second office is located in space donat­ shame we get our raise because peo­ ed by Bank o f A m erica at that ple don’t want 57,000 kids on the b an k ’s Eastport Plaza branch at streets. Not because they think'tdu- 3952 SE 82nd Ave., ju st south o f cators are worth it,” an unidentified SE Powell B oulevard teacher said. Dean Boyer, a longtim e south­ “We were fortunate that we were east Portland resident and former able to avert a strike, but the crisis is not over,” said Mayor Katz. The school board gave its official OK Thursday. Now it must deal with other unions representing more than (J ir jtf/e A 3000 secretaries, bus drivers, custo­ el u oj dians and teacher aids who are work­ ing without contracts. The specter of kJySCe i y layoffs, program cuts and larger class sizes still loom in the near future. Love in the spring Still, Jack Saggar, president ofthe Portland Association ofTeachers was promotion. First 100 elated. “A week ago I would not be smiling like this," he said. callers who register will A Ithough the threat o f a theacher’s receive a free membership. strike is over, Portland’s public school system is still in crisis. We For three referrals. will bring our readers updates on C all Soon 243-2887 developments and potential solutions. Next week: How did we get here? ENCOUNTERS reau uses federal economic develop­ ment assistance funds it has received through theU.S. Department of Hous­ ing and Urban Development (HUD) to fund the program. The $50,000 contract runs through Sept. 30,1996, and will be extended based on con­ tinuation of HUD funds. Alan Zeiber, director of PSU’s Business Outreach Program, said the new center fits in well with the city’s targeting o f southeast Portland’s Brentwood-Darlington and Lents neighborhoods for economic devel­ opment PSU will work closely with the Portland Development Commis­ sion and the Bureau of Housing and Community development to make sure the neighborhoods have direct access to technical and financial as­ sistance. “There are areas of the city that clearly want and can use what we have to offer,” Zeiber said. “We seem to get better response when we have a presence in the neighborhood we’re serving. We’ve become part of the neighborhood we re serving. People don’t have to travel to PSU to look us up.” Zieber said early response to the southeast Portland center is encour­ aging, and is similar to the positive response he’s seen at PSU’s North­ east Portland Business Outreach Center, which opened two years ago. Zieber and Tim Shea, coordinator of the northeast Portland center, have served more than 50 clients in that part of the city. Steve Rudman, director o f the Portland Bureau of Housing and Community Development, said the agency was attracted to PSU’s busi­ ness outreach efforts because o f the success ofthe university's northeast Portland outreach office. “The program works because it involves a one-to-one mentorship model,” said Rudman. “It seems to work particularly well for small, emerging and minority businesses, particularly in low-income areas. "We see the value in pursuing this type of program in a true public- private partnership This is a great example o f a town-gown relation­ ship,” Rudman added. Overall, nearly 150 Portland State students have worked in the Busi­ ness Outreach Program, serving doz­ ens of small-to-medium-sized busi­ nesses, Zeiber said. Person seeking assistance at the Southeast Portland Business Out­ reach Center may contact Dean Boyer during regular business hours at 225- 2396 (fax: 225-3359). O u r sopirislicalcd energy m an ag em en t program s fo r local businesses often begin with a bigb level con feren ce with executive m anagem ent. A t P acific P ower , our programs to save energy for local businesses are state-of- the-art. They can deliver not on*iy t e c h n o * -» guidance and direction, but innovative ways to pay for energy efficiency upgrades that might be required. • B u t , valuable as that may be, « ■ L . .... cW our commitment to energy efficiency starts and ends with people. Sure, we’ll bring in the experts if need be. But in the end it’s a local partnership with someone you know at the local power company. 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