Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 03, 1996, Page 16, Image 16

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Media Report
Indicates Portland
Education System
Ready For Triage
• « •
A pril 3, 1996 • T he P ori land O bserver
Sub-Bids & Material Quotes Requested
OSU McNary Hall Piping Replacement
& ADA Toilet Room Modifications
For Oregon State System of Higher Education
Project Number 30-96-11
Bid Date: 4/09/96 Bid Time: 2:30 p.m.
Hydro-Temp Mechanical, Inc.
4246 S.E. Belmont - Portland, OR 97215
Phone: (503) 230-9359 Fax: (503) 230-9363
CCB #63907
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids and material quotes
from minority, women, disadvantaged and small business enterprises.
Bid/Sub Bid Opportunity
Oregon Waste Systems, Inc.
C olum bia Ridge L a ndfill & R ecycling Center
R esponse Date: A p ril 9, 1996
B id/S ub Bid O p p o rtu n ity
O regon W aste S ystem s, Inc.
C olum bia Ridge L a n d fill & R ecycling Center
18177 Cedar S prin gs Lane
A rlin g to n , OR 97812
Phone: (541) 454-3317 or 454-2030
Fax: (541)454-3325
C ontact: Paul S tevens
• ’ »•
Module 5 B construction (approximately 10 acres); Excava­
tion, Liner and Leachate Collection System Construction.
-Bid Documents to be issued April 1996.
-Statement of interest and qualifications requested to be
received by April 9, 1996
We are an equal opportunity employer and request partici­
pation by minority and women business enterprises.
Sub-Bids and Material Quotes Requested
S.E. 17th Ave. & S.E. Milwaukie
Sewer Reconstruction Project - Bid 136
Bids to us by 10am April 9, 1996
(Bid Date: April 9, 1996)
P.O. Box 30569 Portland, OR 97230
Phone: (503) 252-1180 Fax (503) 252-1730
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­
taged, women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#28397
Invitation For Bids
w ill receive sealed B ids for:
South W aterfron t M aintenance P roject
until 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) on April 30,1996,
at its offices located at 1120 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100,
Portland, Oregon 97204-1968, at which time and place all
bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Work will be
performed in accordance with the City of Portland Standard
Construction Specifications, July 1987 edition, as amended
by these contract documents. A mandatory prebid confer­
ence will be held on April 22, at 3:00 p.m. at the Portland
Development Commission office. Document may be ob­
tained at the Portland Development Commission office.
Inquiries and bids should be directed to Arsinoe Speliotopoulos
at 823-3237.
All bidders must file for prequalification no later than April 30,
1996, 4:00 pm, in accordance with the Instructions to Bid­
ders, and ORS 279.039(1), in the following City of Portland
categories: 3 ,2 1 ,2 2 ,3 1 . Prevailing wage rates as set forth in
the Contract Documents must be paid on the Project. The
bidder must be licensed under ORS 468.883. No bids for a
construction contract shall be rendered or considered by the
Commission unless the bidder is registered with the Con­
struction Contractors Board or licensed by the State Land­
scape Contractors Board. Performance and Payment Bond
and Bid Bond will not be required for the project.
Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder
is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The Commis­
sion may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed
public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject
for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Commis­
sion that it is in the public interest to do so.
The Portland Development Commission is committed to
acting affirmatively to encourage and facilitate the participa-
ion of Emerging Small Businesses (ESB), Minority Business
Enterprises (MBE), and Women Business Enterprises (WBE)
in Commission projects and operations. Responsible bid­
ders must comply with established goals in this project as
stipulated in these bid documents.
Portland Development Commission
3y Arsinoe Speliotopoulos
Construction Management Coordinator
P le a se Support
D e o n ta e J o s e p h K e l l e r
D e fe n s e F u n d
D e o n ta e J . K e l l e r w a s m o r t a l l y w o u n d e d
w hen s h o t i n t h e b a c k on
F e b r u a r y 2 9 th , 1996 b y a P o r t la n d
P o lic e O f f i c e r .
A f u n d h a s b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d i n h i s nam e
to h e lp d e f r a y th e f a m ilie s le g a l c o s t.
D o n a t io n s c a n b e m ade a t a n y U .S . B a n k
o f O re g o n u n d e r :
T h e D e o n ta e J . K e l l e r D e fe n s e
A c c t. #0300019155.
"A C o m m u n ity E f f o r t T o M ake C h a n g e "
tion appearing on the screen. Be sure
m P r o f . M r k i n i . ev B v r t
W ebster defines ‘T riag e’. “The
to check out that article
Entranced, enchanted or beguiled
sorting o f and the allocation o f treat­
ment to patients and espec ially battle
with the hardw are, or how ever you
and disaster victim s acco rd in g to a
wish to put it. m any disillusioned and
system o f priorities designed to m ax­
bitter w orkforce casualties are dis­
covering that they not only do not
imize the num ber o f survivors.”
There is little need here to reiterate
have the skills or many o f the new
jo b s in industry, but do not have the
the bad news. And certainly, there
have been those o f us who foretold this
basic com putational and language
day years ago; hardly seers, but con­
facility to m aster them readily. I en­
counter a dialogue to this effect w hen­
cerned, ded icated (and com petent) c it-
izens shut out by the bureaucracy.
ever I visit one o f the plants in B ea­
verton w here one o f my form er stu­
Also, we feel pointedly ignored by an
establishment media, too busy with
dents is a m anager or a forem an or
tabloid-type O.J. Simpson frenzies to
plant supervisor.
properly apprise the citizenry o f the
Just last month I was out there
true state o f affairs.
w orking out som e details for a new
Well, that could be better put. The
on-site curriculum that would aid in
citizenry -- parents and tax payers -
bridging the gap. Y ounger personnel
has been aware all along that there
was startled to no end, when to make
were major problems in the Portland
my case about current math and lan­
School District. What many say is that
guage deficiencies in the schools, 1
the media has not used its vast resourc­
produced tw o fifty to sixty year-old
es and contacts to keep the spotl ight on
books or m anuals which w ere ex ­
the perennial problem (funding) — nor
pected to be understood by high-
has it really been about identifying
schoolers o f that time. O ur ghetto
those leaders and organizations who
science club could.
The m ost intriguing proved to be
possess the will and the com petency to
develop viable long-term solutions.
a 1937 edition o f “ Elem entary Phys­
I hear good men and w om en ex­
ics and C hem istry For A ir C o n d i­
tioning” , used by the C hicago Re­
press those concerns and frustrations
frigeration and Air C onditioning In­
everyday; many in the com m unity and
many in an organization to which I
stitute. In concert with hands-on shop
practice it was m ostly used to train
belong, “The Association o f Oregon
high school dropouts and others who
Industries.” And relative to this busi­
at the tim e w ere not thought sw ift’
ness group, you will note that in my
enough cognitively to be educated
“ Perspectives’ column for this week
for more scholarly pursuits.
(page 2) I cite the CEO o f the IBM
But the book indicates that it was
Corporation on the “Basic skills defi­
thought that by com pletion o f the
ciency” that still rears its ugly head
tenth grade and average kid could
across the national landscape.
handle the form ulas and directions
In this article I use the ‘com puter
program m er’ m odel to illustrate the ' presented: ‘Pressure, volum e and
tem perature; condensation and freez­
disastrous future (or lack o f one)
ing; potential vs kinetic energy; m o­
faced by students w ho go into the
lecular conditions for transfer o f en ­
w orkforce w ithout w hat we used to
ergy -- evaporation vs surface area;
regard as basic skills for survival.
m agnetic lines, electrom agnetic in­
Each day the m edia recounts the tens
duction; basic chem ical elem ents and
o f thousands o f layoff's o f people
com pounds, the periodic table, moles,
whose jo b s had consisted in sitting
atom ic weight, well, anyw ay you get
before a term inal and punching in
the point, continued next week.
data in correspondence to inform a-
(NAPS)— A grow ing n u m b e r of
p eo p le c o n c e rn e d a b o u t c o m b a t­
tin g d ise ase a re ta k in g som e ste p s
in th e r ig h t d irec tio n a n d p a rtic ­
ip a tin g in f u n d -r a is in g w a lk s . A
g o o d e x a m p l e o f t h i s is t h e
P a rk in so n ’s U n ity W alk, w hich in
April 2nd through April 16,1996
Prints Notions
30% 30*
Includes • Calicos • Home Dec
(Drapery and Upholstery)
• Special Occasion • Rayons
• Children’s Wear • Active Wear
• Denims • Klanncl Prints
All Silkie
All these
All Yarn* and
Ultrasuede and
Ultrasuede Light
’ McCall s • .Simplicity • Vogue
• Butterick • Bur da
1 84
N y
SMI RI>\> ‘»iil>.un-'|iiii
SI N IM Y 10 (Nkim-'pm
Plenty of
M( >\-l Rl ” 'AOani-5 AOpni
SA I l RIMY9(Xkun*5pm
SUNDAY 11 OOain-tpm
I Inflation Buster D ry Cleaning Special
M.00 OFF
I On A ny Dry C leaning O rder
O f $12.00 or More
I Good On Incoming
Dry Cleaning Orders Only
I Not Valid With Any Other
Speeial Prices or Coupons
E x p ire s 5 -3 1 -9 6
1996 ta k e s place S ep te m b er 29th.
O n t h a t d a y , p e o p le in s ix t e e n
cities an d C a n a d a as well as some
E u ro p e a n c o u n trie s w ill w a lk to
raise funds for rese arch into tr e a t­
m e n t of th is d isab lin g illness.
The w alk is sponsored by a n u m ­
b e r of P a rk in s o n 's o rg a n iz a tio n s ,
an d donors w ho w an t to p u t th e ir
best feet forw ard m ay pick th e one
to w hich th e y w a n t to co n trib u te.
You can sign up for th e w alk w ith
an y of th e se p a rtic ip a tin g groups,
in clu d in g th e P a rk in so n ’s D isease
For more information on Parkinson’s
disease or the Parkinson’s Unity Widk,
or for a qu arterly new sletter, write:
P a rk in s o n ’s D ise ase F o u n d a tio n ,
( ’xilumbia-Presbyterian Medical Center,
710 West 168th Street, New York, NY
l(X)32orcall 1 -800457-6676.
50 All
Polyester Prints
7 0 0 S.E. 122nd Ave.
P o rtla n d , OR
2 5 2 -9 5 3 0
Drapery Cleaning
Lined & U n lined A n y Size
Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added
Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra
Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
E x p ire s 5 -3 1 -9 6
Inflation Buster D ry Cleaning Special
$8.00 OFF
I On A ny Dry C leaning O rder
O f $20.00 or More
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons
Inflation Buster D ry Cleaning Speeial
From all over the country peo­
ple will be taking some important
steps in the right direction in the
Parkinson's Unity Walk fundrais-
er set for September 29,1996.
Includes • Thread • Zippers
• Trims (Lace and Ribbons)
• llrilz • Drapery Hardware
• Buttons • Wrights Package Tape
5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008
new sw orthy
F u n d r a is in g W alks
G row In P o p u la r ity
Inflation Buster L au n d ry Special
Laundered Shirts
95c NO L IM IT
W ith $ 1 0 .0 0 In c o m in g D ry C le a n in g O rd e r
Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
| Not Valid With Any Other Speeial Prices or Coupons J
E x p ire s 5 -3 1 -9 6
I Inflation Buster D ry Cleaning Special
*10.00 OFF
I On Any Dry C lean in g O rder
O f $30.00 or More
On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
I Not Good
Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons
E x p ire s 5 -3 1 -9 6
Î^=CÔÜPÔ n ’^ = ]
I Inflation Buster D ry Cleaning Special |
IDry C leaning or Laundered Pantsl
Mens or Womens
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons |
---------------------- =
Inflation Buster D ry Cleaning Special
Sleeping Bag Cleaning
Special s5.99
The word “parliament" comes
from the French word, p a r l o r ,
which means “to speak.”
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons
E x p ire s 5 - 3 1 -9 6