Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 03, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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    P agi B 6
A prii . 3, 1996 • T he P ori land O bserver
“ÇodSave. Our Children”, ‘Trouble in the [and
M argaret I saacs
Sometime ago I wrote about abor­
tion (1.6 m illio n children murdered
in their m other’s w om b) and the dam­
age done to fam ilies by this elected
method o f shunning responsibility
under the guise o f free choice. The
effects o f this m urder by choice are
apparent i f we care to open our eyes
and see.
One o f the s p in -o ff results o f this
ungodly taking o f life is the develop­
ment o f a “ p a rtia l-b irth abortion”
procedure. Cruel beyond imagina­
tion, this procedure requires that a
fetus (a baby) be removed feet firs t
from the womb, through the b irth
canal until all but its head is exposed;
then the tips o f surgical scissors are
thrust into the base o f the baby’ s
skull and the brain is extracted.
As a retired nurse, it is d iffic u lt fo r
me to call to m ind any obstetrical
situation that w ould require such a
procedure be performed. But I can
imagine all sorts o f risks to the m oth­
er, such as placental abruption. Even
i f the risks are not considered, it
boggles the m ind that men/women
could devise such a cruel, inhuman,
sadistic method to com m it legal m ur­
der. M ost o f these babies are un­
doubtedly s till alive when they are
p a rtia lly removed from the uterus.
W ith professional adults setting such
examples, is there any w onder sib­
lings are k illin g each other; children
slaying parents; atrocities o f every
kin d com ing about by the hands o f
m isguided, ungodly, compassionless,
amoral, satanistic people, blinded by
the gods o f this w orld?
These inhuman worms, seeing the
results o f th e ir life o f vanity, still
Career & Job Search f i orum
D o you w ant a new jo b o r career?
Do you feel stuck? Do you want new
inspiration? I f you answered “ Y e s!”
to any o f these questions, plan to
attend the Career & Job Search Fo­
rum on Wednesday A p ril 17, 1996,
7:00 - 9:00 PM , at the M ittlem an
Jewish C om m unity Center, 6 6 5 1 SW
C apitol H ighw ay, Portland. N o Fee.
Career counselor/fam ily therapist,
D avid G fuskin, w ill cover a w ide
range o f topics, such as: hot careers,
persist in fostering upon others their
desire fo r life w ithout lim its, lifestyles
free o f responsibility; all in the name
o f “ choice” .
In the name o f “ choice” G odly
people tolerate such cruelty w ithout
asking questions, thus, we are ju st as
g u ilty o f these abhorrent practices as
the doctors w ho perform these abor­
tion procedures
Psalms 78:32) For all this they
sinned s till, and believed not in G o d ’s
wondrous works. 2nd C or 4:4, These
“ in whom the god o fth is w o rld (satan)
hath blinded the minds o f them which
believed not, lest the lig h t o f the
glorious gospel o f Christ, w ho is the
image o f G od, should shine unto
them. Rev. 21:8, But the fearful, and
unbelieving, and the abominable, and
murderers, and whoremongers, and
sorcerers, and idolaters, and a ll liars,
shall have their part in the lake which
bum eth w ith fire and brim stone,
w hich is the second death.
The population o f A m erica, once
G odly, com m itted and trusting in
God; now has more compromise than
co n victio n in its make-up. A m erica
once had the respect o f other nations;
held in high esteem in countries that
knew not our God; now we must post
signs that proclaim that we are G o d ­
ly, otherwise, none w o u ld suspect
that b e lie f in God and freedom to
w orship are the basis o f our nation.
We send food to foreign countries,
w h ile in Am erica, food banks have
made legal by ungodly people. G o d ’s
people are “ vexed w ith the filth y
m ind-bent and u n la w ful deeds and
filth y C onversation o f the w icked.”
(2nd Peter, Ch 2), The wicked walk
afterthe flesh in the lust o f uncleanness
and they, as natural brute beast (which
should be taken and destroyed) speak
evil o f things they do not understand.
T h e y re c e iv e the a w a rd s o f
unrighteousness and count it a plea­
sure. They are spots and blemishes on
the face o f the nation, sporting them­
selves w ith their own deceivings, while
liv in g and eating side by side w ith us.
T heir eyes are fu ll o f adultery, and they
become a necessity; food lines to
soup kitchens grow longer each day;
children starve and the e ld e rly die fo r
lack o f medical attention. A ll the
w h ile certain segments o f our society
covetous practices and they curse the
ch ild re n ” . A b o rtio n is t speak great
words o f vanity; all the w hile they
grow wealthy perform ing procedures
promise Iiberty, while they bring bond­
Mappy 71# ‘B irthday ‘M om
resumes, the em otional effects o f
change. Parents w ith teens choosing
college majors are encouraged to
The presentation w ill be tailored
to the group w ith tim e after fo r ques­
tions and answers.
cannot cease from sin; beguiling un­
stable souls, their hearts are fu ll o f
age and death to all who believe them.
“ They are dogs turned again to their
own vom it; sows, that were washed to
T heir w allow ing in the m ire” 11 Peter
The roaring lio n is loose in A m e r­
ica, devouring w hom he chooses;
k illin g our children, w h ile prom ising
wealth and freedom and pleasures
w ith o u t penalties, negating the need
to practice love, fa ith , compassion
and responsible behavior. These fo o l­
ish people have eyes that do not see
and ears that do not hear; they ignore
the signs... .floods, earthquakes, wars,
m ig h ty w inds and season changes
(h a il in summer, snow in spring, etc.),
a ll the w h ile pursuing the g old that
cankers, doing th e ir ow n thing. God
is not pleased w ith A m erica!
These o r not comments o f the
Portland Observer Newspaper.
fâ ir th ^ A n n o u n c e m e n t
Baby Name' M ichael Lawrence Fesser Jr. Sex M ale
Date o f B irth: 2-22-96
Father’ s Name: M ichael Lawrence Fesser
M o th e r’ s Name: Latasha N ico le Abraham
o f Vancouver, Wash.
W eight: 61bs. lOozs. Length: 19 1/2 in.
Sister/Brother M ychaela & Marchae Fesser
Pre-registration requested by A p ril
15. C a ll (5 0 3 ) 2 4 4 -0 111 and refer to
class #F L311.
Paternal Grandparents: G lo ira W ilson & A lle n W ilson o f Portland
M aternal Grandparents: Sheila Abraham & D onnie C ra w fo rd o f Portland
v ________________________________________________________________ /
By Nikita Johnson
Project Network
Recovery comes in shapes and sizes
sometimes it comes before we realize.
Recovery makes me proud to he, a challenging
mother to my children, willfully.
Recovery in life has its true, ups and downs
without our higher power, it couldn 7 be found.
Recovery is like the rain that cleanses our souls,
washes away, all bitterness it holds
Recovery is essential in one’s life, we live
without its strong presence, we can’t have, unless we give.
Recovery comes in all colors and beautiful lights and
in this, 1 know recovery is worth this fight.
winner Namedfn duo« $
CodorC/ty Content
W h ile the cooks cooked, Portland’ s seven-year-old Ester Chung c o l­
ored and won a new bicycle in the L y o n ’ s Restaurant co lo rin g contest.
The contest was held to prom ote L y o n ’ s kids-eat-free program and the
character colored was L y o n ’ s new mascot Roary. “ L y o n ’ s appreciates
ch ild re n ’ s influence on fa m ily d in in g and is enhancing its appeal w ith
expanded kids menus and m ore,” says M atthew McRae, general manger
o f the Portland L y o n ’ s located on M a rtin Luther K in g Jr. B lvd.
N ow every Tuesday, up to three kids per party, ages 12 and under, are
invited to eat free at L y o n ’ s as long as one adult purchases a meal. And
every day L yo n ’ s greets kids w ith crayons and fun-themed place mats fu ll
o f games.
Founded in 1962, L yo n 's Restaurants has 84 units from Bakersfield,
C a lifo rn ia to Portland, Oregon.
<1 he ^ J o v tla n h (O h sc r u er
AT 2 X 8 -0 0 3 3
We Love You, Your Children; Lionel, Sue, Ronnie, Anita, Leonarda,
Freddie, Paden; April 1, 1996.
Oregon 1st Jurisdiction, 26th
Annuat‘Women’s Convention
Inez Goss Cuerington
April 27, 1912 - March 22, 1996
Born in Courtney, Texas.
M rs. Cuerington was a Homemaker at Home. She lived most o f her life
in V a ca ville , C a lifo rn ia area and has lived in Portland, Oregon fo r about
5 1/2 years.
A p ril 15-18, 1996
W alker Temple Church O f G od In C hrist
5023 N . M ichigan
Portland, O R 97217
Prayer 7 PM nightly. N ig h t Service 7:30 PM
We are in v itin g everyone to attend this great C onvention in honor
o f Supervisor L ula M . Cook.
For further information, please contact Missionary P. Adams at
She was a member o f A lb in a C hristian L ife Center Church and was a
member o f the M o th e r’ s Board at the Church. (H er Son-In-Law ) is Bishop
Samuel Irvin g , Pastor o f A lbina C hristian L ife Center Church
S urvivors:
Daughter - E lla R. Irvin g and her Husband, Bishop Samuel Irvin g o f
Portland, Oregon
Son - R obert R. Goss o f V acaville, C a lifo rn ia
26 G randchildren -- M any Great G randchildren and some Great Great
G randchildren. (Exact number is not know n)
She was pre-deceased by 3 sons - E arl, Howard and Raymond Goss and
her brothers - Richard Lethridge, Thad and Ennis Smith and her sister, Ida
Lam bert. She was widow ed her husband Richard C uerington preceded her
in death.
J ourney
Searching? So Are We.
Holy Thursday
A pril 4, 6:00p.m.
Unitarian Church - Corner SW 12th & Salmon, Portland.
Xiaranatha Church O fQ o d
Welcomes fo il To:
Good Friday
A pril 5, 7:00 p.m.
Good Samaritan NW 23 & Marshall
D a lvin makes the mistake o f getting Tawana pregnant, and from then on
things seem to be going d o w n h ill. E verybody has something to te ll them, but
they need to make the most im portant decisions on th e ir own.
Easter Vigil
Maranatha Youth Program, ‘J-Crew ’
Play: ‘Decisions’
6:00 p.m. April 27, 1996
Maranatha Church O f God
4222 N.E. 12th & Skidmore
Pre-Play Soul Food Party in Church Gym 4:00 - 5:00p.m.
Baptist Church
Building Strong Families
Based On
Biblical Principles
8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 240-PRAY
W orship Services:
C hurch School:
B ible Study:
R adio M in istry:
A pril 6, 10:30 p.m.
SW 13th &. Clay
PHONE: 503-323-2406
St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR
if race Covenant fiedowship
1021 NE Grand
6th Floor, Ballroom 4
Sundays at 11 30 AM
Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6 :30 PM
Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M
Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM
Sundays; 8:00 A M on K B M S
“Where the Best is Yet to Be! ”
Rev. James E. M artin, Ph.D.
Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson
S enio r Pastor
Assistant Pastor