P agi : B5 T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 3, 1996 Be Wary Of Flood Damaged Cars Community Center Opens The City o f Vancouver’s new Water Resources Education Center recently opened with a splash Feb. 24-25, and managed to pull o ff a surprise honor for former Mayor Bruce E. Hagensen. The Center’s large airy meeting space was dedi­ cated as the Bruce E. Hagensen Community Room, a decision made and kept mum by his mates on the City Council. Mayor Royce Pol­ lard made the announcement at the formal ribbon-cutting ceremony on the outdoor plaza with a crowd o f several hundred in attendance. the Center drew over 4,000 peo­ ple to the two-day opening says Vicki Ridge-Cooney center manager. Citi­ zens turned out in droves for an early morning pancake breakfast provided by the Lions and Leos and over 3,500 hot, baked-on the-spot cookies were handed out by volunteer bakers. The building is now open to the public from 2-5 p.m Wednesday; 2- 8 p.m. Thursday 10 a m.- 8 p.m. Friday; and 10 a m - 5 p.m. Satur­ day. It is closed Sunday and Monday. It is a reserved for school groups form 9 a m. - 1 p.m. Tuesday, W ednesday and Thursday. “ Interactive” is the key work for visitors. They can explore the entire complex via an interactive comput er exhibit; pump up water pressure to show the city’s water needs in model water tower; trace racing lights that show the path o f water from well to faucet; spin a polarized lens to follow the hidden move ments o f water through the cycle from rain to earth and back again taste water from different sources and voice their opinion as a TV “newsbite”. Meeting Focus Parks System Proposals for developing a core parks system o f neighborhood and community parks in the Vancouver urban area and regional parks coun­ trywide, as well as alternatives for funding development o f such a sys­ tem, are the subject o f a series o f meeting scheduled for this month. The proposals have been gener­ ated to address the fact that areas throughout Clark County have not developed parks fast enough to meet the growing need. Rapid growth has impacted po­ tential park locations countrywide. In addition, in a time o f diminishing financial resources, sufficient fund­ ing for a core parks system is an issue for jurisdictions. The upcoming meeting will pro­ vide an opportunity for citizens to find out more about the proposals for a core parks system, to provide input, and to ask questions. A se ries o f similar meetings has already been held in various parts o f the Vancouver urban area. For more information, please contact Glenn Lamb or Lisa Hix Clark county Parks, 699-2467. Assess the Damage Vehicles caught in the path o f Oregon’s recent flood waters may have suffered damage to the engine and electrical system “Most vulnerable are the engine, transmission and other components o f the drivetrain,” said AAA Oregon President Roger Graybeal. “Unless these vital parts are completely re­ stored, contaminants from the flood water will cause premature wear and shorten the life o f the vehicle.” The car’s electrical system may have to be replaced. Corrosion and oxidation can occur several weeks after the components are cleaned, forcing the vehicle’s owner to re­ place the electrical system. Determine the cost Car owners should contact their insurance company for verification of coverage limits before seeking repairs. The vehicle should be taken to a qual­ ified technician for inspection. All mechanical components, including the engine, transmission, axles, brake sys­ tem and fuel system need to be checked for water contamination. Once the damage has been deter­ mined, the flood water should be remove and disposed o f properly. Contaminated fluids may include the oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, power-steering fluid and anti-freeze. The system must be flushed out with clean water or solvent before replac­ ing the fluids. Calculate the Risk “Total restoration o f a flood dam­ aged car can be as extensive and as expensive as restoring a classic car," said Graybeal. “ Before deciding to repair a the car, compare the value of the vehicle to the cost o f the restora­ tion.” T he engine and electrical system are only a part o f the problem in restoring flood damaged cars. Door locks, window regulators, wiring harnesses, heating and air condition­ ing components and many other small devices are tucked away in hidden body cavities. These may be virtual­ ly inaccessible for cleaning and dry­ ing. As a result, these items may fail at a later date because o f contamina­ tion by dirty water. Know What You're Buying Flood damaged vehicles can be rusuuss Prcßle First Come, First Served Airplane owners looking for a place to park their planes may want to call Pearson Field and sign up for a new T-hangar. The City o f Van­ couver is planning for the year 2002 when part o f Pearson Field reverts to the National Park Service. At that time the city will lose 73 han­ gars which currently sit on Park Service land. “ Demand is skyrocketing for T- hangar space and most ofour tenants have committed to lease new T-han- gars when we get financing approv­ al,” says Ernie VandeZande, Pearson Field manager. The city is examining financing to build 80 new T-hangars. Fees from leases would support the investment. A T-hangar is a garage for an CnGcntic Pizzo airplane. The proposed T-hangars at Pearson would be wood-framed metal-sheathed buildings with 40 foot sliding doors, asphalt floors, lights and electricity. Leases are for one year and require a one month deposit. Call Ernie Vande Zande, 696- 8446 for detai Is on leases and space available. Albert Bittar and his wife entertain youth with free Pizza as a reward for their achievements. Bittar immigratei from Toreno, Italy in 1994 and bought Cascade Pizza, located across from Portland Community College's Cascade Campus, in late January. Me is happy to help young people and wants to be a contributing member of the community. ioy Scouts Awarded Funds Shumway Neighborhood Asso­ ciation was awarded a Neighbor­ hood Matching Grant from the City o f Vancouver’s Office o f Neigh­ borhood Association and local Boy Scouts. The project includes painting ad­ dresses on curbs in the Shumway area to assist deliveries and to iden­ tify locations for emergency vehi­ cles. Neighborhood Matching Grants are available to city neighborhood association for projects which have long-lasting benefits and create a sense o f community. G ra n ts are g iven on a 50/50 b a sis o f m atch in g funds. N e ig h ­ b o rh o o d s su p p ly 50 p ercent o f th e p ro je c t co sts in cash or in- kind; the city su p p lie s the o th e r 50 percen t. E leven gran ts have been ap p ro v ed by the city m an ­ ag er and c o u n c ilm e m b e rs since the program sta rte d in 1993. The next deadline for grant ap­ plications is W ednesday, May I. To get a packet o f grant informa­ tion call the city’s Office o f Neigh­ borhoods at 696-8222. Lowry Signed Transport Funding Bill Gov. Mike Lowry signed a state­ wide transportation funding bill in front o f Vancouver City H al I Thurs­ day morning, March 28, at 9 a.m. The bill, part o f the supplemental 1996 budget passed by the state legislature earlier this month, in­ cludes $7,070,000 for V ancou ver’ s long-anticipated Mill Plain Exten­ sion Project. The Governor chose Vancouver as site o f the signing because o f the ignificance o f the M ill Plain project. The road will open some ,200 acres to industrial develop­ ment in the port area and help create an estimated 3,000 to 4,000 new jobs over the next 20 years. The 1.3-mile Mill Plain Extension w ill p ro v id e m u c h -n e e d e d , uncongested access into the port area. Current port access is limited to the narrow lanes o f Fourth Plain Boule­ vard and along Eighth Street through a congested industrial area. T he new ro ad w ill also im ­ p ro v e re c re a tio n a l links betw een th e C o lu m b ia R iv er and V an co u ­ v er L ake. “ We are now ready to begin work on right-of-way acquisition and de­ sign,” says Thayer Rorabaugh, city transportation manager. Construe tion is expected to start in m id-1997 and take about two years. It will extend west on 15 Street over the Burlington Northern rai lroad tracks to a connection with Fourth Plain Boulevard west o f Fruit Valley Road. The state funding, encouraged by Gov. Mike Lowery, will be add­ ed to money from various other sources to meet the project’s esti­ mated $24 million price tag. Clark College Classes For Seniors Provide Variety & Stimulation Health gurus stress that the most mportant factors in keeping fit when over fifty are exercising both mind and body and maintaining an inter­ est in the world. In S outh w est W ash in g to n we are b lessed w ith th at o p p o rtu n i­ ty through T he Focus on M a­ ture L earn in g p ro g ram at C lark C o lleg e. T h o se o v e r 55 can p a r­ tic ip a te w ith th e ir peers in a stim ­ u la tin g v ariety o f cu ltu ra l and e d u c a tio n a l e x p e rie n c e s . Fees ran g e from $14 to $28. For instance, in a series o f five classes follow the cross-cultural ex­ periences o f an extended family as they move from Burma to India and finally to the U.S. This will provide adifferent view o f Eastern social practices, cus­ toms and languages, and you’llgain an understanding o f the difficulties in adapting an Eastern life style to the radically different W estern mode o f living. This course begins April 4th. Community Ciean-up Focuses On Parks W e’re celebrating Earth Day on Saturday, April 20, by inviting county residents to join us at a work party.” So statedClarkCountyCom- missioner Mel Gordon, who has championed the idea o f a country­ wide clean-up day. Clark County and Clark Public Utilities are orga­ nizing an effort which will enlist the help o f volunteers to repair storm damage to county parks. Our parks have experienced an extraordinary amount o f downed limbs, litter, and debris as a result o f this year’s high winds and flood­ ing,” Commissioner Gordon noted. T here’s a lot that needs to be done to get the parks in shape for the summer, so w e’ve decided to ask for help from our citizens.” Gordon said that he and his fellow county commissioners anticipate that many citizens will be interested in participation in the Earth Day event. He pointed to the outpouring o f vol­ unteer assistance that took place dur­ ing the recent floods as evidence that residents care about their community and are willing to pitch in when they are needed. The principal focus o f this year’s clean-up is Lewisville Park north o f Battle Ground. Assistance is needed to haul branches to a central point for chipping, pick up litter and debris, repair turf, plant trees, repair trails, and stabilize river banks. Volunteers will be asked to arrive at the park between the hours o f 9 a.m. and noon, with work expected to contin- ue until about 3 p.m. C-Tran will provide free transportation between the 134th Street park and ride (Salm­ on Creek) and Lewisville Park The Park and Ride is located in the vi­ cinity o f the NE 134 Street and Interstate 5 interchange. A lthough L ew isville Park will be a focal p o in t, re sid e n ts are a lso e n c o u ra g e d to o rg a n iz e c le a n - u p a c t i v i t i e s in th e ir n eig h b o rh o o d parks. Residents interested in partici­ pating in the Earth Day clean-up are asked to call 699-2375 ext. 4104 and leave a name, address, and the number o f people who will be vol­ unteering. Inform ation will be mailed to participants prior to the clean-up. SENIORS TAKE A HIKE Seniors who like hiking are invit­ ed to go with the Forever Young Hikingclubon Twoupcominghikes Champoeg Park is the destination for a Thursday, April 4 hike along terrain which includes some hills. Hik­ ers leave at 9 a.m and return at 5 p.m. The cost is $ 10.50 (or $7.50 for city residents). The Wildwood Trail in Portland is the spot for Monday, April 8. This is also a medium terrain hike. Hikers leave at 9 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. the cost is $7.50(or $5 forcity residents). Call 696-8236 for information. shipped anywhere for resale and could be in the m arketplace for months. AAA suggests m otorists exercise caution when buying new or used cars The Auto Club recommends the following tips to help motorists avoid buying a flood damaged car D on’t buy a car without having the vehicle inspected by a qualified technician. A vehicle’s title history will help determine whether it sustained flood damage A tell-tale sign o f flood dam­ age on new and used cars is the presence o f dried mud o il com po­ nents under the hood. A damp or musty odor in the trunk or interior is another warning sign. In older cars, new carpel and upholstery may indi­ cate flood damage. AAA Oregon is a not-for-profit motor club serving nearly half a mil­ lion members in Oregon. It is a mem­ ber o f the American Automobile Association’s federation o f 113 mo­ tor clubs. AAA serves more than 38 million members in the United States and Canada with travel, financial, insurance and autom otive-related services. C ascade P izza & D eli 634 N. Killingsworth (Across from P.C.C.) * * * W e lo v e in o th e r s w h a t w e la e k o u r a e lv e g , an d w o u ld he e v e ry th in g hut w hat we a re . — R . l l . S to d d a rd 285-5253 GENUINE ITALIAN FOOD CATERING & FAMILY RESTAURANT * Reasonable Prices * Excellent Service * Community Builder 11 I I I Minimum Order $10.00 I Good through 3/31/96 I j Stop By & Pick A Menu! 25% Discount Thinks H e’s The One. C H O IC ES Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law Landlord I Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 for your free initial consultation. Imam W. Deen Mohammed (Muslim-American Spokesman For Human Salvation) Is Coming To Cable Television I t »i s< »me i \ ’,is» >n, w v .ill t h in k v c ’ lc th e > > ik | cis, »n w h o J» k s if t c \ ci l i n e to I h n ik .lh o u t y lb •lestch <1 w c ill h .n c t o k e e p > > iii I k Check Listings For Times & Dates Muslim-American Media Initiative Presentation b I k u ’ x S O WC Jl> >nkl ill c.it ill I n h >1 h h 1» >W III S.'ll | II , ||< , I L i t , I . il ,il L it . in J < lb 'le s i, i»J. I k , In Channel 33 Fri.- April 5th-6:00PM Channel 11 Mon.- April 8th-6:00PM Sun. - April 14th-9:00AM B in th e t t ilt h Is. sk . il I ' . k I n c, n i I w i l < h , >111 W y I ’ll, J b >. l i d \\t I n t ill v 111 \\> ill .ii |sy y \ y I \ he 111 l.lln \oll|s I . t| lib 'It I l ih 'I 111.Il I- 'I I, I I s Y )? > W I I I Lvov I le, i l l ( m i n t s ( "arc Aht>iit ( 'In »lesleri>1